Lake Ridge Ridgerunner's Turkey Trot 10K
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Woodbridge, VA
Conducted by Lake Ridge Runners

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Lake Ridge Turkey Trot 10K
 Pl Bib First           Last                 AG       Time
 1   26 Kyle            Gutierrez          M 19-29  36:24.6
 2  135 Ashenafi        Kidanu             M 15-18  37:42.2
 3  129 Dan             Hancharick         M 19-29  39:53.3
 4   94 Miguel          Sanchez-Ruano      M 40-49  40:01.3
 5  131 Albert          Meza               M 15-18  40:16.0
 6   23 Joshua          Gatz               M 19-29  41:22.3
 7   48 Mohammad        Maghtha            M 30-39  42:06.5
 8   76 Austin          Petway             M 40-49  43:09.5
 9   29 Kyle            Hetrick            M 15-18  43:51.6
 10  30 Chas            Holler             M 40-49  44:25.6
 11  22 Rannveig        Fredheim           F 50-59  44:55.4
 12  87 Frank           Redner             M 50-59  45:15.2
 13 132 Ken             Ikeda              M 50-59  45:38.3
 14  65 Steven          Palkovitz          M 50-59  46:03.4
 15 102 Allen           Smith              M 40-49  46:23.7
 16 119 Josh            Will               M 30-39  46:51.6
 17  47 Mike            Lyons              M 19-29  47:08.9
 18  15 Scott           Creed              M 40-49  47:12.2
 19 122 Rachael         Zrimm              F 15-18  47:46.0
 20  6  Drew            Ashley             M 40-49  47:58.7
 21 121 Deresse         Woldeyes           M 40-49  48:00.7
 22 112 Kevin           Werry              M 30-39  48:16.4
 23 114 Tom             Wheeler            M 30-39  48:24.7
 24  20 Marilyn         Fisher             F 40-49  48:27.6
 25 100 Matthew         Simone             M 30-39  48:42.0
 26  56 Kevin           Morrissey          M 40-49  49:04.9
 27  80 Kirk            Poulsen            M 40-49  49:04.9
 28  77 Katie           Petway             F 15-18  49:20.2
 29  27 Michael         Hamer              M 40-49  50:29.8
 30  45 Keith           Link               M 19-29  51:14.1
 31 139 Beth            Eagan              F 30-39  51:26.7
 32 125 Victor          Zare               M 50-59  51:32.1
 33  46 John            Loftus             M 30-39  51:49.3
 34  98 Erin            Simmons            F 30-39  51:50.1
 35  52 Charles         Milam              M 50-59   51:55.0
 36  96 Paul            Seehafer           M 50-59  52:02.1
 37  78 Sonja           Platzer            F 30-39  53:20.6
 38 130 Jessica         Goodine            F 19-29  53:24.7
 39  60 Neil            Nelson             M 50-59  53:55.5
 40  97 Thomas          Shrum              M 40-49  54:12.6
 41  75 Tyler           Petro              M 1-14   54:24.9
 42  17 Philippe        Demartin           M 1-14   54:29.3
 43  3  Emily           Andrusko           F 19-29  54:29.9
 44  67 Gabriel         Passos             M 15-18  54:31.6
 45  14 Patricia        Craig              F 30-39  54:33.3
 46  90 Erin            Roche              F 19-29  54:45.4
 47  24 Kristin         Goodman            F 30-39  54:48.6
 48  10 Marcia          Byerley            F 50-59  55:20.1
 49  93 Erin            Ryan               F 30-39  57:21.2
 50  39 Jennifer        Kunc               F 19-29  57:38.7
 51  33 Kathleen        James              F 30-39  57:47.0
 52 126 Gary            James              M 40-49  57:47.0
 53 115 Brick           White              M 40-49  57:49.7
 54 123 Sheila          Zrimm              F 40-49  57:55.6
 55  53 Jessica         Milam              F 40-49  58:01.8
 56  81 Anna            Pound              F 15-18  58:10.2
 57  40 Rebecca         Leggieri           F 40-49  58:26.8
 58  2  Jordan          Andrews            M 30-39  58:31.1
 59  18 Charlie         Eckholdt           M 40-49  58:59.2
 60 128 Barb            Creed              F 40-49  59:15.7
 61 136 Rachel          Freeman            F 40-49  59:17.8
 62 111 Lesley          Ward               F 30-39  59:20.2
 63  89 Joel            Robinson           M 40-49  59:22.2
 64  95 Cindy           Schmitt            F 40-49  59:33.4
 65  7  Francesco       Basile             M 19-29  59:35.5
 66  32 Terry           Ivester            M 40-49  59:36.7
 67  5  Louisa          Andrusko           F 19-29  00:25.4
 68  31 Emily           Hughes             F 19-29  00:25.4
 69 127 Nicole          Volpicelli         F 30-39  00:47.7
 70  84 John            Puglisi           M 60-100  01:36.7
 71  82 George          Preston            M 19-29  01:40.5
 72  79 Elissa          Plylar             F 40-49  01:45.7
 73  91 Stella          Russ               F 30-39  01:53.2
 74 134 Ryan            Finnegan           M 1-14   01:59.8
 75  70 Luke            Passos             M 1-14   02:07.2
 76  85 Marlene         Puglisi            F 50-59  02:15.8
 77 109 Devin           Treger             F 15-18  03:09.5
 78 107 Jack            Strycharz          M 15-18  03:09.5
 79 103 Christopher     Smith              M 40-49  04:21.9
 80 120 Steffany        Winegar            F 40-49  04:35.2
 81  35 Tricia          Johnson            F 30-39  04:35.4
 82  28 Caitlin         Herman             F 19-29  04:35.4
 83 101 Sam             Sinclair           M 30-39  04:35.4
 84  36 Elizabeth       Jordan             F 30-39  05:12.6
 85  86 Tracy           Raymer             F 30-39  05:37.5
 86 105 Byron           Stephenson         M 40-49  06:31.8
 87  74 Susan           Petro              F 40-49  06:38.7
 88  73 Ken             Petro              M 40-49  06:38.7
 89  63 Rachelle        Oliver             F 40-49  06:40.2
 90  9  Natalie         Buffington         F 15-18  07:54.5
 91  4  Joanna          Andrusko           F 19-29  07:58.6
 92  38 Nicole          Kozar              F 19-29  09:13.7
 93  16 Veronica        Curtis             F 19-29  09:17.3
 94 104 Katie           St Pierre          F 19-29  09:49.4
 95  99 Martin          Simon              M 50-59  10:18.7
 96  92 James           Rutherford         M 40-49  10:23.0
 97 133 Julie           Gladbach           F 50-59  10:29.7
 98 138 Noah            Reale              M 1-14   12:09.4
 99 137 Rob             Reale              M 40-49  12:09.4
100  71 Brandon         Pendleton          M 30-39  12:12.0
101  68 Isabella        Passos             F 1-14   14:37.5
102  57 Charlotte       Murphy             F 1-14   14:40.9
103  58 Chris           Murphy             M 40-49  14:42.9
104 106 Angela          Strycharz          F 40-49  15:25.0
105  62 Kathleen        OConnor            F 40-49  15:27.0
106  83 Shanna          Preston            F 19-29  17:29.3
107  51 Lori Jo         McPhee             F 40-49  17:32.2
108  50 Kris            McCoy              F 40-49  17:58.6
109  88 Rebecca         Richardson        F 60-100  24:52.8
110 117 Margaret        Whorton Folsom    F 60-100  24:56.0
111  61 Terry           OConnor            F 50-59  25:24.0
112 108 Gladys          Thomas-Strother   F 60-100  26:30.7


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