Chestertown Half Marathon & 5K - 5K
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Chestertown, MD
Conducted by Charm City Run Events, LLC.

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   Place    Name                  City               Bib No  Age Gend    Age Group         Chip        Gun         Pace  
       1    Sawyer Cornelius      Chestertown           411    15   M       1 Top Fin     19:11.3     19:11.3      6:11/M
       2    Pete Gitney           Chesapeake City  MD   503    56   M       1 50-59       19:58.5     19:58.5      6:26/M
       3    Eleanor Gitney        Chesapeake City  MD   504    52   F       1 Top Fin     20:58.6     20:58.6      6:46/M
       4    Ashley Shuck          Easton  MD            473    25   F       1 20-29       21:12.0     21:12.0      6:50/M
       5    Kyte Hoefert          Annapolis  MD         431    29   M       1 20-29       21:35.6     21:35.6      6:58/M
       6    Dan Halla             H                     428    16   M       1  1-19       22:07.0     22:07.0      7:08/M
       7    Greg Halla            Haddonfield           427    17   M       2  1-19       22:08.4     22:08.4      7:08/M
       8    Philip Peters         Finksburg  MD         525    13   M       3  1-19       23:09.8     23:09.8      7:28/M
       9    Charlie Smiles        Washington            474    10   M       4  1-19       23:12.4     23:12.4      7:29/M
      10    Greg Parent           Henderson             457    34   M       1 30-39       23:20.4     23:20.4      7:32/M
      11    Lily Britt            Fort Lauderdale  FL   522    18   F       1  1-19       23:45.4     23:45.4      7:40/M
      12    Andrew Mckechnie      Washington            446    34   M       2 30-39       23:56.3     23:56.3      7:43/M
      13    Chris Lombardi        Washington            443    34   M       3 30-39       23:56.9     23:56.9      7:43/M
      14    Stephen Craig         MILLERSVILLE  MD      527    19   M       5  1-19       23:57.6     23:57.6      7:44/M
      15    Michael Dalton        Easton  MD            414    25   M       2 20-29       24:20.6     24:20.6      7:51/M
      16    Cameron Hanlin        Hagerstown  MD        512    24   M       3 20-29       24:21.4     24:21.4      7:51/M
      17    Matthew Rickloff      Chestertown           466    9    M       6  1-19       24:27.1     24:27.1      7:53/M
      18    Steve Vaughan         Chestertown  MD       489    65   M       1 60-99       24:40.3     24:40.3      7:57/M
      19    Ryan Snow             Cordova  MD           475    22   M       4 20-29       24:43.7     24:43.7      7:58/M
      20    Margaret Theobald     Chestertown  MD       537    21   F       2 20-29       25:02.3     25:02.3      8:05/M
      21    Wiley Stagg           Chestertown           476     5   M       7  1-19       25:05.9     25:05.9      8:05/M
      22    Cameron Naylor        Centreville           452     6   M       8  1-19       25:06.0     25:06.0      8:06/M
      23    Julie Presgraves      Centreville           461     0   F       1  0- 0       25:06.5     25:06.5      8:06/M
      24    Amanda Russell        Centreville  MD       511    30   F       1 30-39       25:06.6     25:06.6      8:06/M
      25    Sheryl Germann        Millington            421    45   F       1 40-49       25:12.1     25:12.1      8:08/M
      26    Christie Phebus       Trappe                459    19   F       2  1-19       25:21.9     25:21.9      8:11/M
      27    Coleman Christie      Washington  DC        516    8    F       3  1-19       25:34.1     25:34.1      8:15/M
      28    Athalia Christie      Washington  DC        515    40   F       2 40-49       25:34.6     25:34.6      8:15/M
      29    Joanna Barbee         Greensboro  MD        402    26   F       3 20-29       25:37.6     25:37.6      8:16/M
      30    Abigail Smack         Chestertown  MD       491    15   F       4  1-19       25:38.9     25:38.9      8:16/M
      31    John Rickloff         Chestertown           465    44   M       1 40-49       25:45.0     25:45.0      8:18/M
      32    Richard Cookerly      chestertown  MD       528    51   M       2 50-59       25:45.2     25:45.2      8:18/M
      33    Holly Johnson         Chestertown  MD       509    56   F       1 50-59       25:46.7     25:46.7      8:19/M
      34    Douglas Donaldson     Plainsboro  NJ        543    49   M       2 40-49       25:51.5     25:51.5      8:20/M
      35    Charles Wheatley      Worton  MD            517    20   M       5 20-29       25:58.5     25:58.5      8:23/M
      36    Carly Ogren           Chestertown           454    19   F       5  1-19       26:13.8     26:13.8      8:27/M
      37    Ashley Myles          Chestertown           451    19   F       6  1-19       26:21.1     26:21.1      8:30/M
      38    John Phalen           Bowie                 458    30   M       4 30-39       26:46.5     26:47.0      8:38/M
      39    Kendall Clark         Chestertown           409     0   F       2  0- 0       26:47.9     26:47.9      8:38/M
      40    Jill Steward          Rock Hall             477    26   F       4 20-29       26:53.4     26:53.4      8:40/M
      41    Kate Hoefert          Annapolis             432    32   F       2 30-39       26:54.1     26:54.1      8:41/M
      42    Kimberly Federico     Towson                419    52   F       2 50-59       27:09.4     27:09.4      8:45/M
      43    Tim Leonard           Jacksonville          442    53   M       3 50-59       27:52.5     27:52.5      8:59/M
      44    Krystal Brostek       Galloway              406    19   F       7  1-19       27:54.2     27:54.2      9:00/M
      45    Gillian Bourassa      Baltimore  MD         404    25   F       5 20-29       28:11.3     28:11.3      9:05/M
      46    Jennifer Hartless     Centreville  MD       497    45   F       3 40-49       28:25.2     28:25.2      9:10/M
      47    Jessica Mckechnie     Washington            447    32   F       3 30-39       28:32.9     28:32.9      9:12/M
      48    Denise Ryan           Hampstead  MD         468    53   F       3 50-59       28:35.1     28:35.1      9:13/M
      49    Heather Joyce-Byers   Chestertown           433     0   F       3  0- 0       28:38.0     28:40.8      9:14/M
      50    Matthew Perater       Baltimore  MD         544    36   M       5 30-39       28:40.5     28:42.2      9:15/M
      51    Emily Murphy          Worton  MD            490    44   F       4 40-49       28:45.5     28:45.5      9:16/M
      52    Marty Voelkel-HanSSEN towson                483    55   M       4 50-59       28:48.7     28:48.7      9:17/M
      53    Sage Cookerly         Chestertown  MD       529    8    M       9  1-19       28:52.7     28:52.7      9:19/M
      54    Margaret London       Lutherville  MD       444    60   F       1 60-99       28:59.0     28:59.0      9:21/M
      55    Elizabeth Shirk       Chestertown  MD       472    33   F       4 30-39       29:06.8     29:06.8      9:23/M
      56    Kate Fiori            Concord  MA           510    21   F       6 20-29       29:07.7     29:07.7      9:24/M
      57    George Gould          Philadelphia  PA      520    69   M       2 60-99       29:12.5     29:12.5      9:25/M
      58    Samantha Hollomon     Chestertown  MD       506    39   F       5 30-39       29:14.2     29:14.2      9:26/M
      59    Steve Weller          Sudlersville  MD      485    49   M       3 40-49       29:27.0     29:27.8      9:30/M
      60    Susan Wright-Taylor   worton                487    42   F       5 40-49       29:27.8     29:27.8      9:30/M
      61    Courtney Brawley      Annapolis  MD         405    36   F       6 30-39       29:32.8     29:34.0      9:32/M
      62    Ryan Crooks           Havertown             413    36   M       6 30-39       29:41.3     29:43.2      9:35/M
      63    Jennifer Wright       Syracuse  NY          521    34   F       7 30-39       29:41.9     29:41.9      9:35/M
      64    Kate Thomas           Chestertown           480    28   F       7 20-29       29:47.0     29:47.3      9:36/M
      65    Erica Osterhout       Chestertown           455    26   F       8 20-29       29:48.5     29:48.6      9:37/M
      66    Katie Epstein         Ephrata               418    26   F       9 20-29       29:48.6     29:48.7      9:37/M
      67    Danny Lenchner        queen anne            441    12   M      10  1-19       30:04.5     30:04.5      9:42/M
      68    Nathan Rice           Queen Anne            464    10   M      11  1-19       30:05.3     30:05.3      9:42/M
      69    Robin Rice            Queen Anne            463    48   F       6 40-49       30:13.3     30:13.3      9:45/M
      70    Beth Mosner           Centreville  MD       502    43   F       7 40-49       30:16.8     30:16.8      9:46/M
      71    Tom Lazik             Springfield  VA       532    55   M       5 50-59       30:18.4     30:18.4      9:46/M
      72    Shayla Anderson       Chestertown           401    17   F       8  1-19       30:23.8     30:23.8      9:48/M
      73    Hannah Kelsey         Southampton  PA       498    18   F       9  1-19       30:35.1     30:35.1      9:52/M
      74    Patrick Thomas        Chestertown           479    33   M       7 30-39       30:41.1     30:41.4      9:54/M
      75    Rose Rottloff         Rosedale  MD.         496    55   F       4 50-59       30:44.4     30:44.4      9:55/M
      76    Maureen Macleod       Chestertown  MD       542    14   F      10  1-19       30:58.8     30:58.8      9:59/M
      77    Beth Macleod          Chestertown  MD       541    50   F       5 50-59       31:11.0     31:11.0     10:04/M
      78    Melissa Hemphill      Lexington  VA         530    51   F       6 50-59       31:26.1     31:26.1     10:08/M
      79    David Smack           Chestertown  MD       492    49   M       4 40-49       31:27.2     31:27.2     10:09/M
      80    Kate Gray             Grasonville           422    35   F       8 30-39       31:30.7     31:30.7     10:10/M
      81    Tr Lazo               Washington            439    45   M       5 40-49       32:00.8     32:00.8     10:19/M
      82    Kathleen Bush         North East            408    49   F       8 40-49       32:04.1     32:04.1     10:21/M
      83    Patricia Grieb        CHESTERTOWN           423    58   F       7 50-59       32:19.5     32:19.5     10:25/M
      84    Marcia Fellows        MILLINGTON            420    31   F       9 30-39       32:19.6     32:19.6     10:25/M
      85    Kimberly Mccollum     Centreville           445    36   F      10 30-39       32:28.0     32:28.0     10:28/M
      86    Lynn Knight           Centreville           437    48   F       9 40-49       32:31.6     32:31.6     10:29/M
      87    Lauren Halla          Chestertown           426    21   F      10 20-29       32:50.3     32:50.3     10:35/M
      88    David Brawley         Annapolis  MD         540    36   M       8 30-39       33:10.3     33:11.7     10:42/M
      89    Jessica Tucker        Chester  MD           531    24   F      11 20-29       33:16.4     33:16.4     10:44/M
      90    Patricia Lazik        ridgely  MD           533    55   F       8 50-59       33:16.7     33:16.7     10:44/M
      91    Debbie Kristler       Springfield  PA       534    39   F      11 30-39       33:25.7     33:25.7     10:47/M
      92    Krys Zakraewski       Centreville  MD       536    32   M       9 30-39       33:27.1     33:27.1     10:47/M
      93    Emily Sahadeo         Berwyn Heights        469     0   F       4  0- 0       34:13.7     34:13.7     11:02/M
      94    Eva Parchuke          Chestertown           456    37   F      12 30-39       34:16.1     34:16.3     11:03/M
      95    Elke Divina           New York  NY          493    43   F      10 40-49       34:20.4     34:20.4     11:05/M
      96    Tina Zakraweski       Centreville  MD       535    36   F      13 30-39       34:50.8     34:50.8     11:14/M
      97    Robin Holt            Marydel  MD           519    47   F      11 40-49       35:07.5     35:07.5     11:20/M
      98    Erin Poole            Chestertown           460    29   F      12 20-29       35:17.1     35:17.1     11:23/M
      99    Melissa Miller        Chestertown  MD       450    30   F      14 30-39       35:20.8     35:20.8     11:24/M
     100    Jamie Scott           Chestertown           470    29   F      13 20-29       36:07.1     36:07.7     11:39/M
     101    Shannon Crooks        Kennedyville          412    35   F      15 30-39       36:08.6     36:10.7     11:39/M
     102    Lisa Fleetwood        Chestertown  MD       500    48   F      12 40-49       36:45.2     36:45.2     11:51/M
     103    Bruce Plummer         Chestertown  MD       501    48   M       6 40-49       36:45.2     36:45.2     11:51/M
     104    Veronica Marone       Morristown  NJ        539    50   F       9 50-59       36:47.1     36:47.1     11:52/M
     105    Pamela Ciganek        Chestertown  MD       494    56   F      10 50-59       36:57.1     36:57.1     11:55/M
     106    Jay Shepherd          Church hill           471    49   M       7 40-49       37:05.5     37:11.7     11:58/M
     107    Liz Redman            Chestertown           462    32   F      16 30-39       37:32.9     37:36.4     12:06/M
     108    Michael Marone        Morristown  NJ        538    51   M       6 50-59       37:43.8     37:43.8     12:10/M
     109    Marissa Wallie        Church hill           484    39   F      17 30-39       37:56.7     38:02.9     12:14/M
     110    Connor Hale           Pulaski               425    13   M      12  1-19       38:11.1     38:11.1     12:19/M
     111    Christina Trego       Baltimore             126    27   F      14 20-29       38:22.2     38:23.1     12:23/M
     112    Chad Cronshaw         Centreville  MD       545    30   M      10 30-39       39:27.0     39:31.4     12:44/M
     113    Edie Hannah           Southampton  PA       499    49   F      13 40-49       39:56.1     39:56.1     12:53/M
     114    Amy Meeks             Chestertown  MD       448    35   F      18 30-39       40:14.3     40:17.9     12:59/M
     115    Yanina Cooper         Chestertown  MD       410    27   F      15 20-29       40:31.1     40:34.1     13:04/M
     116    Vicki Hale            Pulaski               424    42   F      14 40-49       41:09.2     41:09.2     13:16/M
     117    Michelle Osborn       Church Hill  MD       518    27   F      16 20-29       41:23.3     41:23.3     13:21/M
     118    Emily Stintz          Centreville           478    14   F      11  1-19       41:33.1     41:33.1     13:24/M
     119    Wendy Hershey         Queenstown            429    45   F      15 40-49       41:59.9     41:59.9     13:33/M
     120    Rosalie Tressell      Centreville           481    14   F      12  1-19       42:27.3     42:27.3     13:42/M
     121    Theresa Dotson        Queen Anne            416    50   F      11 50-59       42:55.0     42:55.2     13:51/M
     122    Andrea Frank          Stevensville  MD      507    44   F      16 40-49       45:19.9     45:19.9     14:37/M
     123    Valerie Bell          Havertown  PA         508    70   F       2 60-99       45:20.5     45:20.5     14:37/M
     124    Peter Ward            Stevensville  MD      513    68   M       3 60-99       46:33.0     46:33.0     15:01/M
     125    Kerry Bowers          Blackwood              12    27   F      17 20-29       47:19.9     47:19.9     15:16/M
     126    Richard Vance         Chestertown           482    48   M       8 40-49       47:42.4     47:42.4     15:23/M
     127    Ann Knettler-Smith    Bear                  436     0   F       5  0- 0       47:42.6     47:42.6     15:23/M
     128    Louise Dove           Churchill             417    53   F      12 50-59       48:36.5     48:36.5     15:41/M
     129    Chrissy Nelson        Chestertown  MD       151    53   F      13 50-59       51:38.5     51:38.5     16:39/M
     130    Madhu Sidhu           Chestertown  MD       526    62   F       3 60-99       51:51.7     51:51.7     16:44/M
     131    Niccoli Bryant        Baltimore  MD         524    8    M      13  1-19       53:48.7     53:51.1     17:21/M
     132    Melissa Bryant        Baltimore  MD         523    41   F      17 40-49       53:51.1     53:53.3     17:22/M
     133    Stephanie Kelly       Centreville  MD       434    45   F      18 40-49       57:53.0     57:53.6     18:40/M
     134    Deb Lenchner          Queen Anne            440    46   F      19 40-49       57:53.1     57:53.3     18:40/M
     135    Ann Ward              Stevensville  MD      514    60   F       4 60-99     1:54:02.2   1:54:02.2     36:47/M
     136    Daniel Trimbach       NEW YORK  NY          160    57   M       7 50-59     2:14:01.7   2:14:01.7     43:14/M

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