Run Under the Lights 5K
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD
Conducted by Montgomery County Road Runners Club

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Run Under the Lights 5K
Place Div/Tot Num Name               Sex Age Hometown                   Gun       Net     Pace
  1     1/9   232 Jeff Moxley         M   15 Boyds MD                  19:00     18:59    6:07
  2     1/15  608 Ross Williams       M   28 Gaithersburg MD           19:12     19:12    6:11
  3     1/14   87 Scott Silliman      M   52 Olney MD                  19:40     19:40    6:20
  4     1/25  200 John Way            M   47 Montgomery Vill MD        20:26     20:25    6:35
  5     1/11  301 Bill Raabe          M   58 Washington DC             20:55     20:54    6:44
  6     1/37   42 Jacob Rushkoff      M   14 Gaithersburg MD           21:27     21:25    6:54
  7     1/5   536 Carl Shapiro        M   24 Baltimore MD              21:43     21:41    6:59
  8     2/5   560 John Cortez         M   20 Derwood MD                21:56     21:53    7:03
  9     2/37  751 Jake Copenheaver    M   13 Potomac MD                22:25     22:24    7:13
  10    2/9   349 Jack Tobe           M   16 Washington DC             22:32     22:31    7:15
  11          752                                                      22:36     22:35    7:16
  12    2/25  615 Larry Feidelseit    M   45 Germantown MD             22:44     22:39    7:18
  13    2/15  580 Kevin Anderson      M   25 College Park MD           22:46     22:42    7:19
  14    1/10  409 Katriona McNeill    F   15 Chevy Chase MD            22:57     22:53    7:22
  15    3/9   408 Jesse McNeill       M   17 Chevy Chase MD            23:00     22:55    7:23
  16    2/14  557 Gary Bowman         M   50 Derwood MD                22:58     22:55    7:23
  17    1/13  381 Polly Heath         F   58 Chevy Chase MD            23:13     23:04    7:26
  18          753                                                      23:14     23:07    7:27
  19    3/25  238 John Holten         M   48 Gaithersburg MD           23:14     23:07    7:27
  20    4/25  621 David McIntire      M   47 Montgomery Vill MD        23:20     23:15    7:29
  21    1/23  483 Matt France         M   44 Gaithersburg MD           23:24     23:18    7:30
  22    1/19  591 John Fedota         M   35 Boyds MD                  23:33     23:23    7:32
  23    2/23  656 Scott Rogers        M   43 Silver Spring MD          23:29     23:24    7:32
  24    1/37  548 Sarah Day           F   38 Rockville MD              23:40     23:30    7:34
  25    2/19  433 Derek Inman         M   36 Damascus MD               23:45     23:35    7:36
  26    2/37  590 Laren Rusin         F   35 Boyds MD                  23:53     23:43    7:38
  27    1/59  329 Michele Jones       F   44 Germantown MD           24:01:00    23:55    7:42
  28    1/5   605 Jud Stailey         M   63 North Potomac MD        24:10:00   24:07:00  7:46
  29    1/50  679 Annie Elliott       F   12 Damascus MD             24:20:00   24:18:00  7:50
  30    1/24   73 Chris Maggard       M   32 Woodstock MD            24:34:00   24:18:00  7:50
  31    1/24  196 Ginger Jordan       F   29 Raleigh NC              24:35:00   24:19:00  7:50
  32    1/68  197 Grace Wallenborn    F   30 Johns Island SC         24:35:00   24:20:00  7:50
  33    3/37  417 Quinn McKeever      M   5  Washington DC           24:28:00   24:22:00  7:51
  34    2/24  541 Joe Creed           M   32 Gaithersburg MD         25:02:00   24:30:00  7:53
  35    3/15  663 Andrew McDowell     M   25 Rockville MD            24:50:00   24:36:00  7:55
  36    3/24  552 Tim Creed           M   30 Norfolk VA              25:02:00   24:40:00  7:57
  37    4/37  316 Jackson Malmgren    M   13 Germantown MD           24:48:00   24:47:00  7:59
  38    2/24  640 Jillian Hanright    F   29 Arlington VA            24:54:00   24:49:00  7:59
  39    3/14  566 Douglas McGuffey    M   54 Silver Spring MD        25:12:00   24:54:00  8:01
  40    5/25  620 Sam Knutson         M   46 North Potomac MD        25:16:00   25:11:00  8:07
  41    4/15  104 Garrett Dachille    M   27 Baltimore MD            25:54:00   25:11:00  8:07
  42    2/68  571 Stacy Glodek        F   33 Germantown MD           25:20:00   25:13:00  8:07
  43    3/37  572 Pamela Dager        F   39 Fort Washington PA      25:26:00   25:19:00  8:09
  44    5/37  283 Jackson Galloway    M   12 Frederick MD            26:20:00   25:20:00  8:09
  45    1/14  691 Kaite Yost          F   20 Poolesville MD          25:23:00   25:22:00  8:10
  46    6/37  282 Joey Galloway       M   9  Frederick MD            26:23:00   25:23:00  8:10
  47    3/19  657 Nick Zagorski       M   37 Rockville MD            25:28:00   25:24:00  8:11
  48    3/68  383 Royanna Herbert     F   33 Derwood MD              25:32:00   25:26:00  8:11
  49    4/24  384 Jess Herbert        M   33 Derwood MD              25:32:00   25:26:00  8:12
  50    5/24  735 Will Jauquet        M   34 Gaithersburg MD         25:58:00   25:29:00  8:13
  51          756                                                    25:32:00   25:32:00  8:14
  52    6/25  110 John Ingrassia      M   45 Gaithersburg MD         25:43:00   25:33:00  8:14
  53    2/14  538 Lindsay Derby       F   21 Damascus MD             26:05:00   25:35:00  8:14
  54    5/15  284 Joe Luquette        M   29 Germantown MD           26:23:00   25:41:00  8:16
  55    4/37  430 Jessica Bruner      F   37 Gaithersburg MD         26:53:00   25:52:00  8:20
  56    5/37   54 Aleksandra Nita-Laz F   38 Brookeville MD          25:59:00   25:53:00  8:20
  57    4/68  573 Cyndi Crowl         F   30 Stroudsburg PA          26:05:00   25:58:00  8:22
  58    3/23  750 Blaine Copenheaver  M   43 Potomac MD              26:09:00   26:08:00  8:25
  59    7/25  540 Jayarathne Kottage  M   47 Rockville MD            26:16:00   26:09:00  8:25
  60    3/5   603 Todd Carter         M   23 Olney MD                26:35:00   26:15:00  8:27
  61    6/24  611 Dave Durose         M   34 Olney MD                26:44:00   26:16:00  8:28
  62    2/59  512 Melissa Polito      F   42 Silver Spring MD        27:03:00   26:20:00  8:29
  63    2/10  559 Melissa Bowman      F   19 Derwood MD              26:43:00   26:23:00  8:30
  64    1/33  445 Pam Bruce-Staskal   F   45 Germantown MD           27:37:00   26:31:00  8:32
  65    8/25   36 Phil Michel         M   47 Germantown MD           26:46:00   26:37:00  8:34
  66    6/15   50 Will Roberts        M   28 Rockville MD            26:47:00   26:38:00  8:34
  67    5/68   85 Elena Dietz         F   30 Gaithersburg MD         26:53:00   26:39:00  8:35
  68    7/37  452 Nathan Bowman       M   9  North Potomac MD        28:04:00   26:50:00  8:38
  69    6/68  602 Ana Vine            F   30 Germantown MD           27:07:00   26:51:00  8:39
  70    9/25  502 Michaell Newman     M   46 Silver Spring MD        28:29:00   27:01:00  8:42
  71    4/5   255 Daniel Cannistra    M   21 Gaithersburg MD         27:14:00   27:05:00  8:43
  72    4/23  307 Anderw Wood         M   42 Rockville MD            27:17:00   27:08:00  8:44
  73    4/19  424 Ronald Altieri      M   37 Germantown MD           27:39:00   27:09:00  8:45
  74          670 Noah Stevens        M   0  Olney MD                27:34:00   27:14:00  8:46
  75    3/59  594 Carmen Constantine  F   42 Fairfax VA              27:33:00   27:16:00  8:47
  76    5/23  314 Ira Greenspan       M   43 Boyds MD                27:44:00   27:17:00  8:47
  77   10/25  537 Lee Derby           M   48 Damascus MD             27:49:00   27:18:00  8:48
  78   11/25  577 Terry Dailey        M   45 Chevy Chase MD          28:14:00   27:19:00  8:48
  79    4/59  398 Qiang Biddison      F   44 Rockville MD            27:24:00   27:20:00  8:48
  80    2/13  119 Karen Sussmanharris F   55 Gaithersburg MD         27:47:00   27:33:00  8:52
  81    6/23  101 Daniel Wilcom       M   41 Ijamsville MD           28:50:00   27:51:00  8:58
  82    7/23   43 Allen Ford          M   40 Germantown MD           28:11:00   27:52:00  8:59
  83    4/9   465 Zackary Rettig      M   15 Damascus MD             28:08:00   27:55:00  9:00
  84    1/5   131 Rich Foster         M   66 Germantown MD           28:07:00   27:56:00  9:00
  85    3/24  563 Kaiti McCaffery     F   27 Arlington VA            28:50:00   27:58:00  9:01
  86    2/50  539 Dimagi Kottage      F   11 Rockville MD            28:07:00   28:00:00  9:01
  87    3/14  105 Kathryn Velencia    F   22 Columbia MD             28:10:00   28:06:00  9:03
  88    4/14  236 Michelle Hale       F   22 Olney MD                28:10:00   28:06:00  9:03
  89    1/11  364 Jean Olson          F   61 Rockville MD            28:38:00   28:16:00  9:06
  90    7/24  230 Scott Brown         M   30 Gaithersburg MD         28:25:00   28:19:00  9:07
  91    6/37  404 Corey Magill        F   35 Adamstown MD            28:48:00   28:20:00  9:07
  92    5/14  595 Hanna Lee           F   23 Potomac MD              28:35:00   28:27:00  9:10
  93    4/24  138 Leah Cho            F   26 Silver Spring MD        28:35:00   28:27:00  9:10
  94    5/24  568 Jayna Resman        F   25 College Park MD         28:38:00   28:29:00  9:10
  95    6/14  273 Johanna Hariharan   F   24 Washington DC           29:12:00   28:30:00  9:11
  96    5/59  437 Becky Smith         F   43 Laurel MD               28:39:00   28:32:00  9:11
  97    5/19  439 Paul Dollar         M   36 Damascus MD             30:24:00   28:32:00  9:11
  98    8/37  390 Lowell Brophy       M   14 Montgomery Vill MD      28:50:00   28:37:00  9:13
  99    4/14  392 R David Brophy      M   51 Montgomery Vill MD      28:50:00   28:37:00  9:13
 100    2/33  389 Christine Brophy    F   47 Montgomery Vill MD      28:56:00   28:43:00  9:15
 101    2/11  747 Leonard Goldman     M   56 Potomac MD              29:12:00   28:44:00  9:15
 102    5/9   600 Alex Eisenberg      M   15 Chevy Chase MD          29:38:00   28:45:00  9:16
 103    8/24  338 Jason Schuerger     M   33 Kensington MD           29:10:00   28:47:00  9:16
 104    6/59  285 Lisa Scott          F   40 Olney MD                29:29:00   28:47:00  9:16
 105    7/15  564 Matthew Brideau     M   28 Arlington VA            29:40:00   28:47:00  9:16
 106    8/23  429 David Bruner        M   43 Gaithersburg MD         29:52:00   28:50:00  9:17
 107    1/32  565 Catherine McGuffey  F   52 Silver Spring MD        29:09:00   28:50:00  9:17
 108    7/14   51 Kathryn Dadourian   F   24 Silver Spring MD        29:02:00   28:53:00  9:18
 109    2/32  688 Kathy Cea           F   52 Gaithersburg MD         29:04:00   28:55:00  9:19
 110    9/37   99 Brett Wilcom        M   12 Ijamsville MD           29:57:00   28:58:00  9:20
 111    7/68  190 Elizabeth Griffiths F   30 Frederick MD            29:08:00   29:00:00  9:20
 112    8/15  191 Jason Tichy         M   29 Gaithersburg MD         29:09:00   29:02:00  9:21
 113    9/15  148 Andrew Kim          M   29 Gaithersburg MD         30:16:00   29:04:00  9:22
 114    8/14  326 Alyssa Picard       F   20 Kensington MD           29:32:00   29:06:00  9:22
 115    7/37  650 Melissa Haberer     F   36 Martinsburg WV          29:24:00   29:07:00  9:22
 116   12/25  325 Matthew Picard      M   49 Kensington MD           29:33:00   29:07:00  9:22
 117    3/32  324 Suzanne Picard      F   53 Kensington MD           29:33:00   29:07:00  9:23
 118    3/11  649 Dennis Haberer      M   56 Damascus MD             29:24:00   29:07:00  9:23
 119    6/24  578 Rebecca Fern        F   28 North Bethesda MD       29:57:00   29:07:00  9:23
 120    6/19   77 Ryan Kees           M   37 Laytonsville MD         29:28:00   29:11:00  9:24
 121   13/25  606 David Mowatt        M   49 Poolesville MD          29:47:00   29:11:00  9:24
 122    3/33  524 Laurie Kelliher     F   46 Germantown MD           29:57:00   29:11:00  9:24
 123    9/24  626 John Krisko         M   31 Darnestown MD           29:48:00   29:12:00  9:24
 124    7/59   41 A. Sally Davis      F   42 Rockville MD            29:23:00   29:17:00  9:26
 125    4/33  662 Sheila Hall         F   46 Rockville MD            29:42:00   29:24:00  9:28
 126   10/37  309 Matthew Wood        M   12 Rockville MD            29:36:00   29:27:00  9:29
 127    3/50  160 Victoria Yeakle     F   14 Laytonsville MD         29:40:00   29:31:00  9:30
 128    7/24  192 Sejla Karalic       F   26 Arlington VA            30:14:00   29:32:00  9:31
 129    8/24  579 Veronica Jaeger     F   29 Takoma Park MD          29:49:00   29:35:00  9:32
 130    5/33  569 Sarah Dunsmore      F   48 Rockville MD            29:46:00   29:36:00  9:32
 131   10/15   20 Jason Held          M   29 Baltimore MD            30:07:00   29:42:00  9:34
 132    2/5   328 William J. Lammers  M   64 Washington DC           30:18:00   29:44:00  9:34
 133    8/59  659 Krista Zanetti      F   41 Rockville MD            30:01:00   29:45:00  9:35
 134    8/68  473 Stephanie Housel    F   33 Rockville MD            30:15:00   29:46:00  9:35
 135    9/24  607 Alison Williams     F   28 Gaithersburg MD         30:04:00   29:48:00  9:36
 136    4/50  469 Arya Newingham      F   9  Washington DC           29:54:00   29:49:00  9:36
 137   14/25  471 Marty Newingham     M   47 Washington DC           29:54:00   29:49:00  9:36
 138    9/59   6  Dj McKenna          F   41 North Potomac MD        30:26:00   29:54:00  9:38
 139    9/23  414 Michael Boswell     M   43 Gaithersburg MD         30:17:00   29:54:00  9:38
 140   11/37  412 Carter Boswell      M   10 Gaithersburg MD         30:18:00   29:55:00  9:38
 141    4/32  746 Lisa Demarco        F   54 Potomac MD              30:24:00   29:57:00  9:39
 142   10/59  411 Melissa Goldstein   F   41 Gaithersburg MD         30:25:00   30:02:00  9:40
 143    5/32  629 Sara Watt           F   51 Gaithersburg MD         30:11:00   30:03:00  9:41
 144    6/9   576 Ryan Dailey         M   15 Chevy Chase MD          30:57:00   30:04:00  9:41
 145    7/9   721 Matthew Menzi       M   15 Chevy Chase MD          30:57:00   30:05:00  9:41
 146    7/19  108 Kelly Reidy         M   35 Xxx MD                  30:38:00   30:20:00  9:46
 147    9/68  106 Meredith Reidy      F   32 Xxx MD                  30:38:00   30:20:00  9:46
 148   11/59   76 Lynley Kees         F   41 Laytonsville MD         30:37:00   30:20:00  9:46
 149   12/59  503 Nora Krug           F   42 Silver Spring MD        31:51:00   30:22:00  9:47
 150   10/23  505 Brian Rockey        M   42 Germantown MD           32:21:00   30:29:00  9:49
 151   10/24  235 Robert Karish       M   30 Gaithersburg MD         31:22:00   30:31:00  9:50
 152   10/68  250 Sarah Muller        F   33 Silver Spring MD        31:15:00   30:35:00  9:51
 153   11/68  252 Meredith Williams   F   33 Gaithersburg MD         31:15:00   30:35:00  9:51
 154    8/19  253 Christopher William M   35 Gaithersburg MD         31:15:00   30:35:00  9:51
 155   10/24  583 Julie Burnett       F   29 Germantown MD           31:30:00   30:37:00  9:52
 156   13/59  582 Lisa Tekelenburg    F   40 Silver Spring MD        31:32:00   30:41:00  9:53
 157    5/14  254 James Cannistra     M   53 Gaithersburg MD         30:57:00   30:43:00  9:54
 158   12/68  141 Susan Hmel          F   33 Gaithersburg MD         31:02:00   30:44:00  9:54
 159   11/24   7  Jamin Bartolomeo    M   32 Burtonsville MD         31:31:00   30:49:00  9:55
 160          754                                                    31:32:00   30:49:00  9:55
 161    6/33  533 Janet Witkowski     F   46 Gaithersburg MD         31:14:00   31:00:00  9:59
 162   11/23  520 Greg Franklin       M   40 Rockville MD            31:47:00   31:00:00  9:59
 163   14/59  135 Lisa Wagner         F   43 Gaithersburg MD         31:41:00   31:00:00  9:59
 164    8/37  423 Heather Altieri     F   36 Germantown MD           31:34:00   31:04:00 10:00
 165   11/15   45 Daniel Hayden       M   28 Rockville MD            31:21:00   31:12:00 10:03
 166   13/68  542 Rosemary Dann       F   30 Silver Spring MD        31:49:00   31:12:00 10:03
 167   12/37  261 Ryan Kim            M   11 Rockville MD            31:21:00   31:14:00 10:04
 168   12/23  705 Steven Mager        M   42 Silver Spring MD        32:10:00   31:16:00 10:04
 169   14/68  704 Sherene Sepehri     F   34 Silver Spring MD        32:11:00   31:16:00 10:04
 170    9/37  612 Sara Durose         F   36 Olney MD                31:45:00   31:17:00 10:04
 171   10/37   21 Amira Iskander      F   37 North Potomac MD        31:30:00   31:17:00 10:04
 172   15/68  624 Molly Bowling       F   32 Gaithersburg MD         31:42:00   31:21:00 10:06
 173   12/24  623 Matt Bowling        M   30 Gaithersburg MD         31:42:00   31:21:00 10:06
 174    7/33  159 Karla Yeakle        F   47 Laytonsville MD         31:35:00   31:26:00 10:07
 175    5/50  298 Perrin Myers        F   10 Bethesda MD             31:29:00   31:27:00 10:08
 176   13/23  295 Trevor Myers        M   44 Bethesda MD             31:30:00   31:28:00 10:08
 177   15/59  300 Andrea Keane-Myers  F   43 Bethesda MD             31:31:00   31:28:00 10:08
 178    6/50  296 Griffin Myers       F   14 Bethesda MD             31:31:00   31:28:00 10:08
 179   16/68  180 Liza Jenkins        F   32 Gaithersburg MD         31:50:00   31:33:00 10:10
 180   17/68  339 Tatyana Litvak      F   30 Germantown MD           31:49:00   31:36:00 10:11
 181   13/24  332 Michael Riley       M   32 Rockville MD            31:48:00   31:37:00 10:11
 182    7/50  305 Anna Bertrand       F   1  Germantown MD           31:59:00   31:37:00 10:11
 183   15/25  303 William Bertrand    M   48 Germantown MD           32:00:00   31:39:00 10:12
 184    4/11  604 Tom Carter          M   57 Olney MD                32:19:00   31:59:00 10:18
 185   18/68   23 Teri Hamilton       F   34 Gaithersburg MD         32:17:00   32:05:00 10:20
 186   11/24  544 Cathleen Silberman  F   26 Kensington MD           32:43:00   32:05:00 10:20
 187    8/50  120 MacKenzie Harris    F   13 Gaithersburg MD         32:27:00   32:13:00 10:22
 188   19/68  176 Stephanie Kloos     F   30 Clarksburg MD           32:41:00   32:23:00 10:26
 189   20/68  175 Emily Poole         F   34 Clarksburg MD           32:41:00   32:23:00 10:26
 190   11/37  472 Marcy Pape          F   35 Germantown MD           32:57:00   32:28:00 10:27
 191    8/33  736 Laura Heymann       F   49 Gaithersburg MD         32:44:00   32:28:00 10:27
 192   13/37  485 Cade France         M   8  Gaithersburg MD         33:20:00   32:35:00 10:30
 193   16/59  486 Heather France      F   41 Gaithersburg MD         33:21:00   32:35:00 10:30
 194   17/59  185 Margaret Joyce      F   41 Washington DC           34:14:00   32:36:00 10:30
 195   12/24  365 Anna Freiman        F   29 Gaithersburg MD         32:48:00   32:36:00 10:30
 196    9/50  507 Clare Walters       F   10 Rockville MD            33:01:00   32:41:00 10:32
 197   16/25   3  Neil Walters        M   47 Rockville MD            33:02:00   32:42:00 10:32
 198   18/59  155 Kelly Cochran       F   42 Laytonsville MD         33:09:00   32:44:00 10:33
 199   17/25  154 Brian Cochran       M   48 Laytonsville MD         33:09:00   32:45:00 10:33
 200   19/59   84 Carrie Dietz        F   44 Gaithersbur MD          33:00:00   32:45:00 10:33
 201   13/24  234 Rachel Kruth        F   29 Gaithersburg MD         33:39:00   32:49:00 10:34
 202    9/19  405 Dave Magill         M   35 Adamstown MD            33:19:00   32:51:00 10:35
 203   14/37   15 Andrew Davis        M   9  Rockville MD            33:56:00   32:57:00 10:37
 204   14/23   13 Tom Davis           M   41 Rockville MD            33:56:00   32:58:00 10:37
 205   21/68  251 Megan Bruno         F   34 Olney MD                33:37:00   33:01:00 10:38
 206    3/13  574 Mary Lou Obrian     F   59 Gaithersburg MD         33:16:00   33:02:00 10:38
 207    9/33  100 Jane Wilcom         F   47 Ijamsville MD           34:11:00   33:08:00 10:40
 208   10/50  336 Megan Plazinski     F   10 Mount Airy MD           34:09:00   33:08:00 10:40
 209   15/23  335 Mark Plazinski      M   44 Mount Airy MD           34:10:00   33:09:00 10:40
 210   20/59  625 Elizabeth Krisko    F   44 Darnestown MD           33:56:00   33:09:00 10:40
 211   12/37  645 Mary Hanlon         F   38 Derwood MD              33:56:00   33:10:00 10:41
 212   10/19  145 John Stuart         M   39 Gaithersburg MD         33:29:00   33:10:00 10:41
 213   11/50  217 Jacqueline Harriot  F   13 Bethesda MD             33:55:00   33:12:00 10:41
 214   21/59  216 Dorothy Harriot     F   42 Bethesda MD             33:58:00   33:14:00 10:42
 215   22/68  402 Jessica Kendal      F   33 Germantown MD           34:03:00   33:15:00 10:43
 216    6/14  348 John Tobe           M   52 Washington DC           33:52:00   33:15:00 10:43
 217   15/37  277 Colby Patterson     M   9  Adamstown MD            34:21:00   33:15:00 10:43
 218    8/9   276 Jake Patterson      M   15 Adamstown MD            34:21:00   33:16:00 10:43
 219   22/59  427 Susan Tanigawa      F   40 McLean VA               34:03:00   33:16:00 10:43
 220   13/37  592 Kari Reidy          F   36 Germantown MD           33:39:00   33:20:00 10:44
 221   23/68  353 Ann Marie Griffith  F   30 Germantown MD           33:40:00   33:22:00 10:45
 222   14/24  441 Christian Klottrup  M   34 Gaithersburg MD         33:43:00   33:23:00 10:45
 223   12/50  344 Molly Rothschild    F   10 Cabin John MD           33:28:00   33:24:00 10:45
 224   23/59  343 Stefanie Rothschild F   44 Cabin John MD           33:28:00   33:24:00 10:45
 225   10/33  334 Carol Paige         F   48 Washington DC           33:34:00   33:26:00 10:46
 226   13/50  226 Indigo Suchar       F   9  Takoma Park MD          33:51:00   33:26:00 10:46
 227   24/59  223 Kristie Rupper      F   41 Takoma Park MD          33:52:00   33:27:00 10:46
 228   16/37  225 Xavier Suchar       M   12 Takoma Park MD          33:54:00   33:29:00 10:47
 229   25/59   46 Regina O'Sullivan   F   43 Bethesda MD             34:23:00   33:30:00 10:47
 230    5/11   47 John Dillon         M   56 Fairfax VA              34:23:00   33:30:00 10:47
 231   16/23  224 Norm Suchar         M   42 Takoma Park MD          33:58:00   33:32:00 10:48
 232   15/24   72 Christina Galli     M   33 Woodstock MD            33:50:00   33:34:00 10:48
 233    6/32  535 Marjorie Shapiro    F   53 Germantown MD           33:55:00   33:36:00 10:49
 234   26/59  474 Susanna Olen        F   44 Gaithersburg MD         34:08:00   33:40:00 10:50
 235   27/59  570 Tracy Husted        F   44 North Potomac MD        34:10:00   33:43:00 10:51
 236   24/68  333 Carolyn Bill        F   34 Washington DC           33:51:00   33:44:00 10:52
 237    2/11  719 Paula Jenkins       F   60 Germantown MD           34:50:00   33:52:00 10:54
 238    7/32  641 Marjorie Murrey     F   52 Germantown MD           34:01:00   33:52:00 10:54
 239   28/59  271 Kristin Farris      F   41 Olney MD                34:35:00   33:59:00 10:57
 240   14/50  203 Julia Doolittle     F   10 Frederick MD            35:47:00   34:10:00 11:00
 241    3/10   38 Jenna Michel        F   19 Germantown MD           34:45:00   34:10:00 11:00
 242   18/25  269 David Lawrence      M   47 Olney MD                34:26:00   34:11:00 11:00
 243   14/37  202 Melanie Doolittle   F   38 Frederick MD            35:48:00   34:12:00 11:01
 244   15/50  204 Morgan Doolittle    F   10 Frederick MD            35:47:00   34:12:00 11:01
 245   16/50  209 Kate Meuse          F   10 Rockville MD            34:32:00   34:12:00 11:01
 246   15/37  211 Christine Gray      F   39 Germantown MD           35:49:00   34:12:00 11:01
 247   19/25  208 Curt Meuse          M   47 Rockville MD            34:33:00   34:12:00 11:01
 248   14/24   49 Sarah Hayden        F   26 Rockville MD            34:22:00   34:13:00 11:01
 249   29/59  247 Amy Bryan           F   41 North Potomac MD        35:56:00   34:30:00 11:07
 250   11/33   89 Doris Auth          F   47 North Potomac MD        35:57:00   34:32:00 11:07
 251    8/32  382 Kirsten Schrader    F   50 Montgomery Vill MD      35:15:00   34:32:00 11:07
 252    3/11  107 Mary Kay Anderson   F   62 Marshall VA             34:54:00   34:36:00 11:09
 253   25/68  286 Daughan Pitts       F   32 Bowie MD                35:23:00   34:39:00 11:10
 254   26/68  529 Lisa Cooperstein    F   33 Clarksburg MD           35:27:00   34:40:00 11:10
 255   27/68  664 Amanda Piering      F   30 Damascus MD             34:59:00   34:45:00 11:11
 256   17/37  248 Jack Bryan          M   12 Gaithersburg MD         36:10:00   34:47:00 11:12
 257    9/9   174 Michael Baniak      M   15 Gaithersburg MD         35:35:00   34:48:00 11:12
 258    4/13  692 Gail Velez          F   55 North Potomac MD        35:17:00   34:50:00 11:13
 259   30/59  263 Tami Holmes         F   40 Gaithersburg MD         35:04:00   34:51:00 11:13
 260    7/14  322 John Bauer          M   50 Gaithersburg MD         35:21:00   34:51:00 11:13
 261    5/13  399 Linda Kelly         F   56 Derwood MD              35:03:00   34:51:00 11:13
 262    9/32  516 Sally Alkon         F   53 Gaithersburg MD         35:48:00   34:52:00 11:14
 263   28/68  147 Maria Fatim Kim     F   30 Gaithersburg MD         36:08:00   34:57:00 11:15
 264    4/10  622 Allison Hishmeh     F   18 Germantown MD           35:28:00   34:57:00 11:15
 265    6/11  740 Michael Sesma       M   59 Gaithersburg MD         36:09:00   34:58:00 11:16
 266    8/14  173 Jonathan Baniak     M   53 Gaithersburg MD         35:47:00   34:59:00 11:16
 267    9/14  136 Clark Wagner        M   51 Gaithersburg MD         35:45:00   35:04:00 11:17
 268   29/68  320 Jasmine Neville     F   33 Silver Spring MD        35:48:00   35:06:00 11:18
 269    5/10  654 Amanda Hishmeh      F   18 Germantown MD           35:37:00   35:06:00 11:18
 270   30/68  627 Brenda Amaya        F   30 Germantown MD           35:38:00   35:07:00 11:18
 271   31/59  281 Melissa Galloway    F   40 Frederick MD            36:13:00   35:10:00 11:19
 272   12/33   80 Karen Micheals      F   49 Poolesville MD          35:39:00   35:11:00 11:20
 273   31/68   98 Constance Boyce     F   34 Rockville MD            35:15:00   35:11:00 11:20
 274   15/24   8  Jenny Polm          F   29 Gaithersburg MD         35:39:00   35:11:00 11:20
 275   16/24  674 Monica Orellana     F   29 Germantown MD           36:34:00   35:14:00 11:21
 276   32/68  683 Kate Thomasson      F   33 Chevy Chase MD          36:39:00   35:17:00 11:22
 277   16/37  476 Meegan Marino       F   39 Washington DC           35:45:00   35:23:00 11:24
 278   17/50  475 Calie Dunn          F   9  Washington DC           35:45:00   35:23:00 11:24
 279   18/37   40 Nick Michel         M   12 Germantown MD           36:01:00   35:26:00 11:24
 280    6/10  743 Colleen Phillips    F   19 Gaithersburg MD         36:12:00   35:26:00 11:25
 281    9/14  742 Kelly Phillips      F   23 Gaithersburg MD         36:13:00   35:27:00 11:25
 282   10/32  638 Jeanette Johnson    F   53 Montgomery Vill MD      35:41:00   35:27:00 11:25
 283   13/33  722 Virginia Biggar     F   48 Chevy Chase MD          36:25:00   35:31:00 11:26
 284   32/59   9  Nyota Desai         F   44 North Potomac MD        36:09:00   35:36:00 11:28
 285   11/32  586 Laura Pickoff       F   50 Gaithersburg MD         36:07:00   35:45:00 11:31
 286   33/68  177 Stacey Schwaber     F   31 Rockville MD            35:55:00   35:46:00 11:31
 287   19/37  214 Sebastian Petrilli  M   7  Bethesda MD             36:20:00   35:50:00 11:32
 288   17/23  212 Phil Petrilli       M   43 Bethesda MD             36:24:00   35:52:00 11:33
 289   20/37  215 Zachary Petrilli    M   4  Bethesda MD             36:24:00   35:53:00 11:33
 290   17/24  134 Christina Lynch     F   27 Frederick MD            36:17:00   35:58:00 11:35
 291   17/37  213 Brenda Petrilli     F   37 Bethesda MD             36:32:00   36:02:00 11:36
 292   11/19  527 Kevin Kelliher      M   37 Germantown MD           36:51:00   36:05:00 11:37
 293   18/50  525 Emily Kelliher      F   7  Germantow MD            36:51:00   36:05:00 11:37
 294   21/37  311 Davis Kessler       M   8  Gaithersburg MD         36:54:00   36:07:00 11:38
 295   20/25  310 Ian Kessler         M   48 Gaithersburg MD         37:03:00   36:16:00 11:41
 296   18/24  639 Hilary Springman    F   27 Baltimore MD            36:46:00   36:19:00 11:42
 297   18/37   24 Julie Lockard       F   37 Derwood MD              36:32:00   36:20:00 11:42
 298   12/15  545 Peter Silberman     M   27 Kensington MD           37:00:00   36:22:00 11:43
 299   16/24  543 Nick Dann           M   33 Silver Spring MD        37:00:00   36:23:00 11:43
 300   12/32  614 Margaret Valega     F   53 Poolesville MD          36:29:00   36:28:00 11:44
 301   34/68  636 Maeva May           F   33 Montgomery Vill MD      37:06:00   36:30:00 11:45
 302   19/37  118 Paula Reible        F   39 Gaithersburg MD         38:13:00   36:35:00 11:47
 303   35/68   95 Anna Obrien         F   30 Germantown MD           37:08:00   36:45:00 11:50
 304   13/15   96 Steve Boscovitch    M   29 Germantown MD           37:08:00   36:45:00 11:50
 305   19/24  519 Colleen Woolheater  F   27 North Potomac MD        37:09:00   36:48:00 11:51
 306   36/68  518 Megan Woolheater    F   31 North Potomac MD        37:09:00   36:48:00 11:51
 307   12/19   74 Delon Pinto         M   36 Rockville MD            38:06:00   36:48:00 11:51
 308   14/33  456 Elizabeth Liotta    F   48 Rockville MD            36:57:00   36:54:00 11:53
 309   37/68  734 Heather Jauquet     F   34 Gaithersburg MD         37:31:00   36:56:00 11:54
 310   18/23   61 Kenneth Lipsman     M   44 Germantown MD           37:25:00   36:57:00 11:54
 311    7/11  459 Philip Liotta       M   56 Rockville MD            37:00:00   36:57:00 11:54
 312   20/37   75 Anita Pinto         F   36 Rockville MD            38:15:00   36:57:00 11:54
 313    7/10  458 Madeleine Liotta    F   16 Rockville MD            37:01:00   36:58:00 11:54
 314   19/50  493 Abby Fisher         F   10 Montgomery Vill MD      37:23:00   37:01:00 11:55
 315   33/59  492 Carolyn Fisher      F   42 Montgomery Vill MD      37:23:00   37:01:00 11:55
 316   17/24  684 Patrick Thomasson   M   34 Chevy Chase MD          38:25:00   37:03:00 11:56
 317   21/37  714 Shannon Hicks       F   35 Olney MD                37:24:00   37:05:00 11:56
 318   22/37  151 Dylan Bucy          M   10 Gaithersburg MD         38:08:00   37:08:00 11:57
 319   22/37  260 Marisa Kish         F   38 Gaithersburg MD         38:10:00   37:09:00 11:58
 320   23/37  484 Carter France       M   10 Gaithersburg MD         38:10:00   37:10:00 11:58
 321   20/50  347 Joslynn Haley       F   13 Gaithersburg MD         37:13:00   37:11:00 11:58
 322    8/10   39 Erin Michel         F   16 Germantown MD           37:47:00   37:12:00 11:59
 323   15/33  352 Rhonda Haley        F   46 Gaithersburg MD         37:14:00   37:13:00 11:59
 324    8/11  498 Thomas Heath        M   57 Chevy Chase MD          37:33:00   37:22:00 12:02
 325   38/68  646 Suzanne Broadfield  F   34 Gaithersburg MD         37:48:00   37:23:00 12:02
 326   13/19  647 Wayne Broadfield    M   35 Gaithersburg MD         37:48:00   37:23:00 12:02
 327   39/68  637 Leah Walton         F   34 Silver Spring MD        38:09:00   37:32:00 12:05
 328    9/10  163 Susan Spence        F   16 Boyds MD                38:39:00   37:36:00 12:06
 329   34/59  601 Syra Maldonado      F   42 Germantown MD           38:03:00   37:47:00 12:10
 330   13/32  162 Cindi Becker        F   50 Boyds MD                38:56:00   37:54:00 12:12
 331   10/14  161 Don Spence          M   54 Boyds MD                38:57:00   37:54:00 12:12
 332   14/19  530 Danny Cooperstein   M   35 Clarksburg MD           38:47:00   38:00:00 12:14
 333   14/32  668 Barby Reilly        F   52 Gaithersburg MD         38:32:00   38:22:00 12:21
 334   21/50  360 Nicole Parent       F   10 North Potomac MD        38:27:00   38:27:00 12:23
 335   16/33   16 Kristen Paolini     F   45 North Potomac MD        39:01:00   38:30:00 12:24
 336   35/59  463 Mary Rettig         F   41 Damascus MD             38:43:00   38:30:00 12:24
 337   17/33  658 Mary Sperry         F   48 Silver Spring MD        38:56:00   38:33:00 12:25
 338   23/37  432 Kristy Inman        F   35 Damascus MD             40:14:00   38:33:00 12:25
 339    1/1   229 Roger Burkhart      M   74 Gaithersburg MD         39:42:00   38:36:00 12:26
 340   24/37  667 Rebecca Dodelin     F   35 Arlington VA            39:18:00   38:41:00 12:27
 341   19/23   44 Ari Fisher          M   42 Bethesda MD             40:02:00   38:44:00 12:28
 342   10/10  258 Leigh Robertson     F   15 Rockville MD            39:20:00   38:57:00 12:32
 343    1/3   703 Susan Truman        F   69 Montgomery Vill MD      39:26:00   39:01:00 12:34
 344    9/11   48 Richard Chitty      M   57 Fairfax VA              40:06:00   39:06:00 12:35
 345   15/32  660 Jan Chase           F   52 Gaithersburg MD         39:29:00   39:08:00 12:36
 346   24/37  361 Ryan Parent         M   8  North Potomac MD        39:09:00   39:09:00 12:36
 347   25/37   67 Liam Miller         M   8  Rockville MD            39:10:00   39:10:00 12:37
 348   36/59   64 Marina Miller       F   44 Rockville MD            39:22:00   39:22:00 12:41
 349   25/37  233 Sonja Green         F   35 Alexandria VA           39:36:00   39:23:00 12:41
 350   10/14  201 Emily Cooper        F   22 Alexandria VA           39:37:00   39:23:00 12:41
 351   16/32  669 Barbara Schaefer    F   51 Woodbine MD             40:17:00   39:26:00 12:42
 352    6/13  673 Jane Van Horn       F   57 North Potomac MD        40:32:00   39:40:00 12:46
 353   26/37  546 Rosalind Sawadogo   F   37 Silver Spring MD        40:17:00   39:44:00 12:48
 354   37/59  581 Jenn Auroux         F   41 Rockville MD            40:19:00   39:46:00 12:48
 355   38/59  270 Diane Lawrence      F   44 Olney MD                40:15:00   40:00:00 12:53
 356   22/50  728 Ariana Ghafouri     F   9  Great Falls VA          40:41:00   40:06:00 12:55
 357   23/50  561 Annika Pender       F   9  Ashburn VA              40:42:00   40:07:00 12:55
 358   18/33  562 Charlotta Pender    F   46 Ashburn VA              40:44:00   40:10:00 12:56
 359   19/33  288 Debbie Diamond      F   49 Germantown MD           40:19:00   40:10:00 12:56
 360   24/50  727 Sophia Ghafouri     F   8  Great Falls VA          40:47:00   40:12:00 12:57
 361   20/33  726 Laleh Jalali        F   45 Great Falls VA          40:47:00   40:13:00 12:57
 362   25/50  653 Olivia Craca        F   6  Damascus MD             40:31:00   40:19:00 12:59
 363   26/50  652 Georgia Craca       F   8  Damascus MD             40:32:00   40:19:00 12:59
 364   39/59  651 Mary Craca          F   43 Damascus MD             40:34:00   40:21:00 12:59
 365    4/11  327 Debbie Jackson      F   60 Rockville MD            41:04:00   40:30:00 13:02
 366   14/15  745 Tommy Andrews       M   26 Gaithersburg MD         41:37:00   40:46:00 13:08
 367   20/24  744 Katie Phillips      F   25 Gaithersburg MD         41:37:00   40:47:00 13:08
 368   40/59  146 Lauren English      F   41 Gaithersburg MD         41:11:00   40:51:00 13:09
 369   17/32  741 Maureen Phillips    F   52 Gaithersburg MD         41:52:00   41:01:00 13:12
 370    7/13   10 Kate Agliata        F   56 North Potomac MD        41:38:00   41:05:00 13:14
 371   21/24   11 Libby Cerce         F   27 North Potomac MD        41:38:00   41:05:00 13:14
 372   27/50   22 Tia Ibrahim         F   10 North Potomac MD        41:41:00   41:07:00 13:14
 373   28/50   34 Collette Kaufman    F   8  North Potomac MD        41:41:00   41:07:00 13:14
 374   29/50  114 Katie Beth Ingrassi F   3  Gaithersburg MD         42:11:00   41:07:00 13:14
 375   30/50  111 Sydney Ingrassia    F   13 Gaithersburg MD         42:13:00   41:10:00 13:15
 376   41/59   33 Michele Kaufman     F   42 North Potomac MD        41:50:00   41:16:00 13:17
 377   42/59  497 Kimberly Strouth    F   44 Rockville MD            41:48:00   41:24:00 13:20
 378   21/25  346 Gregg Rothschild    M   47 Cabin John MD           41:31:00   41:27:00 13:21
 379   18/24  102 Jeff Brink          M   31 Gaithersburg MD         43:15:00   41:28:00 13:21
 380   43/59  661 Lori Bjork          F   44 Germantown MD           41:45:00   41:29:00 13:21
 381   11/14  526 Kent Shigetomi      M   50 Gaithersburg MD         42:54:00   41:30:00 13:22
 382   26/37  523 Andrew Shigetomi    M   8  Gaithersburg MD         42:54:00   41:30:00 13:22
 383   40/68  708 Allyson Jenkins     F   34 Washington DC           42:33:00   41:36:00 13:24
 384   31/50   5  Rachel Bame         F   10 Gaithersburg MD         42:58:00   41:49:00 13:28
 385   19/24  319 Matt Theis          M   32 Gaithersburg MD         42:59:00   41:49:00 13:28
 386    3/5   124 Abraham Beltran     M   60 Germantown MD           42:46:00   42:01:00 13:32
 387   32/50  345 Carly Rothschild    F   8  Cabin John MD           42:06:00   42:01:00 13:32
 388   44/59  450 Suzanne Underwald   F   42 Rockville MD            42:48:00   42:13:00 13:35
 389   20/23  449 Carl Peterson       M   44 Rockville MD            42:48:00   42:13:00 13:36
 390   27/37  394 Amy McKenna         F   37 Gaithersburg MD         43:59:00   42:14:00 13:36
 391   20/24  397 Daniel Arze         M   32 Frederick MD            43:22:00   42:18:00 13:37
 392   41/68  396 Veronica Arze       F   30 Baltimore MD            43:22:00   42:18:00 13:37
 393   33/50  680 Katie Elliott       F   9  Damascus MD             42:38:00   42:23:00 13:39
 394   18/32  665 Lisa Adams          F   52 Damascus MD             42:41:00   42:27:00 13:40
 395   21/24  618 Patrick Benko       M   32 Giathersburg MD         42:44:00   42:32:00 13:42
 396   21/33  139 Mimi Nguyen         F   45 Rockville MD            42:36:00   42:33:00 13:42
 397   42/68  420 Chau (chris Hoang   F   32 North Bethesda MD       42:36:00   42:33:00 13:42
 398    5/5   716 Andrew Dibble       M   22 Monrovia MD             43:37:00   42:36:00 13:43
 399   45/59  678 Elizabeth Elliott   F   43 Damascus MD             42:55:00   42:40:00 13:44
 400    8/13  517 Elizabeth Woolheate F   55 North Potomac MD        43:12:00   42:50:00 13:48
 401    4/5   366 Raborn Davis        M   63 Rockville MD            43:17:00   42:54:00 13:49
 402   22/33  165 Kathleen Healy      F   46 Arlington VA            44:17:00   43:04:00 13:52
 403   28/37  153 Nicole Ray          F   36 Gaithersburg MD         43:15:00   43:15:00 13:55
 404   22/24  152 Courtney Ray        M   32 Gaithersburg MD         43:15:00   43:15:00 13:55
 405   11/14  717 Ashley Brown        F   20 Mt. Airy MD             44:19:00   43:19:00 13:57
 406   23/33  720 Laura Carey         F   45 Boyds MD                44:19:00   43:20:00 13:57
 407   27/37  299 Ethan Park          M   10 Silver Spring MD        44:23:00   43:26:00 13:59
 408   21/23  294 Chan Park           M   41 Silver Spring MD        44:23:00   43:26:00 13:59
 409   24/33  724 Kim Rosenthal       F   46 Laytonsville MD         43:43:00   43:27:00 13:59
 410   34/50  725 Leah Rosenthal      F   10 Gaithersburg MD         43:43:00   43:28:00 14:00
 411   29/37  478 Christine Gresham   F   39 Rockville MD            44:57:00   43:54:00 14:08
 412   28/37  481 Robbie Gresham      M   6  Rockville MD            44:58:00   43:55:00 14:08
 413   29/37  631 Jimmy Blurton       M   11 Boyds MD                44:40:00   44:14:00 14:14
 414   43/68  462 Michelle Flynn      F   30 Bethesda MD             44:50:00   44:19:00 14:16
 415   30/37  632 Drew Blurton        M   5  Boyds MD                44:51:00   44:24:00 14:18
 416   35/50  633 Tara Blurton        F   13 Boyds MD                44:51:00   44:25:00 14:18
 417   36/50  297 Julia Park          F   13 Silver Spring MD        45:23:00   44:25:00 14:18
 418    2/3   617 Jeanette A Novak    F   68 Damascus MD             44:30:00   44:27:00 14:19
 419   44/68  440 Kerensa Klottrup    F   32 Gaithersburg MD         44:51:00   44:32:00 14:20
 420   25/33  293 Jayne Park          F   49 Silver Spring MD        45:31:00   44:34:00 14:21
 421   45/68  289 Kristen Rowe        F   30 Olney MD                46:01:00   44:40:00 14:23
 422   46/59   82 Jennifer Nash       F   41 Gaithersburg MD         45:37:00   44:40:00 14:23
 423   31/37   83 Graham Nash         M   7  Gaithersburg MD         45:37:00   44:40:00 14:23
 424    1/1   268 Laude Baer          F   71 Clarksburg MD           46:41:00   44:49:00 14:26
 425   30/37  419 Evelyn Hutchinson   F   35 Montgomery Vill MD      45:57:00   45:02:00 14:30
 426   31/37   70 Jennifer Galli      F   36 Telford PA              45:44:00   45:25:00 14:38
 427   46/68  425 Jane Alam           F   32 Gaithersburg MD         46:22:00   45:27:00 14:38
 428   47/59  630 Valerie Blurton     F   43 Boyds MD                46:47:00   46:15:00 14:54
 429   22/24  534 Crystal Wu          F   28 Gaithersburg MD         47:40:00   46:25:00 14:57
 430   12/14  121 Nciole Tarpley      F   22 Germantown MD           47:41:00   46:31:00 14:59
 431   32/37  302 Keturah Raabe       F   38 Washington DC           46:49:00   46:31:00 14:59
 432   26/33  494 Christine Slattery  F   48 Gaithersburg MD         47:32:00   47:03:00 15:09
 433   23/24  362 Shannon Miller      F   27 Mount Airy MD           49:06:00   47:36:00 15:20
 434   27/33  531 Johanna Kidwell     F   47 Charles Town WV         49:20:00   48:15:00 15:32
 435   12/14  532 Michael Kidwell     M   52 Charles Town WV         49:20:00   48:15:00 15:32
 436   32/37  187 Andrew Potts        M   10 North Potomac MD        49:59:00   48:42:00 15:41
 437   37/50  308 Katherine Wood      F   9  Rockville MD            48:57:00   48:45:00 15:42
 438   38/50  422 Megan Love          F   12 Gaithersburg MD         49:27:00   48:52:00 15:44
 439   39/50  137 Kendall Zammit      F   12 Damascus MD             49:27:00   48:52:00 15:44
 440   19/32  584 Debbie Kulik        F   52 Germantown MD           49:15:00   48:54:00 15:45
 441   48/59  306 Sheryl Wood         F   44 Rockville MD            49:25:00   49:12:00 15:51
 442   22/25  671 Steve Knoblock      M   48 Montgomery Vill MD      51:15:00   50:03:00 16:07
 443   33/37  367 Emmett Elliott      M   6  Potomac MD              52:02:00   50:33:00 16:17
 444   47/68  369 Amy Elliott         F   33 Potomac MD              52:03:00   50:34:00 16:17
 445   40/50  416 Ava McKeever        F   7  Washington DC           51:19:00   50:46:00 16:21
 446   49/59  415 Kathleen McKeever   F   40 Washington DC           51:19:00   50:47:00 16:21
 447   48/68   32 Keri Ehling         F   32 Chalfont PA             51:18:00   50:51:00 16:22
 448   49/68  575 Christa Held        F   32 Hatfield PA             51:18:00   50:52:00 16:23
 449   20/32  739 Carol Brideau       F   52 Gaithersburg MD         51:49:00   51:00:00 16:25
 450    5/11  718 Christina Bauer     F   64 North Bethesda MD       51:52:00   51:02:00 16:26
 451   13/14  123 Jackie Brideau      F   21 Blacksburg VA           51:52:00   51:03:00 16:26
 452   50/68  421 Gulzada Nurumbetova F   34 Rockville MD            51:34:00   51:29:00 16:34
 453   41/50  453 Katie Bowman        F   7  North Potomac MD        52:52:00   51:36:00 16:37
 454   15/19  598 Andru Ciosek        M   37 Rockville MD            52:26:00   51:48:00 16:41
 455   50/59  599 Stephanie Ciosek    F   42 Rockville MD            52:26:00   51:48:00 16:41
 456   21/32  387 Kathy Lofberg       F   53 Kensington MD           53:06:00   52:01:00 16:45
 457   16/19  368 Peter Elliott       M   35 Potomac MD              52:03:00   52:03:00 16:45
 458   51/59  313 Karen McManus       F   44 Gaithersburg MD         53:16:00   52:07:00 16:47
 459   10/11  388 Fred Lofberg        M   55 Kensington MD           53:25:00   52:21:00 16:51
 460   51/68  321 Qiana Nesbitt       F   32 Washington DC           53:17:00   52:31:00 16:55
 461   52/68  287 Okeyla Smith        F   33 Silver Spring MD        53:17:00   52:32:00 16:55
 462   34/37  496 Matan Rosenberg     M   9  Potomac MD              53:45:00   52:32:00 16:55
 463   23/25  403 John Hartke         M   47 Rockville MD            54:23:00   53:09:00 17:07
 464   52/59  164 Elizabeth Rich      F   43 Alexandria VA           54:23:00   53:09:00 17:07
 465   22/32  749 Liz Thompson        F   51 North Potomac MD        54:26:00   53:10:00 17:07
 466   24/24  170 Tiffany Defreitas   F   28 Sterling VA             54:38:00   53:30:00 17:13
 467   15/15  511 Mark Otto           M   28 Rockville MD            55:09:00   53:39:00 17:16
 468   23/32  244 Tracey McGovern     F   53 Darnestown MD           55:12:00   53:48:00 17:19
 469   24/32  166 Diane Loeb          F   53 Gaithersburg MD         55:03:00   53:50:00 17:20
 470   53/59  675 Joan Nally          F   43 Bethesda MD             55:02:00   53:52:00 17:20
 471   25/32  666 Wendi Bentley       F   53 Gaithersgurh MD         55:03:00   53:52:00 17:21
 472   42/50  356 Shelby Lednicky     F   13 Frederick MD            55:23:00   53:53:00 17:21
 473   26/32  738 Beth Collins        F   50 Giathersburg MD         54:42:00   53:53:00 17:21
 474   11/11  245 John McGovern       M   59 Darnestown MD           55:13:00   53:55:00 17:21
 475   43/50  470 Jaya Newingham      F   5  Washington DC           55:50:00   54:07:00 17:25
 476   28/33  468 Anjula Agrawal      F   45 Washington DC           55:51:00   54:08:00 17:26
 477    6/11   69 Carolyn Galli       F   64 Ellicott City MD        54:55:00   54:16:00 17:28
 478    2/5    71 Robert Reynolds     M   67 Ellicott City MD        54:56:00   54:17:00 17:28
 479    1/1   222 Eva Foster          F   77 Gaithersburg MD         55:20:00   54:21:00 17:30
 480    9/13  220 Cindy Lins          F   55 Gaithersburg MD         55:20:00   54:21:00 17:30
 481   27/32  221 Pearl Morris        F   54 Gaithersburg MD         55:21:00   54:23:00 17:30
 482   53/68  194 Kimberly Decker     F   30 Silver Spring MD        55:32:00   54:52:00 17:40
 483   54/68  195 Lindsey Wilfley     F   30 Plant City FL           55:32:00   54:52:00 17:40
 484   55/68  198 Leslie Peedin       F   30 Winston-Salem NC        55:33:00   54:54:00 17:40
 485   54/59  376 Dana Estey          F   40 Germantown MD           56:43:00   55:03:00 17:43
 486   44/50  378 Molly Estey         F   4  Germantown MD           56:42:00   55:03:00 17:43
 487   45/50   14 Meaghan Davis       F   12 Rockville MD            56:09:00   55:03:00 17:43
 488   22/23  377 William Estey       M   42 Germantown MD           56:43:00   55:04:00 17:44
 489   24/25   93 David Alger         M   49 Germantown MD           56:23:00   55:04:00 17:44
 490   29/33   94 Martha Alger        F   46 Germantown MD           56:24:00   55:04:00 17:44
 491    3/3    19 June Smithson       F   65 Annandale VA            56:15:00   55:10:00 17:46
 492   56/68  144 Kristine Jones      F   34 Germantown MD           55:41:00   55:11:00 17:46
 493    7/11  140 Mary Gunther        F   62 Germantown MD           55:40:00   55:11:00 17:46
 494   30/33   62 Julee Lipsman       F   45 Germantown MD           55:40:00   55:13:00 17:47
 495   55/59   12 Tonya Davis         F   41 Rockville MD            56:25:00   55:19:00 17:49
 496    3/5    18 Norman Smithson     M   65 Annandale VA            56:25:00   55:19:00 17:49
 497   57/68  457 Becky D'Amour       F   30 Silver Spring MD        57:11:00   55:36:00 17:54
 498   23/24  460 Tommy D'Amour       M   30 Silver Spring MD        57:14:00   55:36:00 17:54
 499   14/14  436 Nicole Tritsch      F   23 Shippensburg PA         56:32:00   56:32:00 18:12
 500    4/5   156 Steve Gubenia       M   66 Gaithersburg MD         57:23:00   56:41:00 18:15
 501   28/32  707 Pamela Day          F   54 Oak Hill VA             57:59:00   56:44:00 18:16
 502   58/68  706 Elizabeth Flanagan  F   33 Derwood MD              58:00:00   56:45:00 18:16
 503   29/32   30 Diane Strote        F   52 Gaithersburg MD         57:52:00   56:50:00 18:18
 504   13/14   29 Steve Strote        M   53 Gaithersburg MD         57:53:00   56:51:00 18:18
 505   46/50  115 Lexi Ingrassia      F   3  Gaithersburg MD         56:59:00   56:54:00 18:19
 506   35/37  112 Jack Ingrassia      M   11 Gaithersburg MD         57:00:00   56:54:00 18:19
 507   17/19  357 Dayne Bulloch       M   38 Gaithersburg MD         57:54:00   57:04:00 18:22
 508   33/37  340 Elisa Gladstone     F   37 Gaithersburg MD         57:54:00   57:04:00 18:22
 509   18/19  515 Michael Barclay     M   36 Frederick MD            58:52:00   57:09:00 18:24
 510   34/37  514 Kathleen Barclay    F   35 Frederick MD            58:53:00   57:09:00 18:24
 511   31/33   37 Cindy Michel        F   46 Germantown MD           58:22:00   57:10:00 18:24
 512   30/32  593 Marta Menendez-Voss F   52 North Potomac MD        58:02:00   57:13:00 18:25
 513   59/68  157 Bernadette Gubenia  F   30 Gaithersburg MD         57:25:00   57:25:00 18:29
 514   60/68  491 Cortney Sloan       F   34 Silver Spring MD        59:03:00   57:26:00 18:29
 515   61/68  501 Jennifer Niehus     F   34 Bethesda MD             59:03:00   57:26:00 18:30
 516   32/33   2  Michelle Potter     F   46 Germantown MD           59:54:00   57:50:00 18:37
 517   10/13   1  Cathy Drzyzgula     F   56 Gaithersburg MD         59:55:00   57:50:00 18:37
 518   56/59  237 Michelle Taylor     F   42 Silver Spring MD        58:53:00   57:52:00 18:38
 519   33/33  240 Michele Dofat       F   46 Silver Spring MD        58:54:00   57:54:00 18:38
 520   19/19  550 Sean Vandover       M   36 Damascus MD             58:39:00   57:55:00 18:39
 521   62/68  549 Erin McGee          F   30 Rockville MD            58:39:00   57:55:00 18:39
 522    8/11  461 Linda Arapian       F   63 Germantown MD           58:45:00   58:01:00 18:41
 523    9/11  132 Barbara Foster      F   64 Germantown MD           58:45:00   58:02:00 18:41
 524   10/11  130 Dana Coulby         F   60 Middletown MD           58:48:00   58:07:00 18:42
 525   11/13  128 Nancy Beam          F   58 Middletown MD           58:48:00   58:07:00 18:43
 526   35/37  179 Kristin Gould       F   35 Gaithersburg MD         59:57:00   58:22:00 18:47
 527   36/37  178 Wendy Taylor        F   38 Gaithersburg MD         59:56:00   58:22:00 18:48
 528   47/50  317 Ella Malmgren       F   11 Germantown MD           59:35:00   58:26:00 18:49
 529   25/25  315 David Malmgren      M   48 Germantown MD           59:35:00   58:26:00 18:49
 530   12/13  312 Erica Brefka        F   55 Frederick MD            59:15:00   58:30:00 18:50
 531   14/14  687 David Schwarz       M   53 Derwood MD              59:56:00   58:32:00 18:51
 532   13/13  686 Trudy Walton Schwar F   56 Derwood MD              59:56:00   58:32:00 18:51
 533    5/5   635 Harry Looker        M   69 Boyds MD                59:41:00   58:44:00 18:55
 534   63/68  672 Amy Wolfe           F   34 Montgomery Vill MD       1:00:15   59:04:00 19:01
 535   57/59  116 Dayna Ingrassia     F   42 Gaithersburg MD          1:00:13   59:06:00 19:02
 536   36/37  113 Luke Ingrassia      M   7  Gaithersburg MD          1:00:14   59:07:00 19:02
 537   31/32  256 Patricia Ryan       F   53 Rockville MD             1:01:27   59:55:00 19:17
 538   48/50  371 Grace McGlynn       F   9  Gaithersburg MD          1:01:35   1:00:04  19:20
 539   64/68  386 Tricia Muir         F   34 Gaithersburg MD          1:01:51   1:00:18  19:25
 540   49/50  372 Rose McGlynn        F   6  Gaithersburg MD          1:01:51   1:00:19  19:25
 541   37/37  370 Marjorie McGlynn    F   39 Gaithersburg MD          1:01:51   1:00:20  19:26
 542   65/68  231 Colleen Fischer     F   30 Gaithersburg MD          1:01:41   1:00:34  19:30
 543   11/11  681 Sharon Walton       F   62 Damascus MD              1:01:32   1:00:34  19:30
 544    5/5   682 William Walton      M   64 Damascus MD              1:01:32   1:00:34  19:30
 545   58/59  655 Lori Martioski-Tayl F   40 Germantown MD            1:03:02   1:01:42  19:52
 546   66/68  373 Theresa Daniels     F   31 Frederick MD             1:03:21   1:01:49  19:54
 547   67/68  206 Zoe Boekelheide     F   30 Gaithersburg MD          1:03:33   1:01:51  19:55
 548   24/24  207 Jason Decamp        M   33 Gaithersburg MD          1:03:34   1:01:52  19:55
 549   37/37  699 Nate Eck            M   8  Clarksburg MD            1:03:20   1:02:12  20:01
 550   23/23  701 Steven Eck          M   43 Clarksburg MD            1:03:24   1:02:15  20:03
 551   50/50  700 Natalie Eck         F   5  Clarksburg MD            1:03:23   1:02:15  20:03
 552   59/59  698 Jennifer Eck        F   42 Clarksburg MD            1:03:26   1:02:18  20:04
 553   32/32  323 Tish Niffenegger    F   52 Montgomery Vill MD       1:03:08   1:03:08  20:19
 554   68/68  400 Rhoda Dixon         F   32 McLean VA                1:05:16   1:04:25  20:44


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