Chris McCandless Into the Wild 5K
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Fairfax, VA
Conducted by Amazing Race Timing

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** DIV/TOT shows place in agegroup/div & the total (6/42 - 6th out of 42) **
Place Div/Tot  Bib   Name                    S Age City       St Finish  Pace  
===== ======== ===== ======================= = === ========== == ======= ===== 
    1   1/4      368 Chris Boyd              M  23 Gaithersbu MD   17:21  5:35 
    2   2/4      404 Kevin Perlow            M  21 Williamsbu VA   19:15  6:12 
    3   1/3      400 Dustin Benedict         M  30 Arlington  VA   21:41  6:59 
    4   1/16     362 Scott Kocher            M  42 Falls Chur VA   21:48  7:01 
    5   2/16     415 Dan Walker              M  48                 22:23  7:13 
    6   1/4      383 Sarah Schindler         F  15 Reedville  VA   22:46  7:20 
    7   3/4      376 Robert Hoffmaster       M  23 Jefferson  MD   22:54  7:23 
    8   1/14     375 Sydney Ekeroth          F  41 Ashburn    VA   23:28  7:33 
    9   1/3      407 Jalen Ross              M  16                 23:39  7:37 
   10   2/14     358 Denise Schindler        F  42 Reedville  VA   23:45  7:39 
   11   3/14     393 Mary Bodmer             F  41 Apex       NC   24:25  7:52 
   12   1/2      377 Edgar Castillo          M  62 Woodbridge VA   24:30  7:54 
   13   3/16     359 Joe Modes               M  45 Centrevill VA   24:45  7:58 
   14   4/16     402 Sam McCollum            M  40 Leesburg   VA   24:46  7:59 
   15   2/4      386 Rachel Palmer           F  15 Centrevill VA   25:07  8:06 
   16   5/16     385 Scott Palmer            M  44 Centrevill VA   25:07  8:06 
   17   6/16     382 Michael Stuart          M  43 Durham     NC   25:47  8:18 
   18   4/14     388 Beth Miller             F  42 Fairfax    VA   26:32  8:33 
   19   1/3      369 Marryam Castle          F  22 Springfiel VA   26:45  8:37 
   20   2/3      378 Alexandra Begley        M  31 Woosbridge VA   27:50  8:58 
   21   2/3      357 Jori Beck               F  28 Alexandria VA   28:10  9:04 
   22   7/16     401 Jason Cook              M  40 Chantilly  VA   29:12  9:24 
   23   8/16     367 William Campbell        M  41 Arlington  VA   29:14  9:25 
   24   5/14     366 Jill Taylor             F  41 Washington DC   29:14  9:25 
   25   9/16     387 Stephen Ahern           M  41 Alexandria VA   29:14  9:25 
   26   6/14     406 Ingrid Horn             F  41                 29:36  9:32 
   27   4/4      360 William Sansevere       M  28 Alexandria VA   30:59  9:59 
   28   3/3      361 Kym Laird               F  26 Alexandria VA   31:00  9:59 
   29   7/14     403 Maria Hardy             F  41 Lovettsvil VA   31:01  9:59 
   30   1/2      391 Susan Kelnberger        F  31 Washington DC   31:42 10:13 
   31   2/3      408 Jaleal Ross             M  12                 31:57 10:17 
   32   3/3      409 Jimmy Ross              M  35                 31:58 10:18 
   33   3/3      371 Marcus Devos            M  14 Clifton    VA   32:03 10:19 
   34  10/16     380 Wesley Davis            M  49 Fairfax    VA   32:25 10:27 
   35            370 Kristin Devos           F   0 Clifton    VA   36:56 11:53 
   36   1/3      405 Michael Maloney         M  56                 39:31 12:43 
   37  11/16     410 Carlos Linares          M  42                 41:01 13:13 
   38  12/16     364 James Fink              M  42 Sterling   VA   41:01 13:13 
   39  13/16     392 Eric Raecke             M  41 Leesburg   VA   41:02 13:13 
   40  14/16     372 David Bartlett          M  42 Centrevill VA   41:02 13:13 
   41  15/16     374 Ron Alexander           M  49 Arlington  VA   46:12 14:53 
   42  16/16     390 James Leary             M  49 Springfiel VA   46:14 14:53 
   43   2/3      396 Jerome Cler             M  52 Fairfax    VA   46:15 14:53 
   44   1/3      397 Lebecka Cler            F  60 Fairfax    VA   46:15 14:53 
   45   3/3      412 Matt Murray             M  52                 46:22 14:56 
   46   8/14     389 Avery Harrison          F  43 Duck       NC   46:27 14:57 
   47   9/14     413 Martita Murray          F  43                 47:09 15:11 
   48  10/14     379 Kimberly Davis          F  45 Fairfax    VA   49:15 15:51 
   49   3/4      352 Heather Hedrick         F  13 Virginia B VA   50:12 16:10 
   50  11/14     398 Heather Perrine         F  42 Annandale  VA   50:15 16:11 
   51   2/3      395 Sharon Spivey           F  64 Alexandria VA   50:16 16:11 
   52   3/3      394 Jacquelyn Minnick       F  61 Falls Chur VA   50:16 16:11 
   53  12/14     384 Michelle Greenberg      F  41 Herndon    VA   50:17 16:11 
   54  13/14     416 Holly Vesilind          F  41                 51:31 16:35 
   55   2/2      411 Kristin Sanford         F  39                 51:32 16:36 
   56  14/14     351 Carine McCandless       F  41 Virginia B VA   52:03 16:46 
   57   4/4      414 Gaby Murray             F  10                 52:11 16:48 
   58   2/2      381 Chad Lash               M  63 Arlington  VA   53:43 17:18 

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