Mount Vernon High School Turkey Trot 5K
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Alexandria, VA
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MOunt Vernon HS Turkey trot 5K
  PL   Bib  First       Last          Age  Sex  City            ST   Guntime Chiptime  Pace    Div    AG Pl   Sex Pl
  1    823  Mark        Walchinsky    33    M   Alexandria      VA   0:17:55 0:17:55   5:47   M3039     1       1
  2    809  Muse        Alemayehu     17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:18:43 0:18:43   6:02   M1519     1       2
  3    586  Perry       Leonardq      46    M   Engleside       VA   0:20:05 0:20:05   6:29   M4049     1       3
  4    563  Jason       Geddes        41    M   Alexandria      VA   0:20:26 0:20:24   6:35   M4049     2       4
  5    580  William     Diangelo      17    M   Vienna          VA   0:20:37 0:20:37   6:39   M1519     2       5
  6    470  Jonathan    Hurley        13    M   Alexandria      VA   0:21:10 0:21:08   6:49   M1114     1       6
  7    578  Brian       Harrington    29    M   Alexandria      VA   0:21:35 0:21:31   6:56   M2029     1       7
  8    488  Christopher Letai         13    M   Alexandria      VA   0:21:40 0:21:40   6:59   M1114     2       8
  9    545  Zosimo      Torrico       54    M   Alexandria      VA   0:22:00 0:21:58   7:05   M5059     1       9
  10   595  Dan         Chwastyn      31    M   Washington      DC   0:22:09 0:22:06   7:07   M3039     2       10
  11   420  Seamus      Barry         37    M   Alexandria      VA   0:22:30 0:22:27   7:14   M3039     3       11
  12   509  Scott       Paradis       50    M   Alexandria      VA   0:22:58 0:22:57   7:24   M5059     2       12
  13   447  John        Duffy         34    M   Arlington       VA   0:23:08 0:22:59   7:24   M3039     4       13
  14   808  Inmar       Marquez       16    M   Alexandria      VA   0:23:07 0:23:06   7:27   M1519     3       14
  15   444  Andrew      Dahik         15    M   Alexandria      VA   0:23:29 0:23:18   7:30   M1519     4       15
  16   478  Charlotte   Kolb          15    F   Alexandria      VA   0:23:29 0:23:18   7:31   F1519     1       1
  17   486  Erik-Ian    Kwelberg      13    M   Alexandria      VA   0:23:23 0:23:23   7:32   M1114     3       16
  18   517  Curtis      Pilcher       16    M   Springfield     VA   0:23:25 0:23:25   7:33   M1519     5       17
  19   539  Andy        Schubin       50    M   Tampa           FL   0:23:39 0:23:36   7:37   M5059     3       18
  20   570  Randy       Smith         48    M   Alexandria      VA   0:24:11 0:23:45   7:39   M4049     3       19
  21   471  Sean        Hurley        41    M   Alexandria      VA   0:24:12 0:24:10   7:47   M4049     4       20
  22   533  Patrick     Ryan          22    M   Alexandria      VA   0:24:20 0:24:10   7:47   M2029     2       21
  23   600  David       Gibbs         14    M   Alexandria      VA   0:24:35 0:24:32   7:54   M1114     4       22
  24   597  Erik        Rodriquez     17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:24:41 0:24:41   7:57   M1519     6       23
  25   559  Sarah       Haut          44    F   Alexandria      VA   0:24:55 0:24:53   8:01   F4049     1       2
  26   594  Donald      Bruce         30    M   Woodbridge      VA   0:25:19 0:25:12   8:07   M3039     5       24
  27   508  Mitchell    Paradis       17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:25:23 0:25:20   8:10   M1519     7       25
  28   819  Bashan      Williams      18    M   Fort Belvoir    VA   0:25:22 0:25:22   8:10   M1519     8       26
  29   418  Jeffrey     Barrick       37    M   Ft Belvoir      VA   0:25:40 0:25:30   8:13   M3039     6       27
  30   544  Pablo       Torrico       11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:26:00 0:25:56   8:22   M1114     5       28
  31   492  Jason       Matteo        15    M   Alexandria      VA   0:26:20 0:26:07   8:25   M1519     9       29
  32   433  Sarah       Busch         16    F   Alexandria      VA   0:26:20 0:26:07   8:25   F1519     2       3
  33   571  Greg        Smith         15    M   Alexandria      VA   0:26:20 0:26:07   8:25   M1519     10      30
  34   511  Catherine   Perryman      15    F   Alexandria      VA   0:26:20 0:26:08   8:25   F1519     3       4
  35   409  Joe         Ambery         8    M   Alexandria      VA   0:26:18 0:26:09   8:26   M0110     1       31
  36   448  Susan       Duffy         38    F   Alexandria      VA   0:26:40 0:26:29   8:32   F3039     1       5
  37   415  Javier      Ayala         12    M   Alexandria      VA   0:26:44 0:26:40   8:36   M1114     6       32
  38   410  Dale        Anderson      47    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:17 0:26:46   8:38   M4049     5       33
  39   807  Fredy       Amaya         17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:04 0:27:03   8:43   M1519     11      34
  40   817  Megan       Gibbs         21    F   Alexandria      VA   0:27:13 0:27:08   8:45   F2029     1       6
  41   596  Chris       Lau           35    M   Mosby           VA   0:27:45 0:27:09   8:45   M3039     7       35
  42   806  Ricardo     Marquez       16    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:14 0:27:12   8:46   M1519     12      36
  43   593  Marty       Reynolds      43    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:55 0:27:13   8:46   M4049     6       37
  44   579  Anne        Harrington    27    F   Alexandria      VA   0:27:18 0:27:13   8:46   F2029     2       7
  45   804  Carrie      Fleming       48    F   Alexandria      VA   0:27:31 0:27:23   8:49   F4049     2       8
  46   528  Lynn        Rowland       48    F   Alexandria      VA   0:27:53 0:27:38   8:54   F4049     3       9
  47   482  Jack        Kuberski      11    M   Springfield     VA   0:27:47 0:27:42   8:55   M1114     7       38
  48   811  Joshua      Bekoe         17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:45 0:27:45   8:57   M1519     13      39
  49   417  Beth        Barrick       35    F   Ft Belvoir      VA   0:27:56 0:27:46   8:57   F3039     2       10
  50   801  Nathaniel   Ogden         15    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:51 0:27:49   8:58   M1519     14      40
  51   576  Michael     Harrington    62    M   Alexandria      VA   0:27:56 0:27:51   8:58   M6069     1       41
  52   574  Colin       Fitzpatrick   37    M   Alexandria      VA   0:28:13 0:27:53   8:59   M3039     8       42
  53   832  Brandon     Hamilton      11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:28:14 0:27:54   8:59   M1114     8       43
  54   422  Marcia      Bassler       59    F   Springfield     VA   0:28:01 0:27:57   9:01   F5059     1       11
  55   575  Abigail     Hopkins       33    F   Alexandria      VA   0:28:30 0:28:06   9:03   F3039     3       12
  56   461  Daniel      Futrell       50    M   Alexandria      VA   0:28:12 0:28:11   9:05   M5059     4       44
  57   435  Matthew     Butterfield   30    M   Woodbridge      VA   0:28:23 0:28:12   9:05   M3039     9       45
  58   535  Ashleigh    Sable         17    F   Alexandria      VA   0:28:37 0:28:29   9:11   F1519     4       13
  59   534  Amber       Sable         15    F   Alexandria      VA   0:28:37 0:28:29   9:11   F1519     5       14
  60   432  Robert      Busch         52    M   Alexandria      VA   0:28:46 0:28:30   9:11   M5059     5       46
  61   551  Meghan      Wommack       11    F   Lorton          VA   0:28:53 0:28:31   9:11   F1114     1       15
  62   502  Sophia      Newton        11    F   Lorton          VA   0:28:56 0:28:34   9:12   F1114     2       16
  63   501  Maryse      Newton        41    F   Lorton          VA   0:29:01 0:28:35   9:13   F4049     4       17
  64   513  Cole        Peverall      10    M   Alexandria      VA   0:28:52 0:28:47   9:16   M0110     2       47
  65   557  Tom         Pardini       57    M   Alexandria      VA   0:29:01 0:28:49   9:17   M5059     6       48
  66   567  Thomas      Reilly        11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:28:52 0:28:51   9:18   M1114     9       49
  67   414  Elizabeth   Auciello      33    F   Washington      DC   0:32:30 0:29:07   9:23   F3039     4       18
  68   434  Tim         Busch         41    M   Springfield     VA   0:32:30 0:29:07   9:23   M4049     7       50
  69   550  Samantha    Von Zirpolo   24    F   Arlington       VA   0:29:20 0:29:13   9:25   F2029     3       19
  70   573  Arturo      Hill          18    M   Fairfax         VA   0:29:32 0:29:17   9:26   M1519     15      51
  71   504  Tracy       Ocker         45    F   Alexandria      VA   0:29:39 0:29:27   9:30   F4049     5       20
  72   449  Jack        Dunn          13    M   Alexandria      VA   0:29:35 0:29:32   9:31   M1114     10      52
  73   463  Noah        Goldenberg    29    M   Warren          NJ   0:29:54 0:29:47   9:36   M2029     3       53
  74   556  Daniel      Mends         17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:29:52 0:29:49   9:37   M1519     16      54
  75   416  Pete        Bailiff       45    M   Alexandria      VA   0:30:02 0:29:57   9:39   M4049     8       55
  76   520  Nadia       Pontif        36    F   Alexandria      VA   0:30:30 0:29:59   9:40   F3039     5       21
  77   519  Mark        Pontif        38    M   Alexandria      VA   0:30:30 0:30:00   9:40   M3039     10      56
  78   465  Curtmarie   Hardaker      14    F   Alexandria      VA   0:30:01 0:30:00   9:40   F1114     3       22
  79   568  Jennifer    Burch         35    F   Alexandria      VA   0:30:31 0:30:16   9:45   F3039     6       23
  80   455  Sarah       Feighery      42    F   Alexandria      VA   0:30:32 0:30:24   9:48   F4049     6       24
  81   411  Emma        Anderson      14    F   Alexandria      VA   0:30:41 0:30:25   9:48   F1114     4       25
  82   532  Kathleen    Ryan          54    F   Alexandria      VA   0:31:10 0:30:32   9:50   F5059     2       26
  83   436  Johnny      Castillo      45    M   Alexandria      VA   0:30:40 0:30:33   9:51   M4049     9       57
  84   472  William     Hurley        11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:30:39 0:30:37   9:52   M1114     11      58
  85   810  Hugo        Olivares      15    M   Alexandria      VA   0:30:44 0:30:43   9:54   M1519     17      59
  86   503  Gabrielle   Ocker         18    F   Alexandria      VA   0:30:57 0:30:45   9:55   F1519     6       27
  87   405  Stephen     Albert        49    M   Alexandria      VA   0:31:34 0:30:52   9:57   M4049     10      60
  88   446  Carlos      Davila        12    M   Alexandria      VA   0:31:00 0:30:56   9:58   M1114     12      61
  89   494  Tracy       Matteo        48    F   Alexandria      VA   0:31:14 0:30:59   9:59   F4049     7       28
  90   829  Meyene      Eman          16    M   Engleside       VA   0:31:02 0:31:00   9:59   M1519     18      62
  91   802  Vance       Anchalee      27    F   Severn          MD   0:31:39 0:31:18  10:05   F2029     4       29
  92   408  Jack        Ambery        10    M   Alexandria      VA   0:31:38 0:31:29  10:09   M0110     3       63
  93   542  Dan         Storck        59    M   Alexandria      VA   0:31:59 0:31:42  10:13   M5059     7       64
  94   569  Dylan       Reynolds      10    M   Alexandria      VA   0:32:02 0:31:58  10:18   M0110     4       65
  95   834  Talaya      Johnson       15    F   Fort Belvoir    VA   0:32:26 0:32:06  10:21   F1519     7       30
  96   413  Sean        Andrews       44    M   Stafford        VA   0:32:18 0:32:11  10:22   M4049     11      66
  97   443  Juan        Cuadrado      48    M   Alexandria      VA   0:32:25 0:32:17  10:24   M4049     12      67
  98   442  Ada         Cuadrado      48    F   Alexandria      VA   0:32:25 0:32:17  10:24   F4049     8       31
  99   555  Tristan     Zanowic       11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:02 0:32:18  10:24   M1114     13      68
 100   431  Scott       Burns         11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:02 0:32:18  10:24   M1114     14      69
 101   404  Reece       Albert        11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:01 0:32:18  10:24   M1114     15      70
 102   429  Patrick     Burns         41    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:02 0:32:18  10:25   M4049     13      71
 103   538  Parker      Scanlon       11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:02 0:32:19  10:25   M1114     16      72
 104   805  Joseph      Miranda       17    M   Alexandria      VA   0:32:21 0:32:19  10:25   M1519     19      73
 105   464  Nicholas    Gonzalez      11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:01 0:32:19  10:25   M1114     17      74
 106   825  Maria       Ruiz          16    F   Alexandria      VA   0:32:21 0:32:19  10:25   F1519     8       32
 107   450  Megan       Dunn          43    F   Alexandria      VA   0:32:35 0:32:24  10:26   F4049     9       33
 108   540  Kim         Schubin       47    F   Tampa           FL   0:32:32 0:32:26  10:27   F4049     10      34
 109   558  Tracy       Scheel        40    F   Alexandria      VA   0:32:39 0:32:27  10:27   F4049     11      35
 110   549  Michael     Viani         11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:32:37 0:32:28  10:28   M1114     18      75
 111   500  Jeff        Nees          52    M   Alexandria      VA   0:32:49 0:32:30  10:28   M5059     8       76
 112   512  Martin      Perryman      48    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:01 0:32:47  10:34   M4049     14      77
 113   437  Owen        Chong         10    M   Alexandria      VA   0:32:58 0:32:53  10:36   M0110     5       78
 114   485  Aidan       Kwelberg       9    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:05 0:32:59  10:38   M0110     6       79
 115   412  Janet       Anderson      45    F   Alexandria      VA   0:33:20 0:33:03  10:39   F4049     12      36
 116   459  Robert      France        43    M   Alexandria      VA   0:33:56 0:33:08  10:41   M4049     15      80
 117   507  Lisa        Paradis       49    F   Alexandria      VA   0:33:39 0:33:34  10:49   F4049     13      37
 118   813  Sharonda    Llewellyn     12    F   Lorton          VA   0:33:58 0:33:43  10:52   F1114     5       38
 119   543  William     Thompson       9    M   Fairfax Stati   VA   0:34:10 0:33:44  10:52   M0110     7       81
 120   440  Catherine   Creighton Tho 45    F   Fairfax Stati   VA   0:34:12 0:33:46  10:53   F4049     14      39
 121   521  Beth        Pyles         12    F   Alexandria      VA   0:34:04 0:33:53  10:55   F1114     6       40
 122   523  Suzanne     Pyles         40    F   Alexandria      VA   0:34:14 0:34:02  10:58   F4049     15      41
 123   514  Cynthia     Peverall      48    F   Alexandria      VA   0:34:38 0:34:25  11:05   F4049     16      42
 124   812  Mauricio    Medrano       16    M   Alexandria      VA   0:34:28 0:34:27  11:06   M1519     20      82
 125   403  Kimberly    Albert        33    F   Alexandria      VA   0:35:21 0:34:37  11:09   F3039     7       43
 126   430  Sandra      Burns         47    F   Alexandria      VA   0:35:22 0:34:37  11:09   F4049     17      44
 127   524  Brayden     Reynolds       8    M   Alexandria      VA   0:34:44 0:34:40  11:10   M0110     8       83
 128   536  Aimee       Scanlon       40    F   Alexandria      VA   0:35:11 0:34:47  11:12   F4049     18      45
 129   537  Michael     Scanlon       40    M   Alexandria      VA   0:35:19 0:34:54  11:15   M4049     16      84
 130   518  Tom         Pilcher       45    M   Springfield     VA   0:35:05 0:34:57  11:16   M4049     17      85
 131   515  Abbey       Pilcher       14    F   Springfield     VA   0:35:06 0:34:57  11:16   F1114     7       46
 132   480  Linda       Kristoff      44    F   Alexandria      VA   0:35:37 0:35:17  11:22   F4049     19      47
 133   454  Finnbar     Feighery      13    M   Alexandria      VA   0:35:57 0:35:50  11:33   M1114     19      86
 134   456  Teddy       Feighery      11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:35:57 0:35:51  11:33   M1114     20      87
 135   425  Jack        Boehm          8    M   Alexandria      VA   0:36:21 0:36:04  11:37   M0110     9       88
 136   426  Todd        Boehm         44    M   Alexandria      VA   0:36:21 0:36:05  11:37   M4049     18      89
 137   421  Katie       Basinski      43    F   Alexandria      VA   0:36:40 0:36:09  11:39   F4049     20      48
 138   818  Michelle    Ward          43    F   Alexandria      VA   0:36:41 0:36:09  11:39   F4049     21      49
 139   592  Eric        Russell       39    M   Ashburn         VA   0:36:23 0:36:14  11:40   M3039     11      90
 140   427  Dale        Bowman        33    M   Alexandria      VA   0:36:38 0:36:28  11:45   M3039     12      91
 141   439  Laurence    Connor        48    M   Alexandria      VA   0:36:41 0:36:32  11:46   M4049     19      92
 142   438  Evelyn      Connor        10    F   Alexandria      VA   0:36:41 0:36:32  11:46   F0110     1       50
 143   548  Mark        Viani         46    M   Alexandria      VA   0:37:05 0:36:55  11:54   M4049     20      93
 144   506  Brian       Oliver        41    M   Alexandria      VA   0:37:44 0:36:57  11:54   M4049     21      94
 145   816  Raegen      Notte               F   Alexandria      VA   0:38:04 0:37:50  12:11                     51
 146   815  Morgan      Nottz               F   Alexandria      VA   0:38:04 0:37:51  12:12                     52
 147   587  Robert      Hedrick       90    M   Alexandria      VA   0:39:06 0:38:11  12:18   M7099     1       95
 148   821  Eric        Rasmussa      44    M   Alexandria      VA   0:39:07 0:38:12  12:18   M4049     22      96
 149   822  Karen       Rasmussen     44    F   Alexandria      VA   0:39:08 0:38:16  12:20   F4049     22      53
 150   490  Finn        Matiskella     5    M   Alexandria      VA   0:38:53 0:38:34  12:25   M0110     10      97
 151   491  Paty        Matiskella    39    F   Alexandria      VA   0:38:53 0:38:35  12:26   F3039     8       54
 152   529  Jayson      Ruelas        11    M   Alexandria      VA   0:38:41 0:38:37  12:26   M1114     21      98
 153   451  Peter       Dunn           9    M   Alexandria      VA   0:38:52 0:38:45  12:29   M0110     11      99
 154   522  Jack        Pyles          9    M   Alexandria      VA   0:38:51 0:38:46  12:29   M0110     12     100
 155   584  Aharon      Richardson    18    M   Engleside       VA   0:39:19 0:39:00  12:34   M1519     21     101
 156   445  Julie       Dahik         47    F   Alexandria      VA   0:40:43 0:40:31  13:03   F4049     23      55
 157   457  Timothy     Feighery      50    M   Alexandria      VA   0:40:47 0:40:38  13:05   M5059     9      102
 158   453  Anne        Feighery       8    F   Alexandria      VA   0:40:47 0:40:39  13:06   F0110     2       56
 159   552  Melissa     Wood          32    F   Alexandria      VA   0:40:55 0:40:42  13:07   F3039     9       57
 160   479  Ingrid      Kolb          55    F   Alexandria      VA   0:41:02 0:40:50  13:09   F5059     3       58
 161   583  Darius      Richardson    19    M   Engleside       VA   0:41:05 0:41:05  13:14   M1519     22     103
 162   566  Sarah       Reilly        43    F   Alexandria      VA   0:41:33 0:41:11  13:16   F4049     24      59
 163   496  Berkeley    Mchugh        51    F   Alexandria      VA   0:41:57 0:41:27  13:21   F5059     4       60
 164   406  Amy         Ambery        42    F   Alexandria      VA   0:41:39 0:41:29  13:22   F4049     25      61
 165   407  Emily       Ambery        11    F   Alexandria      VA   0:41:39 0:41:30  13:22   F1114     8       62
 166   598  Kenneth     Kuberski      47    M   Springfield     VA   0:41:51 0:41:34  13:23   M4049     23     104
 167   458  Donna       France        46    F   Alexandria      VA   0:43:01 0:42:29  13:41   F4049     26      63
 168   591  Carlos      Estremadoiro  18    M   Alexandria      VA   0:43:44 0:43:19  13:57   M1519     23     105
 169   423  Eileen      Bauer         44    F   Lorton          VA   0:43:45 0:43:25  13:59   F4049     27      64
 170   585  Raquel      Bealey        17    F   Fort Belvoir    VA   0:43:53 0:43:28  14:00   F1519     9       65
 171   547  Trace       Vasques       43    F   Alexandria      VA   0:44:49 0:43:58  14:10   F4049     28      66
 172   588  Luis        Lamas         34    M   Alexandria      VA   0:44:47 0:44:12  14:14   M3039     13     106
 173   831  Meaghan     Ruelas        13    F   Alexandria      VA   0:44:36 0:44:32  14:21   F1114     9       67
 174   525  Nicole      Reynolds      39    F   Alexandria      VA   0:44:47 0:44:42  14:24   F3039     10      68
 175   553  Casey       Zanowic       11    F   Alexandria      VA   0:45:08 0:44:51  14:27   F1114     10      69
 176   460  Morgan      Frueh         11    F   Alexandria      VA   0:45:09 0:44:52  14:27   F1114     11      70
 177   824  Emilia      Stapleton     12    F   Alexandria      VA   0:45:44 0:45:26  14:38   F1114     12      71
 178   541  William     Shotts        41    M   Springfield     VA   0:46:16 0:45:57  14:48   M4049     24     107
 179   483  Carol       Kuginskie     37    F   Woodbridge      VA   0:46:55 0:46:18  14:55   F3039     11      72
 180   484  Kevin       Kuginskie     36    M   Woodbridge      VA   0:46:54 0:46:18  14:55   M3039     14     108
 181   419  Christy     Barry         39    F   Alexandria      VA   0:47:52 0:47:05  15:10   F3039     12      73
 182   836  Eluizabeth  Cipolla       13    F   Alexandria      VA   0:49:36 0:49:03  15:48   F1114     13      74
 183   599  Caitlyn     Gosha         14    F   Alexandria      VA   0:49:36 0:49:03  15:48   F1114     14      75
 184   505  John        O'hara        59    M   Alexandria      VA   0:49:39 0:49:24  15:55   M5059     10     109
 185   531  Christopher Ryan          52    M   Alexandria      VA   0:50:13 0:49:35  15:58   M5059     11     110
 186   495  Katherine   Mcallister    28    F   Arlington       VA   0:50:17 0:49:37  15:59   F2029     5       76
 187   477  Lori        Klinedinst    36    F   Arlington       VA   0:50:17 0:49:37  15:59   F3039     13      77
 188   481  Carrie      Kuberski      47    F   Springfield     VA   0:50:49 0:50:23  16:14   F4049     29      78
 189   475  Dennis      Kayatt        44    M   Arlington       VA   0:51:22 0:50:54  16:24   M4049     25     111
 190   837  Adisha      Wesley        14    F   Alexandria      VA   0:51:20 0:51:06  16:27   F1114     15      79
 191   577  Barbara     Harrington    59    F   Alexandria      VA   0:51:43 0:51:14  16:30   F5059     5       80
 192   820  Charlotte   Quigley       60    F   Mosby           VA   0:51:51 0:51:15  16:30   F6069     1       81
 193   590  Jane        Madde               F                        0:51:45 0:51:16  16:31                     82
 194   564  Sam         Jennings      10    M   Alexandria      VA   0:52:08 0:51:41  16:39   M0110     13     112
 195   838  Ayumi       Concey        36    F   Alexandria      VA   0:51:57 0:51:42  16:39   F3039     14      83
 196   499  Denise      Naff          41    F   Fort Belvoir    VA   0:52:21 0:51:45  16:40   F4049     30      84
 197   498  Alena       Naff          15    F   Fort Belvoir    VA   0:52:22 0:51:46  16:41   F1519     10      85
 198   835  Shannon     Merrell       25    F   Alexandria      VA   0:52:12 0:51:49  16:41   F2029     6       86
 199   814  Melissa     Graves        55    F   Alexandria      VA   0:52:16 0:51:52  16:42   F5059     6       87
 200   826  Danielle    Reeves        14    F   Fort Belvoir    VA   0:52:44 0:51:56  16:44   F1114     16      88
 201   827  Zac         Jennings      44    M   Engleside       VA   0:52:27 0:52:02  16:45   M4049     26     113
 202   493  Kit         Matteo        49    M   Alexandria      VA   0:53:51 0:52:49  17:01   M4049     27     114
 203   589  Bill        Inglier             M                        0:53:48 0:53:18  17:10                    115
 204   828  Brandi      Mccannan      39    F   Alexandria      VA   0:54:13 0:53:45  17:19   F3039     15      89
 205   565  Trisha      Jennings      38    F   Alexandria      VA   0:54:13 0:53:45  17:19   F3039     16      90
 206   466  Sally       Hazard        44    F   Alexandria      VA   0:54:39 0:54:08  17:26   F4049     31      91
 207   546  Lauren      Tovrea        30    F   Montclair       VA   0:54:38 0:54:08  17:26   F3039     17      92
 208   561  Debra       Kerr          49    F   Alexandria      VA   0:54:39 0:54:09  17:26   F4049     32      93
 209   562  Keith       Kerr          50    M   Alexandria      VA   0:54:39 0:54:11  17:27   M5059     12     116
 210   582  Dana        Richardson    42    F   Engleside       VA   0:55:33 0:54:56  17:42   F4049     33      94
 211   401  Eloi        Akpata        53    M   Alexandria      VA   0:55:28 0:55:06  17:45   M5059     13     117
 212   830  Heidi       Burkhardt     41    F   Engleside       VA   0:55:47 0:55:08  17:45   F4049     34      95
 213   833  Vicki       Burkhardt     74    F   Alexandria      VA   0:55:48 0:55:09  17:46   F7099     1       96
 214   469  William     Hodges        48    M   Alexandria      VA   0:55:28 0:55:12  17:47   M4049     28     118
 215   516  Angie       Pilcher       45    F   Springfield     VA   0:55:25 0:55:13  17:47   F4049     35      97
 216   497  Jennifer    Molden        39    F   Alexandria      VA   0:55:45 0:55:18  17:49   F3039     18      98
 217   467  Jacob       Hodges        14    M   Alexandria      VA   0:55:56 0:55:37  17:55   M1114     22     119
 218   428  Eva         Buckles       38    F   Alexandria      VA   0:56:00 0:55:39  17:55   F3039     19      99
 219   402  Heather     Akpata        45    F   Alexandria      VA   0:56:01 0:55:39  17:55   F4049     36     100
 220   424  Teressa     Baxter        50    F   Alexandria      VA   0:56:00 0:55:40  17:56   F5059     7      101
 221   468  Janet       Hodges        43    F   Alexandria      VA   0:56:01 0:55:42  17:56   F4049     37     102
 222   441  Arminta     Crosby        35    F   Alexandria      VA   0:56:00 0:55:42  17:56   F3039     20     103


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