Turkey Tumble 5K & 10K
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Baltimore, MD
Conducted by Racepacket, Inc.

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Female 10K Finishers
1.   Briana Eaton, 18                 Annapolis MD                43:37 1/2
2.   Kathryn Quandt, 19               Houston TX                  43:39 2/2
3.   Alison Schwinn, 21               Annapolis MD                45:42 1/9
4.   Kathryn Neubauer, 26             Nottingham  MD              48:00 2/9
5.   Laura Simanski, 22               Reisterstown MD             48:50 3/9
6.   Hannah Bobell, 20                Annapolis MD                50:09 4/9
7.   Alana Cassidy, 28                Burke VA                    52:05 5/9
8.   Arabella Von-walstrom, 30        Baltimore MD                54:31 1/1
9.   Latisha Curtis, 23               Baltimore MD                54:32 6/9
10.  Teri Rutter, 20                  SILVERDALE WA               55:28 7/9
11.  Carrie Costantini, 26            Baltimore MD                55:31 8/9
12.  Colleen Hopkins, 23              San Antonio TX              56:05 9/9
13.  Linda Holloway, 61               Kingsville MD               57:06 1/2
14.  Courtney Reinsfelder, 0          Baltimore MD                62:54 1/1
15.  Frances Daum, 64                 Elkridge MD                 64:06 2/2
Female 5K Finishers
1.   Mary Augustin, 39                Baltimore MD                23:40 1/11
2.   Moira Kimmell, 18                Annapolis KS                24:42 1/3
3.   Kathleen Luther, 36              Parkville MD                25:15 2/11
4.   Susan Plunkett, 19               Annapolis MD                25:20 2/3
5.   Jobi Zink, 40                    Baltimore MD                26:41 1/4
6.   Elizabeth Milligan, 41           Baltimore MD                27:40 2/4
7.   Kristina Nelloms, 21             Greeley CO                  27:49 1/15
8.   Megan Rausch, 19                 Glen Spey NY                27:50 3/3
9.   Kristyn Wheeler, 23              Kingsville MD               28:06 2/15
10.  Melissa Carwile, 21              Gambrills MD                28:09 3/15
11.  Melanie Adams, 28                Washington DC               29:10 4/15
12.  Allison Robinson, 23             Silver Spring  MD           29:40 5/15
13.  Erin Gudger, 23                  Huntingtown MD              29:42 6/15
14.  Elizabeth Cherney, 34            Towson MD                   30:21 3/11
15.  Nancy Holt, 30                   Baltimore MD                31:56 4/11
16.  Kristin Zucaro, 29               Sterling VA                 31:58 7/15
17.  Nancy Bjork, 47                  Baltimore MD                32:41 3/4
18.  Dana Gullard, 23                 Baltimore MD                34:54 8/15
19.  Nellie Power, 41                 Baltimore MD                35:21 4/4
20.  Jaesa Scheitlin, 32              Linthicum MD                35:32 5/11
21.  Sara Dansicker, 30               Pikesville MD               36:05 6/11
22.  Christine Caporale, 28           Crofton MD                  36:39 9/15
23.  Michelle Weatherby, 32           Windsor Mill MD             38:37 7/11
24.  Ashley Bertoni, 25               Alexandria VA               39:00 10/15
25.  Kristi Williams, 28              Elkridge MD                 39:03 11/15
26.  Michelle Shepherd, 39            North East MD               39:11 8/11
27.  Shey Mrozowski, 39               North East MD               39:21 9/11
28.  Erika Dassing, 29                Hanover MD                  41:06 12/15
29.  Megan eick, 25                   fork MD                     45:13 13/15
30.  Jennifer Luistro, 35             Nottingham  MD              45:24 10/11
31.  Debroah Stanley, 31              Germantown MD               47:58 11/11
32.  Zoena Yannakakis, 77             Sparks MD                   48:02 1/1
33.  Catherine Black, 26              Reisterstown MD             49:01 14/15
34.  Jenna Roth, 27                   Reisterstown MD             49:10 15/15
Male 10K Finishers
1.   Brent Scheitlin, 33              Linthicum MD                40:29 1/5
2.   Joseph Crawford, 21              Annapolis MD                40:34 1/4
3.   Arvind Stone, 21                 Columbia MD                 40:34 2/4
4.   Ashton McCombs, 19               Fayetteville AR             43:32 1/2
5.   Robert Kaufman, 37               Baltimore MD                43:55 2/5
6.   Thomas Koehler, 34               Baltimore MD                44:54 3/5
7.   Jason Bryant, 31                 Severn MD                   46:29 4/5
8.   Barry Scheitlin, 56              Linthicum MD                47:22 1/1
9.   William T Somerville, 27         Baltimore MD                49:58 3/4
10.  Benjamin Kaufman, 25             Alexandria VA               51:42 4/4
11.  Arturo Cubillos, 34              Burke VA                    52:07 5/5
12.  Benjamin Branson, 18             Anderson IN                 55:29 2/2
13.  Shawn Pye, 48                    Littleton CO                60:29 1/1
Male 5K Finishers
1.   Dean Black, 24                   Annapolis MD                15:53 1/14
2.   Alexander Mund, 20               Annapolis MD                15:54 2/14
3.   Justin Prendergast, 18           Saucier MS                  19:28 1/12
4.   Hunter Herron, 23                Annapolis MD                20:35 3/14
5.   Austin Hulgan, 21                Annapolis MD                20:45 4/14
6.   Maurice Harris, 18               Annapolis MD                21:50 2/12
7.   Ethan Weir, 18                   Rock Springs WY             22:18 3/12
8.   Caleb Bauer, 19                  Annapolis MD                23:02 4/12
9.   Roman Klimchuk, 21               Annapolis MD                23:04 5/14
10.  Benjamin Coperhaver, 20          Annapolis MD                23:05 6/14
11.  Changyoung Lee, 19               Spokane WA                  23:16 5/12
12.  James Eckles, 18                 Richmond TX                 23:19 6/12
13.  Caleb Crispell, 18               Leonardtown MD              23:21 7/12
14.  Bobby Nolan, 18                  Palos Park IL               23:25 8/12
15.  Sungwoo Jung, 18                 San Diego CA                23:35 9/12
16.  Wesley Goodrum, 18               Lone Tree CO                23:36 10/12
17.  Anthony Alexander, 21            Annapolis MD                23:37 7/14
18.  William LaPonza, 20              Annapolis MD                24:44 8/14
19.  Paul Bodet, 18                   North Andover MA            25:19 11/12
20.  Christian Amelia, 19             Babylon NY                  25:21 12/12
21.  Kenneth Bouden, 26               Sparks MD                   25:21 9/14
22.  Jonathan Schmidt, 29             Baltimore MD                27:40 10/14
23.  Ryan Hickey, 21                  Annapolis MD                27:40 11/14
24.  George Yannakakis, 81            Sparks MD                   28:13 1/1

Midshipmen before the 10K

Midshipmen racing to the finish

Klimchuk battles with Coperhaver

1st female Mary Augustin

2nd female Moira Kimmell

3rd female Kathleen Luther

1st male Dean Black

2nd male Alexander Mund

3rd male Justin Prendergast

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