460 Finishers PlaceName City Age Gender Age Group Chip Time Gun Time Pace 1 Enos Benbow Georgetown DE 30 M 1 Open 16:40.6 16:41.5 5:23/M 2 Sam MacKenzie Syracuse NY 29 M 1/17 25-29 17:10.2 17:10.3 5:32/M 3 Jason Tripp Ellicott City MD 40 M 1 Masters 17:40.5 17:41.8 5:42/M 4 Radley Reist Catonsville MD 25 M 2/17 25-29 18:11.0 18:12.8 5:52/M 5 Joe Singleton Mahwah NJ 26 M 3/17 25-29 18:15.6 18:15.6 5:53/M 6 Benjamin Price Rehoboth Beach DE 19 M 1/21 19-24 18:24.5 18:24.5 5:56/M 7 Joey Andrisani Wilmington DE 29 M 4/17 25-29 18:28.3 18:29.5 5:57/M 8 Tom Burke California MD 53 M 1/19 50-54 19:02.0 19:03.6 6:08/M 9 Marc Mastropietro Hasbrouck Heights NJ 15 M 1/26 14-18 19:21.2 19:22.7 6:15/M 10 Logan Dunn Irwin PA 15 M 2/26 14-18 19:24.3 19:25.3 6:15/M 11 John Zacharias M Dewey DE 25 M 5/17 25-29 19:24.9 19:24.9 6:15/M 12 Sarah Mandes Arlington VA 34 F 1 Open 19:26.7 19:26.7 6:16/M 13 Michael Peyton Bear DE 45 M 1/28 45-49 19:33.5 19:35.7 6:18/M 14 Christopher Stanley Fruitland MD 43 M 1/27 40-44 19:36.6 19:36.6 6:19/M 15 Brad Ensor Bel Air MD 15 M 3/26 14-18 19:43.9 19:45.2 6:22/M 16 Charlie Rogers Moscow PA 16 M 4/26 14-18 19:44.7 19:47.0 6:22/M 17 David Moorehouse 45 M 2/28 45-49 19:52.3 19:53.2 6:25/M 18 Ryan Braam Leonardtown MD 16 M 5/26 14-18 19:53.9 19:55.4 6:25/M 19 Stephen Hodulik Hasbrouck Heights NJ 15 M 6/26 14-18 19:57.5 19:58.7 6:26/M 20 Josh Boesen Wilmington DE 32 M 1/12 30-34 20:16.0 20:17.1 6:32/M 21 Bobby Hutton New York NY 48 M 3/28 45-49 20:28.5 20:30.4 6:36/M 22 Pete Gitney Chesapeake City MD 56 M 1/26 55-59 20:29.8 20:31.9 6:36/M 23 Ryan Cannon Milton DE 19 M 2/21 19-24 20:34.2 20:35.1 6:38/M 24 Kaleb Lemaire Rehoboth Beach DE 18 M 7/26 14-18 20:41.8 20:41.8 6:40/M 25 Trey Hill Rock Hall MD 37 M 1/21 35-39 20:45.8 20:46.9 6:42/M 26 Dexter Steis Arlington VA 39 M 2/21 35-39 20:50.0 20:50.6 6:43/M 27 Doug Lynn Orangeville PA 44 M 2/27 40-44 20:50.6 20:52.5 6:43/M 28 Brenden Krewer Millsboro DE 23 M 3/21 19-24 20:56.7 21:10.5 6:45/M 29 Perry Allfather Lewes DE 41 M 3/27 40-44 21:02.2 21:08.2 6:47/M 30 Chris Oliver Jacksonville FL 44 M 4/27 40-44 21:11.7 23:20.2 6:50/M 31 Patrick Meyer Wilmington DE 18 M 8/26 14-18 21:14.3 21:21.9 6:51/M 32 Scott Donaldson Saint Paul MN 24 M 4/21 19-24 21:26.8 21:49.4 6:55/M 33 Mark Lewish Middletown DE 53 M 2/19 50-54 21:27.8 21:29.9 6:55/M 34 Blake Baylor Lewisburg PA 14 F 1/19 14-18 21:28.5 21:30.2 6:55/M 35 Dave Ballaban Reading PA 55 M 2/26 55-59 21:29.3 21:32.5 6:56/M 36 Jake Piane Bear DE 16 M 9/26 14-18 21:30.2 21:33.0 6:56/M 37 Aimee Baylor Lewisburg PA 40 F 1 Masters 21:30.3 21:31.8 6:56/M 38 Ashley Ainsworth Middletown DE 22 F 1/27 19-24 21:34.3 21:34.3 6:57/M 39 John Hlinka Dewey DE 23 M 5/21 19-24 21:35.3 21:36.8 6:58/M 40 Marcus Simon Falls Church VA 42 M 5/27 40-44 21:35.3 21:38.7 6:58/M 41 Adam Radday Kent CT 37 M 3/21 35-39 21:37.3 22:02.1 6:58/M 42 Eleanor Gitney Chesapeake City MD 52 F 1/27 50-54 21:39.4 21:41.2 6:59/M 43 Kevin Kennedy Arlington VA 42 M 6/27 40-44 21:39.6 21:41.0 6:59/M 44 Jeff Reynolds Elkton MD 52 M 3/19 50-54 21:40.5 21:40.5 6:59/M 45 Josh Hanson Dewey DE 23 M 6/21 19-24 21:41.0 21:41.0 7:00/M 46 John Dowling Olney MD 51 M 4/19 50-54 21:44.3 21:46.4 7:01/M 47 Chuck Rogers Moscow PA 49 M 4/28 45-49 21:52.8 22:00.1 7:03/M 48 Maggy Burgess Baltimore MD 34 F 1/14 30-34 21:53.7 22:01.8 7:04/M 49 Gregg Fink Hockessin DE 36 M 4/21 35-39 21:54.3 22:00.8 7:04/M 50 Craig Young Newark DE 23 M 7/21 19-24 22:12.6 22:12.6 7:10/M 51 J.t. Diguglielmo Dewey DE 20 M 8/21 19-24 22:13.0 22:13.0 7:10/M 52 Jacob Caton Dover DE 21 M 9/21 19-24 22:19.7 22:22.0 7:12/M 53 Joshua Tripp Columbia MD 36 M 5/21 35-39 22:30.9 22:35.9 7:15/M 54 Helen Capparell Easton PA 45 F 1/30 45-49 22:32.9 22:33.8 7:16/M 55 Kyle Lindstrom Chestertown MD 22 M 10/21 19-24 22:36.5 22:42.8 7:17/M 56 Emily Glick Pittsburgh PA 26 F 1/18 25-29 22:39.2 22:44.8 7:18/M 57 Tom Parmelee Mercer PA 49 M 5/28 45-49 22:42.9 22:44.3 7:19/M 58 Connor Sweeney Newark DE 13 M 1/16 10-13 22:44.2 22:46.3 7:20/M 59 Jonathan Hartwell Middletown DE 15 M 10/26 14-18 22:44.5 22:45.3 7:20/M 60 Meryl Ludwig Mount Airy MD 46 F 2/30 45-49 22:47.4 22:49.9 7:21/M 61 Jack Lonergan Bowie MD 13 M 2/16 10-13 22:48.0 22:51.3 7:21/M 62 Terry Gricher Bethany Beach DE 64 M 1/17 60-64 22:48.0 22:48.1 7:21/M 63 Marcus Bethmann Cambridge MD 57 M 3/26 55-59 22:48.1 22:48.8 7:21/M 64 Lisa Fox Bethesda MD 41 F 1/24 40-44 22:50.9 22:54.8 7:22/M 65 Michael Desantes Bethesda MD 18 M 11/26 14-18 22:51.0 22:57.4 7:22/M 66 Daniel Struble Newark DE 33 M 2/12 30-34 22:52.8 23:22.7 7:23/M 67 Sue Thoen Penfield NY 42 F 2/24 40-44 22:53.4 22:55.6 7:23/M 68 Tim Morrisey Rehoboth Beach DE 41 M 7/27 40-44 23:01.6 23:04.6 7:25/M 69 Kevin Duffy Freehold NJ 45 M 6/28 45-49 23:03.6 23:18.6 7:26/M 70 Erin Ricker Lewes DE 18 F 2/19 14-18 23:03.6 23:03.7 7:26/M 71 Rachel Sadowski Lewes DE 20 F 2/27 19-24 23:04.2 23:05.6 7:26/M 72 Mardiny Ung Elizabethtown PA 45 F 3/30 45-49 23:04.5 23:04.8 7:26/M 73 Sean Mattingly Odessa DE 35 M 6/21 35-39 23:06.6 23:14.6 7:27/M 74 Doug Ludwig Mount Airy MD 46 M 7/28 45-49 23:08.2 23:11.5 7:28/M 75 Joey Kwit New York NY 38 M 7/21 35-39 23:12.4 23:13.6 7:29/M 76 Mike Favret Eugene OR 58 M 4/26 55-59 23:14.0 23:19.0 7:30/M 77 Brent Van Scyoc Jarrettsville MD 46 M 8/28 45-49 23:16.7 23:18.0 7:30/M 78 Jim Favret Annapolis MD 52 M 5/19 50-54 23:17.1 23:22.9 7:31/M 79 Brett Burk Freehold NJ 28 M 6/17 25-29 23:17.6 23:21.9 7:31/M 80 Mike Thompson Dewey DE 37 M 8/21 35-39 23:22.3 23:22.4 7:32/M 81 Zach Stevenson Dewey DE 17 M 12/26 14-18 23:22.4 23:22.5 7:32/M 82 Christine Opiela Clearwater FL 43 F 3/24 40-44 23:26.2 23:27.6 7:34/M 83 Kaci Coveleski Lewes DE 20 F 3/27 19-24 23:30.9 23:39.1 7:35/M 84 Jacki Coveleski Lewes DE 18 F 3/19 14-18 23:36.0 23:43.7 7:37/M 85 Carol Shaver Rehoboth Beach DE 42 F 4/24 40-44 23:38.0 23:40.4 7:37/M 86 Gary Fisher Powhatan VA 52 M 6/19 50-54 23:39.1 23:56.7 7:38/M 87 Samantha Coveleski Lewes DE 18 F 4/19 14-18 23:40.2 23:49.0 7:38/M 88 Peter Coveleski Lewes DE 49 M 9/28 45-49 23:41.5 23:49.0 7:38/M 89 Greg Pollock Wilmington DE 42 M 8/27 40-44 23:43.6 23:49.7 7:39/M 90 Scott Fleming Canfield OH 35 M 9/21 35-39 23:44.2 23:46.3 7:39/M 91 Mark Nicholson Ellicott City MD 53 M 7/19 50-54 23:45.1 23:55.7 7:40/M 92 Bob Voight Sykesville MD 56 M 5/26 55-59 23:49.9 23:54.5 7:41/M 93 Paul Swarm Lancaster PA 49 M 10/28 45-49 23:54.4 23:58.3 7:43/M 94 Unknown Partic. 198 M 1/3 0- 0 23:55.7 24:01.5 7:43/M 95 Mike Texeira Millersville PA 24 M 11/21 19-24 23:57.2 24:02.4 7:44/M 96 Karly Pascuzzi Havre De Grace MD 34 F 2/14 30-34 23:57.7 23:57.7 7:44/M 97 Zach Shane Montgomery Village M 23 M 12/21 19-24 24:00.5 32:30.5 7:45/M 98 Joseph J Saienni Jr Wilmington DE 57 M 6/26 55-59 24:00.5 24:04.8 7:45/M 99 Regan Davis Forest Hill MD 15 F 5/19 14-18 24:01.6 24:16.3 7:45/M 100 Abby Lang Dewey DE 23 F 4/27 19-24 24:03.4 24:03.4 7:45/M 101 Fred Thomas Salisbury MD 60 M 2/17 60-64 24:03.8 24:11.1 7:45/M 102 Dylan Stanley Fruitland MD 15 M 13/26 14-18 24:05.6 24:06.7 7:46/M 103 Craig Karchner Landenberg PA 49 M 11/28 45-49 24:06.4 24:07.6 7:46/M 104 Richard Deguzman Vienna VA 45 M 12/28 45-49 24:07.4 24:20.6 7:47/M 105 Kevin Minnig Jacksonville NC 26 M 7/17 25-29 24:15.8 24:20.8 7:49/M 106 Julie Boesen Wilmington DE 32 F 3/14 30-34 24:17.3 24:21.3 7:50/M 107 Daniel Stankus El Paso TX 27 M 8/17 25-29 24:20.6 24:57.9 7:51/M 108 Martha Boon Littleton CO 56 F 1/10 55-59 24:25.1 24:28.3 7:53/M 109 Joann Szczepkowski Rehoboth Beach DE 66 F 1/3 65-69 24:30.8 24:33.0 7:54/M 110 Daniel Castro Astoria NY 28 M 9/17 25-29 24:32.8 24:40.5 7:55/M 111 Nick Diguglielmo Milton DE 17 M 14/26 14-18 24:34.7 24:34.8 7:55/M 112 Troy Cannatelli Rehoboth Beach DE 23 M 13/21 19-24 24:34.8 24:35.0 7:55/M 113 Brody Shockley Ocean City MD 13 M 3/16 10-13 24:37.8 24:48.5 7:56/M 114 Matthew Lougheed Chesapeake City MD 28 M 10/17 25-29 24:53.6 25:13.4 8:02/M 115 Glenn Parr Rehoboth Beach DE 50 M 8/19 50-54 24:54.4 24:58.2 8:02/M 116 Andrew McMahon Milton DE 20 M 14/21 19-24 24:54.8 24:56.2 8:02/M 117 Patrick Maloy Palmyra PA 37 M 10/21 35-39 24:59.6 25:28.5 8:04/M 118 Victor Desantis Bethesda MD 52 M 9/19 50-54 25:01.8 25:09.8 8:04/M 119 Adam Sidel Cabin John MD 40 M 9/27 40-44 25:02.3 25:07.0 8:05/M 120 David Mueller Millsboro DE 29 M 11/17 25-29 25:04.7 25:31.8 8:05/M 121 Mel Laney College Park MD 37 M 11/21 35-39 25:05.0 25:22.0 8:05/M 122 Peggy Hebert Fayetteville NC 46 F 4/30 45-49 25:06.8 25:11.0 8:06/M 123 Tony Klick Mount Gretna PA 53 M 10/19 50-54 25:07.0 25:21.1 8:06/M 124 Jay Epstein Elizabethtown PA 55 M 7/26 55-59 25:08.0 25:12.7 8:06/M 125 Daniel McColgan Wilmington DE 45 M 13/28 45-49 25:10.6 25:12.6 8:07/M 126 Ryan Sirignano Bellmore NY 30 M 3/12 30-34 25:11.4 25:15.5 8:07/M 127 Ian McCurdy Arlington VA 33 M 4/12 30-34 25:13.1 25:39.0 8:08/M 128 Jules Woodall Camden Wyoming DE 64 M 3/17 60-64 25:15.8 25:17.8 8:09/M 129 Michael Carter New York NY 32 M 5/12 30-34 25:15.8 25:19.4 8:09/M 130 Tricia Colucci Rehoboth Beach DE 19 F 5/27 19-24 25:16.3 25:17.6 8:09/M 131 Carly Mitchell Newark DE 21 F 6/27 19-24 25:19.2 25:20.0 8:10/M 132 Nicholas O'Cone Millsboro DE 31 M 6/12 30-34 25:19.4 25:23.0 8:10/M 133 James Deakyne Rehoboth Beach DE 63 M 4/17 60-64 25:20.4 25:24.0 8:10/M 134 Alan Borst Gaithersburg MD 49 M 14/28 45-49 25:22.5 25:46.0 8:11/M 135 Jill Brittingham Dagsboro DE 36 F 1/24 35-39 25:25.3 25:27.5 8:12/M 136 Shelby Krick Washington DC 21 F 7/27 19-24 25:25.5 25:37.2 8:12/M 137 Hal Bennett Rehoboth Beach DE 60 M 5/17 60-64 25:26.8 26:09.8 8:12/M 138 Katherine Rokus Cincinnati OH 31 F 4/14 30-34 25:27.3 25:27.9 8:13/M 139 Erica Fleming Canfield OH 35 F 2/24 35-39 25:29.5 25:34.4 8:13/M 140 Sydney Crofton Fallston MD 13 F 1/13 10-13 25:31.2 25:46.4 8:14/M 141 Kellen Venters Delmar MD 29 M 12/17 25-29 25:32.0 25:47.4 8:14/M 142 Alex Houston Alexandria VA 40 M 10/27 40-44 25:36.4 26:12.1 8:15/M 143 Laura Sgrignoli Harrisburg PA 25 F 2/18 25-29 25:41.7 25:59.3 8:17/M 144 Michael Cordeiro Dover DE 48 M 15/28 45-49 25:47.6 28:40.1 8:19/M 145 Jerry Denney Newark DE 56 M 8/26 55-59 25:48.0 25:55.7 8:19/M 146 Brian Sandusky Gaithersburg MD 39 M 12/21 35-39 25:48.8 26:08.1 8:19/M 147 Tom Keating Newark DE 64 M 6/17 60-64 25:50.9 25:52.8 8:20/M 148 Tom Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 16 M 15/26 14-18 25:58.2 26:07.4 8:23/M 149 Gayle Tadler Wilmington DE 18 F 6/19 14-18 25:58.5 26:18.1 8:23/M 150 Kevin Mish Crofton MD 38 M 13/21 35-39 25:59.6 26:29.2 8:23/M 151 Connor Van Scyoc Jarrettsville MD 15 M 16/26 14-18 26:02.2 26:16.1 8:24/M 152 John Dedon Clifton VA 56 M 9/26 55-59 26:02.7 26:06.4 8:24/M 153 Greg Martini Harrisburg PA 62 M 7/17 60-64 26:03.4 26:05.3 8:24/M 154 Steve Mandes, III Baltimore MD 53 M 11/19 50-54 26:05.1 26:16.7 8:25/M 155 Patrick Rogers Clarks Summit PA 42 M 11/27 40-44 26:07.4 26:25.4 8:25/M 156 Daniel O'Boyle Franklin Square NY 20 M 15/21 19-24 26:12.6 26:16.7 8:27/M 157 Kristin Kantner Pittsburgh PA 32 F 5/14 30-34 26:12.8 26:27.7 8:27/M 158 Chris Andrews Newark DE 48 M 16/28 45-49 26:13.6 26:18.8 8:27/M 159 Matthew Piechnik Millington NJ 13 M 4/16 10-13 26:15.4 26:43.5 8:28/M 160 Dale Pink Milford DE 42 M 12/27 40-44 26:16.2 26:31.1 8:28/M 161 Cami Davis Forest Hill MD 13 F 2/13 10-13 26:19.0 26:34.7 8:29/M 162 Joe Barranco Rehoboth Beach DE 60 M 8/17 60-64 26:20.5 26:20.5 8:30/M 163 Doug Oswell Dover DE 27 M 13/17 25-29 26:23.7 26:33.3 8:31/M 164 Jessica Ali Montgomery Village M 24 F 8/27 19-24 26:26.8 30:10.4 8:32/M 165 Jessica Allison Pine City NY 35 F 3/24 35-39 26:31.4 26:49.5 8:33/M 166 Susan Palmer Middletown MD 52 F 2/27 50-54 26:32.0 26:34.9 8:34/M 167 Hannah Van Scyoc Jarrettsville MD 13 F 3/13 10-13 26:32.0 26:47.4 8:34/M 168 Mike Trott Joppa MD 59 M 10/26 55-59 26:32.9 26:34.1 8:34/M 169 Darien Bondi Wilmington DE 14 M 17/26 14-18 26:39.8 26:45.8 8:36/M 170 Jon Hanson Dewey DE 21 M 16/21 19-24 26:40.0 26:40.0 8:36/M 171 Colleen Cannatelli Rehoboth Beach DE 21 F 9/27 19-24 26:43.8 26:52.0 8:37/M 172 Madelyn Baker Chestertown MD 15 F 7/19 14-18 26:44.3 27:00.1 8:37/M 173 Billie Jo Chiarelli Orwigsburg PA 40 F 5/24 40-44 26:45.2 26:59.6 8:38/M 174 Mike O'Neill Nottingham MD 35 M 14/21 35-39 26:45.6 27:05.4 8:38/M 175 Stephanie Goldstein Towson MD 38 F 4/24 35-39 26:45.7 27:00.1 8:38/M 176 Linda Schwartz-Chi Rehoboth Beach DE 47 F 5/30 45-49 26:45.9 26:48.8 8:38/M 177 Katie Falls Chestertown MD 15 F 8/19 14-18 26:55.9 27:01.9 8:41/M 178 Brittany Sanok Oakton VA 17 F 9/19 14-18 26:57.5 27:04.1 8:42/M 179 Dennis Walters Wilmington DE 58 M 11/26 55-59 27:00.2 27:12.0 8:43/M 180 Kate Zunski Fleetwood PA 22 F 10/27 19-24 27:02.0 27:40.8 8:43/M 181 Amy Feairheller Spring City PA 23 F 11/27 19-24 27:02.4 27:40.9 8:43/M 182 Brendan Cavanagh Centreville MD 15 M 18/26 14-18 27:02.5 27:34.3 8:43/M 183 Reilly Casey Alexandria VA 11 F 4/13 10-13 27:02.5 27:12.1 8:43/M 184 Wendy Hager Ligonier PA 45 F 6/30 45-49 27:02.5 27:05.6 8:43/M 185 Lynn Crofton Fallston MD 48 F 7/30 45-49 27:04.2 27:21.2 8:44/M 186 Crystal Chilson Towanda PA 41 F 6/24 40-44 27:04.4 27:12.6 8:44/M 187 Betsy Rosenthal Smithsburg MD 52 F 3/27 50-54 27:05.3 27:17.0 8:44/M 188 Thomas Toner Rehoboth Beach DE 59 M 12/26 55-59 27:07.2 27:08.9 8:45/M 189 Bob Wisniewski Newark DE 53 M 12/19 50-54 27:10.9 27:21.3 8:46/M 190 Janelle Boyer Lewes DE 42 F 7/24 40-44 27:12.2 27:20.9 8:46/M 191 Caitlin Foley Lewisburg PA 15 F 10/19 14-18 27:16.9 27:26.1 8:48/M 192 Jerome Harris, Sr. Lincoln DE 47 M 17/28 45-49 27:17.5 27:35.4 8:48/M 193 Hennessy Nancy Jacksonville FL 49 F 8/30 45-49 27:19.4 30:51.2 8:49/M 194 Allison Chambers Elkton MD 22 F 12/27 19-24 27:20.6 27:44.7 8:49/M 195 Edward Dowling Plymouth MA 56 M 13/26 55-59 27:20.7 27:22.9 8:49/M 196 Lindsey Graham Millersville PA 27 F 3/18 25-29 27:22.2 27:31.2 8:50/M 197 Marianne Withington Plymouth MA 57 F 2/10 55-59 27:27.7 27:30.2 8:51/M 198 Bridget Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 8 F 1/1 1- 9 27:30.4 27:40.7 8:52/M 199 Michael Ennis New York NY 11 M 5/16 10-13 27:30.4 27:39.8 8:52/M 200 Amanda Ritter Millsboro DE 20 F 13/27 19-24 27:31.1 27:44.9 8:53/M 201 Joe Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 14 M 19/26 14-18 27:34.2 27:43.6 8:54/M 202 Alan Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 42 M 13/27 40-44 27:34.8 27:46.5 8:54/M 203 Craig Flanagan Cresco PA 24 M 17/21 19-24 27:37.4 27:50.2 8:55/M 204 Allen Orr Elkton MD 24 M 18/21 19-24 27:39.8 28:07.1 8:55/M 205 Jessica Graham Millersville PA 27 F 4/18 25-29 27:40.6 27:48.4 8:55/M 206 Amity Tripp Columbia MD 36 F 5/24 35-39 27:40.7 27:53.4 8:55/M 207 Deborah Nielsen Annapolis MD 53 F 4/27 50-54 27:42.4 27:55.2 8:56/M 208 Sharyn Slick Lancaster PA 65 F 2/3 65-69 27:43.6 27:46.1 8:56/M 209 Margaret McConnell Federalsburg MD 19 F 14/27 19-24 27:46.0 27:48.9 8:57/M 210 Scott Berardinelli Altoona PA 36 M 15/21 35-39 27:54.8 28:10.9 9:00/M 211 Matthew McGuirk Bel Air MD 28 M 14/17 25-29 27:55.6 28:14.4 9:00/M 212 David Palma Westfield NJ 26 M 15/17 25-29 27:57.8 28:02.9 9:01/M 213 Roger Reed Lewes DE 48 M 18/28 45-49 27:57.9 27:57.9 9:01/M 214 Darren Epstein Strasburg PA 43 M 14/27 40-44 27:59.5 28:04.2 9:02/M 215 Melanie Stone Germantown MD 25 F 5/18 25-29 28:04.3 28:24.3 9:03/M 216 Patrick Burk Freehold NJ 63 M 9/17 60-64 28:04.4 28:09.3 9:03/M 217 Andy Broadway Newtown PA 43 M 15/27 40-44 28:05.1 28:16.3 9:04/M 218 Anthony Gambacorta Hockessin DE 43 M 16/27 40-44 28:12.7 28:41.5 9:06/M 219 Kelsey Luchey Abingdon MD 23 F 15/27 19-24 28:14.2 28:56.9 9:06/M 220 Allison Luchey Alexandria VA 25 F 6/18 25-29 28:14.7 28:57.1 9:06/M 221 Richard Cross Wilmington DE 46 M 19/28 45-49 28:17.2 28:25.6 9:07/M 222 Dianne Graham Landenberg PA 55 F 3/10 55-59 28:19.7 28:26.8 9:08/M 223 Elizabeth Clark Chatham NJ 41 F 8/24 40-44 28:20.7 28:27.7 9:08/M 224 Willard Phillips Fairfax Station VA 63 M 10/17 60-64 28:20.8 28:35.3 9:08/M 225 Andrew Sayles Walkersville MD 30 M 7/12 30-34 28:23.8 31:43.2 9:09/M 226 Timothy Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 6 M 1/3 1- 9 28:23.9 28:34.2 9:09/M 227 Michelle Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 38 F 6/24 35-39 28:24.9 28:35.4 9:10/M 228 Dan Bloom Newark DE 46 M 20/28 45-49 28:25.3 28:37.2 9:10/M 229 Nick Favret New Orleans LA 15 M 20/26 14-18 28:26.3 28:32.2 9:10/M 230 Sandy Luzier Dover DE 45 F 9/30 45-49 28:27.8 28:39.2 9:11/M 231 Lynn Decourcey Reston VA 46 F 10/30 45-49 28:32.3 28:50.3 9:12/M 232 Natasha Lavenberg Rockville MD 23 F 16/27 19-24 28:32.7 32:16.7 9:12/M 233 Cheryl Hill Rock Hall MD 33 F 6/14 30-34 28:32.8 28:39.7 9:12/M 234 Jon Palks Bowie MD 63 M 11/17 60-64 28:34.1 28:40.9 9:13/M 235 Todd Hickman Ocean View DE 40 M 17/27 40-44 28:34.8 28:48.3 9:13/M 236 Darren Quillen Annapolis MD 42 M 18/27 40-44 28:40.5 29:14.8 9:15/M 237 Brooke Quillen Annapolis MD 11 F 5/13 10-13 28:41.0 29:14.9 9:15/M 238 Jodi Quillen Annapolis MD 43 F 9/24 40-44 28:42.8 29:16.5 9:15/M 239 Ryan Lusby Bowie MD 18 M 21/26 14-18 28:43.7 29:15.5 9:16/M 240 Kristen Cannatelli Charlottesville VA 27 F 7/18 25-29 28:44.8 28:53.4 9:16/M 241 Tom Mandes Annapolis MD 37 M 16/21 35-39 28:45.4 28:57.8 9:16/M 242 Donna Ritenour Hebron MD 48 F 11/30 45-49 28:48.8 29:18.1 9:17/M 243 Rod Delarosa Middletown NJ 34 M 8/12 30-34 28:50.2 29:20.3 9:18/M 244 Lori Waldee-Warden Bear DE 48 F 12/30 45-49 28:51.7 29:06.7 9:18/M 245 Stacy Alexander Cincinnati OH 38 F 7/24 35-39 28:54.0 28:56.6 9:19/M 246 Rebecca Fleming Northfield OH 37 F 8/24 35-39 28:54.1 29:12.5 9:19/M 247 Paul Kudlick Deland FL 27 M 16/17 25-29 28:56.1 29:08.3 9:20/M 248 John Favret Portland OR 48 M 21/28 45-49 28:57.4 29:05.8 9:20/M 249 Jay Smith Buffalo NY 40 M 19/27 40-44 29:01.1 29:14.0 9:22/M 250 Kevin Fleming Alexandria VA 34 M 9/12 30-34 29:06.1 29:25.2 9:23/M 251 Alex Berardinelli Altoona PA 11 M 6/16 10-13 29:07.5 29:23.1 9:24/M 252 Kathleen Case Wilmington DE 51 F 5/27 50-54 29:07.6 29:14.0 9:24/M 253 Savannah Siegrist Davidsonville MD 13 F 6/13 10-13 29:08.1 29:40.5 9:24/M 254 Robin Stone Germantown MD 21 F 17/27 19-24 29:09.8 29:29.8 9:24/M 255 Anne Radday Brookline MA 35 F 9/24 35-39 29:13.6 29:38.3 9:25/M 256 Danielle Guldner Enola PA 25 F 8/18 25-29 29:18.4 29:36.1 9:27/M 257 Corinne Koiro Fleetwood PA 23 F 18/27 19-24 29:19.3 29:58.1 9:27/M 258 Linda E Saienni Wilmington DE 51 F 6/27 50-54 29:20.5 29:26.4 9:28/M 259 Jay Leidforth Rehoboth Beach DE 47 M 22/28 45-49 29:20.9 29:43.0 9:28/M 260 Patricia Lawrence Springfield VA 61 F 1/6 60-64 29:23.1 29:43.5 9:29/M 261 Paul Kiefer Lancaster PA 71 M 1/1 70-74 29:23.6 29:27.7 9:29/M 262 Conor Casey Alexandria VA 11 M 7/16 10-13 29:24.1 29:33.7 9:29/M 263 Meghan Fugate Sparrows Point MD 34 F 7/14 30-34 29:25.3 30:03.5 9:29/M 264 Davis Baylor Lewisburg PA 13 M 8/16 10-13 29:26.0 29:35.3 9:30/M 265 David Pulcinella Milton DE 45 M 23/28 45-49 29:26.9 29:36.3 9:30/M 266 Karl Radday Lutherville Timonium 40 M 20/27 40-44 29:27.0 29:50.9 9:30/M 267 Stephanie Radday Lutherville Timonium 39 F 10/24 35-39 29:27.7 29:51.1 9:30/M 268 Rebecca Deguzman Vienna VA 41 F 10/24 40-44 29:29.0 29:41.5 9:31/M 269 Sophia Deguzman Vienna VA 14 F 11/19 14-18 29:31.2 29:41.7 9:31/M 270 John Rettig Newark DE 36 M 17/21 35-39 29:38.2 30:09.2 9:34/M 271 Emily Siegrist Davidsonville MD 51 F 7/27 50-54 29:45.4 30:17.7 9:36/M 272 Marshall Harper Bethesda MD 56 M 14/26 55-59 29:51.7 30:14.5 9:38/M 273 Ronda Schrenk Bethesda MD 47 F 13/30 45-49 29:53.0 30:13.6 9:38/M 274 William Tripp Ellicott City MD 10 M 9/16 10-13 29:53.6 30:07.1 9:38/M 275 Janet Townshend Vienna VA 48 F 14/30 45-49 29:58.4 30:15.6 9:40/M 276 Jeff Hysen Silver Spring MD 53 M 13/19 50-54 29:58.9 30:01.0 9:40/M 277 Karen Lewish Middletown DE 51 F 8/27 50-54 29:59.1 30:34.9 9:40/M 278 Audrey Benton Charlottesville VA 21 F 19/27 19-24 30:07.7 30:25.0 9:43/M 279 Kit Anderson Amissville VA 51 F 9/27 50-54 30:10.2 30:43.0 9:44/M 280 Elizabeth Morton Milton DE 44 F 11/24 40-44 30:10.5 30:19.2 9:44/M 281 John Barbato Lewes DE 36 M 18/21 35-39 30:10.9 30:39.6 9:44/M 282 Heather Nolt Lancaster PA 28 F 9/18 25-29 30:12.2 30:27.4 9:45/M 283 Rosanna Castillo New York NY 40 F 12/24 40-44 30:12.8 30:15.5 9:45/M 284 Henry Otto Kensington MD 52 M 14/19 50-54 30:13.5 30:37.0 9:45/M 285 Katie MacKenzie Newark DE 19 F 20/27 19-24 30:13.9 30:31.5 9:45/M 286 Kristen McKenna Wilmington DE 25 F 10/18 25-29 30:17.4 30:22.5 9:46/M 287 Jessica Maloy Palmyra PA 36 F 11/24 35-39 30:28.4 30:59.3 9:50/M 288 Michael Hedges Derwood MD 56 M 15/26 55-59 30:32.1 30:50.0 9:51/M 289 Anne Favre Washington DC 45 F 15/30 45-49 30:32.7 30:41.5 9:51/M 290 Tanya Hershey York PA 38 F 12/24 35-39 30:34.1 31:01.8 9:52/M 291 Fred Matthews Dover DE 59 M 16/26 55-59 30:34.3 31:17.8 9:52/M 292 Bill Shupe Milford DE 59 M 17/26 55-59 30:42.8 31:07.4 9:54/M 293 Hyunjoo Fleming Alexandria VA 41 F 13/24 40-44 30:48.1 31:07.0 9:56/M 294 Carrie Struble Paoli PA 30 F 8/14 30-34 30:48.2 31:18.9 9:56/M 295 Chris Polizzi Elkton MD 41 M 21/27 40-44 30:52.1 31:16.7 9:57/M 296 Gina Polizzi Elkton MD 37 F 13/24 35-39 30:52.3 31:16.6 9:57/M 297 Ashley Barnett Bear DE 16 F 12/19 14-18 30:53.7 31:19.7 9:58/M 298 Christopher Kudlick Newark DE 33 M 10/12 30-34 30:55.5 31:07.0 9:58/M 299 Samantha Bryant Waldorf MD 23 F 21/27 19-24 30:57.5 34:42.2 9:59/M 300 Kerry O'Boyle Franklin Square NY 15 F 13/19 14-18 30:59.5 31:06.7 10:00/M 301 Carly ???? Franklin Square NY 17 F 14/19 14-18 30:59.7 31:04.2 10:00/M 302 Thomas Paul Point Pleasant Beach 42 M 22/27 40-44 31:00.0 31:24.8 10:00/M 303 Erin Paul Point Pleasant Beach 33 F 9/14 30-34 31:00.4 31:24.5 10:00/M 304 Tyler Howe Bowie MD 14 M 22/26 14-18 31:07.2 31:39.8 10:02/M 305 Mary Cavanagh Bowie MD 16 F 15/19 14-18 31:07.9 31:40.4 10:02/M 306 Susan Hennessy Denver CO 48 F 16/30 45-49 31:08.9 34:40.6 10:03/M 307 Patrick Cavanagh Bowie MD 49 M 24/28 45-49 31:08.9 31:40.6 10:03/M 308 Ashley Wiggins Rehoboth Beach DE 46 F 17/30 45-49 31:09.1 31:15.7 10:03/M 309 Lester Davis Linthicum Heights MD 44 M 23/27 40-44 31:09.3 31:26.4 10:03/M 310 Sara Cavanagh Bowie MD 17 F 16/19 14-18 31:09.4 31:42.5 10:03/M 311 Lisa Wynn Frankford DE 51 F 10/27 50-54 31:18.1 31:35.5 10:06/M 312 Julie Gambacorta Hockessin DE 42 F 14/24 40-44 31:18.3 31:47.5 10:06/M 313 Lisa Blackwell-SaylesWalkersville MD 37 F 14/24 35-39 31:21.1 35:13.2 10:07/M 314 Aj Fink Wilmington DE 66 M 1/1 65-69 31:23.2 31:32.2 10:07/M 315 Koh Morrisey Milton DE 54 F 11/27 50-54 31:24.4 31:46.0 10:08/M 316 Robert Thoen Mount Airy MD 51 M 15/19 50-54 31:24.6 31:50.8 10:08/M 317 Marjorie Murrey Germantown MD 51 F 12/27 50-54 31:26.8 31:50.1 10:08/M 318 Tom Murphy Greenwood DE 60 M 12/17 60-64 31:26.9 31:51.9 10:08/M 319 Ciaran Burke Wilkes Barre PA 15 M 23/26 14-18 31:30.7 31:35.2 10:10/M 320 Robert Stone Germantown MD 60 M 13/17 60-64 31:39.4 32:00.9 10:13/M 321 Jenna Cohen Baltimore MD 26 F 11/18 25-29 31:40.3 31:59.9 10:13/M 322 Lisa Falls Chestertown MD 50 F 13/27 50-54 31:41.3 31:48.5 10:13/M 323 Todd Savage Wilmington DE 35 M 19/21 35-39 31:43.6 32:14.4 10:14/M 324 Tom Jones Milton DE 57 M 18/26 55-59 31:44.8 31:55.9 10:14/M 325 Susan Decourcey Rockville MD 46 F 18/30 45-49 31:47.4 32:05.8 10:15/M 326 Susie Shockley Ocean City MD 50 F 14/27 50-54 31:52.3 32:02.2 10:17/M 327 Cindy Redefer Rehoboth Beach DE 49 F 19/30 45-49 31:52.7 32:05.7 10:17/M 328 Ken Tadler Wilmington DE 57 M 19/26 55-59 31:55.4 32:16.7 10:18/M 329 Jeanine Yzaguierre Newark DE 50 F 15/27 50-54 31:55.6 32:03.4 10:18/M 330 Christine Connelly Nottingham MD 27 F 12/18 25-29 31:55.8 32:14.5 10:18/M 331 Megan Barnett Bear DE 14 F 17/19 14-18 31:59.2 32:25.9 10:19/M 332 Brendan Duffy Chantilly VA 14 M 24/26 14-18 32:05.7 32:22.1 10:21/M 333 Cindy Stone Germantown MD 57 F 4/10 55-59 32:10.7 32:32.1 10:23/M 334 Jack Edwards Clarksburg MD 60 M 14/17 60-64 32:11.3 32:30.5 10:23/M 335 Betty Ridenour Rising Sun MD 46 F 20/30 45-49 32:12.5 32:30.8 10:23/M 336 Faith Erickson Abingdon MD 30 F 10/14 30-34 32:13.3 32:53.2 10:24/M 337 Brian O'Boyle Franklin Square NY 54 M 16/19 50-54 32:20.7 32:28.0 10:26/M 338 Bobbi Turner Milford DE 38 F 15/24 35-39 32:22.5 32:45.5 10:26/M 339 Deanna Mikesic Greensburg PA 44 F 15/24 40-44 32:29.9 32:29.9 10:29/M 340 Toby Savell Gaithersburg MD 48 F 21/30 45-49 32:35.0 32:55.6 10:31/M 341 Michael Ward Ephrata PA 11 M 10/16 10-13 32:39.2 32:53.2 10:32/M 342 Joseph Ward Ephrata PA 39 M 20/21 35-39 32:41.4 32:59.8 10:33/M 343 Timothy Rogers Harrisburg PA 41 M 24/27 40-44 32:42.7 32:59.5 10:33/M 344 John Duffy Chantilly VA 47 M 25/28 45-49 32:52.3 33:08.7 10:36/M 345 Brad Zunski Fleetwood PA 21 M 19/21 19-24 33:04.6 33:43.6 10:40/M 346 Karen Karchner Landenberg PA 47 F 22/30 45-49 33:07.1 33:09.6 10:41/M 347 Kayla Hughes Glenwood MD 13 F 7/13 10-13 33:09.8 33:18.8 10:42/M 348 Sean Hughes Glenwood MD 44 M 25/27 40-44 33:10.6 33:20.0 10:42/M 349 Patricia Cavanagh Bowie MD 43 F 16/24 40-44 33:18.9 33:51.7 10:45/M 350 Jerry Denney, Jr Baltimore MD 30 M 11/12 30-34 33:21.9 33:52.3 10:45/M 351 Lisa Wilcox Gaithersburg MD 51 F 16/27 50-54 33:38.0 33:58.6 10:51/M 352 Kevin Bennington DeKalb IL 28 M 17/17 25-29 33:39.5 33:59.9 10:51/M 353 Jerry McNesby Wilmington DE 59 M 20/26 55-59 33:40.9 34:08.1 10:52/M 354 Laurie Ward Ephrata PA 38 F 16/24 35-39 33:44.8 34:03.2 10:53/M 355 Debbie Green Milford DE 52 F 17/27 50-54 33:45.2 34:10.1 10:53/M 356 Dave Peitz Parkville MD 32 M 12/12 30-34 33:46.4 34:25.5 10:54/M 357 Joe Hurley Forest Hill MD 50 M 17/19 50-54 33:47.7 34:13.4 10:54/M 358 Richard Tikiob Milton DE 57 M 21/26 55-59 33:49.6 34:14.1 10:55/M 359 Holly Stone Germantown MD 28 F 13/18 25-29 33:50.3 34:11.8 10:55/M 360 Kristen O'Neill Kennett Square PA 35 F 17/24 35-39 33:55.6 34:33.6 10:56/M 361 Bob Stock Dewey DE 56 M 22/26 55-59 33:55.6 34:24.8 10:56/M 362 Kim Peitz Parkville MD 33 F 11/14 30-34 33:56.0 34:33.4 10:57/M 363 Vanessa Cooper Lewes DE 44 F 17/24 40-44 33:57.5 34:07.7 10:57/M 364 Ann M. Schneider Wilmington DE 41 F 18/24 40-44 33:58.3 34:14.7 10:57/M 365 Liz Perschy Palmerton PA 50 F 18/27 50-54 33:58.9 34:20.9 10:57/M 366 Michele Savage Wilmington DE 40 F 19/24 40-44 34:00.9 34:31.8 10:58/M 367 John Kokolus Northampton PA 53 M 18/19 50-54 34:02.9 34:15.7 10:59/M 368 Holly Lingo Easton PA 49 F 23/30 45-49 34:03.1 34:16.1 10:59/M 369 Karen Duffy Freehold NJ 42 F 20/24 40-44 34:13.5 34:29.6 11:02/M 370 Caroline Tripp Ellicott City MD 14 F 18/19 14-18 34:16.5 34:29.5 11:03/M 371 Sandra Waldee-Warden Bear DE 44 F 21/24 40-44 34:22.4 34:37.8 11:05/M 372 Jane Tripp Ellicott City MD 13 F 8/13 10-13 34:22.5 34:35.7 11:05/M 373 Amanda Epstein Jacksonville NC 26 F 14/18 25-29 34:31.9 34:58.1 11:08/M 374 Albert Chong Newark DE 35 M 21/21 35-39 34:36.9 35:08.2 11:10/M 375 Leeann Waltz Milton DE 50 F 19/27 50-54 34:41.9 34:58.3 11:11/M 376 Jamie Wright Nottingham MD 31 F 12/14 30-34 34:49.4 35:29.4 11:14/M 377 Pat Allwein Mount Gretna PA 62 F 2/6 60-64 34:49.9 35:17.7 11:14/M 378 Laurie Wallace TheiseAllentown PA 45 F 24/30 45-49 35:04.4 35:40.3 11:19/M 379 Diane Rosenthal Vienna VA 57 F 5/10 55-59 35:26.4 35:38.2 11:26/M 380 Pam Stigile Bethany Beach DE 56 F 6/10 55-59 35:27.0 35:49.8 11:26/M 381 Amber Myers Wilmington DE 26 F 15/18 25-29 35:32.2 43:17.2 11:28/M 382 Marie Walters Wilmington DE DE 54 F 20/27 50-54 36:10.3 36:15.4 11:40/M 383 Unknown Partic. 4253 M 2/3 0- 0 36:14.6 36:40.4 11:41/M 384 Janet Rosenbaum Rockville MD 54 F 21/27 50-54 36:14.7 36:40.2 11:41/M 385 Jb Marshall Wilmington DE 50 M 19/19 50-54 36:16.1 36:22.4 11:42/M 386 Jack Marshall Wilmington DE 14 M 25/26 14-18 36:17.2 36:23.0 11:42/M 387 Joe Fleming Youngstown OH 63 M 15/17 60-64 36:21.6 36:41.2 11:44/M 388 Rob Minner Smyrna DE 41 M 26/27 40-44 36:32.1 37:03.3 11:47/M 389 Jessica Biasotto Wilmington DE 21 F 22/27 19-24 36:40.5 36:52.5 11:50/M 390 Unknown Partic. 78 M 3/3 0- 0 36:43.5 37:24.9 11:51/M 391 Christine Cordes Falls Church VA 37 F 18/24 35-39 36:54.8 37:11.3 11:54/M 392 Baby Hallard Kensington MD 47 F 25/30 45-49 36:58.1 37:41.5 11:55/M 393 Laura Marinaro Delmar MD 29 F 16/18 25-29 36:59.0 37:23.6 11:56/M 394 Rachel Smith Wilmington DE 22 F 23/27 19-24 37:02.0 37:14.4 11:57/M 395 Ryan Bishop Rehoboth Beach DE 11 M 11/16 10-13 37:05.0 37:34.0 11:58/M 396 Mike Bishop Rehoboth Beach DE 61 M 16/17 60-64 37:05.6 37:34.3 11:58/M 397 Stephanie Hurley Forest Hill MD 52 F 22/27 50-54 37:17.9 37:43.7 12:02/M 398 Maggie Gleason Hummelstown PA 11 F 9/13 10-13 37:20.8 37:48.8 12:03/M 399 Peggy Beard Rosedale MD 35 F 19/24 35-39 37:23.8 38:00.0 12:04/M 400 Christine Piechnik Madison NJ 42 F 22/24 40-44 37:29.3 37:57.1 12:05/M 401 Shelley Rodner Ocean View DE 50 F 23/27 50-54 37:31.5 37:54.5 12:06/M 402 Jenny Sherman Smithsburg MD 12 F 10/13 10-13 37:44.3 37:55.5 12:10/M 403 Stephen Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 46 M 26/28 45-49 37:48.3 37:59.4 12:12/M 404 Stephen Ennis Scotch Plains NJ 12 M 12/16 10-13 37:50.2 37:59.6 12:12/M 405 Peter Gleason Hummelstown PA 45 M 27/28 45-49 37:52.5 38:22.2 12:13/M 406 David Koiro Fleetwood PA 48 M 28/28 45-49 38:06.2 38:41.2 12:17/M 407 Karen Koiro Fleetwood PA 55 F 7/10 55-59 38:06.7 38:41.3 12:17/M 408 Dane Pratt Rehoboth Beach DE 22 M 20/21 19-24 38:13.7 38:43.9 12:20/M 409 James Meyer Wilmington DE 42 M 27/27 40-44 38:17.2 38:48.4 12:21/M 410 Gail Hermenau Middletown DE 54 F 24/27 50-54 38:23.5 38:35.0 12:23/M 411 Matthew Hermenau Middletown DE 18 M 26/26 14-18 38:23.7 38:35.4 12:23/M 412 Courtney Smirz DeKalb IL 22 F 24/27 19-24 38:27.5 38:47.4 12:24/M 413 Angela Lewis West Chester PA 52 F 25/27 50-54 38:28.6 38:52.2 12:25/M 414 Tim Sharp Cambridge MD 57 M 23/26 55-59 38:32.9 38:53.8 12:26/M 415 Bridget Busby Bowie MD 36 F 20/24 35-39 38:40.0 39:19.3 12:28/M 416 Tom McDonald Washington DC 58 M 24/26 55-59 38:48.1 38:54.2 12:31/M 417 Connor Stern Wantagh NY 13 M 13/16 10-13 38:58.3 39:04.5 12:34/M 418 Kelly Fiala Delmar MD 36 F 21/24 35-39 39:06.0 39:28.3 12:37/M 419 Anne Houston Alexandria VA 39 F 22/24 35-39 39:20.5 39:56.7 12:41/M 420 Azfar Thomas Hyattsville MD 28 F 17/18 25-29 39:25.5 43:10.8 12:43/M 421 Rich Warshauer Rehoboth Beach DE 77 M 1/1 75-79 39:52.1 40:06.6 12:52/M 422 Angela Lowry Lanham MD 36 F 23/24 35-39 40:14.0 40:49.7 12:59/M 423 Marge Warshauer Rehoboth Beach DE 73 F 1/1 70-74 40:29.8 40:44.7 13:04/M 424 Noah Shockley Ocean City MD 13 M 14/16 10-13 40:30.8 40:43.6 13:04/M 425 Patricia Haney Lewes DE 49 F 26/30 45-49 40:44.4 41:10.5 13:08/M 426 Bonnie Valeski Smyrna DE 61 F 3/6 60-64 41:03.4 41:34.7 13:15/M 427 Anna Sholl Rosedale MD 33 F 13/14 30-34 41:06.3 41:44.2 13:15/M 428 Jenna Bishop Rehoboth Beach DE 47 F 27/30 45-49 41:07.6 41:36.5 13:16/M 429 Jill Pinkett Baltimore MD 46 F 28/30 45-49 41:28.1 41:50.8 13:23/M 430 Ken Lawrence Springfield VA 63 M 17/17 60-64 41:33.7 42:11.0 13:24/M 431 Lauren Grove North Wales PA 11 F 11/13 10-13 41:35.9 41:45.9 13:25/M 432 Jenn Casey Alexandria VA 40 F 23/24 40-44 41:36.0 41:45.9 13:25/M 433 Shannon Gleason Hummelstown PA 42 F 24/24 40-44 41:44.9 42:12.3 13:28/M 434 Michaela Harper Bethesda MD 22 F 25/27 19-24 41:47.8 42:09.8 13:29/M 435 Marianne Dowling Plymouth MA 52 F 26/27 50-54 41:54.3 42:26.6 13:31/M 436 Carol Bartlett Hyattsville MD 66 F 3/3 65-69 42:50.3 43:27.5 13:49/M 437 Katie Bennett Dover DE 30 F 14/14 30-34 42:54.9 43:28.9 13:50/M 438 Diane O'Boyle Franklin Square NY 52 F 27/27 50-54 43:06.5 43:14.7 13:54/M 439 Caitlin Cavanagh Bowie MD 19 F 26/27 19-24 43:15.6 43:52.2 13:57/M 440 Kathleen Schaub Cockeysville MD 63 F 4/6 60-64 43:32.1 44:10.5 14:03/M 441 Debbie Bennett Rehoboth Beach DE 58 F 8/10 55-59 43:33.0 44:06.3 14:03/M 442 Carrie Quillen Annapolis MD 13 F 12/13 10-13 43:36.3 44:11.1 14:04/M 443 Ryan Quillen Annapolis MD 8 M 2/3 1- 9 43:38.2 44:13.4 14:05/M 444 Jessica Bartlett Hyattsville MD 36 F 24/24 35-39 43:44.8 44:22.0 14:06/M 445 Melissa Epstein Strasburg PA 19 F 27/27 19-24 44:38.3 45:04.8 14:24/M 446 Linda Akell Claymont DE 56 F 9/10 55-59 44:48.4 44:53.2 14:27/M 447 Kim Epstein Lancaster PA 28 F 18/18 25-29 45:05.2 45:31.4 14:33/M 448 Abby Strusowski Bear DE 15 F 19/19 14-18 45:45.8 46:12.8 14:45/M 449 Strusowski Tricia Bear DE 49 F 29/30 45-49 45:54.1 46:21.1 14:48/M 450 Georgette O'Cone Millsboro DE 64 F 5/6 60-64 46:46.0 47:00.9 15:05/M 451 Darlene Arnold Catskill NY 57 F 10/10 55-59 46:48.2 47:03.3 15:06/M 452 Alex Maloy Palmyra PA 10 M 15/16 10-13 47:23.4 47:53.0 15:17/M 453 Ty Papp Lewes DE 19 M 21/21 19-24 47:56.1 48:16.5 15:28/M 454 William McManus Rehoboth Beach DE 57 M 25/26 55-59 49:04.1 49:21.1 15:50/M 455 Nate Busby Leesburg VA 10 M 16/16 10-13 50:03.6 50:42.4 16:09/M 456 Jane Lusby Bowie MD 46 F 30/30 45-49 50:08.3 50:43.5 16:10/M 457 Mason Nester Middletown DE 8 M 3/3 1- 9 52:33.8 53:08.8 16:57/M 458 Peter Pederzani Plymouth MA 56 M 26/26 55-59 53:19.3 53:34.8 17:12/M 459 Diane Knott Cockeysville MD 63 F 6/6 60-64 54:11.6 54:26.2 17:29/M 460 Madison Schrenk Bethesda MD 13 F 13/13 10-13 54:35.5 54:56.7 17:36/M |
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