PVTC All Comers Meet
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Falls Church, VA
Conducted by Potomac Valley Track Club

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Mixed 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Wind H#
  1   878 Honest Putherford  M33 Fairfax, VA                       11.89  -1.5  1
  2  1194 Eric Carlson       M26 Arlington, VA                     11.90  -1.5  2
  3   979 Alexander Merritt  M17 Haymarket, VA                     11.91  -1.4  3
  4   656 Kurtis Blair       M18 Lorton, VA                        11.94  -1.5  1
  5   880 David Lee Jr.      M22 Port Republic, MD                 12.05  -1.5  1
  6   936 Jonathan Kasonde   M16 Ashburn, VA                       12.07  -1.4  3
  7   923 Cameron Washington M14 Centreville, VA                   12.19  -1.4  3
  8   881 Shomari Mckenzie   M32 Takoma Park, MD                   12.27  -1.5  1
  9   913 William Casey, III M16 Manassas, VA                      12.44  -1.4  3
 10   948 Matt Jaffe         M21 Great Falls, VA                   12.53  -1.5  2
 11   945 Austin Kolko       M16 Vienna, VA                        12.63  -1.4  3
 12   932 Jeff Gold          M50 Odenton, MD                       12.70  -1.5  4
 13   883 Raymond Davis      M24 Fairfax, VA                       12.75  -1.4  3
 14   896 Sean Nguyen        M22 Ashburn, VA                       12.76  -1.5  2
 15  1300 Victor Zheng       M19 McLean, VA                        12.93  -2.1 14
 16  1195 Michael Golding    M17 Burke, VA                         12.94  -1.5  4
 17  1199 David Jones        M51 Clarksville, MD                   13.07  -1.4  6
 17   947 Alex Pham          M17 Vienna, VA                        13.07  -1.5  4
 19   918 Jasmine Hill       W16 Haymarket, VA                     13.11  -2.1  5
 20   869 Darius Gould       M35 Clinton, MD                       13.14  -1.5  4
 21   901 Deborah Olawani    W16 Takoma Park, MD                   13.18  -2.1  5
 22   934 Gary Burgess       M50 Atlanta, GA                       13.22  -1.4  6
 22   911 Jeric Espirity     M23 Vienna, VA                        13.22  -1.5  2
 24  1185 John Miller        M27 Arlington, VA                     13.52  -1.5  4
 25   971 Winona Peace       W15 Silver Spring, VA                 13.57  -2.1  5
 26   968 Sidney Webb        W14 Sterling, VA                      13.64  -2.1  7
 27  1189 Kevin Davies       M22 McLean, VA                        13.85  -1.5  4
 27   534 Chris Bahret       M47 Alexandria, VA                    13.85  -1.4  6
 27  1183 Tracey Battle      W45 Silver Spring, MD                 13.85  -1.4  6
 30   919 Dyson Boocock      M11 Alexandria, VA                    14.27  -2.1 14
 31  1190 Alexus Foreman     W14 Alexandria, VA                    14.34  -2.1  7
 32   916 Shirleigh Ragin    W14 Shirling, VA                      14.59  -2.1  5
 33   900 Arrielle Kodjo     W16 Silver Spring, MD                 14.67  -2.1  5
 34   965 Jada Gaskins       W12 Lorton, VA                        14.74  -2.1  7
 34   992 Edward Deleau      M56 Aldie, VA                         14.74  -1.5  8
 36   871 Fred Eaton         M45 Alexandria, VA                    14.76  -1.4  6
 37   887 Kera Barteet       W25 Washington DC, DC                 14.85  -1.4  6
 38   946 Richard Kolko      M53 Vienna, VA                        15.14  -1.5  8
 38   925 Jordan Spivey      W11 Centreville, VA                   15.14  -2.1  7
 40  1176 Amara Edwards      W14 Alexandria, VA                    15.34  -2.1  7
 41   872 Charlie Eaton      M11 Alexandria, VA                    15.57  -2.1 14
 42  1197 Najah Wilson       M13 Ashburn, VA                       15.64  -2.1  7
 43   981 Patricia Blessing  W56 Kensington, MD                    15.95  -1.5  8
 44   982 Shannon Blessing   W12 Kensington, MD                    15.99  -2.1 14
 45   926 Nia James           W9 Centreville, VA                   16.19  -3.3 12
 46   882 William Rhoad      M71 Montgomery Village,               16.37  -1.5  8
 47   528 Vanasia Coles      W11 Chantilly, VA                     16.66  -2.1 14
 48  1206 Jaxon Hill         M11 Haymarket, VA                     16.69  -2.1 14
 49  1186 Dylan Spivey       M12 Manassas, VA                      16.99  -2.1 14
 50   983 Jacob Staggs        M9 Chantilly, VA                     17.70  -1.5 13
 51   568 Viana Coles         W7 Chantilly, VA                     17.71  -1.9 11
 52  1208 Vannie Coles        M9 Chantilly, VA                     17.86  -1.5 13
 53  1182 Katie Koshuta       W8 Vienna, VA                        18.15  -1.9 11
 54   987 Marsha Soergel     W31 Manassas, VA                      18.42  -1.5  8
 55  1187 Dorian Spivey      M10 Manassas, VA                      18.45  -1.5 13
 56   898 AJ Haines           M9 Arlington, VA                     18.70  -1.5 13
 57  1192 Ashkai Shomari      W8 Alexandria, VA                    19.25  -1.9 11
 58   873 Shelley Eaton       W9 Alexandria, VA                    19.30  -3.3 12
 59  1177 Griffin McGraw      M7 Alexandria, VA                    19.31  -2.1 10
 60   955 Logan Johns         M9 Germantown, VA                    19.48  -1.5 13
 61  1191 Kumani Shomari      W9 Alexandria, VA                    19.81  -3.3 12
 62  1188 Dean Daloney        M6 Manassas, VA                      20.58  -2.1 10
 63   957 Avery Johns         M6 Germantown, VA                    20.76  -3.0  9
 64   949 Anna King          W10 MD, MD                            20.77  -3.3 12
 65   973 Elizabeth Row      W57 Arlington, VA                     20.78  -1.5  8
 66   929 Emerson Rosenberg   W8 Manassas, VA                      20.89  -1.9 11
 67   976 Melissa Hooper      W8 Alexandria, VA                    20.93  -1.9 11
 68   924 Jayda Isaac         W6 Centreville, VA                   21.15  -3.0  9
 69   977 Lauryn Taylor      W10 Alexandria, VA                    21.19  -3.3 12
 70   970 Johnnie Peace       M6 Silver Spring, MD                 22.67  -2.1 10
 71   930 Gabrielle Rosenber  W6 Odenton, MD                       22.77  -3.0  9
 72   897 Michael Haines      M7 Arlington, VA                     23.16  -2.1 10
 73  1179 Jacari Jahi         W4 Alexandria, VA                    24.10  -3.0  9
 74  1200 Maggie Budd         W5 Arlington, VA                     28.89  -3.0  9
 75  1198 Miles Dunn          M5 Arlington, VA                     30.25  -2.1 10

Mixed 200 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Wind H#
  1  1407 Mark Williamson    M23 Vienna, VA                        21.84   NWI  1
  2  1405 Kenny Bowden       M18 Vienna, VA                        22.64   NWI  1
  3  1194 Eric Carlson       M26 Arlington, VA                     23.04   NWI  1
  4   880 David Lee Jr.      M22 Port Republic, MD                 23.44   NWI  1
  5   960 Charles Williams   M17 Alexandria, VA                    23.84   0.2  3
  5   878 Honest Putherford  M33 Fairfax, VA                       23.84   NWI  1
  7   656 Kurtis Blair       M18 Lorton, VA                        24.14   NWI  1
  8   962 Darius Wilson      M17 Alexandria, VA                    24.44   0.2  3
  9   923 Cameron Washington M14 Centreville, VA                   25.24   0.2  3
  9   872 Charlie Eaton      M11 Alexandria, VA                    25.24  -2.3  7
 11   913 William Casey, III M16 Manassas, VA                      25.44   0.2  3
 12  1300 Victor Zheng       M19 McLean, VA                        25.84   0.2  3
 13   961 Jermane Azy        M16 Lorton, VA                        27.44   0.2  3
 14   911 Jeric Espirity     M23 Vienna, VA                        27.54  +0.0  2
 15   971 Winona Peace       W15 Silver Spring, VA                 27.79  +0.0  2
 16   931 Alexis Wheeler     W16 District Heights, M               28.24  -1.1  8
 17   921 Zeona Walker-Latro W19 Boyds, MD                         28.31  +0.0  2
 18  1299 Freddy Mejia       M50 Ashburn, VA                       28.95  +0.0  2
 19   964 Bria Patnett       W16 Lorton, VA                        29.14   NWI  4
 20   866 Aja Russell        W16 Fort Washington, MD               29.26  +0.0  2
 21   968 Sidney Webb        W14 Sterling, VA                      30.04  -1.1  8
 22   963 Tatiyana Peters    W17 Lorton, VA                        30.94   NWI  4
 23  1176 Amara Edwards      W14 Alexandria, VA                    31.04  -1.1  8
 24   925 Jordan Spivey      W11 Centreville, VA                   32.04  -2.3  7
 25   926 Nia James           W9 Centreville, VA                   33.34  -1.6  6
 26  1197 Najah Wilson       M13 Ashburn, VA                       34.64  -1.1  8
 27   528 Vanasia Coles      W11 Chantilly, VA                     35.94  -2.3  7
 28   568 Viana Coles         W7 Chantilly, VA                     36.04  -2.3  7
 29  1186 Dylan Spivey       M12 Manassas, VA                      36.84  -1.1  8
 30   874 Rebeka Eaton       W13 Alexandria, VA                    36.94  -1.1  8
 31  1187 Dorian Spivey      M10 Manassas, VA                      38.94  -2.3  7
 31  1208 Vannie Coles        M9 Chantilly, VA                     38.94  -2.3  7
 33   951 Carroll Sampson    W67 New Carrollton, MD                40.14   NWI  4
 34   898 AJ Haines           M9 Arlington, VA                     40.54  -1.6  6
 35   873 Shelley Eaton       W9 Alexandria, VA                    40.94  -1.6  6
 36  1192 Ashkai Shomari      W8 Alexandria, VA                    42.44  -1.6  6
 37  1191 Kumani Shomari      W9 Alexandria, VA                    43.94  -1.6  6
 38  1177 Griffin McGraw      M7 Alexandria, VA                    44.24  -3.3  5
 39     6 Jay Jacob Wind     M62 Arlington, VA                     44.42  +0.0  2
 40   970 Johnnie Peace       M6 Silver Spring, MD                 45.74  -3.3  5
 41  1188 Dean Daloney        M6 Manassas, VA                      46.74  -3.3  5
 42   924 Jayda Isaac         W6 Centreville, VA                   47.14  -3.3  5
 42   955 Logan Johns         M9 Germantown, VA                    47.14  -1.6  6
 44   897 Michael Haines      M7 Arlington, VA                     49.24  -3.3  5
 45   957 Avery Johns         M6 Germantown, VA                    50.64  -3.3  5

Mixed 400 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  H#
  1   960 Charles Williams   M17 Alexandria, VA                    50.94   1
  2   979 Alexander Merritt  M17 Haymarket, VA                     52.69   1
  3   899 Lozi Goolsby       M16 Alexandria, VA                    55.58   1
  4   991 Matt McKinnon      M17 South Riding, VA                  56.97   1
  5   913 William Casey, III M16 Manassas, VA                      59.06   2
  6   918 Jasmine Hill       W16 Haymarket, VA                     59.80   1
  7  1185 John Miller        M27 Arlington, VA                   1:00.57   2
  8   895 Lubin Hernandez Pa M51 Silver Spring, MD               1:02.29   2
  9   904 Donna Green        W60 Washington, DC                  1:03.70   3
 10   871 Fred Eaton         M45 Alexandria, VA                  1:04.72   3
 11   911 Jeric Espirity     M23 Vienna, VA                      1:05.63   2
 12   534 Chris Bahret       M47 Alexandria, VA                  1:05.74   3
 13   921 Zeona Walker-Latro W19 Boyds, MD                       1:05.90   2
 14   866 Aja Russell        W16 Fort Washington, MD             1:06.58   2
 15   968 Sidney Webb        W14 Sterling, VA                    1:10.52   6
 16   966 Dakota Kindred     W12 Ft. Belvoir, VA                 1:11.59   6
 17  1404 Alan Murray        M49 Crofton, MD                     1:12.30   3
 18   528 Vanasia Coles      W11 Chantilly, VA                   1:18.72   6
 19   925 Jordan Spivey      W11 Centreville, VA                 1:19.26   6
 20   926 Nia James           W9 Centreville, VA                 1:21.16   5
 21   919 Dyson Boocock      M11 Alexandria, VA                  1:22.27   6
 22   872 Charlie Eaton      M11 Alexandria, VA                  1:22.32   6
 23  1197 Najah Wilson       M13 Ashburn, VA                     1:24.90   6
 24   874 Rebeka Eaton       W13 Alexandria, VA                  1:25.25   6
 25   898 AJ Haines           M9 Arlington, VA                   1:26.44   5
 26  1182 Katie Koshuta       W8 Vienna, VA                      1:28.31   5
 27   954 David Todd         M51 Manassas, VA                    1:29.12   3
 28  1208 Vannie Coles        M9 Chantilly, VA                   1:29.13   5
 29   987 Marsha Soergel     W31 Manassas, VA                    1:29.35   6
 30   568 Viana Coles         W7 Chantilly, VA                   1:29.97   5
 31     6 Jay Jacob Wind     M62 Arlington, VA                   1:33.33   3
 32   873 Shelley Eaton       W9 Alexandria, VA                  1:33.75   5
 33   983 Jacob Staggs        M9 Chantilly, VA                   1:37.43   5
 34  1177 Griffin McGraw      M7 Alexandria, VA                  1:39.33   4
 35   949 Anna King          W10 MD, MD                          1:39.52   5
 36   976 Melissa Hooper      W8 Alexandria, VA                  1:40.31   5
 37   970 Johnnie Peace       M6 Silver Spring, MD               1:43.08   4
 38  1192 Ashkai Shomari      W8 Alexandria, VA                  1:44.71   5
 39   897 Michael Haines      M7 Arlington, VA                   1:46.59   4
 40  1188 Dean Daloney        M6 Manassas, VA                    1:46.79   4
 41   977 Lauryn Taylor      W10 Alexandria, VA                  2:00.26   5

Mixed 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   959 Anthony Swindell   M19 Lorton, VA                      2:02.14
  2  1196 Donovan Bates      M27 Woodbridge, VA                  2:22.34
  2   899 Lozi Goolsby       M16 Alexandria, VA                  2:22.34
  4  1185 John Miller        M27 Arlington, VA                   2:27.74
  5   871 Fred Eaton         M45 Alexandria, VA                  2:29.34
  6   940 Michael Karlin     M40 Bethesda, MD                    2:32.04
  7   997 Kimberly Mertens   W16 Alexandria, VA                  2:43.04
  8   872 Charlie Eaton      M11 Alexandria, VA                  3:00.24
  9     6 Jay Jacob Wind     M62 Arlington, VA                   3:05.64
 10   964 Bria Patnett       W16 Lorton, VA                      3:10.44
 11   874 Rebeka Eaton       W13 Alexandria, VA                  3:23.84
 12   954 David Todd         M51 Manassas, VA                    3:30.04
 13   873 Shelley Eaton       W9 Alexandria, VA                  3:57.94

Mixed 1 Mile Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   876 Jacob Miller       M17 Alexandria, VA                  4:45.08
  2   942 Romain Mareuil     M31 Potomac, MD                     4:45.62
  3  1178 JR Roberts         M25 Alexandria, VA                  4:58.56
  4   944 Keith Freeburn     M38 Centreville, VA                 5:02.44
  5   879 Michael Amaya      M25 Alexandria, VA                  5:06.84
  6   972 Susanna Sullivan   W22 Falls Church, VA                5:09.37
  7   917 Ajmal Alami        M16 Sterling, VA                    5:14.66
  8   865 Daniel Vogel       M40 Silver Spring, MD               5:17.50
  9   941 Karina Lubell      W32 Washington, DC                  5:17.93
 10   980 Gary Rossen        M43 Springfield, VA                 5:20.84
 11   184 Terence McLaughlin M51 Spotsylvania, VA                5:21.46
 12  1196 Donovan Bates      M27 Woodbridge, VA                  5:25.86
 13   914 Phillip Dunn       M41 San Diego, CA                   5:25.93
 14  1185 John Miller        M27 Arlington, VA                   5:28.78
 15   871 Fred Eaton         M45 Alexandria, VA                  5:28.96
 16   886 Peter Guevara      M18 Alexandria, VA                  5:30.16
 17   905 Cristina Burbach   W38 Washington, DC                  5:30.70
 18   548 Ted Poulos         M50 McLean, DC                      5:33.68
 19   940 Michael Karlin     M40 Bethesda, MD                    5:33.82
 20   990 Joe Burno          M58 Mitchellville, MD               5:34.98
 21   892 John Crosset       M56 York, PA                        5:36.68
 22   915 Roland Rust        M60 Bethesda, MD                    5:37.42
 23  1184 Jessica McGuire    W32 Arlington, VA                   5:37.56
 24   975 Joey Dobrydney     M11 Annandale, VA                   5:50.94
 25   952 David Keaton       M52 Rockville, MD                   5:52.48
 26   950 Paul Ryan          M38 Arlington, VA                   5:54.80
 27   872 Charlie Eaton      M11 Alexandria, VA                  6:06.84
 28   974 John Dobrydney     M13 Annandale, VA                   6:16.20
 29   890 Jessica Karazsin   W37 Falls Church, VA                6:17.08
 30     6 Jay Jacob Wind     M62 Arlington, VA                   6:21.18
 31   906 Allison Rainey     W32 Arlington, VA                   6:24.96
 32   895 Lubin Hernandez Pa M51 Silver Spring, MD               6:25.20
 33   912 Mike Cannon        M54 Springfield, VA                 6:33.22
 34   877 Robert Miller      M50 Alexandria, VA                  6:53.58
 35   889 Robert Lang        M63 Kensington, MD                  7:00.93
 36   874 Rebeka Eaton       W13 Alexandria, VA                  7:16.81
 37   954 David Todd         M51 Manassas, VA                    7:37.10
 38   893 Maynard Weyers     M76 Alexandria, VA                  7:43.85
 39   978 Robert Weiner      M65 Accokeek, MD                    7:48.88
 40   993 David Antonen      M35 VA, VA                          7:54.72
 41   994 David Antonen       M8 Unattached                      7:54.96
 42   973 Elizabeth Row      W57 Arlington, VA                   8:02.91
 43   987 Marsha Soergel     W31 Manassas, VA                    8:09.66
 44   453 Peter Blank        M57 Annandale, VA                   8:18.23
 45   988 Diane Melton       W26 Manassas, VA                    9:00.95
 46   996 Tim Ramsey         M53 Alexandria, VA                  9:55.75

Mixed 3000 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   879 Michael Amaya      M25 Alexandria, VA                 10:39.23
  2   184 Terence McLaughlin M51 Spotsylvania, VA               11:07.13
  3  1185 John Miller        M27 Arlington, VA                  11:08.56
  4   915 Roland Rust        M60 Bethesda, MD                   11:14.49
  5  1209 Ben Calloway       M54 Fairfax, VA                    11:27.57
  6     6 Jay Jacob Wind     M62 Arlington, VA                  12:40.17
  7   907 Jason Schulze      M26 Washington DC, DC              13:23.00
  8  1189 Kevin Davies       M22 McLean, VA                     13:38.89
  9   954 David Todd         M51 Manassas, VA                   15:44.70

Mixed 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Wind H#
  1   900 Arrielle Kodjo     W16 Silver Spring, MD                 19.58  -0.1  2
  2   982 Shannon Blessing   W12 Kensington, MD                    20.44  +0.0  1
  3   985 Autumn Hopson      W12 Gainesville, VA                   22.39  +0.0  1
  4  1176 Amara Edwards      W14 Alexandria, VA                    22.92  -0.1  2
  5   901 Deborah Olawani    W16 Takoma Park, MD                   23.76  -0.1  2
  6   965 Jada Gaskins       W12 Lorton, VA                        24.64  +0.0  1
  7  1190 Alexus Foreman     W14 Alexandria, VA                    29.65  -0.1  2

Mixed 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Wind
  1   864 Selwyn Lawrence    M17 Ashburn, VA                       15.14   NWI
  2   986 Romere Hopson      M16 Gainesville, VA                   17.94   NWI
  3  1195 Michael Golding    M17 Burke, VA                         18.34   NWI
  4  1300 Victor Zheng       M19 McLean, VA                        18.74   NWI

Mixed 400 Long Hurdles 400M
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   901 Deborah Olawani    W16 Takoma Park, MD                 1:24.14
  2   900 Arrielle Kodjo     W16 Silver Spring, MD               1:28.21

Mixed 4x100 Meter Relay
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals
  1 Unattached  'A'                                                45.74 == MEET RECORD!

Mixed 1 Mile Race Walk
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   914 Phillip Dunn       M41 San Diego, CA                   8:26.24
  2   894 Irene Fletemeyer   W17 Germantown, MD                  9:11.44
  3   453 Peter Blank        M57 Annandale, VA                   9:26.14
  4   134 John Gersh         M65 Columbia, MD                    9:44.44
  5    10 Thomas Augustine   M62 Woodbridge, VA                 10:27.54
  6   891 Sheldon Contract   M73 N. Bethesda, DC                10:32.44
  7   132 Terry Copeland     M74 Frederick, MD                  10:34.24

Mixed 800 Meter Race Walk
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   873 Shelley Eaton       W9 Alexandria, VA                  5:53.74

Mixed 3000 Meter Race Walk
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals
  1   914 Phillip Dunn       M41 San Diego, CA                  15:50.11
  2   895 Lubin Hernandez Pa M51 Silver Spring, MD              17:36.96
  3   894 Irene Fletemeyer   W17 Germantown, MD                 17:56.43
  4   453 Peter Blank        M57 Annandale, VA                  18:56.31
  5   904 Donna Green        W60 Washington, DC                 19:11.94
  6   910 Brad Alger         M66 Baltimore, MD                  19:24.64
  7   134 John Gersh         M65 Columbia, MD                   20:00.23
  8    10 Thomas Augustine   M62 Woodbridge, VA                 20:19.86
  9   123 Mary A. Fowler     W54 Germantown, MD                 20:28.18
 10   891 Sheldon Contract   M73 N. Bethesda, DC                20:45.42
 11   958 Joanna Milden      M32 Springfield, VA                21:05.44
 12   920 David Buchanan     M42 Washington, DC                 22:23.86
 13   132 Terry Copeland     M74 Frederick, MD                  24:09.05

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