HCS Clarksville 5M/2M
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Clarksville, MD
Conducted by Howard County Striders

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HCS Clarksville 5M

HCS Clarksville 5M
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Columbia, MD
Conducted by Howard County Striders

This is the third race in the summer sizzler. 69 runners came out to run a brand new course at Clarksville Elementary. Most agreed that this should be a keeper. Mark Eagles and Zoe Reading were the 2-mile leaders. Karsten Brown and Amanda An won the 5 miler.

Volunteers: Donnie Chapman (race lead), John Bratiotis, Sari Chapman, Jimmy Hessler, Vincent Hunt, Dwight Mikulis, Faye Weaver, Jeffrey Weaver, Matthew Weaver, Michelle Weaver, Rebecca Weaver, Judith Weber.
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2M Finishers
1. Mark Eagles          11:38
2. Dan Laukzemis        13:58
3. Daniel Fisher        14:24
4. Aaron Wescott        14:45
5. Zoe Reading          15:50
6. Mike Fleming         15:53
7. Chris Reading        16:26
8. Len Guralnick        17:09
9. Nathan Capelle       17:18
10. Roger Calvert       17:38
11. Colleen Wilson      18:22
12. Pat Huffman         18:24
13. Mary Erickson       19:39
14. Joey Schneider      20:24
15. Maria Scneider      20:50
16. Eileen Wilson       20:53
17. Janice Orlick       21:08
18. Eric Hermstein      21:47
19. Steve Reading       23:13
20. Tim Orman           26:13
21. Michelle Winter     26:40
22. Melissa Burger      27:01
23. Seth Winter         28:50
24. Elana Winter        29:37

5M Finishers
1. Karsten Brown        28:42
2. Adam Wytko           28:52
3. Luis Navarro         30:42
4. James Blackwood      31:53
5. Ryan Hermstein       32:30
6. John Chall           32:44
7. Steve Bohse          32:50
8. Marc Hermstein       33:00
9. Lochlann Boyle       34:08
10. Mike Bohse          34:42
11. Joshua Meyers       35:37
12. Bill Stahr          36:55
13. Michael Dusenbery   37:09
14. Robert Blanco       38:07
15. Steve Knoll         38:21
16. Ralph Erickson      38:49
17. Chris Farmer        39:11
18. Gus Mendez          39:15
19. Amanda An           39:39
20. Tammy Liu Hermstein 39:41
21. Marc Burger         40:15
22. Eric Johnston       40:42
23. Jim Carbary         40:43
24. Marsha Demaree      41:08
25. Tim Hwu             41:19
26. Scott Lawler        42:14
27. Scott Koenig        42:17
28. Andrew Hunt         43:13
29. Ron Weber           43:27
30. Jen Pullen          43:53
31. Mike Trott          44:35
32. Erin Blackwood      45:28
33. Erin Labarre        45:29
34. Tom Green           45:31
35. Gina Doney          46:10
36. Matt Johnson        46:26
37. Amanda Idstein      46:34
38. Phil Heiliger       46:39
39. Ed Tossman          47:40
40. Pat Brooks          51:16
41. Ginger Rowley       53:51
42. Melinda Krummerich  56:24
43. Wendy Winter        58:00
44. Henry Winter        59:52
45. Kathy Floyd       1:02:17


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