Compass 5K Chase
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Baltimore, MD
Conducted by Racine Multisports

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Place Div/Tot  Bib   Name                    Ag S City            St Official  Pace  
===== ======== ===== ======================= == = =============== == ========= ===== 
    1   1/5      461 Tony Clement            25 M Williamsport    MD   16:14.1  5:15 
    2   2/5      455 Justin Cole             24 M Hagerstown      MD   16:17.7  5:16 
    3   1/4      436 David Shafer            56 M Middletown      MD   17:45.1  5:44 
    4   1/7      459 Bill Walls              35 M Hagerstown      MD   18:33.9  6:00 
    5   1/6      460 Jamie Dick              41 M Williamsport    MD   18:41.3  6:02 
    6   1/5      434 Finian Mcgrane          13 M Brownsville     MD   20:37.3  6:40 
    7   3/5      458 Stephen Jaynes          24 M Waynesboro      PA   21:45.5  7:02 
    8   1/1      456 Alonso Jones            17 M Williamsport    MD   21:45.8  7:02 
    9   2/6      462 David Porton            40 M Boonsboro       MD   22:07.5  7:09 
   10   2/5      450 Duncan Smith            14 M Kearneysville   WV   22:16.3  7:12 
   11   2/7      419 Jesse Lester            35 M Mercersburg     PA   22:24.2  7:14 
   12   1/4      443 Mary Horst              36 F Clear Spring    MD   22:40.4  7:19 
   13   2/4      445 John Follett            55 M Smithsburg      MD   23:36.1  7:37 
   14   3/6      438 Kevin Fletcher          48 M Winchester      VA   23:53.7  7:43 
   15   3/7      417 Adam McFadden           32 M Mercersburg     PA   24:05.4  7:47 
   16   3/5      453 Rayshawn Harris         13 M Williamsport    MD   25:44.1  8:19 
   17   1/4      416 Victoria Key            17 F Hagerstown      MD   26:07.4  8:26 
   18   2/4      442 Debra Buchanan          19 F Greencastle     PA   26:18.2  8:30 
   19   1/6      439 Tina Marshall           43 F Winchester      VA   26:22.4  8:31 
   20   2/6      414 Kelly Buckwalter        42 F Hagerstown      MD   26:48.2  8:39 
   21   3/4      415 Doug Key                50 M Hagerstown      MD   27:16.2  8:48 
   22   2/4      463 Heather Albowicz        34 F Big Pool        MD   27:19.7  8:49 
   23   1/5      404 Emily Stransky          22 F Falling Waters  MD   27:58.7  9:02 
   24   4/4      457 Ronald Shoop            59 M Shippensburg    PA   28:20.6  9:09 
   25   4/5      454 Matt Skroupa            23 M West Friendship MD   28:33.5  9:13 
   26   4/5      418 Kelby Lester            13 M Mercersburg     PA   28:51.4  9:19 
   27   1/2      422 Ben Thurman             12 M Frederick       MD   29:01.5  9:22 
   28   4/7      406 Chad Wingert            39 M Falling Waters  WV   29:11.8  9:26 
   29   2/5      440 Lisa Savitski           23 F Waynesboro      PA   30:03.7  9:42 
   30   5/5      441 Zack Savitski           24 M Waynesboro      PA   30:03.9  9:42 
   31   3/5      449 Candi Blessing          27 F Smithsburg      MD   31:02.1 10:01 
   32   3/4      420 Jenny Lester            34 F Mercersburg     PA   31:05.2 10:02 
   33   4/4      424 Melanie Kania           36 F Hagerstown      MD   31:23.9 10:08 
   34   5/7      423 Mark Kania              38 M Hagerstown      MD   31:24.0 10:08 
   35   5/5      408 Matthew Capotosti       13 M Clear Spring    MD   32:38.2 10:32 
   36   6/7      448 Bobby Strother          35 M Hagerstown      MD   33:09.6 10:42 
   37   1/1      407 Debra Danner            56 F Hagerstown      MD   33:58.1 10:58 
   38   3/6      402 Julie Bywaters          47 F Hagerstown      MD   33:58.2 10:58 
   39   4/6      405 Christopher Gleeson     42 M Martinsburg     WV   34:32.3 11:09 
   40   7/7      403 Christopher Lyons       36 M Hagerstown      MD   36:24.3 11:45 
   41   5/6      427 Dennis Shatzer          45 M Hagerstown      MD   37:01.8 11:57 
   42   6/6      428 John Bowman             45 M Hagerstown      MD   38:30.4 12:26 
   43   3/4      410 Katherine Graves        18 F Capon Bridge    WV   38:56.0 12:34 
   44   4/4      411 Rebeckah Larusso        18 F Bunker Hill     WV   38:56.5 12:34 
   45   4/5      401 Tonia Little            25 F Hagerstown      MD   39:05.0 12:37 
   46   5/5      412 Sonya Miller            27 F Chambersburg    PA   39:05.3 12:37 
   47   4/6      432 Mary Ann Nave           45 F Hagerstown      MD   40:00.3 12:55 
   48   1/1      426 Ray Daughtery           69 M Myersville      MD   40:29.5 13:04 
   49   5/6      429 Vicki Bartles           41 F Hagerstown      MD   44:55.8 14:30 
   50   6/6      430 Nikki Eichelberger      44 F Fairplay        MD   44:56.7 14:30 
   51   2/2      425 Robert Thompson         12 M Hagerstown      MD   46:54.2 15:08 
   52   1/1      409 Alyssa Thompson         13 F Hagerstown      MD   46:56.7 15:09 

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