Tidal Basin Runs
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Washington, DC
Conducted by Tidal Basin Runs

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  ##   Name                         G Age City State               Time    M   F
  --  --------------------------    - --- -----------------------  -----   --  --
      1500 Meter Run
  1   Scott McCann                  M  32 Alexandria VA             5:06   1
  2   R.J. Fox                      M  47 Hyattsville MD            5:13   2
  3   Ted Poulos                    M  50 McLean VA                 5:37   3
  4   Dan Eddy                      M  61 Alexandria VA             5:42   4
  5   Chris Farmer                  M  33 Columbia MD               5:55   5
  6   Kirk Gordon                   M  56 Glenn Dale MD             6:00   6
  7   Ayan Bagchi                   M  32 Alexandria VA             6:14   7
  8   Peter Blank                   M  57 Annandale VA              6:35   8
  9   Don Junta                     M  50 Springfield VA            6:59   9
  10  James Moreland                M  60 Gaithersburg MD           7:41   10
  11  John Winkert                  M  56 South Riding VA           9:45   11

      3000 Meter Run
  1   Henry Wigglesworth            M  54 Washington DC            10:07   1
  2   Scott McCann                  M  32 Alexandria VA            10:36   2
  3   Dave Risley                   M  32 Washington DC            10:44   3
  4   Brian Fisher                  M  32 Washington DC            12:18   4
  5   Milan Basta                   M  61 Potomac MD               12:47   5
  6   Greg Mastel                   M  49 Washington DC            12:51   6
  7   Chris Farmer                  M  33 Columbia MD              13:36   7
  8   Julie Bruns                   F  41 Silver Spring MD         15:06       1
  9   Rodney Wells                  M  40 Manassas Park VA         15:39   8
  10  Jasper Carr                   M  11 Washington DC            18:40   9
  11  John Winkert                  M  56 South Riding VA          19:08   10
  12  Maureen Lynch                 F  48 Washington DC            27:34       2  (ran 20:34, started 7 minutes late)

      5000 Meter Run
  1   Joey Harvey                   M  19 Pemberton NJ             17:51   1
  2   Aron Christiansen             M  24 Mohrsville PA            17:59   2
  3   Ted Poulos                    M  50 McLean VA                19:59   3
  4   Jay Jacob Wind                M  62 Arlington VA             21:37   4
  5   Kirk Gordon                   M  56 Glenn Dale MD            23:09   5
  6   Chan Robbins                  M  75 Arlington VA             25:23   6
  7   Jim Mort                      M  66 Burke VA                 26:34   7
  8   James Moreland                M  60 Gaithersburg MD          27:40   8
  9   William Guey-Lee              M  64 Arlington VA             34:11   9
  10  Denna J. Yancey               F  28 Hyattsville MD           55:51       1
  11  Delecia J. Lyons              F  32 Temple Hills MD          56:02       2

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