Ellen's Run 5K
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Chevy Chase, MD
Conducted by Safety And Health Foundation

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Bib ###  Name                        G Age City State           Time    M  F     Award                  Team                  --- --- --------------------------   - --- ----------------     -----  -  -  ----------  ----------------------
  3   1  Miles Aitken                 M  28 Washington DC        16:27   1         M 1     Potomac Valley Track Club
 231  2  Alexander Riishojgaard       M  16 Chevy Chase MD       16:53   2         M 2     BCC Cross Country
 306  3  Chad Young                   M  31 Bethesda MD          16:53   3         M 3     BCC Cross Country
 91   4  Nicholas Grossi              M  31 Columbia MD          17:34   4      M30-39 1
 333  5  Martha Nelson                F  31 Washington DC        17:34      1      F 1
 272  6  David Storper                M  39 Bethesda MD          17:40   5      M30-39 2   MCRRC
 348  7  Dustin Metz                  M  29 Washington DC        17:57   6      M19-29 1
 217  8  Gregory R. Picard            M  17 Kensington MD        18:17   7      M13-18 1   Bad News Barons
 361  9  Willian Bone                 M  22 Morgantown WV        18:24   8      M19-29 2
 46   10 Jim Dahlem                   M  35 Silver Spring MD     18:32   9      M30-39 3
 370  11 Neofuentez Garcia            M  30 Rockville MD         18:44  10
 351  12 Andrew Goldfarb              M  44 Chevy Chase MD       18:48  11      M40-49 1
 334  13 Caroline Lane Beakes         F  15 Chevy Chase MD       18:51      2      F 2
 307  14 Emily Young                  F  26 Bethesda MD          19:05      3      F 3     BCC Cross Country
 85   15 Terry Fry                    M  46 Bethesda MD          19:08  12      M40-49 2
 70   16 Thi‚yacine Fall              M  24 Silver Spring MD     19:25  13      M19-29 3  45
 72   17 Paul Feinstein               M  28 Washington DC        19:27  14                 Pam's Team
 84   18 Joshua Fry                   M  12 Bethesda MD          19:30  15      M10-12 1
 173  19 Jesse McNeill                M  17 Chevy Chase MD       19:35  16      M13-18 2   BCC High School
 83   20 Abby Fry                     F  15 Bethesda MD          19:39      4   F13-18 1   BCC Cross Country                    
 358  21 Paula Pels                   F  45 Bethesda MD          19:42      5   F40-49 1
 350  22 Cindy Conant                 F  51 Kensington MD        19:49      6   F50-59 1
1094  23 Seth Goldman                 M  47 Chevy Chase MD       19:49  17      M40-49 3
 308  24 Michael Zubrensky            M  46 Chevy Chase MD       19:53  18
 79   25 Koby Frank                   M  14 Charlotte NC         19:55  19      M13-18 3
 80   26 Theodore Frank               M  48 Charlotte NC         19:57  20
 322  27 Erik Woodworth               M  38 Chevy Chase MD       20:12  21
 182  28 Hector S. Montesinos         M  49 Silver Spring MD     20:14  22                 Rock Creek Sports Club
 71   29 David Feinstein              M  24 Washington DC        20:16  23                 Pam's Team
 345  30 Brian Amend                  M  46 Rye NH               20:18  24
 98   31 Peter Haupt                  M  47 Montgomery Village   20:20  25                 BCC English
 174  32 Nora McUmber                 F  15 Chevy Chase MD       20:22      7   F13-18 2   BCC Cross Country
 148  33 Abigail Lois Levine          F  13 Bethesda MD          20:25      8   F13-18 3   BCC Cross Country
 222  34 Jeffrey Rackow               M  45 Bethesda MD          20:29  26
 162  35 Benjamin Max Martel          M  15 Chevy Chase MD       20:32  27                 BCC Cross Country
 294  36 Helen S. Webster             F  16 Chevy Chase MD       20:36      9              BCC Field Hockey
 341  37 Angelina Peterson            F  16 Silver Spring MD     20:36     10
 32   38 Amanda Cohen                 F  16 Chevy Chase MD       20:38     11              BCC Cross Country
 63   39 Max Dudek                    M  20 Bethesda MD          20:44  28                 BCC High School
 73   40 Richard Feinstein            M  60 Chevy Chase MD       20:54  29      M60-69 1   Pam's Team
 157  41 Stephanie Marcus             F  46 Chevy Chase MD       21:20     12   F40-49 2
 15   42 Melissa Berkoff              F  41 Silver Spring MD     21:23     13   F40-49 3   Rock Creek Sports Club
 167  43 Philippe Masson              M  14 Bethesda MD          21:33  30
  7   44 Moana Rose Appleyard         F  50 Chevy Chase MD       21:35     14   F50-59 2
 291  45 Jack Ward                    M  15 Chevy Chase MD       21:46  31                 BCC Cross Country
 138  46 Lauren Kronheim              F  15 Silver Spring MD     21:49     15              BCC Cross Country
 165  47 John Andrew Martinez         M  28 Rockville MD         21:52  32
 280  48 Peter L. Tracey              M  52 Washington DC        21:54  33      M50-59 1
 68   49 James Everhart               M  58 Bethesda MD          21:56  34      M50-59 2
 40   50 Peter Cook                   M  49 Bethesda MD          22:01  35
  1   51 Matthew Jacobs Jr            M  28 New York NY          22:03  36                 Team EVS
1057  52 Joseph Salus                 M  23 Chevy Chase MD       22:10  37
 64   53 Josef Dvoracek               M  46 Chevy Chase MD       22:17  38
 321  54 Robert C. Eaton              M  58 Washington DC        22:20  39      M50-59 3
 309  55 Abdelillah Razah             M  46 Arlington VA         22:22  40
 144  56 Dan Leggett                  M  45 Chevy Chase MD       22:24  41
 229  57 Ganon Rich                   M  37 Chevy Chase MD       22:28  42
 163  58 David Martel                 M  45 Ann Arbor MI         22:31  43
 265  59 Daniel Stahl                 M  23 Bethesda MD          22:34  44
 247  60 Michael J. Schubert          M  50 Chevy Chase MD       22:38  45
 292  61 Sarah Ward                   F  15 Chevy Chase MD       22:44     16              BCC Cross Country
 246  62 Elena Salsi                  F  16 Chevy Chase MD       22:44     17              BCC Cross Country
 23   63 Robin Brooks                 M  42 Chevy Chase MD       22:47  46
 45   64 Colleen Dahlem               F  30 Silver Spring MD     22:55     18   F30-39 1
 274  65 Eric M. Sussman              M  29 Silver Spring MD     23:02  47
 175  66 Gwen McWhorter               F  35 Bethesda MD          23:04     19   F30-39 2   BCC Math
 371  67 Taylor Roman-Cohen           M  16 Bethesda MD          23:04  48
 92   68 Tyler J. Grossi              F  33 Columbia MD          23:08     20   F30-39 3
 181  69 Cory Modlin                  M  45 Chevy Chase MD       23:11  49
 275  70 David Sward                  M  38 Chevy Chase MD       23:22  50
 41   71 Robert Cooper                M  43 Bethesda MD          23:32  51
 255  72 Madison Silver               F  13 Chevy Chase MD       23:35     21              Westland MS
  5   73 Alyssa Marie Alfonso         F  15 Chevy Chase MD       23:40     22
 184  74 Bo Murphy                    M  50 Silver Spring MD     23:40  52                 Rock Creek Sports Club
 206  75 Howard Oppenheim             M  57 Chevy Chase MD       23:48  53
 318  76 Grace Elizabeth Thomas       F  13 Bethesda MD          23:50     23              Westland MS
 288  77 Elena Waidmann               F  16 Chevy Chase MD       23:53     24              BCC Cross Country
 42   78 Jane Corcoran                F  11 Chevy Chase MD       23:56     25   F10-12 1
 145  79 Rebecca Catherine Leggett    F  13 Chevy Chase MD       23:59     26              Westland MS
 18   80 Anne-Laure Borde             F  35 Chevy Chase MD       24:00     27
 169  81 Robert Mathis                M  58 Chevy Chase MD       24:05  54                 BCC Social Studies
 369  82 Lou Shapiro                  M  71 Silver Spring MD     24:09  55     M70&over 1
 120  83 Jennifer Joseph              F  45 Chevy Chase MD       24:11     28              Bad News Barons
 244  84 Michael Salsbury             M  48 Silver Spring MD     24:13  56                 Rock Creek Sports Club
 141  85 Babby Landon                 F  51 Chevy Chase MD       24:16     29   F50-59 3
 245  86 Susan Salsbury               F  43 Silver Spring MD     24:19     30              Rock Creek Sports Club
 328  87 Patty Tschiderer             F  51 Chevy Chase MD       24:22     31
 30   88 Scott Chidakel               M  39 Damascus MD          24:24  57
 252  89 Jasmine Shakir               F  12 Chevy Chase MD       24:29     32   F10-12 2   BCC High School
 327  90 Katherine Ellis              F  13 Chevy Chase MD       24:31     33
 12   91 Aaron G. Bergman             M  12 Bethesda MD          24:31  58      M10-12 2
 27   92 David Cantillo               M  12 Chevy Chase MD       24:33  59      M10-12 3
 262  93 Henning Speck                M  34 Chevy Chase MD       24:36  60
 366  94 Eric Dubrow                  M  15 Bethesda MD          24:40  61
 35   95 Jordin S. Cohen              M  49 Chevy Chase MD       24:45  62
 37   96 James Colbert                M  46 Silver Spring MD     24:50  63
 368  97 Eddie Reynolds               M  14 Chevy Chase MD       24:52  64
 139  98 Emily Kuttner                F  16 Bethesda MD          24:54     34              BCC Field Hockey
 257  99 Ellen Theresa Sisti          F  16 Kensington MD        24:57     35              BCC Cross Country
 194 100 Ben Nudelman                 M  15 Chevy Chase MD       25:00  65
 215 101 Craig Andrew Pernick         M  51 Chevy Chase MD       25:05  66
 155 102 Luke Mancuso                 M  12 Chevy Chase MD       25:05  67
 250 103 Mae Seon                     F  33 Arlington VA         25:10     36
 135 104 Isabel L. Kirsch             F  13 Chevy Chase MD       25:13     37
 342 105 Philip Herner                M  52 Takoma Park MD       25:16  68                 BCC Social Studies
 74  106 Jon Fellner                  M  48 Chevy Chase MD       25:18  69
 134 107 David Kirsch                 M  47 Chevy Chase MD       25:24  70
 238 108 Maureen Ryan                 F  49 Bethesda MD          25:24     38
 14  109 Michael D. Bergman           M  50 Bethesda MD          25:27  71
 81  110 Ali Friedman                 F  14 Bethesda MD          25:32     39              BCC Cross Country
  6  111 Perry Apelbaum               M  53 Chevy Chase MD       25:34  72
 332 112 Addis Gebremariam            F  44 Adelphi MD           25:41     40
 249 113 Lucy Northup Sears           F  16 Bethesda MD          25:47     41              BCC Field Hockey
 150 114 Arik Levinson                M  48 Washington DC        25:47  73
 227 115 Michael Reynolds             M  43 Chevy Chase MD       25:49  74
 199 116 Thomas Nutman                M  60 Chevy Chase MD       25:49  75      M60-69 2
 146 117 Josef Leitmann               M  55 Chevy Chase MD       25:52  76
 279 118 Elizabeth Tousley            F  50 Kensington MD        25:59     42
 121 119 Tom Joseph                   M  56 Chevy Chase MD       26:02  77                 Bad News Barons
 223 120 Amelia Rehrig                F  10 Chevy Chase MD       26:06     43   F10-12 3
 283 121 Susan Ullman                 F  47 Washington DC        26:08     44
 152 122 Katherine Lin                F  32 Washington DC        26:11     45
 268 123 Michael C. Stanley           M  51 Washington DC        26:20  78
 236 124 Caroline Rothermel           F  15 Chevy Chase MD       26:23     46              BCC Field Hockey 
 282 125 Claire Trilling              F  15 Chevy Chase MD       26:23     47              BCC Field Hockey
 170 126 Julia Matteson               F  14 Chevy Chase MD       26:23     48
 50  127 Susannah Derr                F  18 Chevy Chase MD       26:28     49
 16  128 Rachel Bernstein             F  15 Chevy Chase MD       26:28     50
 51  129 Phaon Derr IV                M  21 Chevy Chase MD       26:28  79
 219 130 Suzanne R. Picard            F  53 Kensington MD        26:28     51              Bad News Barons  
 218 131 Matthew Picard               M  49 Kensington MD        26:28  80                 Bad News Barons
 347 132 Stewart Tewusbury            M  9  Silver Spring MD     26:28  81     M9&under 1
 28  133 Laurie Cantillo              F  53 Chevy Chase MD       26:31     52              Rock Creek Sports Club
 185 134 Barbara Annemarie Nathan     F  15 Bethesda MD          26:35     53              BCC Field Hockey
1053 135 Linda Pepper                 F  64 Chevy Chase MD       26:35     54   F60-69 1   Team Van Holllen
 300 136 Christopher Wilks            M  14 Chevy Chase MD       26:38  82
 211 137 Assya Pascalev               F  47 Bethesda MD          26:40     55
 147 138 Nicolas Leitmann-Niimi       M  14 Chevy Chase MD       26:43  83
 240 139 Elizabeth Sadoff             F  63 Washington DC        26:46     56   F60-69 2
 346 140 Paul Tewusbury               M  42 Silver Spring MD     26:49  84
 137 141 Chris Gerald Krawczyk        M  15 Chevy Chase MD       26:49  85
 263 142 Irina Speck                  F  39 Chevy Chase MD       26:49     57
 179 143 Matthew Mintzer              M  9  Chevy Chase MD       26:55  86     M9&under 2
 82  144 Devira Friedman              F  11 Chevy Chase MD       26:55     58
 360 145 Rose Corcoran                F  11 Chevy Chase MD       26:57     59
 149 146 Olivia Levine                F  13 Bethesda MD          26:57     60              BCC Field Hockey
 317 147 Henry Schuster               M  54 Chevy Chase MD       26:57  87
 56  148 Douglas Dobrynski            M  40 Sterling VA          27:08  88                 Year of the Dude
 337 149 Anne McInerney               F  48 Washington DC        27:13     61
 188 150 Caroline Wickliffe Neiswen   F  11 Chevy Chase MD       27:15     62
 106 151 Mark Horton                  M  47 Bethesda MD          27:21  89
 136 152 Joan Kleinman                F  52 Potomac MD           27:23     63              Team Van Holllen
 54  153 Robert Dewey                 M  51 Bethesda MD          27:23  90
 156 154 Jack Mangold                 M  70 Chevy Chase MD       27:25  91     M70&over 2
  8  155 Stephen Bacon                M  46 Silver Spring MD     27:27  92                 Rock Creek Sports Club
 86  156 Janet Gallagher              F  33 Silver Spring MD     27:29     64              BCC Math
 256 157 Peyton Elizabeth Silver      F  16 Chevy Chase MD       27:36     65              BCC Field Hockey
 372 158 Michael Lostumbo             M  46 Kensington MD        27:36  93
 320 159 Thomas Mills                 M  65 Bethesda MD          27:46  94      M60-69 3
 99  160 Thomas C. Havell             M  70 Chevy Chase MD       27:48  95     M70&over 3
 122 161 Jimmy Joyce                  M  12 Chevy Chase MD       27:56  96
 59  162 Sebastian Dobrynski          M  7  Sterling VA          27:58  97     M9&under 3  Year of the Dude
 90  163 Donald Gordon                M  52 Silver Spring MD     28:00  98
 133 164 Roger Kirk                   M  22 Chevy Chase MD       28:02  99                 BCC English
1097 165 Tom Gann                     M  52 Chevy Chase MD       28:09  100
1098 166 Ramona Gann                  F  46 Chevy Chase MD       28:09     66
1099 167 Caroline Gann                F  6  Chevy Chase MD       28:09     67  F9&under 1
 52  168 A. D.                        F  33 Silver Spring MD     28:09     68              Rock Creek Sports Club
 96  169 Hailey Marie Hartigan        F  14 Chevy Chase MD       28:09     69              BCC Field Hockey
 339 170 Masara Busette-Ranck         M  7  Chevy Chase MD       28:09  101
 118 171 Ada F. Johnson               F  41 Chevy Chase MD       28:10     70
 132 172 Kathryn B. Kirk              F  53 Chevy Chase MD       28:13     71              BCC English
 253 173 Layla Shakir                 F  15 Chevy Chase MD       28:13     72              BCC High School 
 340 174 Camile Busette               F  49 Chevy Chase MD       28:13     73
 128 175 Leah Kaye                    F  15 Bethesda MD          28:13     74              BCC Field Hockey
 259 176 Bill Sollers                 M  73 Silver Spring MD     28:13  102                MCRRC
 36  177 Mara Cohen                   F  16 Chevy Chase MD       28:15     75              BCC Cross Country
 202 178 Susana Olague Trapani        F  34 Silver Spring MD     28:15     76              Rock Creek Sports Club
 270 179 Patricia Stephens            F  47 Bethesda MD          28:15     77              Bad News Barons
 267 180 Andrea Stanley               F  13 Chevy Chase MD       28:15     78
 105 181 Anna Horton                  F  10 Bethesda MD          28:15     79
 62  182 Martin Dresner               M  55 Silver Spring MD     28:20  103                Rock Creek Sports Club
  9  183 Rita Ballesteros             F  52 Chevy Chase MD       28:23     80              Bad News Barons
 287 184 Laura Swenson Vogelsang      F  15 Silver Spring MD     28:27     81              BCC Poms
 316 185 Misha Schuster               M  16 Chevy Chase MD       28:32  104                BCC High School
 115 186 Brian Israel                 M  44 Chevy Chase MD       28:34  105
 49  187 Rebecca Derr                 F  23 Chevy Chase MD       28:36     82   F19-29 1
 93  188 Casey Gutierrez              F  15 Silver Spring MD     28:40     83              BCC High School
 365 189 Karen Dubrow                 F  46 Bethesda MD          28:43     84
 107 190 Nancy Horton                 F  47 Bethesda MD          28:46     85              Bad News Barons
 319 191 Susan Gerson                 F  50 Kensington MD        28:49     86              Bad News Barons
 314 192 Ellen M. Nissenbaum          F  53 Washington DC        28:54     87
 278 193 Donelly J. Tobiere           F  41 Chevy Chase MD       28:54     88              BCC High School
 209 194 Rita Pascale                 F  44 Silver Spring MD     28:54     89              BCC High School
 129 195 Slaheddine Khenissi          M  62 Chevy Chase MD       29:08  106
 269 196 Christina Stayeas            F  37 Chevy Chase MD       29:17     90
 258 197 Sage Smith                   F  10 Chevy Chase MD       29:20     91
 326 198 Kerry Ellis                  F  8  Chevy Chase MD       29:23     92  F9&under 2
 109 199 Steven Hull                  M  57 Chevy Chase MD       29:25  107                Rock Creek Sports Club
 119 200 Emily Johnson                F  16 Chevy Chase MD       29:31     93              BCC Poms
 180 201 Sydney Mintzer               M  42 Chevy Chase MD       29:31  108
 228 202 Evan Rich                    M  7  Chevy Chase MD       29:37  109
1051 203 Autumn Orme                  F  25 Hyattsville MD       29:40     94   F19-29 2   MHA Thanks you
 204 204 Diana Oo                     F  33 Washington DC        29:40     95
 243 205 Karen Safer                  F  48 Chevy Chase MD       29:43     96
 13  206 Lindsay R. Bergman           F  15 Bethesda MD          29:47     97
 295 207 Susan L. Weiss               F  60 Chevy Chase MD       29:47     98   F60-69 3
 235 208 Rosie C. Rogers              F  15 Chevy Chase MD       29:49     99              BCC Poms
1037 209 Scot Marken                  M  45 Kensington MD        29:52  110                MHA Thanks you
1036 210 Hannah Marken                F  9  Kensington MD        29:52     100 F9&under 3  MHA Thanks you
1035 211 Eli Marken                   M  12 Kensington MD        29:52  111                MHA Thanks you  
 57  212 Holly Dobrynski              F  33 Sterling VA          29:58     101             Year of the Dude
 60  213 Desiree Escario Drakakis     F  41 Chevy Chase MD       29:58     102
 323 214 Lee Evans                    M  15 Chevy Chase MD       29:58  112
 329 215 Owen Cardwell                M  14 Chevy Chase MD       29:58  113
 31  216 Andru Ian Ciosek             M  36 Rockville MD         30:02  114
 24  217 Cameron Brown                F  11 Chevy Chase MD       30:04     103             BCC High School
 25  218 Craig Brown                  M  43 Chevy Chase MD       30:06  115                BCC High School
 264 219 Nathan Sprenger              M  34 Bethesda MD          30:10  116
 53  220 Beth Dewey                   F  52 Bethesda MD          30:16     104
 127 221 Paul Thomas Kaplun           M  56 Chevy Chase MD       30:20  117                DOIT4JACK
 233 222 Stephanie Maureen Lee Riza   F  28 Silver Spring MD     30:20     105  F19-29 3   BCC Social Studies
 349 223 Jennifer Goodwin             F  47 Bethesda MD          30:20     106
 254 224 Reema Shakir                 F  44 Chevy Chase MD       30:39     107             BCC High School
  2  225 Nia Abdul-Majid              F  15 Chevy Chase MD       30:39     108             BCC Poms 
 367 226 Michael-Joseph McGroarty     M  46 Washington DC        30:44  118
 303 227 Evelyn Mary Williams         F  54 Arlington VA         30:54     109
 324 228 Kevin Ellis                  F  51 Chevy Chase MD       31:08     110
 289 229 Lidia Waidmann               F  14 Chevy Chase MD       31:17     111             BCC High School
 290 230 Timothy Waidmann             M  47 Chevy Chase MD       31:20  119
 212 231 Nicole Peck                  F  8  Washington DC        31:32     112
 285 232 Ryan Vaskov                  M  15 Chevy Chase MD       31:33  120                BCC Field Hockey
 26  233 Haley Callicott              F  15 Bethesda MD          31:33     113             BCC Field Hockey
 97  234 Lisa Ann Hartigan            F  45 Chevy Chase MD       31:38     114
 47  235 Christine Deerin             F  35 Kensington MD        31:38     115
 126 236 Meghann Kaplun               F  29 Arlington VA         31:43     116             DOIT4JACK
 153 237 Jacob Mancuso                M  10 Chevy Chase MD       31:47  121
 213 238 Robert Peck                  M  39 Washington DC        31:47  122
 154 239 James Mancuso                M  40 Chevy Chase MD       31:47  123
 113 240 Sara Hussain                 F  13 Chevy Chase MD       31:47     117             BCC High School
 214 241 Sofia Peck                   F  7  Washington DC        31:47     118
 230 242 Karin Rich                   F  36 Chevy Chase MD       31:49     119
 130 243 Chris Kiernan                M  15 Chevy Chase MD       31:52  124
 311 244 Danielle Janine Brown        F  34 Washington DC        31:58     120
 359 245 Bob Wood                     M  56 Chevy Chase MD       32:05  125
 336 246 Clare Comstock               F  10 Washington DC        32:12     121
 187 247 Bruce Adam Neiswender        M  45 Chevy Chase MD       32:24  126
 205 248 Olivia Oo                    F  24 Washington DC        32:29     122
 363 249 Robert Donnelly              M  41 Kensington MD        32:29  127
 364 250 Robby Donnelly               M  7  Kensington MD        32:29  128
 116 251 Miriam Israel                F  17 Chevy Chase MD       32:31     123
 195 252 Eric Nudelman                M  44 Chevy Chase MD       32:38  129
 196 253 Kendall Nudelman             F  11 Chevy Chase MD       32:40     124
 325 254 Kristin Ellis                F  46 Chevy Chase MD       32:59     125
1101 255 Lynn Oshinsky                F  54 Kensington MD        33:04     126
 29  256 Cecily Chambliss             F  29 Chevy Chase MD       33:06     127
 354 257 Ellie Williams               F  12 Chevy Chase MD       33:11     128
 140 258 Amanda La Forge              F  41 Chevy Chase MD       33:13     129
 353 259 Michael Williams             M  53 Chevy Chase MD       33:18  130
 89  260 Madeline Gold                F  10 Washington DC        33:29     130
 203 261 Diana Olick                  F  45 Washington DC        33:32     131
 343 262 Dewayne Wynn                 M  54 Silver Spring MD     33:48  131
1060 263 Jacqueline Seguin            F  52 Chevy Chase MD       33:53     132
1067 264 Danielle Stanley             F  11 Chevy Chase MD       33:59     133
 239 265 Sergey Ryan                  M  9  Bethesda MD          34:25  132
 298 266 Helen Whitty                 F  17 Chevy Chase MD       34:30     134
 299 267 Martha Whitty                F  50 Bethesda MD          34:30     135
 225 268 Scott Rehrig                 M  44 Chevy Chase MD       34:30  133
 55  269 Connie DiJohnson             F  43 Chevy Chase MD       34:30     136
 208 270 Marie Park                   F  47 Chevy Chase MD       34:30     137
 201 271 Stephanie M. O'Keefe         F  51 Chevy Chase MD       34:32     138
 304 272 Jessica Wise                 F  24 Laurel MD            34:35     139             MHA Thanks you
 95  273 Shannon Lynn Hammer          F  25 Laurel MD            34:37     140             MHA Thanks you
 335 274 Lotta Rampf                  F  9  Washington DC        34:43     141
 338 275 Earl Comstock                M  51 Washington DC        34:45  134
 104 276 Rebecca Hogewood             F  13 Chevy Chase MD       34:47     142
 277 277 Annop Tantisunthorn          M  71 Chevy Chase MD       35:30  135
  4  278 Howard Alenier               M  65 N. Bethesda MD       36:00  136
 210 279 Alice Pascalev               F  14 Bethesda MD          36:06     143
 305 280 Lucy Yost                    F  24 Silver Spring MD     36:09     144
 260 281 Catherine Anna Sonderman     F  33 Washington DC        36:32     145
 110 282 Casey Hunter                 F  12 Chevy Chase MD       36:34     146
 261 283 John Sonderman               M  41 Arlington VA         36:38  137
 357 284 Linda Loranger               F  49 Chevy Chase MD       36:42     147
 192 285 Jeanette A. Novak            F  68 Damascus MD          37:03     148
 44  286 Carolyn Cuico                F  37 Gaithersburg MD      37:29     149
 58  287 Penelope Dobrynski           F  5  Sterling VA          37:50     150             Year of the Dude
 310 288 Linda Blackman               F  65 Bethesda MD          38:01     151
 362 289 Jeffrey S. Silva             M  57 Bethesda MD          38:07  138
 197 290 Samantha Nudelman            F  9  Chevy Chase MD       38:17     152
 198 291 Tricia Nudelman              F  42 Chevy Chase MD       38:19     153
 61  292 Sebastian Drayne             M  8  Silver Spring MD     38:34  139
 34  293 Bev Cohen                    F  51 Chevy Chase MD       38:43     154
 168 294 Jennie Mathewson             F  11 Bethesda MD          38:46     155
 143 295 Jill Lawrenz                 F  53 Bethesda MD          38:47     156
 102 296 Abigail Hogewood             F  9  Chevy Chase MD       39:07     157
 103 297 Hunter Hogewood              M  44 Chevy Chase MD       39:09  140                BCC Social Studies
 178 298 Lilah Meekins                F  10 Silver Spring MD     40:44     158
 177 299 George Meekins               M  50 Silver Spring MD     40:46  141
 20  300 Kerrie Bouker                F  39 Washington DC        40:49     159
 355 301 Jon Bouker                   M  7  Washington DC        40:51  142
 19  302 Katherine Bouker             F  10 Washington DC        40:55     160
 356 303 Seth Kaufman                 M  40 Oak Park IL          41:00  143
 176 304 Clara Meekins                F  7  Silver Spring MD     41:23     161
 66  305 Zoe Edwards                  F  7  Silver Spring MD     41:25     162
 65  306 Nathan Edwards               M  42 Silver Spring MD     41:27  144
 189 307 Jill W. Nelson               F  66 Chevy Chase MD       41:52     163
 77  308 Susan Flanders               F  59 Kensington MD        43:23     164             MHA Thanks you
1102 309 Jordan Tune                  M  12 Silver Spring MD     43:38  145

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