Jerry Martin Memorial Invitational 5K
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Owings Mill, MD
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Place Name            Age S City            Time    Pace  
===== ======================================
 1 Mickey Singer        15 M Baltimore         17:22  5:36 
 2 Stasiowski Ryan      23 M                   17:24  5:36 
 3 Andrew Michelson     15 M Baltimore         18:25  5:56 
 4 Matt Brown           17 M Baltimore         18:27  5:57 
 5 Paul Hannsen         39 M Reisterstown      19:05  6:09 
 6 David Vitek          19 M Perry Hall        19:39  6:20 
 7 Christopher Vitek    18 M                   19:56  6:25 
 8 Mark Pickett         15 M                   19:59  6:26 
 9 Keenan Albee         17 M Reisterstown      20:36  6:38 
10 Oscar Merchan        15 M Reisterstown      20:37  6:38 
11 Hunter Orrell        17 M Baltimore         21:13  6:50 
12 Maggie Gill          17 F Baltimore         21:38  6:58 
13 Marco-Andre Preciad  17 M Gaithersburg      22:17  7:11 
14 Christopher Pliszak  17 M Mt. Airy          22:19  7:11 
15 Bret Lurz            36 M Bel Air           22:33  7:16 
16 Michael Martin       53 M Baltimore         22:35  7:16 
17 Darin Berry          16 M Reisterstown      22:40  7:18 
18 Nandu Rami           16 M Reisterstown      22:48  7:21 
19 Brianna Hunter       14 F Baltimore         22:50  7:21 
20 Matthew Balcerett    15 M                   22:59  7:24 
21 Cameron Simmons      14 M Baltimore         23:22  7:32 
22 Harry Vangelson      14 M Baltimore         23:28  7:33 
23 Brennan Wight        15 M Frederick         23:30  7:34 
24 Larry Pickett        51 M                   23:46  7:39 
25 Howard Dreizen       58 M Owings Mills      24:00  7:44 
26 Nick Soares          15 M                   24:42  7:57 
27 Alexander Johnson    16 M Baltimore         25:23  8:10 
28 Ethan Teie           15 M Reisterstown      25:26  8:12 
29 Joey Cheli           15 M Frederick         25:31  8:13 
30 Nicole Friedlander   16 F Baltimore         25:37  8:15 
31 Michael Deutsch      30 M Owings Mills      25:41  8:16 
32 George Brown         51 M Bel Air           25:49  8:19 
33 Andrea Cwieka        16 F Baltimore         26:03  8:23 
34 Rachael Mccarthy     16 F Baltimore         26:04  8:24 
35 Rachel Dolle         17 F Owings Mills      26:19  8:28 
36 Brad Posner          15 M Reisterstown      26:25  8:30 
37 Les Eakin            38 F Baltimore         26:38  8:35 
38 Kathryn Tighe        16 F Middletown        26:51  8:39 
39 Michael Sellman      59 M Owings Mills      27:24  8:50 
40 Robert Betz          47 M Baltimore         27:52  8:58 
41 Mae Cromwell         17 F Baltimore         27:55  8:59 
42 Grace Muller         17 F Baltimore         28:14  9:06 
43 Morgan Sacks         14 F Reisterstown      28:17  9:06 
44 Mac Muller           14 M Baltimore         28:31  9:11 
45 Kyle Martin          36 M Baltimore         28:33  9:12 
46 Brooks Martin        41 M Rockville         28:34  9:12 
47 Bradly Hanley        24 M Bel Air           28:49  9:17 
48 Ronald Turner        39 M Owings Mills      28:59  9:20 
49 Rachel Longenecker   24 F                   29:19  9:26 
50 Victoria Rudnicki    16 F Baltimore         30:16  9:45 
51 Scott Cassidy        40 M Baltimore         30:36  9:51 
52 Meg Griffin          17 F                   30:43  9:54 
53 Angela Webb          30 F Baltimore         30:46  9:55 
54 Jill Heckendorf      35 F Silver Spring     30:51  9:56 
55 Erin Smith           28 F Germantown        31:11 10:03 
56 Whitney Alperstein   43 F Reisterstown      31:17 10:05 
57 John Herr            32 M Germantown        31:27 10:08 
58 Sarah Woodring       24 F Baltimore         33:01 10:38 
59 Alisha Mcclinton     32 F Elkridge          33:38 10:50 
60 Allison Herskovitz   16 F Reisterstown      33:44 10:52 
61 Virginia Arey        31 F Columbia          34:00 10:57 
62 Morgan Schell        24 F                   34:12 11:01 
63 Dori Schwartz        14 F Reisterstown      37:42 12:08 
64 Ilene Schwartz       43 F Reisterstown      37:50 12:11 
65 Dustin Webb          32 M Dundalk           38:07 12:16 
66 Ryan Woodring        26 M Baltimore         38:22 12:21 
67 Patricia Wright      61 F                   41:39 13:25 
68 Noelle Pawlak        40 F Baltimore         41:41 13:25 
69 Erin Raivel             F Baltimore         44:41 14:23

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