Bridgewater Retirement Community 5K
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Bridgewater, VA
Conducted by Shenandoah Valley Track Club

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Bridgewater 5K
   PL   Name                  Age   Time
   1    Rudmin, Joseph        45  0:21:13
   2    Ruozzi, Rich          61  0:22:44
   3    Landes, Bryan         24  0:24:36
   4    Tillery, Michelle     24  0:24:52
   5    Mandeville, Nancy     56  0:30:15
   6    Lambert, Valerie      27  0:30:20
   7    Melendez, Susan       51  0:32:20
   8    Miner, Andi           68  0:32:24
   9    Proctor, Butch        68  0:32:56
   10   Barnard, Corie        18  0:33:23
   11   Barnard, Scott        46  0:33:23
   12   Baugher, Allyson      14  0:33:34
   13   Papotnik, Deborah     44  0:33:57
   14   Papotnik, Wendy       43  0:33:59
   15   Lilley, Aiden          9  0:34:20
   16   Kleinert, Candice     32  0:35:21
   17   Baugher, Donna        51  0:35:24
   18   Lilley, Leah          14  0:36:46
   19   Ray, Rosalyn          35  0:38:49
   20   Huffman, Jonathan     27  0:39:01
   21   Kiracofe, Mykala      11  0:39:32
   22   Kiracofe, Christine   45  0:39:33
   23   Shrock, Bryon         44  0:41:47
   24   Shrock, Lori          41  0:41:48
   25   Correa, Jonathan      26  0:43:52
   26   Lehman, Darlene       53  0:48:27
   27   Snader, Linda         59  0:48:28
   28   Phillips, Sandy       64  0:48:53
   29   Frazier, Rob          35  0:49:12
   30   Powell, John Allan    65  0:49:58
   31   Waldron, Karen        N/A 0:50:09
   32   Waldron, Katie        19  0:50:09
   33   Lilley, Todd          N/A 0:50:55
   34   Kinney, Allison       34  0:51:05
   35   Sutton, Andruette     67  0:51:17
   36   Fawley, Patty         57  0:51:21
   37   Patterson, Debbie     48  0:51:23
   38   Arbogast, Pamela      56  0:51:29
   39   Frazier, Lisa         34  0:51:30
   40   Draper, Ellie         62  0:51:37
   41   Dunlap, Tonya         40  0:54:51
   42   Stover, Missy         41  0:54:51
   43   Simmers, Waltine      64  0:55:06
   44   Lambert, Kathy        50  0:55:06
   45   Dodrill, Michele      39  0:55:07
   46   Mitchell, Rachel      N/A 0:56:43
   47   Harper, Brittany      N/A 0:56:44
   48   Lambert, Paige        19  0:57:11


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