Heroes Race 5K/10K
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Fort Lee, VA
Conducted by Commonwealth Race Management

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Place   Bib #   Name                   Age   Sex  Time
    1       6   Eric Bailey            29    M    19:24                                           
    2       8   David Hovis            35    M    20:51                                           
    3      30   JJ Vardy               16    M    20:54                                           
    4      11   Tara Pipia             47    F    21:17                                           
    5      19   Tasha Falcon           26    F    23:55                                           
    6      20   Teneka Reyes           29    F    23:59                                           
    7      24   John Hettinger         32    M    24:00                                           
    8      23   Bryan Allen            28    M    24:10                                           
    9       4   Darin Russell          31    M    24:17                                           
   10      16   Kathleen Sipes         32    F    24:48                                           
   11      32   PJ Watkins             45    M    24:53                                           
   12      25   Steven Carozza         40    M    25:17                                           
   13      26   Carl Moore             48    M    26:38                                           
   14       5   Bill Spencer           41    M    27:08                                           
   15      28   David Reese            35    M    27:11                                           
   16      39   Justin Christian       31    M    27:53                                           
   17       9   Michael Nelson         50    M    28:04                                           
   18      17   Arabia Moore           32    F    28:25                                           
   19       2   Ronald Thompson        63    M    28:27                                           
   20       3   Gregg Ouellette        40    M    28:42                                           
   21      38   John Woyanski          34    M    29:08                                           
   22      18   Sarah Wylie            30    F    30:07                                           
   23      36   Reginald Ferguson      37    F    30:33                                           
   24      37   Thomas Carter          30    M    30:37                                           
   25       7   Laura Jeffrey          43    F    30:59                                           
   26      21   Jessica Hernandez      20    F    31:20                                           
   27      35   Ashlie Watts           12    F    32:21                                           
   28      31   Hunter hall            15    M    32:40                                           
   29      29   Robert Miller          29    M    32:49                                           
   30      27   Bill Bergamini         41    M    32:53                                           
   31      14   Cynthia Johnson        49    F    33:11                                           
   32      42   Jessica McRae          12    F    33:27                                           
   33      33   Charlene Hinton        45    F    33:31                                           
   34       1   Melva Foster           46    F    35:34                                           
   35     148   Elizabeth Mikilka      22    F    35:52                                           
   36      40   Heather Martin         37    F    35:56                                           
   37      41   Keith Miller           26    M    35:56                                           
   38      44   Esther Hyatt           47    F    36:24                                           
   39      22   Keshandra Jackson      30    F    36:55                                           
   40      43   Kim McRae              44    F    1:10:28                                           
   41      34   Rosa Hinton            76    F    1:11:26                                           


Place   Bib #   Name                Age   Sex   Time       
    1     139   Andrew Sirios       24    M     39:54                                         
    2     140   Travis Deese        18    M     41:07                                         
    3     154   Rodney Gaines       45    M     44:01                                         
    4     144   George Wilkinson    31    M     44:49                                         
    5     146   James Vardy         42    M     44:52                                         
    6     141   Timothy Gutshall    20    M     47:40                                         
    7     142   Benjamin Hickman    36    M     48:27                                         
    8     136   Toby Soltermann     38    M     52:03                                         
    9     151   Tim Blumteschine    48    M     53:04                                         
   10     130   Matthew Austin      33    M     53:24                                         
   11     143   Roger Allen         38    M     55:31                                         
   12     132   Kendall Hicks       23    F     57:09                                         
   13     152   Sarah Witt          34    F     57:57                                         
   14     153   Randy Heath         33    M     57:57                                         
   15     149   Shirley Stephens    55    F     59:20                                         
   16     137   Katie Mace          31    F     59:37                                         
   17     125   Dennis Mull         60    M     59:50                                         
   18     138   Chris Walker        41    M   1:00:07                                         
   19     147   William Waldrep     31    M   1:00:07                                         
   20     127   James Carson        36    M   1:08:13                                         
   21     150   John Dixon          52    M   1:11:30                                         
   22     131   Howard Hicks        51    M   1:13:06                                         
   23     126   Paul Martin         25    M   1:14:42                                         
   24     145   Helen Chears        41    F   1:18:06                                         

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