AAWARE Race to Erase Obesity 5K
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Washington, DC (Rock Creek Park)
Conducted by Racepacket, Inc.

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This race was held in conjunction with a health fair.
16 Finishers
 Place  Name                     Hometown         Time     Race#
   1    Ted Poulos, 50           McLean, VA       19:14.6  521
   2    Stephen Wills, 51        Washington, DC   19:59.3  537
   3    Jack Kammerer, 50        Washington, DC   20:21.4  531
   4    Jeffery Myers, 23        Capitol Hts, MD  25:23.6  530
   5    Jenny Senff, 31          Washington, DC   27:20.6  526
   6    Timothy Reed, 26         Washington, DC   27:43.5  529
   7    Alanna Hanson, 26        Washington, DC   28:28.7  528
   8    Matthew Koirtyohann, 35  Arlington, VA    28:45.4  525
   9    Erin Curcio, 34          Chicago, IL      30:02.7  524
   10   Toby Senff, 34           Washington, DC   37:00.9  527
   11   Sabrina Proctor, 30      LaPata, MD       54:23.9  532
   12   Ed Lewis                 Washington, DC   54:52.0  538
   13   Doris Brown              Washington, DC   54:55.5  536
   14   Greg Daniels, 54                                   535
   15   Gilbert Quarshie, 74                               534
   16   Jospeh Williams, 53                                533

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