Running With The Saints 5K
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Manassas, VA
Conducted by Amazing Race Timing

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** DIV/TOT shows place in agegroup/div & the total (6/42 - 6th out of 42) **
Place Div/Tot  Bib   Name                    S City       St  Chip  Pace  
===== ======== ===== ======================= = ========== == ======= ===== 
    1   1/16     220 Michael Rossi           M                 17:32  5:39 
    2   2/16     197 Jefferson Geraghty      M                 17:45  5:43 
    3   1/2      170 Marc Whalley            M                 17:58  5:47 
    4   1/6      293 Donovan Bates           M Woodbridge VA   18:23  5:55 
    5   2/6      176 Erich Friedlein         M                 18:48  6:03 
    6   1/23     473 David Kreitzer          M                 18:53  6:05 
    7   2/23     223 Scott Jaquette          M                 19:07  6:09 
    8   1/24     987 Tara Lauderdale         F                 19:31  6:17 
    9   3/6      230 Juan Tisera             M                 19:50  6:23 
   10   1/36     316 Greg Jackson            M Manassas   VA   20:19  6:33 
   11   1/13     998 David Pinnick           M                 20:32  6:37 
   12   3/23     226 Daniel Aronowitz        M                 20:53  6:44 
   13   4/23     496 Jim Speicher            M                 21:30  6:55 
   14   1/4      328 Andrew Rodgers          M Springfiel VA   21:30  6:56 
   15   2/4      311 Joshua Miller           M Manassas   VA   21:49  7:02 
   16   2/24     296 Nona Martin             F Manassas   VA   21:53  7:03 
   17   2/13     315 Myron Kremer            M Winchester VA   22:11  7:09 
   18   3/16     291 Joe Peterson            M Freeville  NY   22:39  7:18 
   19   2/36     191 Andrew Davey            M                 22:53  7:22 
   20   4/16     257 Erin Peterson           M Warrenton  VA   23:07  7:27 
   21   3/36     172 Ryan Fitzgerald         M                 23:26  7:33 
   22   4/36     978 Anthony Zervoudis       M                 23:30  7:34 
   23   1/17     450 Lydia Goetz             F                 23:33  7:35 
   24   5/23     308 Eric Paradisi           M Manassas   VA   23:40  7:37 
   25   5/36     472 Alex Kreitzer           M                 23:47  7:40 
   26   6/23     446 Phillip Dwane           M                 23:48  7:40 
   27   5/16     337 Lance Blackmore         M Manassas   VA   23:54  7:42 
   28   1/28     325 Beverley Bennett        F Springfiel VA   23:57  7:43 
   29   6/36     444 Joey Dotson             M                 24:12  7:48 
   30   3/24     423 Lucia Bruno             F                 24:19  7:50 
   31   7/36     334 Elliot Brown            M Gainesvill VA   24:21  7:51 
   32   2/28     241 Joan Coleman            F Bristow    VA   24:25  7:52 
   33   8/36     240 Lance Coleman           M Bristow    VA   24:25  7:52 
   34   6/16     338 Kevin Hardaway          M Manassas   VA   24:49  8:00 
   35   7/16     335 Mark Vanscyoc           M Bristow    VA   24:55  8:01 
   36   3/13     324 Edgar Bennett           M Springfiel VA   25:30  8:13 
   37   3/28     255 Patti Anderson          F Manassas   VA   25:34  8:14 
   38   3/4      983 Michael Martinet        M                 25:43  8:17 
   39   4/13     346 Steve Atkinson          M                 25:43  8:17 
   40   4/24     336 Heather Blackmore       F Manassas   VA   26:03  8:23 
   41   7/23     322 Steve Lutkehus          M Warrenton  VA   26:05  8:24 
   42   4/28     979 Denise Zervoudis        F                 26:05  8:24 
   43   4/4      285 Justin Dyer             M Manassas   VA   26:24  8:30 
   44   9/36     194 Walter Seigel           M                 26:26  8:31 
   45  10/36     478 Liam Nagle              M                 26:28  8:32 
   46   8/23     479 Sean Newborn            M                 26:57  8:41 
   47  11/36     455 Will Griffin            M                 26:58  8:41 
   48   8/16     248 Joseph Gregory          M Manassas   VA   27:01  8:42 
   49   5/28     354 Carla Ullman            F                 27:11  8:45 
   50   9/23     355 Jeff Vallimont          M                 27:13  8:46 
   51  10/23     445 Tom Dotson              M                 27:16  8:47 
   52  12/36     451 Reese Goetz             M                 27:21  8:48 
   53  11/23     193 Walter Seigel           M                 27:33  8:52 
   54   6/28     994 Lidia Baca              F                 27:53  8:59 
   55   1/10     495 Robin Speicher          F                 27:57  9:00 
   56   7/28     262 Tina Welsh              F Manassas   VA   28:05  9:03 
   57   2/17     353 Shelby Ullman           F                 28:15  9:06 
   58  12/23     134 Paul Stayer             M                 28:17  9:07 
   59  13/23     237 Scott Algeier           M Gainesvill VA   28:33  9:12 
   60   5/13     252 William Gott            M Fairfax    VA   28:41  9:14 
   61  13/36     314 Noah Smith              M Manassas   VA   28:57  9:19 
   62   1/2      148 Jerry Laffey            M                 29:06  9:22 
   63   6/13     307 John Duffy              M Manassas   VA   29:10  9:24 
   64   7/13     216 Michael Wagner          M                 29:12  9:24 
   65            431 Elba Campagna           F                 29:15  9:25 
   66   1/9      319 Jamiris Marpel-Sanders  F Glen Allen VA   29:28  9:29 
   67   3/17     972 Elaine White            F                 29:31  9:30 
   68   1/17     474 Zack Kreitzer           M                 29:44  9:35 
   69   9/16     295 Matias Nino             M Manassas   VA   29:46  9:35 
   70   2/9      317 Sonja Ulvedal           F Fairfax    VA   29:46  9:35 
   71   8/28     289 Andrea Hughes           F Manassas   VA   29:48  9:36 
   72  10/16     290 Mark Njore              M Woodbridge VA   29:51  9:37 
   73  14/23     222 Colin Dimund            M                 29:58  9:39 
   74   9/28     476 Tina McIntyre           F                 30:16  9:45 
   75   5/24     275 Cristina Wittlinger     F Bristow    VA   30:16  9:45 
   76   6/24     342 Tierney Stadie          F Bristow    VA   30:36  9:51 
   77  14/36     991 Justin Chiramel         M                 30:40  9:53 
   78   7/24     254 Melanie Mahaney         F Manassas   VA   30:41  9:53 
   79  11/16     292 Rocky Poullath          M Gainesvill VA   30:41  9:53 
   80  15/36     276 Luke Devore             M Haymarket  VA   30:48  9:55 
   81   2/17     312 Luke Elliott            M Vienna     VA   30:49  9:55 
   82   3/9      993 Vivian Smith            F                 31:07 10:01 
   83  12/16     141 William Alberts         M                 31:22 10:06 
   84   8/24     481 Kym Nguyen              F                 31:25 10:07 
   85   4/17     475 Rachel Kreitzer         F                 31:25 10:07 
   86   4/9      205 Katie Sleyman           F                 32:07 10:20 
   87  10/28     326 Alison Rodgers          F Springfiel VA   32:07 10:21 
   88   5/17     327 Rebecca Rodgers         F Springfiel VA   32:07 10:21 
   89  11/28     345 Barbra Almond           F                 32:15 10:23 
   90  16/36     245 Daniel Burton           M Manassas   VA   32:26 10:27 
   91  15/23     300 Christopher Feltman     M Manassas   VA   32:26 10:27 
   92   2/2      306 Robert Gurtler          M The Plains VA   32:34 10:29 
   93  17/36     985 Dart Richard            M                 32:37 10:30 
   94   5/9      239 Jessica Davis           F Woodbridge VA   32:40 10:31 
   95   2/2      321 Adrian Heymer           M Manassas   VA   32:48 10:34 
   96   6/17     456 Caroline Griffin        F                 32:58 10:37 
   97   3/17     173 Nicholas Goldsmith      M                 33:04 10:39 
   98  16/23     452 John Goldsmith          M                 33:04 10:39 
   99  12/28     256 Tina Batcheler          F Manassas   VA   33:26 10:46 
  100  18/36     114 Patrick Brisbin         M                 33:29 10:47 
  101  19/36     304 Zachary Mills           M Bristow    VA   33:33 10:48 
  102  13/28     305 Marci Larson            F Bristow    VA   33:34 10:49 
  103   8/13     422 Jorge Bruno             M                 33:40 10:51 
  104  14/28     984 Bethany Richard         F                 33:43 10:51 
  105   4/6      267 Christopher Carroll     M Alexandria VA   33:47 10:53 
  106   6/9      268 Vida Ess                F Alexandria VA   33:47 10:53 
  107  20/36    1000 Ethan Dabaldo           M                 34:38 11:09 
  108   1/3      273 Gloria Hurny-Vivio      F Manassas  VA    34:39 11:10 
  109   2/3      421 Irene Bruno             F                 34:41 11:10 
  110   9/24     323 Natalie Heymer          F Manassas  VA    34:48 11:12 
  111  21/36     430 Daniel Campagna         M                 34:52 11:14 
  112  22/36     344 Mussia Adiamseged       M                 34:53 11:14 
  113  23/36     138 Tyler Lynch             M                 34:55 11:15 
  114   1/13     287 Grace McVey             F Manassas   VA   34:57 11:15 
  115  24/36     434 Samuel Cobb             M                 35:09 11:19 
  116   2/13     286 Haley McVey             F Manassas   VA   35:21 11:23 
  117  13/16     283 Robert McVey Jr         M Manassas   VA   35:21 11:23 
  118   4/17     471 Matthew Kreitzer        M                 35:31 11:26 
  119  17/23     310 Charles Freeberg        M Manassas   VA   35:36 11:28 
  120  15/28     420 Deborah Breen           F                 35:41 11:29 
  121  25/36     177 Dominic Ciaverella      M                 35:42 11:30 
  122  10/24     229 Angela Graham           F                 35:49 11:32 
  123            441 Janis Devore            F                 35:51 11:33 
  124   9/13     320 Walter Sleyman          M Manassas   VA   35:56 11:34 
  125   2/10     251 Linda Gott              F Fairfax    VA   35:56 11:34 
  126  26/36     975 Edward Wisniewski       M                 36:02 11:36 
  127   3/10     974 Debra Wisniewski        F                 36:02 11:36 
  128  11/24       3 Tracy Thompson          F                 36:21 11:42 
  129   4/10     343 Theresa Brenner         F Manassas   VA   36:27 11:44 
  130  27/36     480 Cameron Newborn         M                 36:36 11:47 
  131  16/28     309 Kim Paradisi            F Manassas   VA   36:48 11:51 
  132   7/17     981 Allison Rice            F                 36:51 11:52 
  133   8/17     259 Haley Swanson           F Manassas   VA   36:53 11:53 
  134   5/10     137 Margie Ancheta          F                 36:54 11:53 
  135  28/36     142 Alex Ward               M                 37:01 11:55 
  136  10/13     348 Henry Bennett           M                 37:02 11:55 
  137  12/24     488 Leslie Reed             F                 37:02 11:56 
  138   9/17     349 Josephine Bennett       F                 37:04 11:56 
  139  17/28     258 Margaret Swanson        F Manassas   VA   37:08 11:57 
  140  29/36     982 Drew Rice               M                 37:12 11:59 
  141  30/36     169 Miguel Garcia           M                 37:15 12:00 
  142  18/23     263 Tim Dietrich            M Apopka     FL   37:16 12:00 
  143   6/10     266 Lynn Dietrich           F Apopka     FL   37:16 12:00 
  144  18/28     144 Nicole Dotson           F                 37:30 12:04 
  145   7/9      249 Jessica Dalusung        F Manassas   VA   37:46 12:10 
  146  19/28     461 Chris Harrill           F                 37:56 12:13 
  147  13/24     460 Mary Gurley             F                 37:56 12:13 
  148   1/4      485 Ellen Orsi              F                 38:17 12:20 
  149  14/24     333 Amy Allen               F Manassas   VA   38:39 12:27 
  150  14/16     332 David Allen             M Manassas   VA   38:39 12:27 
  151  31/36     145 Philip Dotson           M                 38:57 12:32 
  152  15/24     294 Sandra Isidro           F Manassas   VA   39:09 12:36 
  153   5/6      243 Paul Reynolds           M Woodbridge VA   39:12 12:37 
  154  32/36     303 Nicholas Mills          M Bristow    VA   39:35 12:45 
  155  10/17     969 Victoria Wagner         F                 39:37 12:45 
  156   2/4      968 Jessica Wagner          F                 39:37 12:45 
  157  11/17     992 Caton Brisbin           F                 39:50 12:50 
  158   3/13     457 Catherine Griffin       F                 40:09 12:56 
  159  20/28     454 Therese Griffin         F                 40:09 12:56 
  160  19/23     244 Stephen Burton          M Manassas   VA   40:42 13:06 
  161  12/17     125 Margaret Brisbin        F                 40:44 13:07 
  162  33/36     298 Tommy Wilcoski          M Gainesvill VA   40:57 13:11 
  163  11/13     433 Bob Cilinski            M                 41:19 13:18 
  164   4/13     301 Lily Feltman            F Manassas   VA   41:23 13:20 
  165  21/28     284 Marie McVey             F Manassas   VA   41:42 13:26 
  166   5/17     288 Liam McVey              M Manassas   VA   41:43 13:26 
  167  13/17     988 Rachel Chiramel         F                 42:01 13:32 
  168            467 Kathy Izquierdo         F                 42:15 13:36 
  169  14/17     281 Destinee Pratt          F Manassas   VA   42:38 13:44 
  170   7/10     160 Carolyn Pendleton       F                 42:57 13:50 
  171  20/23     260 Edd Welsh               M Manassas   VA   43:23 13:58 
  172   6/17     261 Teddy Welsh             M Manassas   VA   43:24 13:58 
  173   3/4      439 Margie Curran           F                 43:25 13:59 
  174  21/23     297 Ray Wilcoski            M Gainesvill VA   43:26 13:59 
  175   5/13     299 Josie Wilcoski          F Gainesvill VA   43:27 13:59 
  176   6/13     341 Hannah Branson          F Aldie      VA   43:35 14:02 
  177  15/16     339 Joshua Branson          M Aldie      VA   43:35 14:02 
  178   7/17     418 Joshua Breen            M                 43:38 14:03 
  179   4/4      356 Morgan Vallimont        F                 43:53 14:08 
  180  15/17     453 Lauren? Goldsmith       F                 45:11 14:33 
  181  16/17     448 Kimberly Ferguson       F                 45:24 14:37 
  182  22/23     990 Denny Chiramel          M                 45:58 14:48 
  183  16/24     282 Renata Peters           F Catlett    VA   46:44 15:03 
  184  34/36     491 Gabriel Short           M                 46:54 15:06 
  185  23/23     498 Stephen Tuttle          M                 47:11 15:12 
  186   8/17     449 Nicholas Ferguson       M                 49:04 15:48 
  187  22/28     302 Katherine Mills         F Bristow    VA   49:10 15:50 
  188  17/24     435 Marjorie Collins        F                 49:15 15:51 
  189   9/17     200 Jefferson Geraghty      M                 49:31 15:57 
  190  23/28     989 Elizabeth Chiramel      F                 49:36 15:58 
  191  35/36     419 Liam Breen              M                 49:52 16:03 
  192  10/17     436 Jacob Collins           M                 49:55 16:04 
  193  11/17     970 Anthony Wayne           M                 50:03 16:07 
  194   8/10     318 Judy Dye                F Manassas   VA   50:25 16:14 
  195  18/24     986 Sofia Virasoro          F                 50:57 16:24 
  196   7/13     424 Victoria Bruno          F                 50:58 16:24 
  197  12/17     492 Michael Short           M                 51:13 16:29 
  198  17/17     198 Addy Geraghty           F                 51:14 16:30 
  199  13/17     493 Camden Short            M                 51:22 16:32 
  200  19/24     490 Laurie Short            F                 51:22 16:32 
  201  16/16     494 Gregory Short           M                 51:26 16:34 
  202            971 Stephanie Wayne         F                 51:42 16:39 
  203  24/28     973 Stephanie Williams      F                 51:47 16:40 
  204   8/9      253 Vivy Tran               F Centrevill VA   51:56 16:43 
  205   1/2      329 Betty Lou Wolfe         F Manassas   VA   52:01 16:45 
  206   9/10     149 Namie Grayson           F                 52:11 16:48 
  207  20/24     246 Maey Salazar            F Manassas   VA   52:36 16:56 
  208   6/6      247 Adamchanh Tenakoun      M Manassas   VA   52:36 16:56 
  209   2/2      447 Patricia Engelmann      F                 52:42 16:58 
  210   8/13     277 Julianna Algeier        F Gainesvill VA   53:35 17:15 
  211  25/28     269 Tara Wolfe              F Manassas   VA   53:39 17:16 
  212   9/13     976 Chloe Wolfe             F                 53:49 17:20 
  213  10/13     487 Aeryn Potocnak          F                 53:50 17:20 
  214  21/24     150 Laree Pallone           F                 54:23 17:31 
  215  10/10     331 Cheryl Burns            F Manassas   VA   54:26 17:32 
  216            135 Rebecca Olson           F                 54:36 17:35 
  217  22/24     340 Rashida Branson         F Aldie      VA   55:25 17:51 
  218  11/13     278 Grace Algeier           F Gainesvill VA   55:28 17:51 
  219  26/28     980 Estela Algier           F                 55:28 17:52 
  220  27/28     967 Deidre Wagner           F                 55:30 17:52 
  221  12/13     996 Brie Jenkins            F                 56:30 18:11 
  222  14/17     462 Lex Hartung             M                 56:30 18:11 
  223  13/13     464 Jo Hartung              F                 56:38 18:14 
  224  23/24     995 Kelly Jenkins           F                 57:08 18:24 
  225  28/28     463 Claire Hartung          F                 57:09 18:24 
  226  15/17     499 Scott Tuttle            M                 59:21 19:06 
  227  16/17       1 Joseph Dalusung         M               1:00:22 19:26 
  228  24/24     497 Kelly Tuttle            F               1:00:53 19:36 
  229   9/9      242 Nichole Reynolds        F Woodbridge VA 1:00:54 19:36 
  230   3/3      997 Geraldine Matlaga       F               1:01:15 19:43 
  231  12/13     146 Alfonso Muntano         M               1:01:41 19:52 
  232            999 Annette Lewis           F               1:01:42 19:52 
  233            477 Trish Montano           F               1:01:43 19:52 
  234  17/17     272 David Smith             M Manassas   VA 1:04:37 20:48 
  235  36/36     271 Alexander Smith         M Manassas   VA 1:08:14 21:58 
  236  13/13     270 Jerry Smith             M Manassas   VA 1:08:29 22:03 

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