PL Name City Bib Age Sex AG Chip Gun Pace 1 Ben Bamforth Lewes DE 196 13 M 1 Top Fin 18:43.0 18:45.5 6:01/M 2 Jeremy Lambert Newark DE 210 28 M 1 25-29 18:50.8 18:53.0 6:03/M 3 Breck Vanderwende Bridgeville DE 320 39 M 1 35-39 18:55.5 18:56.8 6:05/M 4 Blake Hundley Bethany Beach DE 67 10 M 1 10-13 19:08.5 19:08.5 6:09/M 5 Christopher Stanley Fruitland MD 302 43 M 1 Top Fin 19:09.3 19:10.6 6:09/M 6 Seth Deprince Rehoboth DE 256 14 M 1 14-19 19:28.6 19:30.7 6:16/M 7 Dylan Brown Lewes DE 48 15 M 2 14-19 20:06.4 20:08.3 6:28/M 8 Albert Fazio Pennsburg PA 115 43 M 1 40-44 20:17.8 20:19.2 6:31/M 9 Chris Rambo Lewes DE 366 43 M 2 40-44 20:28.6 20:30.5 6:35/M 10 Mallory Matusevich Frederica DE 226 14 F 1 Top Fin 20:49.8 20:51.3 6:42/M 11 Andrew Clements Lebanon PA 74 25 M 2 25-29 20:50.4 20:52.1 6:42/M 12 Rick Hundley Bethany Beach DE 54 44 M 3 40-44 21:27.6 21:30.8 6:54/M 13 Wendy Rogers Annapolis MD 144 52 F 1 Top Fin 21:32.0 21:33.8 6:55/M 14 Lohgan Kline Milton DE 187 14 M 3 14-19 21:36.2 21:40.0 6:57/M 15 Larry Windsor Laurel DE 342 61 M 1 60-64 21:51.1 21:53.6 7:02/M 16 Alyssa Pietrobono Philadelphia PA 269 23 F 1 20-24 22:07.9 22:08.9 7:07/M 17 Kierian Firch Milford DE 119 16 M 4 14-19 22:13.7 22:15.9 7:09/M 18 Michael Kline Milton DE 188 47 M 1 45-49 22:24.9 22:27.1 7:12/M 19 Logan Shuttleworth Lewes DE 28 12 F 1 10-13 22:31.3 22:31.3 7:14/M 20 Helen Morrow Millsboro DE 240 42 F 1 40-44 22:35.1 22:39.3 7:16/M 21 Richard Idler Bridgeville DE 179 25 M 3 25-29 22:29.2 22:45.2 7:14/M 22 Dylan Stanley Fruitland MD 304 16 M 5 14-19 22:46.4 22:46.4 7:19/M 23 Angelina Idler Bridgeville DE 178 23 F 2 20-24 22:33.9 22:49.2 7:15/M 24 Sean Affayroux Lewes DE 12 27 M 4 25-29 22:41.8 22:51.4 7:18/M 25 Melanie Mccloy Lewes DE 267 12 F 2 10-13 22:51.3 22:52.8 7:21/M 26 Erica Meade 92 24 F 3 20-24 22:55.3 22:58.9 7:22/M 27 Emma Barthelmess Bethany Beach DE 204 10 F 3 10-13 23:04.4 23:06.2 7:25/M 28 Mardiny Ung Elizabethtown PA 106 46 F 1 45-49 23:13.8 23:16.5 7:28/M 29 Phil Wilson Rehoboth Beach DE 341 52 M 1 50-54 23:14.0 23:19.5 7:28/M 30 Jason Ruscavage Millsboro DE 284 37 M 2 35-39 23:19.1 23:29.5 7:30/M 31 Ari Schnabel Astoria NY 140 27 F 1 25-29 23:29.3 23:32.7 7:33/M 32 Lindsay Rambo Lewes DE 277 10 F 4 10-13 23:32.5 23:34.0 7:34/M 33 Megan Davidson Millsboro DE 201 15 F 1 14-19 23:44.7 23:48.1 7:38/M 34 Lee Oronzio Dover DE 254 14 M 6 14-19 23:58.9 23:58.9 7:42/M 35 Brock Diaz Lewes DE 180 11 M 2 10-13 24:04.6 24:07.8 7:44/M 36 Dave Jalet Georgetown DE 182 60 M 2 60-64 24:12.3 24:14.5 7:47/M 37 Shannon Vanypern Bethany Beach DE 323 32 F 1 30-34 24:37.7 24:40.3 7:55/M 38 Cow Pie seaford DE 94 57 M 1 55-59 24:29.8 24:40.9 7:52/M 39 William Albanese Iii Rehoboth Beach DE 13 28 M 5 25-29 24:30.7 24:45.0 7:53/M 40 Henry Danver Bethany Beach DE 86 65 M 1 65-69 24:44.2 24:46.5 7:57/M 41 Susan Macmillan Milford DE 215 34 F 2 30-34 24:45.8 24:50.1 7:57/M 42 Linda Schwartz-Chi Rehoboth Beach DE 290 47 F 2 45-49 24:52.7 24:56.3 8:00/M 43 Alan Quillen Seaford DE 52 57 M 2 55-59 25:00.1 25:03.0 8:02/M 44 Dan Toohey Wilmington DE 360 50 M 2 50-54 24:51.0 25:04.1 7:59/M 45 Paul Becker Rehoboth Beach DE 31 28 M 6 25-29 25:01.8 25:05.8 8:03/M 46 Joann Szczepkowski Rehoboth Beach DE 219 66 F 1 65-69 25:10.3 25:13.5 8:06/M 47 Kevin Townshend 355 9 M 1 0- 9 25:12.2 25:18.2 8:06/M 48 Todd Gersten Rockville MD 139 11 M 3 10-13 25:05.6 25:20.5 8:04/M 49 Jack Huxtable Rehoboth Beach DE 306 74 M 1 70-99 25:21.1 25:21.1 8:09/M 50 Thomas Toner Rehoboth Beach CT 364 59 M 3 55-59 25:23.2 25:26.8 8:10/M 51 Donna Hennessy Selbyville DE 163 46 F 3 45-49 25:31.2 25:35.0 8:12/M 52 Luke Burton Lewes DE 57 7 M 2 0- 9 25:35.6 25:38.4 8:14/M 53 Michael Firch Milford DE 120 43 M 4 40-44 25:34.5 25:40.4 8:13/M 54 Elizabeth Deprince Rehoboth Beach DE 263 13 F 5 10-13 25:44.6 25:47.7 8:16/M 55 Andrea Stone Crofton MD 146 32 F 3 30-34 25:46.6 25:48.5 8:17/M 56 Brian Cordrey Millsboro DE 82 38 M 3 35-39 25:39.4 25:50.0 8:15/M 57 Michael Cordeiro Dover DE 81 48 M 2 45-49 25:44.1 25:51.1 8:16/M 58 Francis Schauer Alexandria VA 247 68 M 2 65-69 25:52.0 25:57.5 8:19/M 59 Amy Linzey Ocean View DE 367 41 F 2 40-44 26:09.2 26:12.7 8:25/M 60 Stephen Chapis Georgetown DE 65 41 M 5 40-44 26:17.2 26:19.3 8:27/M 61 Kristina Clark Selbyville DE 72 34 F 4 30-34 26:16.3 26:27.9 8:27/M 62 Desiree Granados Laurel DE 148 12 F 6 10-13 26:31.1 26:31.1 8:32/M 63 Sky Dunmyer Lewes DE 103 10 F 7 10-13 26:26.3 26:33.6 8:30/M 64 Isaac Granados Laurel DE 143 12 M 4 10-13 26:38.6 26:38.6 8:34/M 65 Karen Hill Rehoboth Beach DE 36 51 F 1 50-54 26:42.4 26:45.9 8:35/M 66 Lisa Wynn Frankford DE 27 51 F 2 50-54 26:40.3 26:47.2 8:34/M 67 Brennan Davis lewes DE 372 24 M 1 20-24 26:21.9 26:48.0 8:28/M 68 David Pulcinella Milton DE 363 45 M 3 45-49 26:42.0 26:50.3 8:35/M 69 Jennifer Fazio pennsburg PA 116 41 F 3 40-44 26:53.2 26:57.8 8:39/M 70 Grace Hetfield Rehoboth DE 186 17 F 2 14-19 26:48.6 26:58.3 8:37/M 71 Melanie Arnold Newark DE 20 53 F 3 50-54 26:53.7 26:59.3 8:39/M 72 Frank Mcginnis Rehoboth DE 224 71 M 2 70-99 26:50.5 26:59.4 8:38/M 73 Emily Phillips Federalsburg MD 268 42 F 4 40-44 26:57.0 27:04.5 8:40/M 74 Laurie Spraga Middletown DE 128 40 F 5 40-44 27:07.8 27:18.7 8:43/M 75 Anthony Grauai lewes DE 95 43 M 6 40-44 27:07.5 27:18.8 8:43/M 76 Kim Burton Lewes DE 56 43 F 6 40-44 27:10.0 27:23.1 8:44/M 77 Grace Reardon Bridgeville DE 173 21 F 4 20-24 27:08.7 27:24.7 8:43/M 78 Emily Lamb Rehoboth DE 198 10 F 8 10-13 27:20.0 27:27.5 8:47/M 79 Monique Bamforth Lewes DE 23 42 F 7 40-44 27:09.1 27:27.9 8:44/M 80 Luann Goldfarb Rehoboth DE 142 51 F 4 50-54 26:40.6 27:28.0 8:34/M 81 Caran Lamb Rehoboth DE 199 40 F 8 40-44 27:21.1 27:28.8 8:48/M 82 Sonny Leary Georgetown DE 202 69 M 3 65-69 27:21.4 27:31.6 8:48/M 83 Nicole Ruscavage Millsboro DE 283 31 F 5 30-34 27:22.1 27:33.1 8:48/M 84 Jules Woodall Camden DE 348 64 M 3 60-64 27:31.6 27:36.0 8:51/M 85 Lainey Shockro Lewes DE 167 7 F 1 0- 9 27:35.2 27:40.4 8:52/M 86 Melissa Feathers Reading PA 117 35 F 1 35-39 27:36.4 27:42.7 8:52/M 87 Allison Bourg Annapolis MD 41 32 F 6 30-34 27:32.4 27:43.7 8:51/M 88 Constance Bean Bridgeville DE 30 27 F 2 25-29 27:31.7 27:49.5 8:51/M 89 Ron Oronzio Dover DE 253 41 M 7 40-44 27:41.8 27:49.6 8:54/M 90 Mindy Adams Millsboro DE 10 35 F 2 35-39 27:36.6 27:51.5 8:52/M 91 Erika Esworthy Berlin MD 108 32 F 7 30-34 27:43.4 27:59.2 8:55/M 92 Dan Shultz Lewes DE 294 63 M 4 60-64 28:07.5 28:11.6 9:02/M 93 Barry Gersten Rockville MD 138 48 M 4 45-49 27:56.8 28:12.2 8:59/M 94 Nina Smeltzer Bel Air MD 193 53 F 5 50-54 28:10.4 28:13.7 9:03/M 95 Samantha Connors Milton DE 77 8 F 2 0- 9 28:07.1 28:14.7 9:02/M 96 Mike Connors Milton DE 78 37 M 4 35-39 28:07.5 28:15.0 9:02/M 97 Kathy Kunkle milford DE 195 58 F 1 55-59 28:11.8 28:17.4 9:04/M 98 Jack Vassalotti Lewes DE 1 60 M 5 60-64 28:13.7 28:23.9 9:04/M 99 Jen Epler Wilmington DE 359 46 F 4 45-49 28:14.1 28:27.4 9:05/M 100 Amy Newmaster Lebanon PA 73 25 F 3 25-29 28:19.8 28:28.0 9:06/M 101 Elizabeth Morton Milton DE 362 44 F 9 40-44 28:23.1 28:31.7 9:08/M 102 Lynn Miller Seaford DE 370 43 F 10 40-44 28:20.0 28:34.2 9:07/M 103 Jean Hendrickson Seaford DE 266 62 F 1 60-64 28:29.4 28:39.9 9:10/M 104 Paul Kiefer Lancaster PA 307 72 M 3 70-99 28:45.7 28:48.5 9:15/M 105 Cathy Haut Ocean Pines MD 159 56 F 2 55-59 28:44.5 28:50.7 9:14/M 106 Jacki Warren Lewes DE 329 25 F 4 25-29 28:31.9 28:52.6 9:10/M 107 Jack Noel Lewes DE 208 74 M 4 70-99 28:45.3 28:52.9 9:15/M 108 Linda Stanley Fruitland MD 303 43 F 11 40-44 28:49.8 28:59.2 9:16/M 109 Kay Hickman Rehoboth DE 189 51 F 6 50-54 28:56.9 29:06.4 9:18/M 110 Mark Gersten Rockville MD 137 11 M 5 10-13 28:52.8 29:07.7 9:17/M 111 Steve Wanbaugh Annapolis MD 369 57 M 4 55-59 29:05.0 29:22.8 9:21/M 112 Morgan Fletcher Delmar MD 124 10 F 9 10-13 29:03.7 29:23.4 9:20/M 113 Scott Arnold Newark DE 21 53 M 3 50-54 29:19.7 29:28.1 9:26/M 114 Tim Affayroux Frederica DE 11 30 M 1 30-34 29:21.2 29:30.4 9:26/M 115 Danielle Lambert Newark DE 209 28 F 5 25-29 29:28.4 29:37.4 9:28/M 116 Christine Graham Frederica DE 147 41 F 12 40-44 29:21.2 29:40.4 9:26/M 117 Louise Holt Milford DE 171 55 F 3 55-59 29:38.0 29:44.7 9:32/M 118 Brenda Mitstifer Stroudsburg PA 233 48 F 5 45-49 29:33.4 29:46.4 9:30/M 119 Tom Murphy Greenwood DE 241 61 M 6 60-64 29:33.4 29:46.8 9:30/M 120 Bill Shupe Milford DE 295 60 M 7 60-64 29:34.9 29:48.9 9:30/M 121 Justin Clements Lebanon PA 75 27 M 7 25-29 29:28.4 29:54.5 9:28/M 122 Paul Bradley Wilmington DE 368 57 M 5 55-59 29:42.6 30:04.3 9:33/M 123 Debbie Green Milford DE 149 52 F 7 50-54 30:07.1 30:13.7 9:41/M 124 Danielle Peden Georgetown DE 262 44 F 13 40-44 30:12.6 30:17.4 9:43/M 125 William Peden Rehoboth Beach DE 261 28 M 8 25-29 30:12.0 30:17.6 9:43/M 126 Valarie Orzechowski Milford DE 257 25 F 6 25-29 30:09.3 30:23.7 9:42/M 127 Katia Lackey Dover DE 152 46 F 6 45-49 30:24.9 30:34.7 9:46/M 128 Cindy Holt Sellersville PA 170 46 F 7 45-49 30:27.9 30:39.3 9:47/M 129 Corina Perez Lewes DE 264 38 F 3 35-39 30:26.1 30:41.9 9:47/M 130 Elizabeth Gernitt Lewes DE 136 26 F 7 25-29 30:28.2 30:42.6 9:48/M 131 Tammy Smith Lincoln DE 300 31 F 8 30-34 30:35.2 30:49.5 9:50/M 132 Joanna Lambert 51 54 F 8 50-54 30:41.1 30:50.2 9:52/M 133 Sharon Wright Rehoboth Beach DE 349 69 F 2 65-69 30:50.7 30:55.6 9:55/M 134 Terri Schultz Sellersville PA 287 44 F 14 40-44 30:45.1 30:57.6 9:53/M 135 Renee Ezrin Stroudsburg PA 109 39 F 4 35-39 30:47.8 30:58.7 9:54/M 136 Carolyn Schilling rehoboth beach DE 357 24 F 5 20-24 30:50.4 30:59.4 9:55/M 137 Diane Scobey Rehoboth DE 76 65 F 3 65-69 30:55.3 31:00.5 9:56/M 138 Mike Richardson Emmaus PA 280 65 M 4 65-69 31:02.3 31:06.4 9:59/M 139 Paul Townshend Dover DE 354 12 M 6 10-13 31:03.7 31:09.5 9:59/M 140 Sal Oronzio Dover DE 252 8 M 3 0- 9 31:04.7 31:11.3 9:59/M 141 Devin Hundley Bethany Beach DE 68 7 F 3 0- 9 31:16.8 31:22.5 10:03/M 142 Roger Hearn 213 67 M 5 65-69 31:22.5 31:38.4 10:05/M 143 Sandra Zaragoza Wyoming DE 352 48 F 8 45-49 31:34.4 31:43.8 10:09/M 144 Eric Valentine Milford DE 319 39 M 5 35-39 31:31.6 31:43.9 10:08/M 145 Hilary Valentine Milford DE 318 36 F 5 35-39 31:32.4 31:44.4 10:08/M 146 Lori Brown Felton DE 49 35 F 6 35-39 31:33.4 31:49.3 10:09/M 147 Gladis Vangessel Delmar DE 321 11 F 10 10-13 32:05.1 32:07.2 10:19/M 148 Claudia Vangessel Delmar DE 322 14 F 3 14-19 31:47.6 32:07.3 10:13/M 149 Ann Marie Townshend Dover DE 361 39 F 7 35-39 32:00.5 32:08.5 10:17/M 150 Donna Matteson Berlin MD 358 51 F 9 50-54 31:50.1 32:10.5 10:14/M 151 Rosemary Brittingham Laurel DE 46 50 F 10 50-54 31:50.2 32:10.6 10:14/M 152 Andrew Hawkins Seaford DE 160 12 M 7 10-13 32:03.5 32:15.8 10:18/M 153 Melissa Hawkins Seaford DE 161 36 F 8 35-39 32:03.2 32:16.0 10:18/M 154 Jessica Taylor Berlin MD 308 29 F 8 25-29 32:09.9 32:26.6 10:20/M 155 James Roe Ocean View DE 281 57 M 6 55-59 32:23.9 32:35.1 10:25/M 156 Billie Fox Delmar MD 211 38 F 9 35-39 32:18.5 32:38.3 10:23/M 157 Julia Elliott Delmar MD 105 11 F 11 10-13 32:42.8 32:44.5 10:31/M 158 Leeann Waltz Milton DE 327 50 F 11 50-54 32:36.8 32:49.3 10:29/M 159 Selene Semler Bethany Beach DE 291 56 F 4 55-59 32:50.1 32:52.0 10:33/M 160 Scott Koenig Dover DE 191 45 M 5 45-49 33:09.2 33:17.7 10:40/M 161 Georgette O'cone Millsboro DE 251 64 F 2 60-64 33:04.5 33:19.1 10:38/M 162 Alyssa Simon Lewes DE 297 39 F 10 35-39 33:05.6 33:19.3 10:38/M 163 Carol Breeding Greenwood DE 93 45 F 4 45-49 33:10.3 33:27.9 10:40/M 164 Eric Reiske Chesapeake VA 279 22 M 2 20-24 33:08.0 33:29.4 10:39/M 165 Jennifer Warren Lewes DE 328 23 F 6 20-24 33:08.5 33:29.6 10:39/M 166 Diana Murray Newark DE 245 52 F 12 50-54 33:18.5 33:41.1 10:42/M 167 Rob Tomko Selbybille DE 316 45 M 6 45-49 33:22.8 33:44.6 10:44/M 168 Michael Hobbs Bridgeville DE 168 31 F 9 30-34 33:41.2 33:57.7 10:50/M 169 Susan Mccreary Rehoboth DE 207 52 F 13 50-54 33:59.7 34:11.0 10:56/M 170 Don Marvel Easton MD 53 69 M 6 65-69 34:03.9 34:15.0 10:57/M 171 Leo Hennigan Rehoboth DE 164 65 M 7 65-69 34:18.6 34:24.6 11:02/M 172 Staci George Woodbridge VA 134 31 F 10 30-34 34:40.0 34:52.5 11:09/M 173 Logan Koenig Dover DE 190 10 M 8 10-13 35:18.3 35:24.9 11:21/M 174 Isis Deshields Delmar DE 98 13 F 12 10-13 35:27.1 35:31.9 11:24/M 175 Val Lewton Washington DC 229 75 M 5 70-99 35:30.8 35:44.9 11:25/M 176 Jack Wiggis 311 8 M 4 0- 9 35:38.1 35:46.5 11:27/M 177 Guy Wiggins Milton DE 335 42 M 8 40-44 35:39.0 35:47.4 11:28/M 178 Jerri Fleetwood Houston DE 122 57 F 5 55-59 35:36.9 35:51.7 11:27/M 179 Richard Tikiob Milton DE 339 57 M 7 55-59 35:47.1 35:54.0 11:30/M 180 Karen Chies Baltimore MD 141 55 F 6 55-59 35:50.7 36:04.6 11:31/M 181 Christina Caasi Magnolia DE 60 22 F 7 20-24 35:58.8 36:10.9 11:34/M 182 Jordan Walls Harrington DE 59 23 M 3 20-24 35:59.2 36:11.7 11:34/M 183 Richard Perez Lewes DE 265 48 M 7 45-49 36:23.0 36:38.1 11:42/M 184 Schelby Thompson Wyoming DE 315 51 F 14 50-54 36:49.1 37:06.1 11:50/M 185 Lisa Mcmasters Wyoming DE 228 50 F 15 50-54 36:49.0 37:06.2 11:50/M 186 Cori Jones Delmar DE 185 12 F 13 10-13 37:08.3 37:11.7 11:56/M 187 Marie Gungui Lewes DE 151 52 F 16 50-54 37:06.3 37:21.5 11:56/M 188 Trisha Fothergill Delmar DE 127 12 F 14 10-13 37:05.7 37:22.4 11:55/M 189 Jimmy Kroon Felton DE 194 35 M 6 35-39 37:43.9 38:00.3 12:08/M 190 Tamarra Wharton Millsboro DE 332 30 F 11 30-34 38:31.9 38:49.8 12:23/M 191 Jason Burlew Harrington DE 55 32 M 2 30-34 39:21.1 39:34.9 12:39/M 192 Stacey Hartman Millsboro DE 158 29 F 9 25-29 40:33.8 40:52.3 13:02/M 193 Jessica Huss Rehoboth Beach DE 177 36 F 11 35-39 41:46.8 42:06.7 13:26/M 194 Jack Huss Rehoboth Beach DE 175 7 M 5 0- 9 41:47.7 42:07.7 13:26/M 195 John Huss Rehoboth Beach DE 176 36 M 7 35-39 41:48.1 42:08.9 13:26/M 196 Danielle Wise Delmar DE 344 12 F 15 10-13 42:09.9 42:11.9 13:33/M 197 Alyssa Layton Delmar DE 200 12 F 16 10-13 41:58.4 42:15.8 13:30/M 198 Susann Rosnick Selbyville DE 282 60 F 3 60-64 42:52.8 42:56.8 13:47/M 199 Jamie Wollard Bethesda MD 345 74 F 1 70-99 42:46.8 42:57.4 13:45/M 200 Cathy Sauage Laurel DE 166 36 F 12 35-39 42:54.0 43:10.8 13:48/M 201 Breanna Young Delmar DE 350 10 F 17 10-13 43:53.9 43:55.6 14:07/M 202 Shantaza Mills Laurel DE 232 13 F 18 10-13 43:53.2 43:57.8 14:07/M 203 Amy Wise Delmar DE 343 15 F 4 14-19 44:01.4 44:17.8 14:09/M 204 Lynn Cattafi Rehoboth Beach DE 371 50 F 17 50-54 44:25.1 44:43.5 14:17/M 205 Craig Smith Lincoln DE 301 35 M 8 35-39 45:15.8 45:31.3 14:33/M 206 Keenan Maureen Bethany DE 365 56 F 7 55-59 46:52.2 46:58.5 15:04/M 207 Kanya Mills Laurel DE 231 10 F 19 10-13 48:45.5 48:50.1 15:41/M 208 Deanna Bredbenner Seaford DE 43 47 F 9 45-49 48:42.1 48:59.5 15:40/M 209 Danielle Hinchey Lewes DE 121 26 F 10 25-29 49:20.9 49:44.6 15:52/M 210 Megan Cimino San Luis Obispo CA 70 25 F 11 25-29 49:21.5 49:44.6 15:52/M 211 Abigail Hughes Parsonsburg MD 174 10 F 20 10-13 57:10.9 57:12.4 18:23/M 212 Taylor Neill Delmar DE 249 10 F 21 10-13 58:18.1 58:18.1 18:45/M |
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