Bluemont Fair 10K
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Bluemont, VA
Conducted by Shenandoah Valley Runners

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ÿ#    NAME               AGE SEX CITY, STATE          TIME     PACE   IN SEX  IN DIVISION
1.   Ben Koch            32  M  Round Hill, VA       34:58    5:38    1st    1st M Overall
2.   Karsten Brown       38  M  Front Royal, VA      35:18    5:41    2nd    2nd M Overall
3.   Jacob Carpenter     19  M  Winchester, VA       39:00    6:17    3rd    1st M 15-19
4.   Mike Meadows        55  M  Martinsburg, WV      39:04    6:17    4th    1st M 55-59
5.   Aaron Racey         45  M  Stephens City, VA    39:29    6:21    5th    1st M 45-49
6.   Zanny Ludtke        19  F  Round Hill, VA       42:13    6:48    1st    1st F Overall
7.   Dirk Armstrong      52  M  Leesburg, VA         42:35    6:51    6th    1st M 50-54
8.   Joel Kline          39  M  Purcellville, VA     45:14    7:17    7th    1st M 35-39
9.   Andrew Heron        56  M  Reston, VA           45:55    7:23    8th    2nd M 55-59
10.  Natalie Schlosser   19  F  Winchester, VA       46:23    7:28    2nd    2nd F Overall
11.  Karen Gardner       53  F  Keedysville, MD      48:28    7:48    3rd    1st F 50-54
12.  Robert Decker Jr.   49  M  Purcellville, VA     48:34    7:49    9th    2nd M 45-49
13.  Scott Walker        53  M  Ashburn, VA          48:37    7:49    10th   2nd M 50-54
14.  Kristin O'Rourke    32  F  Purcellville, VA     49:49    8:01    4th    1st F 30-34
15.  Alex Hamilton       17  M  Purcellville, VA     49:52    8:02    11th   2nd M 15-19
16.  Wade Walters        48  M  Bluemont, VA         50:00    8:03    12th   3rd M 45-49
17.  Cassie Ludtke       28  F  Round Hill, VA       50:11    8:05    5th    1st F 25-29
18.  Elle Taylor         15  F  Broadlands, VA       50:43    8:10    6th    1st F 15-19
19.  Steve Clegg         48  M  Berryville, VA       50:47    8:10    13th   4th M 45-49
20.  Cheryl Burgess      45  F  Purcellville, VA     51:31    8:17    7th    1st F 45-49
21.  Jennifer Colman     48  F  Vienna, VA           51:36    8:18    8th    2nd F 45-49
22.  Leslie Rigby Kash   56  F  Round Hill, VA       51:43    8:19    9th    1st F 55-59
23.  Kevin Fletcher      48  M  Winchester, VA       51:48    8:20    14th   5th M 45-49
24.  Dennis Gates        58  M  Haymarket, VA        51:56    8:21    15th   3rd M 55-59
25.  Greg Fortunato      44  M  Round Hill, VA       52:27    8:26    16th   1st M 40-44
26.  Jason Sides         37  M  Stephens City, VA    52:31    8:27    17th   2nd M 35-39
27.  Tim O'Rourke        34  M  Purcellville, VA     53:06    8:33    18th   1st M 30-34
28.  Cliff Cummings      56  M  Leesburg, VA         53:29    8:36    19th   4th M 55-59
29.  Yorly Schwandt      30  F  Leesburg, VA         54:35    8:47    10th   2nd F 30-34
30.  Marvin Yakim        63  M  Front Royal, VA      54:42    8:48    20th   1st M 60-64
31.  Hector Tapia        40  M  Ashburn, VA          54:47    8:49    21st   2nd M 40-44
32.  Carol Beaupre       56  F  Ashburn, VA          54:48    8:49    11th   2nd F 55-59
33.  Virginia Crowley    44  F  Leesburg, VA         54:56    8:50    12th   1st F 40-44
34.  Rick Moyer          34  M  Ashburn, VA          55:02    8:51    22nd   2nd M 30-34
35.  Jeremiah Johnson    31  M  Winchester, VA       55:40    8:58    23rd   3rd M 30-34
36.  Reyan Carpenter     53  M  Leesburg, VA         56:14    9:03    24th   3rd M 50-54
37.  Tina Marshall       43  F  Winchester, VA       56:19    9:04    13th   2nd F 40-44
38.  George Garbe        42  M  Purcellville, VA     57:28    9:15    25th   3rd M 40-44
39.  Jackie Dougherty    51  F  Middleburg, VA       59:20    9:33    14th   2nd F 50-54
40.  Aubrey Thomas       35  F  Herndon, VA        1:01:19    9:52    15th   1st F 35-39
41.  Jackie Garbe        41  F  Purcellville, VA   1:01:54    9:58    16th   3rd F 40-44
42.  Jim Freeman         55  M  Lovettsville, VA   1:02:03    9:59    26th   5th M 55-59
43.  Susan Fisher        36  F  Round Hill, VA     1:02:33   10:04    17th   2nd F 35-39
44.  Barbara Ahrens      41  F  Leesburg, VA       1:04:04   10:19    18th   4th F 40-44
45.  Wayne Taylor        52  M  Berryville, VA     1:04:15   10:20    27th   4th M 50-54
46.  Laura Albritton     32  F  Ashburn, VA        1:04:43   10:25    19th   3rd F 30-34
47.  Meaghan Johnson     32  F  Leesburg, VA       1:04:54   10:27    20th   4th F 30-34
48.  Elizabeth Salnoske  29  F  Arlington, VA      1:05:19   10:31    21st   2nd F 25-29
49.  Stacey Nethers      51  F  Winchester, VA     1:06:47   10:45    22nd   3rd F 50-54
50.  Chelsea Bowers      21  F  Winchester, VA     1:06:48   10:45    23rd   1st F 20-24
51.  Lisa Barrick        32  F  Stone Ridge, VA    1:06:55   10:46    24th   5th F 30-34
52.  Nigel Hughes        52  M  Bluemont, VA       1:07:47   10:55    28th   5th M 50-54
53.  Leigh Frampton      39  F  Ashburn, VA        1:17:38   12:30    25th   3rd F 35-39

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