CFC Turkey Trot 5K
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Lorton, VA
Conducted by Racepacket, Inc.

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134 Finishers
Place Bib # Name                   Gun Time  Pace    Net Time   Gender  Team Name
  1    529  Andrew Stern              0:19:10   6:10    19:08     M
  2    547  Aaron Morrison            0:19:46   6:22    19:44     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  3    534  Stephen MacDonald         0:19:47   6:22    19:45     M
  4    163  Chris Campbell            0:20:06   6:28    20:06     M
  5    344  Stepanie McDonald         0:20:43   6:40    20:35     F     OGC
  6    339  Jeremy Martin             0:20:50   6:43    20:50     M     Thomas Turkey
  7    531  Jeffrey Medsger           0:21:01   6:46    20:28     M
  8    507  Mark Keremedjiev          0:21:02   6:46    20:59     M
  9    532  Amy Meyer                 0:21:13   6:50    21:12     F
  10   505  Maggie O'Brien            0:21:24   6:54    21:23     F
  11   545  Steven Davis              0:21:42   6:59    21:20     M
  12   512  Gerald Tiller             0:21:52   7:03    21:51     M
  13   863  Stuart Thornelue          0:21:54   7:03    21:43     M
  14    61  Randy Anders              0:23:10   7:28    22:58     M     Marshall
  15   347  Shawn McGinley            0:23:20   7:31    23:19     M
  16   849  Jonathan Thomas           0:23:30   7:34    23:22     M
  17   535  Steven Kremer             0:23:34   7:35    23:25     M
  18   395  Corry Robb                0:23:38   7:37    23:27     M     OMG it's OGM
  19   504  Stevey Sherban            0:23:40   7:37    23:27     M
  20   367  MIchael Pomponi           0:23:49   7:40    23:45     M
  21   538  John Dix                  0:23:55   7:42    23:52     M
  22   153  John/Jay Brennan          0:24:00   7:44    23:34     M
  23   298  Scott Kenepp              0:24:07   7:46    23:59     M
  24   363  Nathan Ovans              0:24:26   7:52    24:02     M     Iran Amok
  25   511  David Steele              0:24:40   7:57    24:29     M
  26   343  Mark McDonald             0:24:44   7:58    24:36     M
  27   258  Kyle Frazer               0:25:01   8:03    24:52     M     Marshall
  28   526  Marci Eby                 0:25:10   8:06    25:05     M
  29   360  Glenn Nocerito            0:25:13   8:07    25:05     M     Marshall
  30   356  Brad Scott                0:25:14   8:08    25:14     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  31   506  Scott Burch               0:25:16   8:08    25:13     M
  32   516  Cynthia Swift             0:25:19   8:09    25:02     F
  33   527  Tom Meek                  0:25:24   8:11    25:23     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  34   365  Greg Packer               0:25:57   8:21    25:34     M     OCC
  35   549  Brandi Lowe               0:26:01   8:23    25:39     F
  36   524  Karl Allwerette           0:26:02   8:23    25:57     M
  37   878  Mike Weingord             0:26:05   8:24    25:55     M     Marshall
  38   892  David White               0:26:09   8:25    25:48     M
  39   800  Joe Ross                  0:26:17   8:28    26:12     M     OGC
  40   386  Don Paul Rance            0:26:18   8:28    26:15     M     Thomas Turkey
  41   514  Kevin Krueger             0:26:48   8:38    26:42     M
  42   232  Kirk Davis                0:27:00   8:42    26:53     M
  43   284  Lindsey Jakubchak         0:27:22   8:49    26:56     F     Russian to Victory
  44   901  Art Penaranda             0:27:24   8:49    27:15     M
  45   375  Sam Purlsglove            0:27:35   8:53    26:59     M     OMG it's OGM
  46   525  Jodie Williams            0:27:49   8:58    27:24     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  47   879  Joseph Wessling           0:27:56   8:59    27:53     M     Marshall
  48   366  Robert Perry              0:27:58   9:00    27:23     M     Marshall
  49   297  Maria/Sandra Johnson      0:28:09   9:04    28:09     F     Thomas Turkey
  50   536  Shawn Stith               0:28:15   9:06    28:04     M
  51   550  Shane Camilo              0:28:16   9:06    27:28     M
  52   867  Clare Walsh               0:28:18   9:07    27:57     F     Iran Amok
  53   540  Stevey Offerbach          0:28:22   9:08    28:20     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  54   548  Jeremy Faulhaber          0:28:23   9:08    27:36     M
  55   118  Gail Betts-Anderson       0:28:29   9:10    28:23     F     Thomas Turkey
  56   222  Gerard Cliffard           0:28:39   9:14    28:11     M
  57   896  Ronnie Woods              0:28:39   9:14    28:33     M     Thomas Turkey
  58   299  Patrick Kim               0:28:50   9:17    28:36     M     OGC
  59   388  James Reulet              0:28:58   9:20    28:31     M     Russian to Victory
  60   812  Thalia Shamash            0:29:16   9:26    29:03     F
  61   838  Elizabeth Sova            0:29:23   9:28    29:15     F
  62   539  Yul Gilmet                0:29:25   9:28    29:08     M
  63   889  Russell White             0:29:28   9:29    29:15     M
  64   509  Danna Rey                 0:29:32   9:31    29:30     F
  65   508  Victoria Buchanan         0:29:32   9:31    29:30     F
  66    96  Russell Anderson          0:29:42   9:34    29:16     M     Iran Amok
  67   211  Ray Chaney                0:29:47   9:36    29:25     M     Iran Amok
  68   215  Cynthia Chatelain         0:29:50   9:36    29:41     F     Thomas Turkey
  69   300  Matt Kingsley             0:29:53   9:37    29:49     M     FMS
  70   544  Karen Besecky             0:29:55   9:38    29:26     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  71   331  Carlos Marquez            0:30:16   9:45    30:02     M
  72   349  Susan Meisner             0:30:26   9:48    30:03     F     OCC
  73    20  Renee Allison             0:30:28   9:49    30:00     F     Marshall
  74   520  Paul Briston              0:30:31   9:50    30:01     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  75   501  Kimberly Patrick          0:30:38   9:52    30:29     F     Marshall
  76   541  Ed Watford                0:30:44   9:54    30:18     M     Iran Amok
  77   911  Elizabeth Gonzalez        0:31:10  10:02    30:59     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  78   965  Richard Peters            0:31:13  10:03    30:55     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
  79   517  Pamela Weldon             0:31:17  10:05    31:10     F
  80   502  Jeff Moran                0:31:28  10:08    31:10     M
  81   899  William Booker            0:31:44  10:13    31:23     M
  82   317  Marci Lawson              0:31:58  10:18    31:40     F     OGC
  83   866  Jeanne VanDyke            0:32:32  10:29    32:13     F
  84   851  John Thompson             0:32:34  10:29    32:07     M     Russian to Victory
  85   543  Karen Halstead            0:32:35  10:30    32:20     F
  86   325  Richard Lyles             0:33:05  10:39    32:55     M
  87   296  Kimberly Johns            0:33:50  10:54    33:35     F
  88   164  Michael Cantwell          0:33:54  10:55    33:45     M     Marshall
  89   279  Jon Heileman              0:33:57  10:56    33:26     M     Marshall
  90   515  Kristyl White             0:34:30  11:07    34:26     F
  91   905  Trina Eaves               0:34:59  11:16    34:35     F
  92   828  Jenna Snyder              0:35:16  11:21    35:04     F
  93   530  Peter Woods               0:35:23  11:24    35:16     M
  94   836  Dianna Alvarado           0:35:29  11:26    35:29     F
  95   802  Mark Ross                 0:35:30  11:26    35:16     M     OGC
  96   846  Dawn Teagle Dobbs         0:35:41  11:30    35:25     F
  97   208  Heather Carey             0:35:42  11:30    35:27     F
  98   806  Deborah Rubin             0:37:21  12:02    37:07     F     OGC
  99   348  Douglas Felt              0:37:43  12:09    36:51     M     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 100   528  Elizabeth Wells           0:37:45  12:09    37:21     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 101   268  Eric Gartman              0:39:03  12:35    38:41     M     Iran Amok
 102   220  Kevin Cichetti            0:40:04  12:54    39:50     M     OGC
 103   270  Anita Goel                0:40:07  12:55    40:06     F     GeoAxis
 104   271  Sara Goetz                0:43:22  13:58    43:02     F
 105   865  Tabetha Umstead-Sullivan  0:43:54  14:08    43:38     F
 106   518  Yvette Mack-Smith         0:43:59  14:10    43:51     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 107   254  Rosie Ford                0:44:00  14:10    43:41     F
 108   894  John Witek                0:45:49  14:45    45:30     M
 109   818  Cara Sheppard             0:47:09  15:11    46:45     F
 110   533  Sadie McIntosh            0:47:41  15:21    47:33     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 111   897  Matthew Younce            0:48:14  15:32    47:56     M
 112   292  Laura Jennings            0:48:30  15:37    48:18     F     OGC
 113   335  Bertha/Ann Martin         0:48:41  15:41    48:16     F     Iran Amok
 114   519  Mary Sadecki              0:48:46  15:42    48:28     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 115   230  Stepanie Davis            0:48:49  15:43    48:36     F     Marshall
 116   842  Cheryl Stokes             0:48:54  15:45    48:41     F     Marshall
 117   400  Naketa Rodgers            0:48:56  15:46    48:31     F     OCC
 118   341  Margarett Lin             0:49:16  15:52    46:45     F     OMG it's OGM
 119   546  Katherine Rauschnot       0:50:10  16:09    49:41     F
 120   513  Senora Jernigan           0:50:21  16:13    50:09     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 121   245  Adrian Flores             0:50:22  16:13    50:00     M
 122   350  Rhonda Miller             0:50:22  16:13    50:00     F
 123   280  Gina Henshaw              0:51:37  16:37    51:08     F     Russian to Victory
 124   392  Chalbeth Reynolds         0:51:57  16:44    51:54     F
 125   542  Patrick Deming            0:53:00  17:04    52:32     M
 126   273  Sharon Hankin             0:53:01  17:04    52:34     F     Marshall
 127   277  Diane Hayden              0:54:26  17:32    54:02     F     OGC
 128   843  Addie Taylor              0:54:35  17:35    54:31     M
 129    78  Kristin Anderson          0:55:17  17:48    51:03     F     Marshall
 130   510  Heather Kern              0:55:17  17:48    51:04     F
 131   522  Jenny Floyd               0:55:18  17:49    55:00     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 132   521  Susan Wenner              0:55:20  17:49    55:00     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 133   537  Annette McLendon          1:00:57  19:38  1:00:40     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble
 134   523  Sheryl McCash             1:00:58  19:38  1:00:40     F     Hubble Hubble Hubble

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