Freedom's Run 10K/5K - 5K
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Harpers Ferry, WV
Conducted by Premium Race Timing & Race Management

Future Featured Races

RacePacket Home | 10K
PlaceBib # Name                 Age Sex City               State   Time    Pace
  1   4168 Jake Green            28  M  Ashburn             VA     17:56.0 5:47
  2   4076 Jack Conant           22  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     19:08.9 6:10
  3   4503 Colin Hayes           14  M  Shepherdstown       WV     19:11.3 6:11
  4   4408 Sherry Stick          34  F  Eldersburg          MD     19:14.1 6:12
  5   4097 Ryan Curtis           16  M  Sharpsburg          MD     20:01.1 6:27
  6   4038 Drew Bristor          30  M  North Bethesda      MD     20:22.0 6:34
  7   4202 Courtland Howard      57  M  Red Lion            PA     20:57.1 6:45
  8   4364 Mark Schmitt          42  M  Charles Town        WV     21:12.4 6:50
  9   4505 Otis Parker           14  M  Shepherdstown       WV     21:16.8 6:52
 10   4403 Dylan Stamper         12  M  Shepherdstown       WV     21:17.5 6:52
 11   4538 Logan Keyes           11  M  Sheperdstown        WV     21:28.8 6:55
 12   4090 Heath Crumbacker      41  M  Martinsburg         WV     21:42.1 7:00
 13   4238 Patrick Laughner      39  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     22:06.1 7:08
 14   4369 Bill Senseney         63  M  Charles Town        WV     22:18.2 7:12
 15   4311 Matt Permenter        35  M  Knoxville           MD     22:24.8 7:14
 16   4223 Jeremy Kincaid        31  M  Ranson              WV     22:42.3 7:19
 17   4209 Zane Janssen          13  M  Shepherdstown       WV     23:00.0 7:25
 18   4438 German Veselovskiy    40  M  Kearneysville       WV     23:04.4 7:26
 19   4343 Brosh Robert          18  M  Charles Town        WV     23:20.7 7:32
 20   4018 Brad Baker            45  M  Myersville          MD     23:23.4 7:33
 21   4487 Kevin Burkett         48  M  Romney              WV     23:47.4 7:40
 22   4494 Mason Young           13  M  Shepherdstown       WV     23:56.0 7:43
 23   4036 Lonnie Briggs         14  M  Shepherdstown       WV     23:56.0 7:43
 24   4509 Joseph Cole Bonbright 13  M  Shepherdstown       WV     23:56.2 7:43
 25   4101 Brittany Davis        25  F  Charles Town        WV     24:03.0 7:45
 26   4341 Laura Rider           28  F  Hagerstown          MD     24:04.6 7:46
 27   4464 Avery Younis          13  F  Shepherdstown       WV     24:19.9 7:51
 28   4204 Austin Huff           13  M  Charles Town        WV     24:20.2 7:51
 29   4518 Owen Keel             11  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     24:22.8 7:52
 30   4434 Josh Vance            27  M  Harman              WV     24:27.5 7:53
 31   4237 Dwyane Late           53  M  Thurmont            MD     24:52.9 8:01
 32   4086 Steve Copley          33  M  Leesburg            VA     25:04.5 8:05
 33   4069 Alan Claffie          44  M  Waldorf             MD     25:04.8 8:05
 34   4291 Kevin Motz            25  M  Hagerstown          MD     25:06.2 8:06
 35   4501 Ed Cannon             63  M  Hedgesville         WV     25:13.2 8:08
 36   4310 Amy Permenter         34  F  Knoxville           MD     25:16.9 8:09
 37   4191 Tracy Himmelman       36  F  Charles Town        WV     25:28.2 8:13
 38   4352 Raymond Ropelewski    38  M  Charles Town        WV     25:29.2 8:13
 39   4135 Bill Farley           33  M  Hagerstown          MD     25:36.0 8:15
 40   4002 Phil Aguila           42  M  Shepherdstown       WV     25:36.7 8:15
 41   4232 Matthew Kradel        36  M  Martinsburg         WV     25:39.7 8:16
 42   4339 Kathleen Rice         12  F  Martinsburg         WV     25:42.4 8:17
 43   4053 Kevin Burkett         23  M  Hanover             MD     25:42.9 8:17
 44   4245 Zach Leslie           14  M  Shepherdstown       WV     25:44.3 8:18
 45   4473 Violet Hott           12  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     25:47.5 8:19
 46   4163 Stephanie Golden      12  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     25:47.5 8:19
 47   4442 Mike Watcher          13  M  Martinsburg         WV     25:47.7 8:19
 48   4058 Christopher Buzard    26  M  Middletown          MD     25:47.9 8:19
 49   4126 Sam Dove              13  M  Bunker Hill         WV     25:48.8 8:19
 50   4003 Phillip Aguila        7   M  Shepherdstown       WV     25:49.2 8:20
 51   4499 Mitchell Highlands    22  M  East Berlin         PA     25:59.4 8:23
 52   4017 Brian Bailey          30  M  Weston              WV     26:02.5 8:24
 53   4012 Adrienne Asam         31  F  Shepherdstown       WV     26:04.6 8:25
 54   4071 Patrick Clester       47  M  Union Bridge        MD     26:04.8 8:25
 55   4520 Christian Asam        37  M  Shepherdstown       WV     26:09.0 8:26
 56   4183 Thomas Henry          33  M  Martinsburg         WV     26:12.8 8:27
 57   4472 Larry Hines           58  M  Hedgesville         WV     26:15.0 8:28
 58   4535 Julie Kruger          44  F  Sheperdstown        WV     26:20.2 8:30
 59   4148 Suzanne Friis         57  F  Brookeville         MD     26:27.5 8:32
 60   4009 Sadie Arnold          13  F  Shepherdstown       WV     26:36.5 8:35
 61   4417 Ben Sutton            34  M  Hagerstown          MD     26:37.7 8:35
 62   4304 Jocelen Pearson       46  F  Leesburg            VA     26:40.6 8:36
 63   4083 Jennifer Cook         31  F  Baltimore           MD     26:52.0 8:40
 64   4325 Noah Pritt            15  M  Walkersville        MD     26:52.8 8:40
 65   4510 Callista Clairmont    13  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     26:57.0 8:42
 66   4272 Kathryn Mcmillan      26  F  Laurel              MD     26:58.2 8:42
 67   4195 Craig Holcomb         37  M  Bunker Hill         WV     27:04.7 8:44
 68   4014 Breana Ashbaugh       18  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     27:07.9 8:45
 69   4459 Jon Wright            39  M  Inwood              WV     27:15.0 8:47
 70   4504 Wren Parker           12  M  Shepherdstown       WV     27:22.5 8:50
 71   4193 Katherine Hoeck       25  F  Martinsburg         WV     27:29.6 8:52
 72   4260 Clay Mccabe           34  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     27:30.1 8:52
 73   4358 Ben Sade              23  M  Shepherdstown       WV     27:34.4 8:54
 74   4385 Nirmal Singletary     11  M  Shepherdstown       WV     27:39.6 8:55
 75   4334 Ginna Reep            39  F  Martinsburg         WV     27:44.0 8:57
 76   4190 Sheri Hill            33  F  North Beach         MD     27:48.4 8:58
 77   4029 Amanda Biebel         12  F  Shepherdstown       WV     27:49.1 8:58
 78   4418 Jeremy Sweat          31  M  Washington          DC     27:54.8 9:00
 79   4042 Haley Brown           15  F  Spring Mills        PA     28:00.7 9:02
 80   4380 Aubrey Shipley        39  F  Inwood              WV     28:02.5 9:03
 81   4044 Jordan Brown          15  F  Spring Mills        PA     28:07.2 9:04
 82   4244 Emily Leslie          19  F  Shepherdstown       WV     28:07.5 9:04
 83   4458 Beth Workman          50  F  Purcellville        VA     28:07.5 9:04
 84   4021 Matthew S. Barney     33  M  Inwood              WV     28:08.3 9:05
 85   4136 Adaline Farmer        13  F  Midlothian          VA     28:08.9 9:05
 86   4137 Tom Farmer            52  M  Midlothian          VA     28:09.3 9:05
 87   4033 Heather Boyd          41  F  Frederick           MD     28:09.8 9:05
 88   4149 Raymond Gallagher     50  M  Moon Township       PA     28:10.7 9:05
 89   4470 Tayah Hawley          12  F  Shepherdstown       WV     28:12.8 9:06
 90   4235 Olivia Lana           12  F  Shepherdstown       WV     28:16.2 9:07
 91   4366 Amanda Schulte        33  F  Chantilly           VA     28:19.3 9:08
 92   4367 Jason Schulte         34  M  Chantilly           VA     28:19.3 9:08
 93   4526 Matt Glynn            25  M  Lockport            NY     28:22.0 9:09
 94   4498 Nicholas Calvitt      20  M  Shepherdstown       WV     28:23.7 9:09
 95   4430 Emily Turner          28  F  Shepherdstown       WV     28:26.8 9:10
 96   4006 Madeline Ambrose      13  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     28:28.4 9:11
 97   4125 Rick Dove             49  M  Bunker Hill         WV     28:28.7 9:11
 98   4407 Michael Stewart       33  M  Strasburg           VA     28:30.5 9:12
 99   4524 Amy Hartman           45  F  Middletown          VA     28:31.0 9:12
 100  4255 Hank Machen           10  M  Knoxville           MD     28:37.5 9:14
 101  4230 Stephen Knipe         29  M  Martinsburg         WV     28:43.3 9:16
 102  4321 Kaitlyn Price         24  F  Martinsburg         WV     28:43.5 9:16
 103  4043 Jeffrey Brown         31  M  Clarksburg          MD     28:46.3 9:17
 104  4150 Rachel Ganse          34  F  Bunker Hill         WV     28:48.6 9:17
 105  4160 Thomas Glynn          56  M  Lockport            NY     28:55.4 9:20
 106  4010 Alex Arzt             7   M  Shepherdstown       WV     28:55.5 9:20
 107  4441 Benjamin Ward         26  M  Lothian             MD     28:58.0 9:21
 108  4292 Philip Mound          55  M  Rome                NY     29:00.9 9:21
 109  4319 Edward Porter         32  M  Shepherdstown       WV     29:01.8 9:22
 110  4227 Jay Kinnaman          16  M  Gaithersburg        MD     29:03.6 9:22
 111  4531 Bill Stahr            51  M  The Plains          VA     29:11.3 9:25
 112  4492 David Scherler        26  M  Washington          DC     29:11.5 9:25
 113  4461 Ed Yates              60  M  Martinsburg         WV     29:12.7 9:25
 114  4446 Sarah Weed            23  F  Shepherdstown       WV     29:13.5 9:25
 115  4055 Sarah Burns-Spielvoge 29  F  Frederick           MD     29:27.1 9:30
 116  4415 Heather Suit          26  F  Annapolis           MD     29:29.7 9:31
 117  4072 Daniel Coleman        35  M  Annapolis           MD     29:30.2 9:31
 118  4368 Charelle Segar        46  F  Martinsburg         WV     29:30.7 9:31
 119  4184 Will Herrin           25  M  Johnson City        TN     29:39.6 9:34
 120  4532 Amy Norton            31  F  Hedgeville          WV     29:41.7 9:35
 121  4527 Brian Wilson          34  M  Shepherdstown       WV     29:42.5 9:35
 122  4443 Brian Watson          32  M  Ranson              WV     29:43.4 9:35
 123  4174 Maureen Hardy         38  F  Charles Town        WV     29:44.2 9:35
 124  4176 Lisa Heavner          34  F  Winchester          VA     29:50.1 9:37
 125  4479 Katherine Mclaughlin  12  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     29:51.2 9:38
 126  4259 Missy Mcateer         41  F  Charles Town        WV     30:00.8 9:41
 127  4180 Steven Helmick        63  M  Martinsburg         WV     30:02.6 9:41
 128  4142 William Fletcher-Hill 17  M  Baltimore           MD     30:05.4 9:42
 129  4333 Tori Reed             12  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     30:12.5 9:45
 130  4063 Carmela Cesare        44  F  Shepherdstown       WV     30:12.9 9:45
 131  4405 Michelle Steele       16  F  New Market          MD     30:13.6 9:45
 132  4283 Elizabeth Miller      31  F  Elkins              WV     30:14.9 9:45
 133  4539 Keith Keyes           45  M  Sheperdstown               30:17.1 9:46
 134  4249 Jill Lineberry        37  F  Martinsburg         WV     30:18.2 9:46
 135  4284 Grant Moerschel       47  M  Shepherdstown       WV     30:19.8 9:47
 136  4112 Michael Deneseus      49  M  Martinsburg         WV     30:21.3 9:47
 137  4066 Dawn Chrisinger       35  F  Martinsburg         WV     30:21.6 9:47
 138  4406 Donna Stewart         39  F  Leesburg            VA     30:27.2 9:49
 139  4363 Joe Schmitt           12  M  Charles Town        WV     30:28.4 9:50
 140  4314 Chad Pittinger        37  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     30:39.1 9:53
 141  4324 Jodi Pritchard        33  F  Martinsburg         WV     30:39.6 9:53
 142  4354 John Rowland          35  M  Hagerstown          MD     30:39.9 9:53
 143  4427 Bethany Tremblay      26  F  Shepherdstown       WV     30:45.1 9:55
 144  4409 Matt Stickel          30  M  Martinsburg         WV     30:45.9 9:55
 145  4146 Charlee Fox           20  F  Fairmont            WV     30:49.3 9:56
 146  4231 Colleen Kradel        33  F  Martinsburg         WV     30:50.4 9:57
 147  4456 Elizabeth Wilson      31  F  Lansdale            PA     30:50.6 9:57
 148  4493 Charlie Wilson        45  M  Houston             TX     31:01.510:00
 149  4024 Keith Beddow          42  M  Berkeley Springs    WV     31:04.110:01
 150  4465 Michael Zanotti       55  M  Martinsburg         WV     31:10.910:03
 151  4356 Pam Ruddy             42  F  Round Hill          VA     31:12.110:04
 152  4355 Jim Ruddy             43  M  Round Hill          VA     31:12.110:04
 153  4307 Jason Perkins         38  M  Elkton              VA     31:21.110:07
 154  4381 Mark Shroder          58  M  College Park        MD     31:23.110:07
 155  4247 Joy Lewis             43  F  Shepherdstown       WV     31:25.610:08
 156  4295 Christopher Neighbors 11  M  Charles Town        WV     31:25.710:08
 157  4386 Jennifer Skuby        25  F  Falling Waters      WV     31:25.910:08
 158  4031 Megan Bonfili         39  F  Midlothian          VA     31:27.310:09
 159  4177 Vernon Heavner        33  M  Winchester          VA     31:33.410:11
 160  4022 Hope Becker           27  F  Martinsburg         WV     31:33.610:11
 161  4019 Jill Barnes           31  F  Round Hill          VA     31:37.710:12
 162  3039 Brendan Bray          34  M  Frederick           MD     31:41.610:13
 163  4225 Ian Kinnaman          14  M  Gaithersburg        MD     31:43.810:14
 164  4540 Kira Williams         12  F  Winchester          WV     31:47.510:15
 165  4170 William Griffith      49  M  Boonsboro           MD     31:51.710:16
 166  4224 Kelly Kincaid         31  F  Ranson              WV     31:52.010:17
 167  4277 David Melby           59  M  Winchester          VA     31:52.310:17
 168  4008 Brenda Arndt          50  F  Martinsburg         WV     31:53.610:17
 169  4219 Jacquelynn Jury       37  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     32:00.910:19
 170  4087 Christina Cote        27  F  Charles Town        WV     32:01.010:20
 171  4404 Michael Steele        54  M  New Market          MD     32:04.110:21
 172  4516 Miranda Vaca          28  F  Martinsburg         WV     32:06.810:21
 173  4105 Emily Deardeuff       33  F  Winchester          VA     32:11.910:23
 174  4007 Lisa Angstadt         49  F  Gettysburg          PA     32:13.410:24
 175  4265 Jessica Mcdaniel      32  M  Rockville Centre    NY     32:18.810:25
 176  4203 Erica Howard          23  F  Red Lion            PA     32:19.810:25
 177  4460 David Yates           49  M  Falling Waters      WV     32:20.410:26
 178  4201 Alex Howard           24  M  Red Lion            PA     32:22.110:26
 179  4080 Audrey Congleton      11  F  Adamstown           MD     32:24.610:27
 180  4534 Megan Rodgers         28  F  Washington          DC     32:26.510:28
 181  4103 George Dean           55  M  Berkeley Springs    WV     32:27.010:28
 182  4104 Sandy Dean            55  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     32:27.110:28
 183  4290 David Motz            60  M  Hagerstown          MD     32:27.810:28
 184  4361 Pamela Schilling      43  F  Charles Town        WV     32:30.210:29
 185  4454 Jannelle Willilams    40  F  Winchester          VA     32:36.610:31
 186  4398 Samantha Spencer      23  F  Sharpsburg          MD     32:38.010:32
 187  4278 Diane Melby           54  F  Winchester          VA     32:40.010:32
 188  4127 Clint Dunham          34  M  Martinsburg         WV     32:40.010:32
 189  4082 Emily Conner          25  F  Shepherdstown       WV     32:40.810:32
 190  4088 Beth Coyle            61  F  Kearneysville       WV     32:46.910:34
 191  4327 Allison Quinn         29  F  Cumberland          MD     32:48.410:35
 192  4512 Suzanne Offutt        62  F  Shepherdstown       WV     32:48.510:35
 193  4288 Cindy Moseley         52  F  Townsend            MA     32:48.710:35
 194  4285 Hannah Moerschel      10  F  Shepherdstown       WV     32:49.410:35
 195  4161 Suzanne Goddard       34  F  Hedgesville         WV     32:53.410:36
 196  4262 Emily Mcclung         31  F  Martinsburg         WV     32:53.610:36
 197  4041 Darnita Brown         44  F  Hagerstown          MD     32:54.510:37
 198  4542 Jeffrey Gustafson     28  M  Shepherdstown              32:58.210:38
 199  4351 Nicole Roop           41  F  Littlestown         PA     33:04.510:40
 200  4252 Sarah Logan           31  F  Westminster         MD     33:04.910:40
 201  4236 John Landolt          69  M  Shepherdstown       WV     33:05.510:40
 202  4085 Maureen Cooper        54  F  Westminster         MD     33:16.910:44
 203  4353 Kristin Rose          24  F  Inwood              WV     33:24.210:46
 204  4109 Sarah Delo            23  F  Winchester          VA     33:26.110:47
 205  4396 Jarred Spataro        27  M  Inwood              WV     33:28.610:48
 206  4318 Jodi Pope             37  F  Shepherstown        WV     33:30.110:48
 207  4166 Paul Gray             7   M  Kearneysville       WV     33:30.410:48
 208  4289 Karene Motivans       53  F  Shepherdstown       WV     33:31.110:49
 209  4210 Brenda Jenkins        53  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     33:33.010:49
 210  4140 Kate Fitzgerald       54  F  Charleston          WV     33:34.010:50
 211  4500 Julia Highlands       50  F  East Berlin                33:35.410:50
 212  4348 Jen Rolston           39  F  Kearneysville       WV     33:42.710:52
 213  4172 Marilyn Hanson        60  F  Gerrardstown        WV     33:46.110:54
 214  4110 Tammy Demick          50  F  Martinsburg         WV     33:49.910:55
 215  4515 Bret Greenawalt       49  M  Schuylkill Haven    PA     33:56.510:57
 216  4059 Tamara Cain           43  F  Charles Town        WV     33:58.810:57
 217  4414 Sharron Stuart        42  F  Charles Town        WV     33:59.410:58
 218  4323 Tony Price            42  M  Shephedstwon        WV     34:00.910:58
 219  4167 Trinity Gray          11  F  Kearneysville       WV     34:03.710:59
 220  4440 Natalie Walters       33  F  Martinsburg         WV     34:05.110:59
 221  4371 Jennifer Sexton       37  F  Nottingham          MD     34:06.211:00
 222  4030 John Bonbright        50  M  Shepherdstown       WV     34:16.111:03
 223  4078 Abigail Congleton     14  F  Adamstown           MD     34:17.211:04
 224  4079 Anna Congleton        13  F  Adamstown           MD     34:18.611:04
 225  4365 Will Schmitt          10  M  Charles Town        WV     34:19.811:04
 226  4357 Michael Ruppert       27  M  Baltimore           MD     34:22.111:05
 227  4211 Chris Jenkins         49  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     34:23.011:05
 228  4517 Oscar Keel            8   M  Harpers Ferry       WV     34:25.711:06
 229  4070 Julie Clester         48  F  Union Bridge        MD     34:27.611:07
 230  4519 Andrew Keel           37  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     34:27.911:07
 231  4049 Jerry Bucey           65  M  Shepherdstown       WV     34:29.311:07
 232  4092 Lily Cucuzzella       7   F                      WV     34:41.511:11
 233  4522 Nicole Lambert        8   F  Shepherdstown       WV     34:41.511:11
 234  4439 Debra Walters         53  F  Inwood              WV     34:43.611:12
 235  4132 Fiona Everline        7   F  Shepherdstown       WV     34:44.711:12
 236  4073 Julie Collier         29  F  Hagerstown          MD     34:46.111:13
 237  4349 Emily Romine          40  F  Shepherdstown       WV     34:47.011:13
 238  4268 Siri Mcdonald         35  F  Shenandoah Junction WV     34:47.311:13
 239  4181 Danielle Helwig       43  F  Gardners            PA     34:53.411:15
 240  4067 Eric Chrisman         39  M  Kearneysville       WV     34:58.111:17
 241  4483 Ian Reeder-Thompson   23  M  Richmond            VA     34:59.111:17
 242  4530 Shanna Mastrangelo    27  F  Martinsburg         WV     34:59.211:17
 243  4151 Nayeli Garcia-Selvara 34  F  Leesburg            VA     35:02.411:18
 244  4205 Janet Hughes          75  F  Winchester          VA     35:13.111:22
 245  4162 Elizabeth Golden      42  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     35:15.311:22
 246  4328 Elizabeth Quinn       26  F  Lavale              MD     35:18.111:23
 247  4511 Lisa Radler           47  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     35:18.811:23
 248  4075 Christine Collins     43  F  Martinsburg         WV     35:20.011:24
 249  4220 Joe Keating           49  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     35:22.011:25
 250  4068 Roberta Chromey       61  F  Charles Town        WV     35:23.611:25
 251  4394 Richard Snider        42  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     35:24.511:25
 252  4495 Jessica Michael       30  F  Falling Waters      WV     35:25.011:25
 253  4098 Angie Custer          29  F  Frederick           MD     35:25.511:25
 254  4507 Helena Bridwell       9   F  Charles Town        WV     35:26.111:26
 255  4506 Bernadine Somers      39  F  Shepherdstown       WV     35:26.311:26
 256  4425 Jennifer Tousey       34  F  Frederick           MD     35:28.111:26
 257  4035 Jean Bridwell         47  F  Charles Town        WV     35:28.311:26
 258  4060 Lori Campbell-Howard  50  F  Red Lion            PA     35:29.211:27
 259  4253 Ralph Lorenzetti      64  M  Harpers Ferry       WV     35:29.311:27
 260  4375 Jamie Sharp           39  F  Charles Town        WV     35:32.211:28
 261  4397 Kristen Spencer       26  F  Charles Town        WV     35:33.211:28
 262  4373 Austin Sharp          8   M  Charles Town        WV     35:33.611:28
 263  4303 Katie Payne           35  F  Westminster         MD     35:33.811:28
 264  4005 Emily Allred          42  F  Hillsboro           VA     35:35.411:29
 265  4372 Adam Sharp            8   M  Charles Town        WV     35:37.811:29
 266  4374 Gary Sharp            58  M  Charles Town        WV     35:38.211:30
 267  4028 Kelly Berkowitz       41  F  Round Hill          VA     35:41.611:31
 268  4077 Melanie Condon        41  F  Charles Town        WV     35:41.611:31
 269  4309 Patricia Perkins      61  F  Renick              WV     35:48.111:33
 270  4294 Kim Naiman            40  F  Charles Town        WV     35:55.111:35
 271  4296 Allison Nugent        34  F  Point Of Rocks      MD     35:55.211:35
 272  4402 Tracy Staines         48  F  Woodbine            MD     36:06.111:39
 273  4401 Christina Staines     19  F  Woodbine            MD     36:06.411:39
 274  4298 Kristy Omps           26  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     36:10.111:40
 275  4094 Heather Cunningham    36  F  Shepherdstown       WV     36:11.311:40
 276  4482 Linda Reeder          59  F  Leesburg            VA     36:14.511:41
 277  4485 Paige Ulvi            25  F  Chesterfield        VA     36:14.711:41
 278  4057 Jennifer Butts        28  F  Hedgesville         WV     36:15.311:42
 279  4040 Ruth Brosh            58  F  Charles Town        WV     36:18.311:43
 280  4471 Cynthia Hethcoat      55  F  Winchester          VA     36:20.811:43
 281  4267 Gina Mcdonald         34  F  Augusta             WV     36:23.811:44
 282  4340 Natalie Ricketts      31  M  Ranson              WV     36:31.811:47
 283  4306 Catherine Pennington  38  F  Walkersville        MD     36:32.911:47
 284  4423 Kristi Thiel          36  F  Martinburg          WV     36:35.811:48
 285  4095 Gene Curtis           45  M  Sharpsburg          MD     36:37.011:49
 286  4096 Kathy Curtis          44  F  Sharpsburg          MD     36:37.411:49
 287  4257 Audrey Masek          41  F  Falling Waters      WV     36:37.411:49
 288  4222 Tamara Kepner         31  F  Stephens City       VA     36:37.911:49
 289  4317 Kim Poindexter        43  F  Shepherdstown       WV     36:38.711:49
 290  4528 Saunya Reider         35  F  Glen Rock           PA     36:41.611:50
 291  4100 Jonelle Daviau        41  F  New Freedom         PA     36:42.011:50
 292  4293 Karen Murphy          40  F  Point Of Rocks      MD     36:42.411:50
 293  4378 Bridget Sheerin       35  F  Bay Shore           NY     36:45.511:51
 294  4091 Leo Cucuzzella        9   M                      WV     36:52.311:54
 295  4023 Denise Beddow         37  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     37:01.811:56
 296  4051 August Buchhalter     43  M  Frederick           MD     37:02.611:57
 297  4013 Angela Ashbaugh       41  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     37:05.411:58
 298  4145 Michael Fox           26  M  Hancock             MD     37:06.011:58
 299  4154 Colton Gelety         9   M  Harpers Ferry       WV     37:06.711:58
 300  4155 Courtney Gelety       15  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     37:07.211:58
 301  4345 Shelley Roderick      39  F  State College       PA     37:10.711:59
 302  4093 Roberta Cucuzzella    45  F                      WV     37:11.511:59
 303  4305 Pia Peltola           49  F  Shepherdstown       WV     37:11.611:59
 304  4452 Ron Widmyer           65  M  Charles Town        WV     37:13.512:00
 305  4537 Amy Gorman            39  F  Ashburn             VA     37:16.712:01
 306  4536 Maria Danowski        41  F  Leesburg            VA     37:16.712:01
 307  4218 Susan Journell        53  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     37:19.512:02
 308  4416 Kristin Surma         41  F  Round Hill          VA     37:19.712:02
 309  4455 Laura Willingham      31  F  Germantown          MD     37:24.212:04
 310  4200 David Hostetter       50  M  Shepherdstown       WV     37:26.712:05
 311  4280 Judi Merrill          33  F  Knoxville           MD     37:27.012:05
 312  4047 Fiona Brummer         9   F  Baltimore           MD     37:27.412:05
 313  4299 Andrea Ormsby         34  F  Frederick           MD     37:27.412:05
 314  4048 Rick Brummer          44  M  Baltimore           MD     37:28.112:05
 315  4106 Barnes Deborah        59  F  Elkins              WV     37:28.712:05
 316  4488 Beth Carbonella       33  F  Frederick           MD     37:29.312:05
 317  4081 Christine Congleton   43  F  Adamstown           MD     37:42.912:10
 318  4413 Lorri Stotler         48  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     37:43.612:10
 319  4107 Jason Defoe           35  M  Charles Town        WV     37:47.512:11
 320  4541 Stephen Skinner       44  M  Shepherdstown       WV     37:50.112:12
 321  4015 Lee Ashley            53  M  Martinsville        VA     37:56.312:14
 322  4242 Stacy Lehman          27  F  Greencastle         PA     38:04.712:17
 323  4241 Michael Lehman        28  M  Greencastle         PA     38:04.712:17
 324  4134 Kristen Fallier       40  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     38:32.212:26
 325  4159 Reilly Gillespie      10  F  Charles Town        WV     38:33.012:26
 326  4158 Don Gillespie         36  M  Charles Town        WV     38:33.112:26
 327  4308 Lesley Perkins        37  F  Elkton              VA     38:38.912:28
 328  4116 Payton Derrick        9   F  Harpers Ferry       WV     38:39.812:28
 329  4115 Nicholas Derrick      33  M  Charles Town        WV     38:40.112:28
 330  4114 Megan Derrick         28  F  Charles Town        WV     38:40.312:28
 331  4376 Micah Shatzer         29  M  Hagerstown          MD     38:40.912:28
 332  4521 Celeste Heath         50  F  Berryville          VA     38:43.112:29
 333  4281 Charles Metzgar       75  M  Chambersburg        PA     38:53.512:33
 334  4347 Maggie Rolfe          8   F  Shepherdstown       WV     38:55.412:33
 335  4346 Kara Rolfe            41  F  Shepherdstown       WV     38:58.512:34
 336  1512 Jason Rolfe           41  M  Shepherdstown       WV     38:58.812:34
 337  4117 Kimberly Dickinson    29  F  Charles Town        WV     39:06.012:37
 338  4502 Kate Scaletii         40  F  Frederick           MD     39:18.212:41
 339  4426 Sarah Trawick         30  F  Walkersville        MD     39:18.312:41
 340  4062 William Caulfield     30  M  Frederick           MD     39:37.412:47
 341  4336 Jet Reid              47  M  Greencastle         PA     39:38.012:47
 342  4153 Amy Gelety            43  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     39:38.512:47
 343  4400 Pamela Sperry         54  F  New Market          VA     39:45.112:49
 344  4246 Emily Lewis           10  F  Kearneysville       WV     39:47.412:50
 345  4332 Logan Reed            17  M  Berkeley Springs    WV     39:47.712:50
 346  4330 Kinsey Reed           15  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     39:48.412:50
 347  4476 Colin Mclaughlin      14  M  Berkeley Springs    WV     39:48.512:50
 348  4248 William Lewis         39  M  Kearneysville       WV     39:50.112:51
 349  4207 Marla Jabbour         53  F  Pompey              NY     39:57.812:53
 350  4131 Jessica Eshelman      30  F  Saint Thomas        PA     40:01.612:55
 351  4194 Denise Hoffman        45  F  Hagerstown          MD     40:07.912:56
 352  4484 Brandon Sims          40  F  Hagerstown          MD     40:08.112:57
 353  4199 Gavin Hosman          24  M  Henrico             VA     40:08.612:57
 354  4282 Cheryl Middleton      32  F  Inwood              WV     40:09.312:57
 355  4480 Kevin Mclaughlin      46  M  Berkeley Springs    WV     40:10.312:57
 356  4128 Cindi Dunn            55  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     40:14.912:59
 357  4448 Jon Wert              42  M  Frederick           MD     40:19.513:00
 358  4420 Sophia Swift          8   F  Gaithersburg        MD     40:26.313:03
 359  4533 Rachel Querry         43  F  New Market          MD     40:26.913:03
 360  4419 Francis Swift         49  M  Gaithersburg        MD     40:27.813:03
 361  4467 Judy Zube             57  F  Williamsport        MD     40:28.613:03
 362  4122 Clare Doherty         26  F  Williamsport        MD     40:28.713:03
 363  4240 Nichole Lee           28  F  Shepherdstown       WV     40:43.613:08
 364  4329 Annette Rakes         28  F  Kearneysville       WV     40:43.613:08
 365  4226 Jami Kinnaman         11  F  Gaithersburg        MD     40:44.613:08
 366  4228 John Kinnaman         53  M  Gaithersburg        MD     40:44.813:08
 367  4045 Melanie Brown         32  F  Dickerson           MD     40:55.613:12
 368  4514 Lisa Greenawalt       46  F  Schuylkill Haven    PA     41:05.013:15
 369  4395 Charles P Snyder      49  M  Bunker Hill         WV     41:07.513:16
 370  4182 Dana Henry            33  F  Martinsburg         WV     41:08.913:16
 371  4435 Dawn Vanmetre         45  F  Martinsburg         WV     41:09.413:16
 372  4451 Lyn Widmyer           64  F  Charles Town        WV     41:26.513:22
 373  4382 Abbie Silard          11  F  Point Of Rocks      MD     41:32.113:24
 374  4054 Robbie Burkett        20  M  Martinsburg         WV     41:37.613:25
 375  4383 Marie Silard          52  F  Point Of Rocks      MD     41:41.013:27
 376  4138 Melinda Ferber        35  F  Gerrardstown        WV     41:42.213:27
 377  4391 Patricia Smith        48  F  Kearneysville       WV     41:42.613:27
 378  4496 Megan Youngblood      27  F  Martinsburg         WV     41:46.613:28
 379  4450 Linda Whitcomb        64  F  Mount Airy          MD     41:55.613:31
 380  4270 Beth Mcgowan          54  F  Martinsburg         WV     41:56.913:32
 381  4001 Elizabeth Adams       29  F  Frederick           MD     42:17.613:38
 382  4326 Lorree Probert        46  F  Martinsburg         WV     42:17.913:38
 383  4286 Brenda Monarque       53  F  Kensington          MD     42:26.613:41
 384  4275 Pamela Mcpherson      59  F  Arlington           VA     42:29.213:42
 385  4011 Sarah Arzt            31  F  Shepherdstown       WV     42:38.813:45
 386  4543 Jessica Witherspoon   28  F  Stephens City       VA     42:58.013:52
 387  4251 Deanna Marie Lock     39  F  Winchester          VA     43:09.613:55
 388  4486 Karen Weigel          51  F  Kearneysville       WV     43:13.313:56
 389  4300 Susan Ortiz-Monasteri 52  F  Weston              FL     43:22.313:59
 390  4198 Deborah K. Hopkins-Hi 59  F  Stephenville        TX     43:22.813:59
 391  4171 Rachel Hally          37  F  Shepherdstown       WV     43:27.014:01
 392  4133 Jennifer Everline     38  F  Shepherdstown       WV     43:38.314:05
 393  4474 Daniel Mcgilton       12  M  Martinsburg         WV     43:58.314:11
 394  4529 Thomas Mcgilton       47  M  Martinsburg         WV     43:59.014:11
 395  4388 Christopher Smith     45  M  Falls Church        VA     44:05.814:13
 396  4387 Angela Smith          45  F  Falls Church        VA     44:07.914:14
 397  4525 Peter Roder           38  M  Stuarts Draft       VA     44:15.314:16
 398  4344 Krisztina Roder       36  F  Stuarts Draft       VA     44:15.614:16
 399  4379 Snehal Shevade        25  F  Rockville           MD     44:19.614:18
 400  4475 Melinda Mcgilton      46  F  Martinsburg         WV     44:39.614:24
 401  4424 Zach Thomas           26  M  Morgantown          WV     44:44.214:26
 402  4320 Beth Powell           42  F  Charles Town        WV     44:50.514:28
 403  4254 Lauren Macdonald      23  F  Henrico             VA     45:07.914:33
 404  4147 Aimee Frame           25  F  Morgantown          WV     45:13.614:35
 405  4179 Marguerite Heckethorn 37  F  Shepherdstown       WV     45:18.814:37
 406  4178 Brian Heckethorn      37  M  Shepherdstown       WV     45:18.914:37
 407  4489 Toni Fox              27  F  Martinsburg         WV     45:23.114:38
 408  4229 Julie Kinnaman        51  F  Gaithersburg        MD     45:35.114:42
 409  4297 Carol Oliver          52  F  Martinsburg         WV     46:02.714:51
 410  4263 Joshua Mccoy          40  M  Martinsburg         WV     46:11.314:54
 411  4264 Malina Mccoy          35  F  Martinsburg         WV     46:12.114:54
 412  4335 Danielle Reeves       29  F  Frederick           MD     46:39.615:03
 413  4350 Meghan Rooney         30  F  Alexandria          VA     46:39.715:03
 414  4034 Kimberly Boyd         41  F  Charles Town        WV     46:47.415:05
 415  4362 Amy Schmitt           42  F  Charles Town        WV     46:47.415:05
 416  4274 Paul Mcneil           45  M  Boonsboro           MD     46:52.215:07
 417  4273 Fiona Mcneil          9   F  Boonsboro           MD     46:52.415:07
 418  4468 Anne Brown            45  F  Hagerstown          MD     47:08.415:12
 419  4046 Sarah Brown           31  F  Clarksburg          MD     47:08.515:12
 420  4243 Beth Lentz            51  F  Inwood              WV     48:05.715:31
 421  4197 Shelly Holliday       45  F  Shepherdstown       WV     48:06.015:31
 422  4099 Luann Custer          58  F  Shepherdstown       WV     48:48.215:45
 423  4102 Karen Davis           54  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     48:49.715:45
 424  4050 Susan Bucey           63  F  Shepherdstown       WV     48:52.415:46
 425  4108 Katy Defoe            35  F  Charles Town        WV     48:59.715:48
 426  4221 Kayla Kee             23  F  Martinsburg         WV     49:02.615:49
 427  4481 Michele Payne         45  F  Shenandoah Junction WV     49:04.915:50
 428  4436 Leslie Vanorsdale     45  F  Inwood              WV     49:04.915:50
 429  4217 Rujuta Joshi          25  F  Rockville           MD     49:05.515:50
 430  4437 Lindsay Vanorsdale    14  F  Inwood              WV     49:05.715:50
 431  4453 Hannah Wilkes         25  F  Gerrardstown        WV     49:16.315:54
 432  4164 Marie Gray            10  F  Kearneysville       WV     49:19.115:55
 433  4165 Mercia Gray           10  F  Kearneysville       WV     49:19.915:55
 434  4084 Meredith Cookus       41  F  Martinsburg         WV     49:31.415:58
 435  4216 Sara Jones            61  F  Milton              WV     49:42.916:02
 436  4215 Rick Jones            62  M  Milton              WV     49:42.916:02
 437  4213 Cortney Jones         35  F  Park City           UT     49:43.516:02
 438  4129 Francis Eichelberger  52  M  Charles Town        WV     49:47.416:04
 439  4301 Suzane Patrick        75  F  Shepherdstown       WV     50:06.916:10
 440  4173 Karen Hardy           45  F  Shenandoah Junction WV     50:11.916:11
 441  4266 Leann Mcdaniels       31  F  Winchester          VA     50:20.416:14
 442  4390 Jason Smith           31  M  Charles Town        WV     50:22.716:15
 443  4513 Mary Beth Dotten      62  F  Fredricksburg       VA     50:22.916:15
 444  4124 William Douglas       71  M  Martinsburg         WV     51:33.016:38
 445  4187 David Hilke           69  M  Merrick             NY     51:39.416:40
 446  4491 Mary Ann Hammann      78  F  Shepherdstown       WV     51:50.916:43
 447  4250 Tara Little           50  F  Harpers Ferry       WV     52:13.016:51
 448  4331 Leah Reed             10  F  Berkeley Springs    WV     52:13.716:51
 449  4399 Shanan Spencer        43  F  Martinsburg         WV     52:33.316:57
 450  4316 Greg Pleasant         65  M  Martinsburg         WV     52:35.316:58
 451  4315 Candy Pleasant        62  M  Martinsburg         WV     52:35.616:58
 452  4466 Meg Zoberbier         60  F  Shepherdstown       WV     53:00.217:06
 453  4175 Anna Hawes            25  F  Martinsburg         WV     53:31.817:16
 454  4360 Bill Scherler         66  M  Somerset            NJ     54:10.617:28
 455  4188 Karen Hill            63  F  Kearneysville       WV     55:04.717:46
 456  4026 Monica Bennett        44  F  Glengary            WV     55:04.817:46
 457  4411 Ronald Stocking       62  M  Ashburn             VA     55:30.217:54
 458  4410 Jacky Stocking        61  F  Martinsburg         WV     55:30.817:54
 459  4490 Conrad C. Hammann     82  M  Shepherdstown       WV     57:13.918:27
 460  4523 Cynthia Brown         54  F  Durham              NC     57:31.518:33
 461  4370 Eric Sexton           15  M  New Bern            NC     58:06.918:45
 462  4130 Krystal Eldred        26  F  New Bern            NC     58:07.118:45
 463  4421 Courtney Tarbet       36  F  Round Hill          VA   1:00:24.519:29
 464  4256 Erin Mackey           40  F  Martinsburg         WV   1:00:27.919:30
 465  4271 Amy Mckitrick         51  F  Charles Town        WV   1:01:48.419:56
 466  4431 Jill Upson            46  F  Charles Town        WV   1:02:17.720:05
 467  4189 Lily Hill             81  F  Shepherdstown       WV   1:03:11.420:23
 468  4141 June Fletcher-Hill    53  F  Baltimore           MD   1:03:11.820:23
 469  4392 Wendy Smith           52  F  Hedgesville         WV   1:03:43.420:33
 470  4447 Dollie Wendel         76  F  Hedgesville         WV   1:03:43.820:33
 471  4462 Beth Young            52  F  Seattle             WA   1:05:16.921:03
 472  4463 Martha Young          75  F  Shepherdstown       WV   1:05:17.021:04
 473  4196 Gabriel Holguin       15  M  Frederick           MD   1:35:10.230:42
 474  4186 Joseph Higham         87  M  Georgetown          TX   3:44:21.772:22
 475  4185 Ann R. Higham         83  F  Georgetown          TX   3:45:04.272:36


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