Saturday, August 18, 2012
Washington, DC
Conducted by Pacers Events

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Place Num   Name                Sex Hometown            Gun   Net   Pace  
===== ===== =================== === =================== ===== ===== ===== 
    1   107 Michael Rushton     M                       18:10 18:10  5:51 
    2    98 Michael Hausler     M   Alpharetta GA       18:51 18:50  6:04 
    3    74 Asher Saperstein    M   Lower Burnell PA    19:58 19:57  6:26 
    4    83 Jenny Wong          F   Oakland CA          20:18 20:18  6:32 
    5   119 Paul Langer         M   Minneapolis MN      20:26 20:25  6:34 
    6    36 David Levine        M   Frederick MD        20:26 20:25  6:35 
    7   108 Andrew Tilin        M   Austin TX           21:04 21:01  6:46 
    8   126 Alan Bocko          M   N. Hawick CT        21:05 21:03  6:47 
    9   109 Howard Roesen       M   Newport VA          21:06 21:05  6:48 
   10    41 Grace McDonald      F   Olney MD            21:08 21:06  6:48 
   11    27 Donald Harrison     M   Olney MD            21:09 21:07  6:48 
   12    45 Stephen Palmer      M   Pasadena MD         21:17 21:11  6:50 
   13    77 Robert Ziechmann    M                       21:22 21:19  6:52 
   14    46 Stacy Pappas        F   Minneapolis MN      21:26 21:24  6:54 
   15    18 Robert Frimmel      M   Sarasota FL         21:57 21:50  7:02 
   16    63 Jesus Vazquez       M   Santa Rosa CA       22:37 22:33  7:16 
   17    56 Michael Timmes      M   Freehold NM         23:44 23:38  7:37 
   18   110 Steve Llorens       M   Inglewood Cliffs NJ 24:03 23:53  7:41 
   19   117 Kristi Harris       F   Hunterville NC      24:02 24:00  7:44 
   20    97 Michael Tritto      M   Rockville MD        24:53 24:10  7:47 
   21    31 David Jenkins       M   Glendale AZ         24:33 24:28  7:53 
   22     4 Joseph Bauer        M   New York NY         24:32 24:29  7:53 
   23     5 Madeleine Bedard-Ry F   Glen NH             24:59 24:51  8:00 
   24    50 John Romans         M   Saint Paul MN       25:49 25:07  8:05 
   25    37 Mike Lobinsky       M   Saint Paul MN       25:49 25:07  8:05 
   26    87 Kevin McNamara      M   Barre VT            25:17 25:09  8:06 
   27     9 Rusty Cain          M   Fairmont WV         25:20 25:10  8:06 
   28     7 Joe Boylan          M   Ridgewood NJ        25:15 25:10  8:06 
   29    94 Jon Scott Stancil   M   Greenville NC       25:27 25:20  8:09 
   30    15 James Delorenzo     M   Fishkill NY         25:41 25:33  8:14 
   31    68 Krista Kissell      F   Cresco PA           25:46 25:39  8:16 
   32    70 Scott Kissell       M   Cresco PA           25:46 25:40  8:16 
   33    67 Matthew Whaley      M   Wickliffe OH        26:02 25:58  8:22 
   34    85 Steven Reiner       M   Port Towsend WA     26:10 26:06  8:24 
   35   114 Philip Bresnahan    M   Soudertown PA       26:51 26:07  8:25 
   36     2 Chad Appel          M   Bethesda MD         26:51 26:08  8:25 
   37     3 Larry Assalita      M   State College PA    27:05 26:19  8:28 
   38    55 Mark Tenny          M   Philadelphia PA     26:35 26:25  8:31 
   39    51 Robin Ross          F   Shelter Island NY   27:29 26:48  8:38 
   40    53 Maryjo Smith        F   Bangor PA           27:52 27:08  8:44 
   41   111 Maria Llorens       F   Inglewood Cliffs NJ 27:18 27:08  8:44 
   42    35 Ashleigh Korves     F   Riva MD             27:22 27:16  8:47 
   43    76 Robert Tupper       M   Norfolk VA          27:33 27:24  8:50 
   44    44 Heather Palmer      F   Pasadena MD         28:17 27:33  8:52 
   45    59 Lawrence Tyner      M   Ann Arbor MI        28:03 27:51  8:58 
   46   105 Josh Ballantyne     M   St. George UT       28:14 28:13  9:05 
   47    54 Frank Spinosa       M   Shelter Island NY   29:31 28:49  9:17 
   48    20 David Gent          M   Bremerton WA        28:51 28:51  9:17 
   49    78 Angelo Bigelli      M   North Providence RI 29:14 29:01  9:21 
   50    75 Gregory Saperstein  M   Lower Burnell PA    30:44 29:15  9:25 
   51    32 Rachel Johnson      F   Little Elm TX       30:28 29:41  9:34 
   52    88 Joe Decesare        M   Providence RI       30:31 29:42  9:34 
   53    81 Kim Vanwormer       F                       30:50 30:05  9:41 
   54    73 Michael Wilkinson   M   Casper WY           31:03 30:14  9:44 
   55   122 Michael Ball        M   Boca Raton FL       31:23 30:38  9:52 
   56    58 Jennifer Trock      F   Washington DC       32:28 31:43 10:13 
   57    11 James Christina     M   Cockeysville MD     32:35 31:53 10:16 
   58     6 Holly Billingsley   F   Powder Springs GA   31:59 31:54 10:17 
   59    79 Hunter Christian    M   Palm Harbor FL      32:58 32:12 10:22 
   60   253 Melissa Tritto      F   Rockville MD        34:00 32:32 10:29 
   61    91 Caroline Decesare   F   Providence RI       33:31 32:43 10:32 
   62    66 Dennis Leveille     M                       33:46 32:56 10:36 
   63    90 Emily Decesare      F   Providence RI       33:45 32:57 10:37 
   64    65 Cary Zinkin         M   Deerfield Beach FL  35:01 33:24 10:45 
   65    93 Lauren Newman       F   Annapolis MD        34:36 33:48 10:53 
   66   214 Cathie Garoufalis   F   Naperville IL       36:08 34:40 11:10 
   67   103 Dawn Gaynor         F   Wellington FL       35:25 34:42 11:11 
   68    69 Kelly Whaley        F   Wickliffe OH        35:31 35:17 11:22 
   69   128 David Solis Gonzale M                       35:47 35:44 11:30 
   70    80 Swapna Bhatia       F   Bethesda MD         38:34 37:05 11:56 
   71    26 Alex Haag           M   McLean VA           38:54 37:12 11:59 
   72    61 Shelley Vakil       F   Punta Gorda FL      39:15 38:27 12:23 
   73    57 Lyndsay Toensing    F   Saint Paul MN       40:26 38:57 12:33 
   74    60 Samir Vakil         M   Punta Gorda FL      40:01 39:13 12:38 
   75   115 Jeffrey Ross        M   Houston TX          41:12 39:25 12:41 
   76    25 Shaelyn Haag        F   Jacksonville FL     41:13 39:31 12:43 
   77    14 Jessica Delorenzo   M   Fishkill NY         42:40 41:12 13:16 
   78   106 John Ballantyne     M   St. George UT       47:57 46:30 14:58 
   79   104 Cody Ballantyne         St. George UT       47:58 46:30 14:58 
   80    92 Mara Decesare       F   Providence RI       47:36 46:47 15:04 
   81   130 Dennis Frisch       M                       49:21 47:44 15:22 
   82    24 Shirley Haag        F   Jacksonville FL     51:40 49:50 16:03 
   83    17 David Edwards       M   Logan UT            52:19 50:38 16:18 
   84   112 Alan Block          M   Columbus OH         52:20 50:42 16:19 
   85    99 Erin Bonnaune       F   Alpharetta GA       51:39 50:50 16:22 
   86   101 Jennifer Williams   F   Alpharetta GA       51:40 50:52 16:23 
   87    23 Scott Haag          M   McLean VA           53:02 51:13 16:29 
   88    47 Laura Pickard       F   Chicago IL          53:16 51:40 16:38 
   89     1 Donna Alfieri       F   Bronx NY            57:20 55:51 17:59 
   90     8 Maria Branca        F   Yonkers NY          57:23 55:54 18:00 
   91    89 Cathy Decesare      F   Providence RI       58:23 56:36 18:13 
   92   127 Hector Daniel Solis M                       65:08 63:34 20:28 

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