Place Name City Bib No Age Overall Chip Time Gun Time Pace 1 Maria Elena Calle Henrico VA 166 37 5 37:14.6 37:16.1 5:59/M 2 Teal Connor Washington DC 228 27 12 38:42.7 38:44.5 6:13/M 3 Anna Cole Glen Allen VA 217 20 25 40:52.9 40:58.0 6:34/M 1 Maria Galbraith Glen Allen VA 421 44 32 41:40.1 41:44.1 6:42/M 1 Michelle Mudge-Riley Glen Allen VA 964 35 34 41:43.8 41:52.6 6:42/M 1 Jackie Morgan Richmond VA 940 32 54 42:47.8 42:55.4 6:53/M 1 Renee Shear Glen Ellyn IL 1205 26 65 43:21.5 43:24.0 6:58/M 1 Dana Bivens Manakin Sabot VA 93 24 69 43:37.5 43:47.6 7:01/M 2 Tricia McNamara Richmond VA 893 29 79 43:57.2 44:11.1 7:04/M 2 Robyn Hartley Henrico VA 554 37 83 44:12.0 44:17.8 7:06/M 3 Megan MacHich Henrico VA 826 25 90 44:43.8 45:00.6 7:11/M 1 Kristen Jordan Henrico VA 681 42 91 44:45.9 44:48.7 7:12/M 2 Catherine Polishuk Richmond VA 1081 33 102 45:02.7 45:38.3 7:14/M 2 Theresa Marie Green Manakin Sabot VA 488 41 118 45:46.4 46:07.2 7:21/M 3 Lauri Rochelle Chesterfield VA 1142 36 120 45:51.2 45:54.2 7:22/M 3 Gina Junkermann Richmond VA 683 41 125 45:58.1 46:18.4 7:23/M 4 Karen Williams Midlothian VA 1446 27 138 46:40.9 47:14.0 7:30/M 5 Kate Spangler Glen Allen VA 1258 27 141 46:46.5 46:59.3 7:31/M 1 Scarlett Bavin Mechanicsville VA 68 16 142 46:46.6 47:11.2 7:31/M 2 Chloe Bavin Mechanicsville VA 66 15 143 46:47.2 47:11.0 7:31/M 4 Anne Wilkins Richmond VA 1437 35 147 46:53.4 46:57.7 7:32/M 4 Melissa Jeffrey Henrico VA 651 40 152 47:00.3 47:04.4 7:33/M 3 Ainsley Walker Henrico VA 1392 16 159 47:09.0 49:25.1 7:35/M 1 Jeanie Trent Henrico VA 1336 51 163 47:12.7 47:17.2 7:35/M 5 Ashley Groome Manakin Sabot VA 495 36 164 47:15.5 47:20.1 7:36/M 6 Cherine Vanwagner Glen Allen VA 1351 38 168 47:22.2 47:30.5 7:37/M 5 Mary Ransom Richmond VA 1106 44 173 47:28.6 47:41.4 7:38/M 1 Jane Cash Richmond VA 185 47 176 47:33.9 47:39.6 7:39/M 7 Sarah Widmer Richmond VA 1432 35 179 47:34.8 48:00.9 7:39/M 6 Amy McCann Midlothian VA 864 43 180 47:39.3 48:09.6 7:40/M 3 Erin Henrie Henrico VA 571 30 186 47:48.3 47:53.9 7:41/M 4 Lindsey Velich Temperance MI 1358 17 193 48:00.7 50:15.7 7:43/M 6 Tyler Wallace Charlotte NC 1398 26 197 48:06.6 48:24.2 7:44/M 4 Nancy Broda Henrico VA 126 31 199 48:08.0 49:11.3 7:44/M 7 Lindsay Doyle Richmond VA 334 43 207 48:21.7 50:37.3 7:46/M 8 Cynthia Edwards Midlothian VA 351 37 208 48:21.8 48:34.9 7:46/M 7 Sara Wolfgang Richmond VA 1470 26 227 48:47.3 49:24.6 7:51/M 8 Justine Zwerdling Henrico VA 1501 28 232 48:58.2 50:19.6 7:52/M 2 Chrissy Ferguson Henrico VA 379 24 234 49:01.1 49:33.4 7:53/M 5 Gretchen Stumpf Richmond VA 1292 32 235 49:02.5 49:45.8 7:53/M 9 Chelsea Bushman Chesterfield VA 152 27 242 49:11.9 49:40.2 7:54/M 8 Lara Fawell Richmond VA 375 42 248 49:15.1 50:37.9 7:55/M 9 Karen McCarthy Richmond VA 865 41 257 49:32.7 49:48.3 7:58/M 3 Brittany Moore Richmond VA 931 23 264 49:48.2 50:16.1 8:00/M 10 Susan Reid Henrico VA 1122 44 265 49:48.5 50:07.4 8:00/M 6 Erin Garrett Richmond VA 438 30 268 49:55.3 50:22.1 8:02/M 9 Lauri Llewellyn Richmond VA 799 35 270 49:56.1 50:20.4 8:02/M 5 Noelle Dibenedetto Henrico VA 310 17 271 49:56.4 50:34.7 8:02/M 10 Christina Chern Richmond VA 198 25 274 49:56.6 50:23.7 8:02/M 11 Lani Gilliam Midlothian VA 457 40 275 49:56.6 50:18.9 8:02/M 10 Carrie Roth Midlothian VA 1154 39 277 49:58.0 50:27.1 8:02/M 7 Melissa Richardson Richmond VA 1129 30 280 50:02.1 50:53.9 8:03/M 11 Ellie Basch Richmond VA 62 39 285 50:06.5 51:07.6 8:03/M 4 Chelsea Whitley Partlow VA 1431 23 286 50:07.5 51:09.6 8:03/M 12 Katie Graham Fairfield CT 483 38 293 50:17.5 50:24.4 8:05/M 1 Maggie Morgan Mechanicsville VA 942 14 303 50:27.3 50:51.1 8:07/M 13 Crystal Koch Pintac Henrico VA 727 37 304 50:28.4 51:03.4 8:07/M 14 Sonia Shah Pandya Midlothian VA 1200 39 305 50:28.8 50:58.7 8:07/M 11 Katie Harrell Henrico VA 540 25 306 50:29.3 50:44.1 8:07/M 2 Cricket O'Connor Richmond VA 1009 49 307 50:30.5 50:34.3 8:07/M 2 Morgan Lewis Richmond VA 783 13 314 50:45.5 50:57.2 8:10/M 8 Ann Marie Zenobia Henrico VA 1498 31 316 50:53.3 51:04.3 8:11/M 12 Anne Wiltshire Bethesda MD 1456 28 318 50:54.4 51:03.9 8:11/M 9 Kelly Wiltshire Richmond VA 1458 32 319 50:54.8 51:04.3 8:11/M 13 Lauren Fisher Richmond VA 387 27 322 50:58.4 51:51.2 8:12/M 10 Emily Davis Henrico VA 287 33 323 51:00.0 52:03.3 8:12/M 15 Jocelyn Adelman Richmond VA 3 35 327 51:06.8 51:28.0 8:13/M 16 Ashley Kennedy Columbia SC 704 36 329 51:06.8 52:16.4 8:13/M 17 Teri Kinder Moseley VA 709 37 331 51:10.8 51:32.1 8:14/M 5 Alison Zacharias Henrico VA 1492 21 334 51:16.5 51:43.1 8:15/M 11 Patricia Kelly Richmond VA 703 34 338 51:20.2 52:46.8 8:15/M 18 Lauren Byrd Richmond VA 160 35 339 51:26.4 52:17.7 8:16/M 12 Kate Garnett Richmond VA 437 44 342 51:30.5 53:28.1 8:17/M 3 Erin Hatcher Henrico VA 558 45 343 51:31.8 52:36.3 8:17/M 14 Kristen McAlister Dunbar WV 861 29 349 51:36.3 52:52.9 8:18/M 6 Mary Dowell Richmond VA 329 19 350 51:37.5 52:38.8 8:18/M 7 Abby Dowell Richmond VA 328 17 351 51:37.5 52:38.8 8:18/M 15 Jennifer Knizewski Richmond VA 724 25 354 51:39.7 52:10.0 8:18/M 19 Karhy Boughton Henrico VA 110 35 355 51:40.6 52:32.1 8:18/M 12 Sara Gretz Maidens VA 493 31 359 51:45.2 53:42.4 8:19/M 2 Jill Shugart Richmond VA 1216 52 361 51:49.1 52:18.2 8:20/M 16 Heather Overstreet Manakin Sabot VA 1033 29 364 51:51.3 52:02.9 8:20/M 6 Rebecca Wayland Henrico VA 1417 22 366 51:55.2 52:44.0 8:21/M 7 Abby Fines Midlothian VA 382 20 368 51:57.4 52:50.2 8:21/M 3 Patricia Chvala Midlothian VA 203 51 369 51:58.4 52:27.7 8:21/M 8 Sarah Lighthiser Glen Allen VA 791 24 379 52:14.0 53:52.9 8:24/M 13 Angela Williams Mechanicsville VA 1442 42 383 52:23.7 54:04.3 8:25/M 17 Dee Willis Richmond VA 1453 26 384 52:25.0 52:33.5 8:25/M 18 Hillary Hudgins Richmond VA 619 26 389 52:33.1 53:08.0 8:27/M 9 Katy Hummel Glen Allen VA 622 22 390 52:34.9 53:30.4 8:27/M 3 Rachel Crytser Mechanicsville VA 269 11 398 52:43.3 55:04.4 8:29/M 4 Kelly Vidunas Henrico VA 1371 48 401 52:44.4 53:18.2 8:29/M 19 Erica Knight Richmond VA 721 28 402 52:44.6 53:19.9 8:29/M 20 Jeanne Nuara Richmond VA 1002 29 404 52:45.5 53:20.6 8:29/M 5 Cynthia Piazza Chesterfield VA 1078 46 407 52:49.9 53:49.0 8:29/M 21 Katie Bowen Richmond VA 113 26 408 52:52.5 53:28.3 8:30/M 10 Jennifer Harrell Henrico VA 539 22 409 52:52.8 53:07.7 8:30/M 22 Deena Hannoun Raleigh NC 527 26 411 52:55.6 53:29.2 8:30/M 20 Nicole Unice Henrico VA 1346 35 412 52:56.4 53:14.2 8:31/M 14 Karla McDonald Highland Springs VA 873 44 414 52:57.5 53:16.1 8:31/M 21 Nicole Mumford Henrico VA 969 39 417 53:06.8 54:51.1 8:32/M 22 Laura Fletcher Midlothian VA 399 38 418 53:08.7 53:34.3 8:33/M 13 Allison Kahelski Richmond VA 684 32 419 53:09.0 53:29.3 8:33/M 4 Marina Dabaghian Marlborough CT 276 14 421 53:10.2 53:29.7 8:33/M 23 Beth Kondorossy Henrico VA 736 28 423 53:10.5 54:38.4 8:33/M 14 Kaki Zell Greensboro NC 1497 32 427 53:16.8 53:35.7 8:34/M 15 Kelly Van Vliet Henrico VA 1348 32 428 53:16.9 53:35.7 8:34/M 16 Cat Chamberlain Richmond VA 192 31 429 53:25.5 55:21.1 8:35/M 17 Michelle Wright Glen Allen VA 1482 34 430 53:25.6 53:45.9 8:35/M 24 Stacey Newton Chesterfield VA 989 25 432 53:31.6 54:28.9 8:36/M 18 Jessica Thompson Richmond VA 1317 31 433 53:32.3 54:10.6 8:36/M 25 Erin Gallagher Richmond VA 427 25 434 53:32.6 54:17.4 8:36/M 8 Emily O'Laughlin Midlothian VA 1018 17 436 53:35.0 55:44.6 8:37/M 15 Melanie Johnson Hendersonville NC 669 40 439 53:36.9 53:47.4 8:37/M 19 Sarah Voyack Richmond VA 1381 31 441 53:38.9 54:31.4 8:37/M 20 Christina McClung Midlothian VA 869 31 443 53:41.1 54:18.2 8:38/M 26 Amy Moody Richmond VA 929 27 445 53:41.2 55:23.6 8:38/M 23 Kirsti Goodwin Richmond VA 471 38 447 53:42.4 54:05.7 8:38/M 21 Whitney Vergara Midlothian VA 1361 30 448 53:42.8 54:45.3 8:38/M 4 Donna Hoy Mechanicsville VA 616 50 453 53:57.7 54:45.8 8:40/M 11 Emily Baird Henrico VA 43 20 457 54:02.7 56:00.0 8:41/M 5 Betty Baugh Harrison Henrico VA 550 54 458 54:03.5 55:35.6 8:41/M 12 Jacqueline Gerenyi Arlington VA 444 24 459 54:03.6 54:45.7 8:41/M 13 Brittany Seaton Richmond VA 1193 22 460 54:04.1 54:59.5 8:42/M 6 Barbara Mautte Ashland VA 857 54 464 54:07.6 55:57.7 8:42/M 24 Angela MacKay Henrico VA 828 35 465 54:07.9 55:10.8 8:42/M 27 Hannah Richardson Richmond VA 1127 29 467 54:15.5 54:52.1 8:43/M 25 Lisa Stover Henrico VA 1284 35 471 54:18.7 55:21.6 8:44/M 6 Marianna Inslee Mechanicsville VA 641 47 472 54:20.3 55:35.1 8:44/M 16 Amy Belcher Henrico VA 74 42 473 54:20.4 56:04.6 8:44/M 5 Corri Stevenson Chesterfield VA 1272 14 474 54:24.5 55:42.2 8:45/M 26 Liz Cherry Alexandria VA 199 36 477 54:27.5 55:06.1 8:45/M 22 Shyla Rodal Richmond VA 1144 30 478 54:28.1 55:11.7 8:45/M 14 Sarah Wiltshire Moseley VA 1460 20 481 54:28.9 54:52.7 8:45/M 23 Sarah Dengel Glen Allen VA 302 34 484 54:33.1 55:21.9 8:46/M 17 Lori Schwabenhausen Henrico VA 1189 40 485 54:34.6 54:49.6 8:46/M 18 Karen Cozens Henrico VA 250 44 487 54:36.1 56:53.0 8:47/M 27 Jennifer Scholtz Midlothian VA 1179 38 488 54:36.9 54:50.5 8:47/M 28 Meredith Rafferty Midlothian VA 1101 39 490 54:37.4 54:50.4 8:47/M 7 Stephanie Beck Richmond VA 72 48 491 54:37.7 56:10.4 8:47/M 28 Ashley Driscoll Richmond VA 337 29 492 54:38.8 55:09.9 8:47/M 19 Dale Treadway Henrico VA 1335 40 495 54:39.6 55:09.9 8:47/M 24 Reema Badr Palo Alto CA 40 30 496 54:39.6 55:29.2 8:47/M 8 Missy Mauck Henrico VA 855 46 497 54:43.2 56:08.5 8:48/M 25 Jenifer Eisenman Atlanta GA 357 33 499 54:46.3 55:37.3 8:48/M 26 Kate Daly Richmond VA 279 32 501 54:46.7 55:23.8 8:48/M 6 Sarah Lewis Richmond VA 786 11 503 54:55.7 55:06.8 8:50/M 29 Mollie Storey Richmond VA 1279 38 504 54:58.9 55:22.8 8:50/M 20 Paula Jones Richmond VA 677 44 507 55:01.8 55:07.4 8:51/M 27 Courtney O'Hara Richmond VA 1017 31 509 55:02.6 55:39.1 8:51/M 9 Kathie Lewis Bumpass VA 781 48 511 55:03.2 55:47.3 8:51/M 29 Liana Kleeman Richmond VA 716 26 512 55:03.2 57:30.8 8:51/M 30 Brooke Woodward Richmond VA 1474 28 513 55:05.2 57:33.2 8:51/M 10 Bronwyn Radcliffe Hesperus CO 1098 49 514 55:05.8 56:39.0 8:51/M 28 Kerry Bennett Richmond VA 81 33 515 55:07.5 55:45.9 8:52/M 30 Kelly Hicks Henrico VA 584 37 517 55:10.5 56:57.1 8:52/M 29 Emily Laux Henrico VA 757 33 524 55:14.9 55:27.0 8:53/M 31 Sarah Smith Goochland VA 1242 38 527 55:17.4 57:14.3 8:53/M 30 Elspeth Moffatt Lancaster PA 926 34 529 55:19.9 56:43.8 8:54/M 32 Anna Reed Richmond VA 1117 38 530 55:20.5 55:44.3 8:54/M 21 Karmen Spooner Manakin Sabot VA 1264 43 531 55:22.0 56:22.1 8:54/M 31 Blair Costin Henrico VA 240 31 532 55:22.0 57:40.3 8:54/M 7 Linda Newman Henrico VA 987 51 537 55:26.3 56:56.6 8:55/M 31 Kristen Spain Richmond VA 1257 27 539 55:34.9 57:43.0 8:56/M 11 Suzanne Degrauwe Hopewell VA 295 48 541 55:36.5 56:32.8 8:56/M 22 Cynthia Worsham Henrico VA 1478 41 542 55:37.8 58:03.8 8:56/M 33 Charlotte Tate Richmond VA 1307 37 543 55:40.7 55:59.8 8:57/M 32 Emily Guschke Richmond VA 509 29 549 55:47.5 56:29.5 8:58/M 32 Sarah Knapp Simpsonville SC 720 31 550 55:47.5 56:29.7 8:58/M 23 Leslie Millman Henrico VA 913 44 553 55:53.2 57:31.5 8:59/M 24 Tegwyn Brickhouse Henrico VA 122 42 555 55:53.9 57:28.2 8:59/M 33 Kathryn Wilson Richmond VA 1455 34 556 55:54.1 56:49.9 8:59/M 34 Jen McCabe Glen Allen VA 863 39 559 55:54.6 57:14.5 8:59/M 33 Yana Kanoukoeva Chesterfield VA 690 28 560 55:59.3 56:57.3 9:00/M 34 Jenny Lam Chester VA 751 33 561 55:59.6 57:25.2 9:00/M 25 Wendi Hickman Richmond VA 582 42 562 56:04.7 56:09.3 9:01/M 15 Ingrid Bushman Chesterfield VA 153 20 563 56:04.9 56:32.7 9:01/M 16 Tiffany Luu Glen Allen VA 816 22 566 56:06.1 57:02.0 9:01/M 34 Allison Hannah Richmond VA 526 29 568 56:08.1 56:41.1 9:01/M 17 Lyndsey Hunter Salem VA 636 20 569 56:13.1 56:55.2 9:02/M 9 Rachel Snyder Montpelier VA 1246 18 571 56:16.0 56:56.4 9:03/M 8 Marilyn Wayland Henrico VA 1416 54 574 56:18.4 57:06.9 9:03/M 35 Kirstin Whitely Chester VA 1429 33 576 56:20.7 56:48.6 9:03/M 35 Abigail Floyd Richmond VA 401 27 578 56:21.8 56:32.2 9:04/M 9 Sandra Gray Glen Allen VA 485 53 580 56:24.9 57:46.5 9:04/M 36 Sarah Raynor Richmond VA 1112 28 581 56:27.7 57:21.3 9:05/M 35 Sereyroth Sien Glen Allen VA 1221 38 583 56:29.6 56:50.2 9:05/M 1 Nancy Hummel Glen Allen VA 623 56 585 56:31.6 57:28.9 9:05/M 7 Virginia Gibson Alpharetta GA 934 14 586 56:32.2 56:47.6 9:05/M 37 Sarah Riklin Charlottesville VA 1138 28 587 56:32.8 58:04.6 9:05/M 18 Rosa Waters Richmond VA 1411 20 589 56:34.1 58:25.0 9:06/M 36 Stephanie Watson Midlothian VA 1414 37 595 56:37.9 57:44.9 9:06/M 10 Donna Sabel Henrico VA 1170 53 596 56:38.3 58:41.6 9:06/M 12 Erin Philpy Mechanicsville VA 1074 48 598 56:39.0 57:27.7 9:06/M 36 Amanda Griffin Henrico VA 494 30 599 56:39.8 56:59.6 9:06/M 10 Stephanie Lugbill Henrico VA 815 18 602 56:45.9 58:47.9 9:07/M 11 Judy Knizewski Luray VA 725 53 603 56:46.2 57:07.8 9:08/M 11 Catherine Wise Midlothian VA 1464 19 606 56:47.2 57:34.0 9:08/M 2 Rebecca Broaddus Milford VA 125 57 607 56:47.5 57:16.4 9:08/M 37 Jamie Jahn Richmond VA 649 34 608 56:48.9 59:03.5 9:08/M 38 Brittany Schaal Midlothian VA 1178 31 609 56:50.6 57:23.2 9:08/M 3 Meredyth Nelson Henrico VA 981 57 610 56:52.3 57:37.6 9:09/M 39 April Wells Mechanicsville VA 1421 34 611 56:53.1 57:25.9 9:09/M 40 Jaci Bertrand Albuquerque NM 87 34 616 56:57.7 58:10.8 9:09/M 12 Alison Jones-Nassar Midlothian VA 679 53 617 57:02.5 58:49.8 9:10/M 38 Megan Napier New York NY 976 28 618 57:02.8 58:16.0 9:10/M 37 Heather Seymour Chester VA 1198 38 619 57:03.2 57:52.3 9:10/M 13 Boyd Krista Henrico VA 746 45 621 57:05.3 58:15.8 9:11/M 14 Eileen Jones Glen Allen VA 674 49 624 57:06.8 58:50.6 9:11/M 41 Emily Ma Richmond VA 821 33 626 57:07.7 58:46.7 9:11/M 42 Joy Thompson Henrico VA 1318 33 629 57:08.8 58:12.4 9:11/M 39 Christa Schulenburg Henrico VA 1181 29 630 57:09.5 59:01.4 9:11/M 8 Braeley Nuckols Chesterfield VA 1003 12 631 57:09.6 58:57.9 9:11/M 38 Laura Vasel Henrico VA 1355 39 632 57:10.4 57:53.5 9:11/M 39 Cherie Nuckols Chesterfield VA 1004 39 633 57:11.3 58:59.9 9:12/M 12 Christina Simpson Henrico VA 1223 18 635 57:13.9 59:42.5 9:12/M 26 Kim MacLeod Midlothian VA 829 42 637 57:17.6 58:33.7 9:13/M 43 Julie Norris Midlothian VA 998 34 638 57:17.6 57:51.2 9:13/M 13 Carol Miranda Henrico VA 920 53 639 57:18.2 58:31.3 9:13/M 27 Joan Flammia Manakin Sabot VA 395 44 643 57:22.4 58:28.7 9:13/M 28 Trish Powell Richmond VA 1084 42 644 57:23.3 58:34.6 9:14/M 44 Lindsey Slenger Richmond VA 1231 30 645 57:24.0 59:06.6 9:14/M 29 Jan Parker Crozier VA 1045 44 647 57:26.1 58:20.9 9:14/M 19 Ruby Kratzert Glen Allen VA 740 24 649 57:28.3 57:48.3 9:14/M 15 Wendy Fewster Richmond VA 380 49 650 57:29.2 57:45.8 9:15/M 9 Logan Stevenson Chesterfield VA 1273 12 651 57:30.3 58:48.1 9:15/M 30 Gaela Stromberg Richmond VA 1287 41 653 57:31.1 59:24.7 9:15/M 40 Karen Holt Powhatan VA 602 38 655 57:34.2 00:01.6 9:15/M 41 Allison Johnson Henrico VA 660 39 656 57:36.8 57:47.6 9:16/M 45 Maureen Parker Stamford CT 1047 32 657 57:37.3 59:06.2 9:16/M 20 Ellis Traywick Richmond VA 1334 24 658 57:38.5 59:36.3 9:16/M 42 Margo Reyes Henrico VA 1125 35 662 57:41.3 58:59.8 9:16/M 46 Gwin Tennis Richmond VA 1313 34 664 57:41.8 58:45.6 9:16/M 21 Meredith Cox Henrico VA 249 23 666 57:42.1 58:22.7 9:17/M 43 Nicole Elliott Richmond VA 359 35 668 57:43.4 58:17.0 9:17/M 40 Heather Ruby Stevensville MD 1161 28 670 57:44.5 59:07.8 9:17/M 47 Chelsea Harnish Richmond VA 536 34 671 57:44.8 57:57.0 9:17/M 22 Morgan Peele Chester VA 1061 22 672 57:44.8 59:07.6 9:17/M 31 Mozhdeh Salour Richmond VA 1175 43 676 57:47.2 59:24.5 9:17/M 13 Kathryn Nagasawa Glen Allen VA 975 17 677 57:47.3 59:16.2 9:17/M 44 Niki Young Cocoa FL 1491 37 679 57:48.6 59:33.9 9:18/M 32 Elizabeth Tibus Henrico VA 1324 40 680 57:49.5 59:00.4 9:18/M 45 Sarah Morris College Park MD 944 38 681 57:49.7 59:53.6 9:18/M 1 Julia Mills Henrico VA 914 61 682 57:50.3 58:15.1 9:18/M 14 Kakie Pate Henrico VA 1054 16 683 57:52.0 58:28.1 9:18/M 33 Cathy Summers Midlothian VA 1299 42 684 57:53.0 59:46.6 9:18/M 48 Ashley Flanagan Washington DC 396 34 687 58:02.0 59:44.0 9:20/M 41 Laura Augst Fairfax VA 35 28 689 58:03.6 1:00:23.7 9:20/M 4 Karen King Chesterfield VA 710 58 690 58:05.0 59:13.6 9:20/M 5 Ann Loehr Mechanicsville VA 801 58 694 58:10.4 59:58.4 9:21/M 42 Kathleen Barry Richmond VA 60 29 699 58:16.3 59:08.4 9:22/M 43 Amy Cuenin Richmond VA 270 26 700 58:18.6 1:01:08.1 9:22/M 34 Laura White Moseley VA 1427 44 701 58:18.6 58:55.0 9:22/M 44 Chelsea Garfield Richmond VA 436 28 702 58:18.8 1:01:08.1 9:22/M 35 Denise Lowe Richmond VA 810 44 704 58:19.0 58:34.1 9:22/M 46 Jen Morse Richmond VA 953 35 709 58:24.9 1:00:12.0 9:23/M 45 Jessica Gessner Falls Church VA 446 28 710 58:27.2 1:00:36.4 9:24/M 49 Andrea Sorlie Henrico VA 1253 30 713 58:30.0 1:00:01.1 9:24/M 50 Erin Reibel Henrico VA 1120 33 714 58:32.3 1:00:45.6 9:25/M 51 Niki Tribble Mechanicsville VA 1338 33 715 58:32.8 59:04.7 9:25/M 52 Veronika Kasalova Cary NC 692 33 716 58:33.2 1:00:18.1 9:25/M 23 Emma Scarvey Midlothian VA 1177 20 724 58:46.1 1:00:30.9 9:27/M 16 Jane Crooks Henrico VA 262 46 725 58:46.6 1:00:31.7 9:27/M 46 Candace Broaddus Milford VA 124 25 727 58:53.2 59:22.8 9:28/M 47 Andrea Wright Midlothian VA 1481 37 728 58:56.3 1:00:06.6 9:28/M 48 Victoria Maddocks Richmond VA 831 35 729 59:00.5 59:48.1 9:29/M 2 Lielo Vanderlinden Henrico VA 1349 60 730 59:01.9 1:00:59.7 9:29/M 14 Tanya Press Chesterfield VA 1086 53 731 59:02.8 1:00:40.7 9:29/M 15 Linda Morrissett Mechanicsville VA 952 51 732 59:03.7 59:36.8 9:30/M 17 Lori O'Boyle Midlothian VA 1007 47 734 59:11.1 59:59.9 9:31/M 49 Erica Fahd Glen Allen VA 368 37 735 59:14.2 1:01:07.5 9:31/M 50 Samantha Oeur Richmond VA 1013 35 737 59:15.5 1:00:36.6 9:32/M 51 Laura Walton Henrico VA 1405 36 738 59:15.5 1:00:56.1 9:32/M 47 Rachel House Charlottesville VA 613 27 740 59:17.7 1:00:23.9 9:32/M 48 Alison Rogers Coraopolis PA 1146 28 742 59:20.3 1:01:08.1 9:32/M 16 Kathleen Richardson Glen Allen VA 1128 53 743 59:23.7 1:00:56.0 9:33/M 53 Lauren Southward Henrico VA 1254 30 745 59:24.6 1:00:18.2 9:33/M 49 Meaghan Gould Richmond VA 477 25 746 59:30.0 1:00:01.5 9:34/M 50 Megan Ridgway Henrico VA 1135 25 748 59:31.9 1:00:11.3 9:34/M 10 Camryn Cohen Sarasota FL 213 13 749 59:32.5 1:00:05.8 9:34/M 51 Megan Greenwood Richmond VA 491 25 751 59:33.3 1:00:33.8 9:34/M 36 Jill Ransone Powhatan VA 1107 44 754 59:40.3 1:00:35.2 9:36/M 15 Mckenzie Francis Midlothian VA 412 19 756 59:49.6 1:02:08.6 9:37/M 24 Elizabeth Hickman Henrico VA 581 22 757 59:49.8 1:01:03.6 9:37/M 37 Megan Truong Chester VA 1341 41 759 59:51.7 1:01:17.0 9:37/M 52 Lisa Gardner Henrico VA 435 38 760 59:52.3 1:01:51.6 9:37/M 53 Tory Boffo Glen Allen VA 103 35 762 59:52.7 1:01:29.6 9:37/M 18 Susie Leahy Glen Allen VA 763 45 763 59:55.4 1:01:00.9 9:38/M 54 Jennifer Bowie Richmond VA 115 35 764 59:57.4 1:01:16.7 9:38/M 38 Sarah Francis Midlothian VA 413 44 765 59:57.4 1:02:16.3 9:38/M 54 Kelly Gannon Montpelier VA 433 32 768 59:59.2 1:02:32.0 9:39/M 16 Melanie Delcourt Westbrook ME 298 18 769 1:00:03.0 1:00:25.3 9:39/M 52 Kim Solana Henrico VA 1249 25 770 1:00:03.2 1:01:34.1 9:39/M 55 Sarah-Anne Diamond Richmond VA 308 32 771 1:00:05.5 1:01:51.4 9:40/M 19 Michelle Faison Henrico VA 370 49 773 1:00:06.4 1:01:10.8 9:40/M 39 Lori Caldwell Richmond VA 164 43 774 1:00:08.3 1:01:22.6 9:40/M 25 Ashley Simard Colonial Heights VA 1222 22 775 1:00:08.6 1:00:39.9 9:40/M 53 Johanna Mautte Richmond VA 858 28 776 1:00:11.9 1:01:59.5 9:41/M 40 Heather Cauley Powhatan VA 189 41 779 1:00:14.6 1:01:07.4 9:41/M 41 Heather Fitch Henrico VA 390 43 781 1:00:20.0 1:02:25.1 9:42/M 11 Olivia Story Richmond VA 1281 13 788 1:00:26.4 1:01:45.3 9:43/M 17 Sarah Allen Henrico VA 14 50 789 1:00:28.3 1:02:33.8 9:43/M 54 Margaret Mountjoy Washington DC 962 29 790 1:00:29.3 1:01:39.2 9:43/M 55 Elizabeth Urban Atlanta GA 1347 27 791 1:00:30.3 1:01:56.4 9:44/M 20 Carolyn Blalock Charlotte NC 95 46 792 1:00:30.8 1:02:11.7 9:44/M 6 Nanci Child Glen Allen VA 200 56 794 1:00:31.3 1:02:11.9 9:44/M 56 Courtney Tooley Glen Allen VA 1329 31 796 1:00:31.8 1:02:12.4 9:44/M 57 Monica Dillon Henrico VA 319 30 798 1:00:35.5 1:02:49.1 9:44/M 58 Valerie Vaughn Richmond VA 1357 32 799 1:00:42.3 1:01:31.3 9:46/M 42 Laura Thornton Glen Allen VA 1320 43 800 1:00:43.5 1:00:53.9 9:46/M 26 Hadley Parker Charlotte NC 1044 21 802 1:00:44.9 1:01:36.7 9:46/M 59 Erin Olson Mechanicsville VA 1023 30 803 1:00:45.8 1:02:40.9 9:46/M 7 Amanda Moody Chester VA 928 59 804 1:00:46.2 1:02:29.1 9:46/M 56 Courtney White Mechanicsville VA 1426 27 805 1:00:49.0 1:02:55.6 9:47/M 43 Lisa Burton Chesterfield VA 151 42 808 1:00:53.3 1:01:32.1 9:47/M 57 Jenn Stuart Richmond VA 1289 26 810 1:00:54.5 1:01:19.5 9:47/M 44 Shelli Stepp Mechanicsville VA 1271 41 812 1:00:55.8 1:02:27.4 9:48/M 55 Erin Krietsch Chesterfield VA 745 38 813 1:00:56.4 1:02:54.5 9:48/M 60 Bethany McCunn Richmond VA 871 30 814 1:00:57.2 1:02:33.3 9:48/M 58 Kim Edwards Colonial Heights VA 352 25 815 1:00:57.3 1:02:33.9 9:48/M 21 Christine Martine Henrico VA 847 49 816 1:00:57.7 1:02:52.8 9:48/M 18 Catherine Hoover Spring TX 610 50 817 1:00:57.9 1:01:15.2 9:48/M 27 Caroline Hoover Washington DC 609 23 818 1:00:58.1 1:01:15.4 9:48/M 19 Susan Cole Glen Allen VA 221 51 819 1:00:59.7 1:02:32.8 9:48/M 56 Heather Jennings Richmond VA 655 36 820 1:01:01.4 1:02:48.3 9:49/M 59 Julie Chan Richmond VA 193 29 821 1:01:03.1 1:01:58.4 9:49/M 61 Kate Ayers Henrico VA 38 34 822 1:01:03.6 1:02:35.2 9:49/M 28 April Morrissett Mechanicsville VA 951 22 824 1:01:04.5 1:02:08.8 9:49/M 8 Donna Guza Richmond VA 510 55 827 1:01:07.0 1:01:56.6 9:49/M 45 Susan Wilkins Richmond VA 1438 42 828 1:01:07.8 1:01:50.9 9:50/M 46 Alexandra Randazzo Henrico VA 1105 41 829 1:01:09.3 1:01:50.6 9:50/M 22 Maria Quintas-Herron Mechanicsville VA 1096 47 831 1:01:16.5 1:03:38.4 9:51/M 23 Joan Lemelin Henrico VA 769 48 832 1:01:18.7 1:02:23.8 9:51/M 24 Maria Greco Henrico VA 486 45 834 1:01:21.8 1:02:28.1 9:52/M 47 Laura Runyen-Janecky Richmond VA 1166 43 835 1:01:23.6 1:02:14.4 9:52/M 20 Sandee Gammon Richmond VA 432 50 838 1:01:26.5 1:01:43.1 9:53/M 29 Kellie Archer Midlothian VA 27 22 840 1:01:26.8 1:03:31.1 9:53/M 60 Christen Schumacher Richmond VA 1186 29 841 1:01:27.3 1:03:38.9 9:53/M 61 Kristina Archer Richmond VA 28 27 842 1:01:27.4 1:03:31.2 9:53/M 62 Sarah Bell Henrico VA 75 30 844 1:01:28.8 1:03:56.0 9:53/M 48 Carolyn Gibson Alpharetta GA 1506 44 846 1:01:29.4 1:01:44.7 9:53/M 62 Jessica Keegan Richmond VA 693 28 848 1:01:30.7 1:01:56.8 9:53/M 63 Danielle McLynn Richmond VA 888 32 849 1:01:30.7 1:01:56.6 9:53/M 57 Stacy Mott Richmond VA 958 36 850 1:01:31.4 1:02:23.0 9:53/M 58 Amy Burke Glen Allen VA 142 35 851 1:01:31.4 1:02:41.0 9:53/M 21 Kym Osterbind Midlothian VA 1026 52 853 1:01:32.3 1:01:49.6 9:54/M 49 Jennifer Love Mechanicsville VA 807 42 855 1:01:36.5 1:02:52.8 9:54/M 63 Shannon Leffler Richmond VA 766 29 856 1:01:44.2 1:02:38.7 9:55/M 50 Kelly Butler Henrico VA 155 42 857 1:01:44.7 1:02:35.3 9:55/M 64 Kali Runk Ashland VA 1165 30 858 1:01:44.7 1:02:38.3 9:55/M 64 Amanda Boyd Richmond VA 116 26 860 1:01:48.7 1:02:39.5 9:56/M 65 Robyn Walsh Richmond VA 1400 26 861 1:01:48.7 1:02:45.3 9:56/M 59 Courtenay Fisher Henrico VA 385 39 862 1:01:49.5 1:03:29.1 9:56/M 51 Cindy Vetter Gainesville GA 1362 41 866 1:01:59.6 1:03:07.2 9:58/M 65 Karen Hirko Alexandria VA 589 34 870 1:02:08.7 1:03:00.7 9:59/M 30 Claire Meyer Richmond VA 904 22 873 1:02:09.3 1:02:40.7 10:00/M 66 Sarah Stauffer Emmaus PA 1269 32 875 1:02:11.0 1:04:18.1 10:00/M 31 Anastasia Conrad Mechanicsville VA 230 22 876 1:02:11.6 1:03:48.2 10:00/M 67 Erica Burroughs Midlothian VA 149 33 877 1:02:12.0 1:03:53.2 10:00/M 66 Kelly Rohring Ashland VA 1147 28 880 1:02:14.7 1:04:25.5 10:00/M 60 Karol Wilson Mechanicsville VA 1454 35 882 1:02:16.7 1:03:10.3 10:01/M 68 Courtney Epps Mechanicsville VA 362 30 883 1:02:16.8 1:03:10.1 10:01/M 52 Mary Leslie Gallagher Richmond VA 429 40 885 1:02:17.8 1:04:15.1 10:01/M 32 Chandler Quicke Henrico VA 1095 24 886 1:02:19.4 1:03:34.9 10:01/M 53 Kelli Lewis Richmond VA 782 40 887 1:02:20.0 1:04:24.8 10:01/M 61 Kendra Lengua Glen Allen VA 770 37 891 1:02:24.0 1:03:46.6 10:02/M 67 Rebecca Harris Richmond VA 548 27 893 1:02:26.8 1:04:00.1 10:02/M 22 Maria Humphrey Manakin Sabot VA 627 51 895 1:02:29.1 1:03:42.2 10:03/M 54 Alicia Rudolph Midlothian VA 1164 41 896 1:02:30.4 1:04:23.0 10:03/M 55 Kimberly Williams Midlothian VA 1447 43 897 1:02:31.3 1:04:23.4 10:03/M 33 Lauren Dougherty Mechanicsville VA 326 23 898 1:02:34.0 1:03:16.2 10:04/M 34 Annie Harris Mechanicsville VA 542 23 899 1:02:34.5 1:03:16.3 10:04/M 56 Lisa McDonald Maidens VA 874 44 900 1:02:34.9 1:03:29.1 10:04/M 68 Elizabeth Gow Midlothian VA 481 27 903 1:02:36.6 1:05:03.4 10:04/M 62 Melanie Frank Glen Allen VA 414 38 904 1:02:39.2 1:03:54.5 10:04/M 69 Alexandra Dooley Richmond VA 323 31 906 1:02:42.7 1:03:02.6 10:05/M 70 Krissy Watson Richmond VA 1412 32 907 1:02:44.5 1:05:04.3 10:05/M 63 Heather Barnett Powhatan VA 58 39 908 1:02:46.5 1:03:04.6 10:05/M 57 Kathryn Oliver Henrico VA 1022 44 910 1:02:46.9 1:04:07.2 10:05/M 25 Melissa Baird Henrico VA 44 45 911 1:02:47.4 1:04:44.7 10:06/M 71 Liza Stutts Boston MA 1295 31 912 1:02:52.7 1:03:37.3 10:06/M 64 Tami O'Toole Glen Allen VA 1030 37 914 1:02:54.1 1:04:04.7 10:07/M 35 Sarah Ridgway Henrico VA 1136 24 915 1:02:55.8 1:03:40.9 10:07/M 58 Christy Feiler Richmond VA 377 42 916 1:03:01.6 1:04:35.1 10:08/M 72 Sarah Decamps Alexandria VA 293 32 917 1:03:05.9 1:03:50.2 10:09/M 36 Ellen Barker Henrico VA 53 21 918 1:03:06.0 1:04:47.5 10:09/M 23 Sarah Barker Henrico VA 54 52 919 1:03:06.3 1:04:47.8 10:09/M 12 Harper Speagle-Price Richmond VA 1260 14 920 1:03:07.6 1:03:57.7 10:09/M 24 Mary Tognarelli Henrico VA 1328 53 921 1:03:08.9 1:04:25.2 10:09/M 37 Hayden Wayland Henrico VA 1415 24 922 1:03:09.1 1:03:55.2 10:09/M 59 Stacey Sylvia Henrico VA 1304 40 923 1:03:09.2 1:04:33.8 10:09/M 13 Jordan Koenig Midlothian VA 730 13 925 1:03:10.4 1:05:28.5 10:09/M 73 April Engram Richmond VA 361 34 926 1:03:10.9 1:03:54.5 10:09/M 74 Keysha Baynes Richmond VA 70 34 927 1:03:11.0 1:03:54.9 10:09/M 65 Jessica Lewis Cary NC 780 37 928 1:03:14.6 1:04:10.2 10:10/M 66 Marsha Koenig Midlothian VA 732 36 929 1:03:15.4 1:05:33.5 10:10/M 75 Corey Booker Richmond VA 105 32 931 1:03:20.7 1:04:10.8 10:11/M 69 Amanda Irby Henrico VA 643 27 933 1:03:21.8 1:04:06.1 10:11/M 17 Cait Phelan Midlothian VA 1071 19 936 1:03:22.6 1:04:40.9 10:11/M 38 Ryan Campbell Glen Allen VA 167 24 939 1:03:26.6 1:04:10.7 10:12/M 26 Natalie Thomas Richmond VA 1316 46 940 1:03:27.3 1:05:48.1 10:12/M 76 Rebecca McGhee Richmond VA 880 32 942 1:03:31.7 1:04:00.3 10:13/M 67 Amy Meli Springfield VA 898 35 943 1:03:31.9 1:05:54.5 10:13/M 70 Hilary Loso Harrisonburg VA 803 25 944 1:03:32.0 1:04:19.3 10:13/M 77 Ashley Gibbs Henrico VA 447 32 945 1:03:32.2 1:04:00.7 10:13/M 3 Katherine Mull Henrico VA 968 60 947 1:03:34.6 1:05:30.2 10:13/M 78 Noelle Lewis Charlotte NC 784 31 950 1:03:44.8 1:05:46.4 10:15/M 25 Beena Parekh Midlothian VA 1041 50 951 1:03:45.6 1:05:28.7 10:15/M 39 Radhika Parekh Midlothian VA 1042 20 952 1:03:45.9 1:05:28.8 10:15/M 68 Leesa Gregory Richmond VA 492 37 953 1:03:49.4 1:05:31.4 10:16/M 26 Lee Bidwell Farmville VA 89 50 954 1:03:49.4 1:05:51.7 10:16/M 9 Sharon Dajon Richmond VA 278 56 955 1:03:55.8 1:05:11.3 10:17/M 18 Ruth Deaton Ashland VA 292 18 956 1:03:58.2 1:04:35.8 10:17/M 40 Monica Hite Arlington VA 590 24 957 1:03:59.2 1:06:02.2 10:17/M 41 Courtney Woodburn Richmond VA 1472 24 958 1:03:59.4 1:06:02.5 10:17/M 42 Berkley Henshaw Petersburg VA 573 22 959 1:04:02.1 1:05:15.6 10:18/M 71 Allison Balzer Henrico VA 47 27 960 1:04:03.0 1:05:13.9 10:18/M 69 Shannon Reid Henrico VA 1121 35 962 1:04:07.1 1:05:48.9 10:18/M 10 Susan Robinson Henrico VA 1141 55 965 1:04:15.9 1:05:16.2 10:20/M 79 Frances Saccoccio Henrico VA 1172 31 966 1:04:16.5 1:05:16.3 10:20/M 60 Jenny Everett Henrico VA 366 40 968 1:04:18.7 1:05:48.4 10:20/M 72 Rebecca Carmichael Richmond VA 175 25 971 1:04:21.8 1:05:44.8 10:21/M 80 Christy Barbee Ashland VA 48 33 972 1:04:22.1 1:06:32.7 10:21/M 14 Claire Dickerson Midlothian VA 316 12 974 1:04:28.8 1:04:52.1 10:22/M 61 Tammy Harrison Midlothian VA 552 41 976 1:04:40.0 1:05:38.8 10:24/M 27 Julie Marshall Henrico VA 845 50 977 1:04:40.3 1:06:32.7 10:24/M 81 Tara Lacy Henrico VA 750 33 978 1:04:41.1 1:05:36.4 10:24/M 15 Morgan Butler Crozier VA 156 12 979 1:04:42.3 1:06:55.3 10:24/M 27 Deborah Woodle Chester VA 1473 46 982 1:04:45.8 1:05:52.1 10:25/M 70 Alison Wylie Midlothian VA 1485 38 984 1:04:47.8 1:05:07.2 10:25/M 71 Jennifer Phillips Powhatan VA 1073 38 985 1:04:48.4 1:05:07.2 10:25/M 73 Emma Duer Richmond VA 340 29 987 1:04:55.6 1:07:01.2 10:26/M 19 Mckenzie Walker Henrico VA 1394 18 988 1:04:58.8 1:07:23.4 10:27/M 20 Rachel Cisek Henrico VA 207 19 989 1:04:59.3 1:07:23.6 10:27/M 43 Lauren Cisek Henrico VA 206 24 991 1:05:00.3 1:07:24.2 10:27/M 82 Lindsey Hastings Henrico VA 556 31 995 1:05:04.3 1:05:42.3 10:28/M 83 Lauren Furlong Richmond VA 418 31 996 1:05:07.6 1:06:22.1 10:28/M 62 Joan Sturdevant Mechanicsville VA 1293 42 997 1:05:08.3 1:05:27.1 10:28/M 28 Lynne Read Mechanicsville VA 1113 54 1000 1:05:11.9 1:06:09.7 10:29/M 28 Karen Lindsey Richmond VA 795 46 1001 1:05:12.2 1:06:01.0 10:29/M 63 Karen Jennings Midlothian VA 657 44 1002 1:05:17.0 1:07:16.0 10:30/M 29 Niki Loupassi Richmond VA 805 47 1004 1:05:18.3 1:07:39.1 10:30/M 21 Anne Vandeweghe Midlothian VA 1350 18 1007 1:05:21.1 1:06:15.1 10:30/M 84 Lauren Correia Alexandria VA 237 33 1008 1:05:21.9 1:07:01.5 10:30/M 74 Rebecca Sellergren Henrico VA 1195 25 1009 1:05:25.7 1:06:56.0 10:31/M 85 Kate Osborne Richmond VA 1024 33 1014 1:05:30.6 1:07:34.9 10:32/M 30 Vicky Hamrick Richmond VA 520 49 1016 1:05:33.7 1:07:51.8 10:32/M 86 Catherine Weile Midlothian VA 1420 33 1017 1:05:34.0 1:05:56.1 10:32/M 11 Rena Koesler Farmville VA 733 56 1018 1:05:35.3 1:07:37.3 10:33/M 75 Virginia Schwartzer Raleigh NC 1190 29 1020 1:05:42.0 1:06:54.1 10:34/M 72 Janelynn Testerman Mechanicsville VA 1314 36 1021 1:05:45.2 1:08:07.1 10:34/M 64 Wendy Delph Quinton VA 300 41 1022 1:05:49.0 1:07:51.8 10:35/M 29 Lesley Harter Richmond VA 553 50 1025 1:05:52.5 1:07:07.6 10:35/M 87 Jaleel MacAsaet Chesterfield VA 822 31 1026 1:05:55.3 1:07:44.4 10:36/M 76 Jenna Schulenburg Henrico VA 1182 26 1027 1:05:56.5 1:07:47.8 10:36/M 77 Erin Fitzpatrick New York NY 394 28 1029 1:05:58.9 1:08:01.6 10:36/M 30 Bethany Denlinger Chesterfield VA 303 50 1030 1:05:59.1 1:07:43.6 10:36/M 88 Leah Ayers Henrico VA 39 33 1031 1:06:00.4 1:06:21.2 10:37/M 65 Krista Jennings Moseley VA 658 41 1033 1:06:03.7 1:06:35.9 10:37/M 31 Stacey Adkins Midlothian VA 5 45 1034 1:06:04.3 1:06:36.4 10:37/M 73 Michelle Kitt Glen Allen VA 714 38 1035 1:06:09.5 1:08:21.9 10:38/M 89 Sheila Kitt Richmond VA 715 31 1037 1:06:11.0 1:08:21.9 10:38/M 66 Tammy Velich Temperance MI 1360 44 1038 1:06:11.1 1:08:30.1 10:38/M 78 Cynthia Kain Richmond VA 686 27 1040 1:06:15.4 1:07:45.7 10:39/M 74 Tiffani Norris Richmond VA 999 36 1041 1:06:17.1 1:07:42.2 10:39/M 75 Holly McFeely Glen Allen VA 876 38 1042 1:06:17.3 1:07:41.8 10:39/M 44 Laura Kreiser Midlothian VA 744 21 1044 1:06:20.1 1:08:10.0 10:40/M 67 Carrie Ludovico Henrico VA 813 41 1045 1:06:22.3 1:08:27.4 10:40/M 45 Malia King Stafford VA 711 24 1046 1:06:22.8 1:07:09.4 10:40/M 4 Georgia Coopersmith Glen Allen VA 236 62 1047 1:06:26.3 1:07:54.8 10:41/M 90 Casey Craig Richmond VA 251 34 1048 1:06:29.5 1:08:05.8 10:41/M 32 Laura Loe Richmond VA 800 48 1049 1:06:31.2 1:07:46.2 10:42/M 46 Kayla Schulenburg Henrico VA 1183 24 1050 1:06:32.2 1:08:23.5 10:42/M 79 Caroline Stutts Richmond VA 1294 26 1051 1:06:32.5 1:07:15.4 10:42/M 22 Elizabeth Hazelton Henrico VA 563 19 1053 1:06:39.8 1:07:35.8 10:43/M 33 Juanita Nicholson Richmond VA 991 45 1054 1:06:41.9 1:08:54.3 10:43/M 31 Norma MacHich Henrico VA 827 53 1055 1:06:47.9 1:07:05.3 10:44/M 91 Juellisa Gadd Richmond VA 419 30 1057 1:06:51.8 1:07:28.9 10:45/M 68 Kristen Williams Richmond VA 1448 42 1058 1:06:52.1 1:08:03.9 10:45/M 32 Ruth Giverin New York NY 463 52 1059 1:06:52.6 1:08:39.2 10:45/M 33 Lynn Cook Henrico VA 232 54 1063 1:07:06.9 1:07:54.0 10:47/M 69 Lisa Ziropoulos Glen Allen VA 1500 43 1064 1:07:07.6 1:09:06.9 10:47/M 70 Brett Mosel Leesburg VA 954 41 1065 1:07:08.1 1:08:41.9 10:48/M 80 Elizabeth Cline Chapel Hill NC 211 27 1066 1:07:12.0 1:09:40.3 10:48/M 81 Jackie Galiano Glen Allen VA 424 28 1067 1:07:12.4 1:08:34.2 10:48/M 47 Regan Simpson Henrico VA 1227 22 1068 1:07:15.0 1:09:26.1 10:49/M 23 Maura Simpson Henrico VA 1226 19 1069 1:07:15.1 1:09:26.0 10:49/M 82 Caitlin Gould Richmond VA 476 28 1070 1:07:17.9 1:08:26.0 10:49/M 83 Elizabeth Milne Manakin Sabot VA 916 29 1071 1:07:21.8 1:09:25.7 10:50/M 84 Jennifer Milne Richmond VA 917 25 1072 1:07:22.4 1:09:26.0 10:50/M 12 Yvonne Conrad Mechanicsville VA 231 59 1073 1:07:25.8 1:09:02.9 10:50/M 34 Betsy Somerville Henrico VA 1251 54 1074 1:07:28.0 1:09:35.0 10:51/M 85 Amanda Rose Chester VA 1150 29 1075 1:07:28.8 1:08:36.6 10:51/M 34 Beth Cronin Henrico VA 260 46 1076 1:07:30.3 1:09:06.1 10:51/M 35 Daria Snider Gum Spring VA 1243 53 1077 1:07:32.9 1:08:14.7 10:51/M 35 Marymoss Walker Henrico VA 1393 46 1078 1:07:34.2 1:09:59.3 10:52/M 36 Janna Lindsay Midlothian VA 793 45 1079 1:07:35.4 1:09:51.5 10:52/M 24 Jenna Morrisey Glen Allen VA 946 15 1080 1:07:39.5 1:08:56.1 10:53/M 37 Frannie Muldowney Henrico VA 966 47 1085 1:07:46.1 1:09:43.9 10:54/M 76 Britta Petersson Richmond VA 1066 36 1087 1:07:58.6 1:09:12.1 10:56/M 48 Inga Petersson Richmond VA 1067 24 1090 1:07:59.4 1:09:12.3 10:56/M 77 Angela MacDonald Richmond VA 823 37 1092 1:08:01.9 1:09:41.0 10:56/M 36 Sally Hunnicutt Midlothian VA 631 51 1093 1:08:02.1 1:09:46.7 10:56/M 78 Lisa Lyman Richmond VA 819 35 1094 1:08:03.3 1:09:41.9 10:56/M 79 Heather Allen Mechanicsville VA 13 36 1095 1:08:09.2 1:10:42.8 10:57/M 38 Anne McGee Henrico VA 878 46 1096 1:08:09.3 1:08:48.8 10:57/M 39 Maria Carreras Richmond VA 178 47 1099 1:08:14.6 1:10:15.2 10:58/M 80 Michele O'Brien Henrico VA 1008 38 1101 1:08:21.7 1:09:30.0 10:59/M 81 Deanna Arbaugh Hamburg PA 26 36 1102 1:08:22.1 1:10:12.6 10:59/M 71 Armistead Henderer Henrico VA 570 41 1103 1:08:22.1 1:09:30.4 10:59/M 82 Karen Bolling Richmond VA 104 39 1104 1:08:22.1 1:10:12.5 10:59/M 86 Kathryn Coullier Bealeton VA 243 27 1105 1:08:27.3 1:10:06.2 11:00/M 25 Kali Vicars Moseley VA 1367 18 1106 1:08:28.4 1:10:34.7 11:00/M 16 Madison Vicars Moseley VA 1368 10 1107 1:08:28.4 1:10:35.5 11:00/M 83 Jennifer Link Midlothian VA 796 39 1108 1:08:36.1 1:09:28.9 11:02/M 5 Deborah Fulton Rau Richmond VA 1110 61 1109 1:08:42.2 1:10:17.1 11:03/M 40 Gail Holstrom Henrico VA 601 49 1110 1:08:44.3 1:10:20.2 11:03/M 72 Rebecca Russell Baldwin NY 1167 41 1111 1:08:45.0 1:09:47.9 11:03/M 13 Lynnette Rohring Ashland VA 1148 57 1114 1:08:47.3 1:10:57.2 11:04/M 6 Cheryl Hamlin Henrico VA 516 60 1115 1:08:52.3 1:10:05.4 11:04/M 49 Holly Brown Richmond VA 129 20 1118 1:08:58.8 1:11:08.2 11:05/M 84 Ashley Wells Henrico VA 1422 38 1120 1:09:01.3 1:10:46.9 11:06/M 14 Martha Hodges Henrico VA 594 55 1121 1:09:03.0 1:10:49.3 11:06/M 92 Erin Hanley Chester VA 523 33 1123 1:09:05.7 1:11:48.1 11:06/M 93 Laura Stoneman Richmond VA 1278 31 1124 1:09:08.1 1:11:19.4 11:07/M 85 Nina Luxmoore Jackson WY 817 36 1125 1:09:08.8 1:11:18.9 11:07/M 86 Sophie Luxmoore Jackson WY 818 39 1126 1:09:08.9 1:11:19.0 11:07/M 37 Debbie Echols Henrico VA 349 52 1128 1:09:12.0 1:11:25.2 11:07/M 73 Leigh Redford Richmond VA 1115 44 1131 1:09:24.2 1:10:44.8 11:09/M 87 Elizabeth Hobbs Richmond VA 591 36 1132 1:09:25.0 1:11:03.6 11:09/M 88 Grace Gallagher Henrico VA 428 38 1133 1:09:27.9 1:10:13.0 11:10/M 26 Meriwether Bryant Midlothian VA 136 15 1135 1:09:29.5 1:11:56.6 11:10/M 94 Beth Thomas Henrico VA 1315 32 1137 1:09:31.3 1:10:44.4 11:11/M 38 Briony Voorhees Wake Forest NC 1378 52 1138 1:09:33.2 1:11:47.8 11:11/M 50 Emily Jagdmann Henrico VA 645 22 1140 1:09:39.1 1:11:35.2 11:12/M 95 Nicole Krause Richmond VA 741 33 1143 1:09:54.3 1:11:13.2 11:14/M 51 Sarah Jagdmann Henrico VA 648 22 1144 1:09:56.2 1:11:52.5 11:15/M 74 Ann McIntyre Moore SC 883 44 1145 1:10:30.0 1:11:22.6 11:20/M 87 Sinead Hall Richmond VA 514 29 1146 1:10:31.9 1:12:01.0 11:20/M 41 Melanie Hause Richmond VA 560 45 1148 1:10:39.8 1:11:38.6 11:22/M 42 Jo Carter Richmond VA 182 48 1150 1:10:44.3 1:12:19.6 11:22/M 96 Katie Winn Midlothian VA 1462 34 1152 1:10:47.8 1:11:21.7 11:23/M 43 Terri Battiston Richmond VA 64 46 1154 1:10:49.9 1:12:18.0 11:23/M 75 Cindy Dicello Glen Allen VA 311 42 1155 1:10:51.4 1:11:34.2 11:23/M 76 Courtenay Leahman Richmond VA 761 42 1156 1:10:52.2 1:11:34.0 11:24/M 15 Armine Manwaring Richmond VA 840 56 1157 1:10:54.0 1:11:42.1 11:24/M 97 Leigh Ann Fauerbach Midlothian VA 374 33 1158 1:10:54.2 1:12:48.3 11:24/M 89 Virginia Gill Midlothian VA 456 39 1159 1:10:54.4 1:12:48.7 11:24/M 90 Tiffany Whaley Midlothian VA 1425 39 1160 1:10:54.8 1:12:48.9 11:24/M 98 Jillian Biller Glen Allen VA 91 34 1163 1:11:00.2 1:12:23.6 11:25/M 39 Theresa Morris Moseley VA 945 54 1164 1:11:01.7 1:12:45.3 11:25/M 88 Lowrie Ward Washington DC 1407 28 1165 1:11:08.1 1:12:53.2 11:26/M 89 Shannon Blankinship Jacksonville FL 98 28 1166 1:11:10.0 1:12:54.8 11:26/M 40 Caye Walker-Jones Midlothian VA 1397 51 1167 1:11:16.2 1:13:22.1 11:27/M 41 Debbie Jenks Chesterfield VA 654 53 1168 1:11:18.3 1:12:45.4 11:28/M 52 Elizabeth Bryant Midlothian VA 132 21 1170 1:11:36.9 1:14:04.7 11:31/M 7 Susan Raber Richmond VA 1097 62 1171 1:11:37.3 1:12:20.6 11:31/M 99 Jacquelyn Cowardin San Francisco CA 247 30 1172 1:11:42.6 1:12:48.1 11:32/M 42 Marlene Shear Raphine VA 1204 54 1174 1:11:44.7 1:13:22.3 11:32/M 44 Sharon Ten Midlothian VA 1312 48 1175 1:11:47.2 1:13:40.0 11:32/M 100 Rachel Heinig Henrico VA 568 32 1176 1:11:50.8 1:14:14.6 11:33/M 53 Marie Delcourt Westbrook ME 297 20 1177 1:11:52.8 1:12:13.9 11:33/M 17 Summer Hansen Mechanicsville VA 534 11 1178 1:12:07.4 1:12:31.4 11:36/M 91 Renee Hansen Mechanicsville VA 533 39 1179 1:12:08.5 1:12:32.3 11:36/M 92 April Barlett Glen Allen VA 56 35 1180 1:12:09.0 1:12:45.1 11:36/M 93 Carrie B Hood Richmond VA 606 35 1181 1:12:19.5 1:13:56.1 11:38/M 43 Cathy Leake Mechanicsville VA 764 51 1182 1:12:19.8 1:14:26.1 11:38/M 44 Suzanne Ruder-Nagasawa Glen Allen VA 1163 52 1184 1:12:22.4 1:14:07.0 11:38/M 54 Kayla Miller Henrico VA 909 21 1185 1:12:30.0 1:14:40.8 11:39/M 27 Mary Kannan Richmond VA 688 18 1186 1:12:34.9 1:14:31.7 11:40/M 77 Diane Glaze Henrico VA 464 43 1189 1:12:48.6 1:13:45.7 11:42/M 90 Lisa Humpage Richmond VA 625 28 1190 1:12:51.8 1:15:15.8 11:43/M 101 Sheri Phuong Glen Allen VA 1077 31 1191 1:12:52.0 1:15:15.3 11:43/M 94 Karen Ostberg Henrico VA 1025 35 1192 1:12:56.8 1:15:08.1 11:44/M 95 Amanda Smith Midlothian VA 1235 36 1193 1:13:07.6 1:14:40.0 11:45/M 45 Lori Speagle Richmond VA 1259 45 1196 1:13:24.7 1:14:15.1 11:48/M 102 Mary Siddons Glen Allen VA 1217 31 1198 1:13:41.9 1:16:03.7 11:51/M 55 Jackie Simpson Henrico VA 1224 21 1199 1:13:47.1 1:16:16.5 11:52/M 46 Julie Simpson Henrico VA 1225 48 1200 1:13:47.5 1:16:16.9 11:52/M 78 Joy Morgan Mechanicsville VA 941 42 1202 1:13:57.2 1:15:21.5 11:53/M 96 Rebecca Rowe Richmond VA 1159 35 1203 1:14:03.1 1:16:11.5 11:54/M 16 Lillian Hazelton Henrico VA 565 55 1204 1:14:04.0 1:15:00.3 11:54/M 103 Rebecca Crumley Los Angeles CA 265 34 1205 1:14:08.9 1:16:30.9 11:55/M 45 Kim MacMillan Henrico VA 830 51 1208 1:14:20.5 1:15:04.5 11:57/M 56 Maddie Wiltshire Moseley VA 1459 23 1209 1:14:23.3 1:14:47.9 11:58/M 91 Laura Maughan Henrico VA 856 29 1210 1:14:26.8 1:16:49.8 11:58/M 104 Eva Mallory Richmond VA 836 30 1212 1:14:33.4 1:14:56.4 11:59/M 46 Sherry Balsam Richmond VA 46 54 1213 1:14:34.3 1:14:56.4 11:59/M 97 Sherry Lewis Henrico VA 787 37 1214 1:14:37.8 1:15:49.9 12:00/M 92 Lilian Martins Richmond VA 848 27 1215 1:15:10.8 1:16:48.1 12:05/M 98 Leigh Peterson Henrico VA 1064 39 1216 1:15:17.6 1:17:24.0 12:06/M 93 Shelley Voelker Henrico VA 1376 28 1217 1:15:30.4 1:17:07.8 12:08/M 94 Holly Akers Buffalo NY 7 28 1219 1:15:36.5 1:17:50.2 12:09/M 95 Crystal Fitzgerald Henrico VA 392 29 1220 1:15:49.1 1:18:20.9 12:11/M 96 Molly-Armine Holston Richmond VA 599 26 1221 1:16:06.2 1:16:54.5 12:14/M 99 Amy Galvin Henrico VA 431 39 1222 1:16:11.8 1:17:33.1 12:15/M 105 Nicole Larson Richmond VA 756 31 1223 1:16:18.6 1:17:09.7 12:16/M 47 Linda Noel-Batiste Petersburg VA 994 53 1224 1:16:21.1 1:18:26.9 12:16/M 17 Betsy Ameen Hopewell VA 17 59 1226 1:16:29.9 1:18:39.4 12:18/M 97 Lindsay Alkac Colonial Heights VA 10 26 1227 1:17:00.9 1:18:15.4 12:23/M 18 Kathy Hunter Mechanicsville VA 635 58 1229 1:17:04.7 1:19:08.1 12:23/M 1 Julie Appleby Richmond VA 25 65 1230 1:17:06.5 1:19:06.4 12:24/M 98 Rebekah Troast Henrico VA 1340 27 1232 1:17:09.2 1:19:26.8 12:24/M 100 Melissa Geil Durham NC 441 37 1233 1:17:15.9 1:19:27.9 12:25/M 99 Lane Sadler Mechanicsville VA 1174 26 1236 1:17:30.0 1:19:32.7 12:27/M 106 Aylin Berkowitz Henrico VA 85 32 1238 1:17:39.4 1:19:46.3 12:29/M 100 Elizabeth Dukette Arlington VA 342 25 1240 1:17:42.9 1:17:42.9 12:30/M 79 Randall Miller Moseley VA 911 44 1241 1:18:10.5 1:20:18.4 12:34/M 80 Lisa Miller Moseley VA 910 43 1242 1:18:10.9 1:20:18.0 12:34/M 47 Susan McNamara Richmond VA 892 48 1243 1:19:03.1 1:19:41.0 12:43/M 48 Julie Flournoy Henrico VA 400 45 1244 1:19:03.4 1:19:41.0 12:43/M 101 Holly Fahed Goochland VA 369 28 1245 1:19:04.1 1:21:03.0 12:43/M 57 Shaina Miranda Henrico VA 921 24 1248 1:19:14.7 1:20:27.6 12:44/M 102 Molly Brannan Richmond VA 120 28 1249 1:19:18.3 1:21:37.4 12:45/M 101 Amanda Minen Tappahannock VA 918 37 1250 1:19:42.9 1:20:54.2 12:49/M 102 Kwanza Downs Colonial Heights VA 332 35 1251 1:19:43.5 1:21:24.6 12:49/M 107 Kellie Slutzah Mechanicsville VA 1232 34 1254 1:20:07.7 1:21:26.1 12:53/M 103 Shauna Benson Chester VA 82 27 1255 1:20:22.1 1:22:28.9 12:55/M 49 Anne Townsend Powhatan VA 1331 49 1258 1:20:39.5 1:23:03.6 12:58/M 104 Abigail Pittman San Mateo CA 1080 29 1259 1:20:54.6 1:22:15.9 13:00/M 58 Catherine Jones Richmond VA 671 22 1262 1:21:37.0 1:24:05.4 13:07/M 103 Kimberly Boatright Henrico VA 102 38 1263 1:22:02.2 1:22:33.2 13:11/M 81 Parrish Dickens Fuquay Varina NC 314 42 1264 1:22:34.3 1:23:27.1 13:16/M 59 Dana Hansen Ashland VA 530 21 1266 1:22:39.3 1:23:15.3 13:17/M 60 Julia Hansen Ashland VA 532 23 1267 1:22:39.9 1:23:15.4 13:17/M 48 Carolyn Waters Richmond VA 1410 51 1269 1:22:46.2 1:25:02.3 13:18/M 50 Leslie Knope Midlothian VA 726 47 1270 1:22:53.3 1:25:21.1 13:20/M 108 Courtney Fox Mechanicsville VA 408 31 1271 1:22:55.6 1:24:17.2 13:20/M 82 Laurel Haynes Midlothian VA 561 43 1272 1:23:38.6 1:24:56.6 13:27/M 28 Emma Bryant Midlothian VA 133 18 1273 1:23:51.6 1:26:19.2 13:29/M 83 Kim Egbert Richmond VA 355 42 1274 1:23:51.9 1:25:57.5 13:29/M 49 Janet Cole Richmond VA 218 54 1275 1:24:06.7 1:26:11.6 13:31/M 109 Mariah Jenkins Mechanicsville VA 652 32 1277 1:24:55.0 1:27:07.9 13:39/M 105 Erica Seredni Richmond VA 1196 25 1278 1:24:55.3 1:27:07.8 13:39/M 51 Lisa Childress Henrico VA 201 46 1279 1:25:39.4 1:27:50.9 13:46/M 110 Jennifer Drake Henrico VA 336 31 1280 1:26:30.8 1:26:52.6 13:54/M 61 Emily Barber Chester VA 49 23 1282 1:27:23.6 1:28:36.4 14:03/M 62 Margaret Ann Hazelton Henrico VA 566 22 1283 1:27:33.1 1:28:28.5 14:05/M 63 Stephanie Barber Chester VA 50 21 1284 1:27:38.3 1:28:52.8 14:05/M 84 Parrish Dickens Fuquay Varina NC 313 42 1285 1:27:42.9 1:28:35.2 14:06/M 104 Carly Sulc Glen Allen VA 1296 38 1286 1:28:15.5 1:29:40.5 14:11/M 105 Stephanie Sollars Henrico VA 1250 38 1287 1:28:15.6 1:29:40.6 14:11/M 2 Susan Mitchell Henrico VA 924 66 1289 1:29:27.6 1:31:58.9 14:23/M 111 Jamie Smith Glen Allen VA 1239 33 1291 1:30:07.0 1:32:30.3 14:29/M 85 Becky Delcourt Westbrook ME 296 43 1292 1:30:15.0 1:30:36.3 14:31/M 106 Amy Couillard Glen Allen VA 242 38 1293 1:30:15.4 1:32:38.7 14:31/M 52 Beth Goodloe Chesterfield VA 470 48 1294 1:32:16.5 1:34:29.8 14:50/M 86 Julie Burman Chesterfield VA 144 44 1295 1:32:33.9 1:34:35.5 14:53/M 64 Emma Damon Henrico VA 280 20 1296 1:32:36.3 1:33:35.3 14:53/M 50 Mary Damon Henrico VA 281 53 1297 1:32:36.5 1:33:35.6 14:53/M 53 Deanna Bosselman Doniphan NE 106 45 1298 1:33:12.0 1:35:36.8 14:59/M 18 Alli Crytser Mechanicsville VA 267 7 1299 1:33:12.3 1:35:37.2 14:59/M 51 Judy Jagdmann Henrico VA 647 54 1300 1:34:21.0 1:36:17.3 15:10/M 112 Jennifer Levin Midlothian VA 777 31 1301 1:34:46.6 1:36:59.1 15:14/M 19 Dawn Dibenedetto Henrico VA 309 59 1303 1:35:23.1 1:37:48.7 15:20/M 29 Amanda Miller Henrico VA 907 18 1304 1:35:43.3 1:37:53.5 15:23/M 107 Julie Gibson Chester VA 450 38 1305 1:38:11.9 1:40:11.4 15:47/M 20 Fran Smith Henrico VA 1238 58 1306 1:38:12.5 1:40:11.5 15:47/M 87 Elise Vicars Moseley VA 1365 44 1309 1:39:26.5 1:41:35.4 15:59/M 21 Denise Sherfy Sterling VA 1207 55 1311 1:39:34.4 1:41:35.2 16:00/M 108 Liz Mountjoy Richmond VA 961 38 1314 1:42:02.4 1:43:13.3 16:24/M 3 Carol Adelman Richmond VA 2 66 1316 1:42:35.3 1:42:58.8 16:30/M 30 Emily Tully Doniphan NE 1344 19 1318 1:56:55.3 1:59:19.8 18:48/M |
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