DC State HS Cross Country Championships
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Ft DuPont Park, Washington, DC
Conducted by Racepacket, Inc.

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Female Finishers
  Place     Bib #   Name                     Gun Elapse  Gender Team
    1        136    Megan Wilson               20:44     F     Sidwell
    2        149    London Freeland            22:30     F     Dunbar
    3        135    Claire Thompson            22:30     F     Sidwell
    4        101    Asia Amis                  22:37     F     Woodrow Wilson
    5        103    Madeleine Conover          22:48     F     Woodrow Wilson
    6        107    Jacinda Miller             22:53     F     Woodrow Wilson
    7        130    Amalia Gomez-Rexrode       22:53     F     Sidwell
    8        133    Eva Martin                 23:20     F     Sidwell
    9        131    Ella Harvey                23:26     F     Sidwell
    10       119    Micalah Gutherie           23:27     F     Washington Latin
    11       106    Julia Knott                23:35     F     Woodrow Wilson
    12       117    Temitago Wolff             23:39     F     School Without Walls
    13       105    Margeret Kellog            23:49     F     Woodrow Wilson
    14       162    Rashema Nelson             24:57     F     Annacostia HS
    15       132    Julie Lessin               25:04     F     Sidwell
    16       134    Alison Steinbech           25:10     F     Sidwell
    17       118    Claire Detrick-Jules       25:29     F     Washington Latin
    18       163    Sheila Best                26:01     F     Springarn HS
    19       120    Ajia Brooks                26:08     F     Washington Latin
    20       113    Anna Tsai                  26:21     F     School Without Walls
    21       114    Margaux Wheelock-Shaw      26:28     F     School Without Walls
    22       104    Charlette Hovland          26:39     F     Woodrow Wilson
    23       126    Kenna Brooks               26:55     F     Banneker
    24       124    Moriah Jones               27:01     F     Washington Latin
    25       115    Zawadi Carroll             27:50     F     School Without Walls
    26       121    Gabby Jones                28:22     F     Washington Latin
    27       109    Michaela Baffer            28:48     F     School Without Walls
    28       144    Dajanique Anderson         29:02     F     Thurgood Marshall
    29       122    Natalie Vicent             29:12     F     Washington Latin
    30       123    Brianna Ward               29:33     F     Washington Latin
    31       139    Jasmine Stanley            30:58     F     National Collegiate
    32       125    Alex Chittmas              31:15     F     Washington Latin
    33       111    Madeline Hernandez         34:47     F     School Without Walls
    34       145    Alethea Hunson             34:51     F     Thurgood Marshall
    35       116    Chioma Aneke               36:04     F     School Without Walls
    36       112    Ashley Johnson             36:08     F     School Without Walls
    37       138    Jaida Hodge                38:23     F     National Collegiate
    38       147    Charell Williams           38:27     F     Thurgood Marshall
    39       158    Felicia Price              43:25     F     IDEA PCS

Male Finishers
  Place     Bib #   Name                     Gun Elapse  Gender  Team
    1         1     Abdur Rahem Kelly          17:56     M     Roosevelt HS
    2         20    Noah Howard                17:57     M     Woodrow Wilson
    3         24    Jason Campbell             18:21     M     Sidwell Friends
    4         34    Colin Smith                18:33     M     Sidwell Friends
    5         32    Derek Levinson             18:40     M     Sidwell Friends
    6         18    Zachary Basso              18:42     M     Woodrow Wilson
    7         17    Hassan Asraful             18:50     M     Woodrow Wilson
    8         21    Ross Pendergrast           19:03     M     Woodrow Wilson
    9         51    Tyreese Huff               19:27     M     Coolidge
    10        30    Alexander James            19:34     M     Sidwell Friends
    11        29    Evan Honnold               19:36     M     Sidwell Friends
    12        31    Patrick Lansdale           19:38     M     Sidwell Friends
    13        23    Samuel Blazes              19:52     M     Sidwell Friends
    14        36    John Warnke                20:01     M     Washington Latin
    15        48    Kibrebeal Ayalew           20:03     M     Coolidge
    16        22    Adam Schans                20:04     M     Woodrow Wilson
    17        52    Brandon Jackson            20:42     M     Coolidge
    18        16    Brian Basso                20:46     M     Woodrow Wilson
    19        15    Anton Afonsky              21:11     M     Woodrow Wilson
    20        19    Joshua Bramble             21:33     M     Woodrow Wilson
    21        49    Michael Huff               21:35     M     Coolidge
    22        10    Chrsitopher Coleman        21:44     M     School Without Walls
    23        42    Jefferey Plaza             22:57     M     IDEA
    24        12    Louis Farrakhan            22:58     M     School Without Walls
    25        37    Josh Jones                 23:17     M     Washington Latin
    26        53    Eric Rodriguez             24:16     M     Coolidge
    27        35    Breon Taylor               24:44     M     Capital City Chater
    28        11    Khufu Edwards              24:48     M     School Without Walls
    29        3     Devon Evans                24:58     M     National Collegiate
    30        39    Etthan Tate                25:01     M     Washington Latin
    31        38    Owen Wright                25:02     M     Washington Latin
    32        45    Malik Thomson              28:33     M     IDEA
    33        14    Adam Lazer                 28:41     M     School Without Walls
    34        54    Jermayne Wilson            33:08     M     IDEA
    35        47    Denzel White               34:40     M     IDEA

Female Team Standings

Team: Woodrow Wilson

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division
    1     101   Amis, Asia             10:37:13  10:59:50  00:22:37  3            F       Woodrow Wilson                      
    2     103   Conover, Madeleine     10:37:13  11:00:01  00:22:48  4            F       Woodrow Wilson                      
    3     107   Miller, Jacinda        10:37:13  11:00:06  00:22:53  5            F       Woodrow Wilson                      
    4     106   Knott, Julia           10:37:13  11:00:48  00:23:35  10           F       Woodrow Wilson                      
    5     105   Kellog, Margeret       10:37:13  11:01:02  00:23:49  12           F       Woodrow Wilson                      
    6     104   Hovland, Charlette     10:37:13  11:03:52  00:26:39  19           F       Woodrow Wilson                      

Team Total Score = 34

Team: School Without Walls

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division
    1     117   Wolff, Temitago        10:37:13  11:00:51  00:23:39  11           F       School Without
    2     113   Tsai, Anna             10:37:13  11:03:34  00:26:21  17           F       School Without     
    3     114   Wheelock-Shaw, Marga   10:37:13  11:03:41  00:26:28  18           F       School Without    
    4     115   Carroll, Zawadi        10:37:13  11:05:03  00:27:50  21           F       School Without    
    5     109   Baffer, Michaela       10:37:13  11:06:01  00:28:48  23           F       School Without  
    6     111   Hernandez, Madeline    10:37:13  11:12:00  00:34:47  26           F       School Without      
    7     116   Aneke, Chioma          10:37:13  11:13:17  00:36:04  27           F       School Without    

Team Total Score = 90

Team: Washington Latin

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division
    1     119   Gutherie, Micalah      10:37:13  11:00:40  00:23:27  9            F       Washington Latin
    2     118   Detrick-Jules, Clair   10:37:13  11:02:42  00:25:29  15           F       Washington Latin
    3     120   Brooks, Ajia           10:37:13  11:03:21  00:26:08  16           F       Washington Latin
    4     124   Jones, Moriah          10:37:13  11:04:14  00:27:01  20           F       Washington Latin
    5     121   Jones, Gabby           10:37:13  11:05:35  00:28:22  22           F       Washington Latin
    6     122   Vicent, Natalie        10:37:13  11:06:24  00:29:12  24           F       Washington Latin
    7     123   Ward, Brianna          10:37:13  11:06:46  00:29:33  25           F       Washington Latin
Team Total Score = 82

Team: Sidwell

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division          
    1     136   Wilson, Megan          10:37:13  10:57:57  00:20:44  1            F       Sidwell
    2     135   Thompson, Claire       10:37:13  10:59:43  00:22:30  2            F       Sidwell
    3     130   Gomez-Rexrode, Amali   10:37:13  11:00:06  00:22:53  6            F       Sidwell  
    4     133   Martin, Eva            10:37:13  11:00:33  00:23:20  7            F       Sidwell
    5     131   Harvey, Ella           10:37:13  11:00:39  00:23:26  8            F       Sidwell
    6     132   Lessin, Julie          10:37:13  11:02:17  00:25:04  13           F       Sidwell
    7     134   Steinbech, Alison      10:37:13  11:02:23  00:25:10  14           F       Sidwell

Team Total Score = 24


Final Summary of Team Scores

1 - Team Sidwell = 24

2 - Team Woodrow Wilson = 34

3 - Team Washington Latin = 82

4 - Team School Without Walls = 90

Male Team Standings

Team: Woodrow Wilson

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division
    1      20   Howard, Noah           11:32:15  11:50:12  00:17:57  1            M       Woodrow Wilson
    2      18   Basso, Zachary         11:32:15  11:50:57  00:18:42  5            M       Woodrow Wilson 
    3      17   Asraful, Hassan        11:32:15  11:51:05  00:18:50  6            M       Woodrow Wilson   
    4      21   Pendergrast, Ross      11:32:15  11:51:18  00:19:03  7            M       Woodrow Wilson   
    5      22   Schans, Adam           11:32:15  11:52:19  00:20:04  14           M       Woodrow Wilson
    6      16   Basso, Brian           11:32:15  11:53:01  00:20:46  16           M       Woodrow Wilson
    7      15   Afonsky, Anton         11:32:15  11:53:26  00:21:11  17           M       Woodrow Wilson

Team Total Score = 33

Team: Sidwell Friends

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division 
    1      24   Campbell, Jason        11:32:15  11:50:36  00:18:21  2            M       Sidwell Friend                      
    2      34   Smith, Colin           11:32:15  11:50:48  00:18:33  3            M       Sidwell Friend                      
    3      32   Levinson, Derek        11:32:15  11:50:55  00:18:40  4            M       Sidwell Friend                      
    4      30   James, Alexander       11:32:15  11:51:49  00:19:34  9            M       Sidwell Friend                      
    5      29   Honnold, Evan          11:32:15  11:51:51  00:19:36  10           M       Sidwell Friend                      
    6      31   Lansdale, Patrick      11:32:15  11:51:53  00:19:38  11           M       Sidwell Friend                      
    7      23   Blazes, Samuel         11:32:15  11:52:07  00:19:52  12           M       Sidwell Friend                      

Team Total Score = 28

Team: Coolidge

Place   Bib #   Name                   Gun Star    Finish  Gun Elap  Rank   Age   Gender  Division
    1      51   Huff, Tyreese          11:32:15  11:51:42  00:19:27  8            M       Coolidge
    2      48   Ayalew, Kibrebeal      11:32:15  11:52:18  00:20:03  13           M       Coolidge
    3      52   Jackson, Brandon       11:32:15  11:52:57  00:20:42  15           M       Coolidge   
    4      49   Huff, Michael          11:32:15  11:53:50  00:21:35  18           M       Coolidge
    5      53   Rodriguez, Eric        11:32:15  11:56:31  00:24:16  19           M       Coolidge

Team Total Score = 73


Final Summary of Team Scores

1 - Team Sidwell Friends = 28

2 - Team Woodrow Wilson = 33

3 - Team Coolidge = 73

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