Run with the Eagles 5K
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Alexandria, VA
Conducted by Edison High School

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      Comp#  Name                                 Time 
    1  1797  VanTine, Jarrett           M31       15:44.13       
    2  1854  Kirby, Bryan               M26       17:28.64       
    3  1834  Walchinsky, Mark           M33       17:56.13       
    4  1835  Charlton, Ryan             M15       19:35.58       
    5  1775  Rios, Antonio              M44       19:38.05       
    6  1776  Roersma, Andrew            M27       19:43.47       
    7  1846  Donovan, Steve             M44       20:00.69       
    8  1785  Frame, Matthew             M13       20:30.05       
    9  1833  Bacon, John                M56       20:33.06       
   10  1823  Mulero, Eugene             M33       21:16.20       
   11  1809  McAlister, Gerald          M20       21:20.71       
   12  1831  Werner, Stephen            M53       21:37.04       
   13  1832  Schichtel, Craig           M13       21:54.92       
   14  1825  Wilson, CJ                 M13       22:07.32       
   15  1840  Dempsey, Laurie            W42       22:08.30       
   16  1849  Ferree, Evan               M16       22:14.57       
   17  1842  Cobb, Ray                  M57       22:17.89       
   18  1853  Lee, Steven                M43       22:35.47       
   19  1818  Baumgartner, kimberly      W36       22:39.44       
   20  1821  Belkoski, David            M24       22:42.27       
   21  1855  Tanglin, Chris             M41       23:32.25       
   22  1839  Rosenthall, Chris          M31       23:44.61       
   23  1786  Meyer, Sophie              W13       23:53.91       
   24  1829  Tooshi, Michael            M30       23:58.26       
   25  1819  Baumgartner, Brandon       M12       24:00.26       
   26  1824  Lynch, Sarah               W30       24:04.75       
   27  1808  McAlister, Joseph          M13       24:11.19       
   28  1827  Andrews, Silas             M12       24:32.81       
   29  1852  McCue, Heather             W29       24:36.41       
   30  1805  Meersman, Collier          M15       24:41.25       
   31  1806  Meersman, Mark             M46       24:49.19       
   32  1790  Swift, Kellie              W32       25:30.73       
   33  1851  Caraway, JD                M44       25:47.35       
   34  1810  McAlister, John            M55       26:13.00       
   35  1803  Hansell, Deborah           W55       26:23.87       
   36  1788  Monroe, Raymond            M54       26:35.65       
   37  1843  Hamilter, Howard           M53       27:07.14       
   38  1857  Brumfield, Pamela          W47       27:12.45       
   39  1828  Andrews, Spencer           M16       27:24.11       
   40  1794  Farrar, Amanda             W41       27:34.23       
   41  1793  Winiarz, Kerin             W34       27:36.74       
   42  1813  Baldwin III, Edward        M24       27:39.10       
   43  1795  Merrill, Sarah             W48       27:56.61       
   44  1789  Monroe, Sheridan           W12       28:14.69       
   45  1816  Champlain, Pamela          W32       28:37.72       
   46  1817  Busby, David               M29       28:38.08       
   47  1826  Verdier, Jim               M70       29:16.60       
   48  1778  Dinkin, Amy                W31       29:24.35       
   49  1814  Govert, Anne               W38       29:24.72       
   50  1838  Clark, Kathryn             W25       29:30.42       
   51  1787  Meyer, Kristyna            W43       29:36.80       
   52  1779  Schulz, Tina               W40       29:38.41       
   53  1841  Vaught, Karen              W45       29:39.72       
   54  1844  Van Zyl, Johan             M60       29:40.19       
   55  1830  Sanchez, Philippe          M36       29:42.47       
   56  1850  Hellwig, Bill              M62       30:05.49       
   57  1822  Brown, Royce               M55       31:32.58       
   58  1791  Schmidt, Mitchell          M53       32:25.25       
   59  1812  Rodriguez, Ann             W61       32:44.29       
   60  1845  President, Johnny          M51       33:01.40       
   61  1859  Bellow, Shana              W39       33:02.21       
   62  1782  McCaskill, Christopher     M46       33:11.17       
   63  1836  Charlton, Patricia         W50       33:13.55       
   64  1820  Belkoski, W.               M54       33:26.73       
   65  1781  Lombardi, Keith            M31       34:46.77       
   66  1780  Scherler, Laura            W34       34:47.17       
   67  1783  Aggarwal, Madhu            W54       35:10.71       
   68  1799  Chirinos, Taegan           W11       37:22.43       
   69  1837  Clark, Susan               W65       37:22.78       
   70  1815  Novak, Jeanette            W68       38:05.30       
   71  1811  Whalen, Mandy              W72       38:25.32       
   72  1856  Ramsey, Tim                M53       38:27.90       
   73  1796  Miller, Linda              W53       40:27.25       
   74  1802  Williams, Tracey           W50       41:09.27       
   75  1784  Aggarwal, Sameer           M11       41:10.88       
   76  1848  Williams, Cheryl           W47       42:04.66       
   77  1803  Hansell, -Foster, Olivia   W18       44:02.53       
   78  1807  Waxman, Daniel             M29       47:49.68

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