Running with the Stars 5K
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Ashburn, VA
Conducted by Amazing Race Timing

Future Featured Races

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 Note that Net time races are NOT eligible for the RacePacket Regional Report Rankings

Place Div/Tot  Bib   Name                    S School                         Chip  Pace  
===== ======== ===== ======================= = ============================ ======= ===== 
    1            168 Lucas Svenningsen       M Evergreen Mill Elementary      20:04  6:28 
    2            406 Will Ables              M Potowmack Elementary           21:50  7:02 
    3           2406 Colin Moar              M Wakefield Forest Elementary    21:54  7:03 
    4            395 John Lutz               M Potowmack Elementary           21:56  7:04 
    5            174 Davis Taliaferro        M Evergreen Mill Elementary      22:04  7:07 
    6            353 Caleb Hymans            M Wakefield Forest Elementary    22:05  7:07 
    7            162 Sean Flavin             M Evergreen Mill Elementary      22:09  7:08 
    8            432 Ashley Pandelides       F Potowmack Elementary           22:36  7:17 
    9            429 Sean Pandelides         M Potowmack Elementary           22:42  7:19 
   10            398 Justin Harrison         M Potowmack Elementary           23:08  7:27 
   11            382 Jack Groscup            M Potowmack Elementary           23:36  7:36 
   12            159 Jason Green             M Evergreen Mill Elementary      24:01  7:44 
   13            407 Carrter Morris          M Potowmack Elementary           24:03  7:45 
   14            431 Matthew Hytten          M Potowmack Elementary           24:11  7:47 
   15           1375 Riley Callaghan         M Hillside Elementary            24:53  8:01 
   16            164 Ryan Donnelly           M Evergreen Mill Elementary      24:54  8:01 
   17            166 Matthew Yarborough      M Evergreen Mill Elementary      24:54  8:01 
   18            389 Natalie Swarm           F Potowmack Elementary           25:11  8:07 
   19            167 Jake Rashap             M Evergreen Mill Elementary      25:21  8:10 
   20            305 Mya Canoy               F Belmont Station Elementary     25:30  8:13 
   21            324 Ashley Gregory          F Belmont Station Elementary     25:37  8:15 
   22           2414 Caroline Poole          F Wakefield Forest Elementary    25:39  8:16 
   23            170 Thomas Cegielski        M Evergreen Mill Elementary      26:02  8:23 
   24            306 Lily Canoy              F Belmont Station Elementary     26:20  8:29 
   25            425 Emily Varoujanian       F Potowmack Elementary           26:22  8:30 
   26           2451 Joshua Cassada          M                                26:29  8:32 
   27            411 Parker Montgomery       M Potowmack Elementary           26:30  8:32 
   28           1398 Piyush Pokala           M Hillside Elementary            26:33  8:33 
   29            191 Bobby Leonard           M Belmont Station Elementary     27:05  8:43 
   30            163 Luke Odegaard           M Evergreen Mill Elementary      27:06  8:44 
   31            188 Jonathan Miller         M Belmont Station Elementary     27:16  8:47 
   32            423 Noah Ulrich             M Potowmack Elementary           27:26  8:50 
   33            388 Joseph Swarm            M Potowmack Elementary           27:26  8:50 
   34            402 Hannah Bulmer           F Potowmack Elementary           27:40  8:55 
   35            386 Sean McElroy            M Potowmack Elementary           27:59  9:01 
   36            410 Seven Steeel            M Potowmack Elementary           28:05  9:03 
   37            165 Thomas Stowell          M Evergreen Mill Elementary      28:13  9:05 
   38            393 James Lutz              M Potowmack Elementary           28:16  9:06 
   39            428 Tyler Flynn             M Potowmack Elementary           28:17  9:06 
   40            192 Karynna Moore-Sobel     F Belmont Station Elementary     28:26  9:09 
   41            430 Laurena Hytten          F Potowmack Elementary           28:26  9:10 
   42            427 Emma Buytenhuys         F Potowmack Elementary           28:27  9:10 
   43           2419 Jared Lucas             M Wakefield Forest Elementary    28:38  9:13 
   44           2410 Robert Gaskins          M Wakefield Forest Elementary    28:40  9:14 
   45           1356 Alexander Deraing       M Marshall Road Elementary       28:43  9:15 
   46           2420 Laura Humes             F Wakefield Forest Elementary    28:45  9:15 
   47            358 Daniel Gaugler          M Wakefield Forest Elementary    28:47  9:16 
   48            155 Joey Fitzpatrick        M Evergreen Mill Elementary      29:07  9:23 
   49            204 Beau Mueller            M Belmont Station Elementary     29:14  9:25 
   50            169 Zachary Aycock          M Evergreen Mill Elementary      29:26  9:29 
   51            362 Hudson Barth            M Sterling Elementary            29:45  9:35 
   52            172 MacK Sawyer             M Evergreen Mill Elementary      29:48  9:36 
   53            434 Misa Morita             F Marshall Road Elementary       29:50  9:36 
   54            226 Seth Wooley             M Belmont Station Elementary     30:10  9:43 
   55            228 Sydney Skelton          F Belmont Station Elementary     30:11  9:43 
   56            229 Austen Motes            M Arcola Elementary              30:12  9:43 
   57            344 Ryan Battaglia          M Wakefield Forest Elementary    30:24  9:47 
   58            359 Benjamin Miller         M Wakefield Forest Elementary    30:30  9:49 
   59            173 John Dell'olio          M Evergreen Mill Elementary      30:36  9:51 
   60            352 Thomas Prince           M Wakefield Forest Elementary    30:38  9:52 
   61           2422 Logan Bishop            M Wakefield Forest Elementary    30:50  9:56 
   62            405 Tyler Hutton            M Potowmack Elementary           31:04 10:00 
   63            418 Marin Pawlowski         F Potowmack Elementary           31:04 10:00 
   64            424 Sophia Varoujanian      F Potowmack Elementary           31:06 10:01 
   65            441 Shelby Waltrip          F Marshall Road Elementary       31:09 10:02 
   66           2441 Sam Reichert            M Williams Elementary            31:11 10:03 
   67           2421 Jonah Bishop            M Wakefield Forest Elementary    31:13 10:03 
   68           1357 Blake Ramsey            M Marshall Road Elementary       31:16 10:04 
   69            240 Ellie Gustin            F Arcola Elementary              31:16 10:04 
   70            437 Allison Walsh           F Marshall Road Elementary       31:16 10:04 
   71           1371 Jill Koshuta            F Marshall Road Elementary       31:19 10:05 
   72            377 Colin Lathrop           M Sterling Elementary            31:24 10:07 
   73            180 Kyle Miller             M Evergreen Mill Elementary      31:25 10:07 
   74           1392 Lauren Cundey           F Hillside Elementary            31:27 10:08 
   75           2403 Joyce Schaefer          M Wakefield Forest Elementary    31:44 10:13 
   76           1376 Nachiket Gusani         M Hillside Elementary            31:49 10:15 
   77            366 Blake Peters            M Sterling Elementary            31:59 10:18 
   78            355 Cal Hurlebaus           M Wakefield Forest Elementary    32:03 10:19 
   79           1400 Will Rosenbach          M Evergreen Mill Elementary      32:04 10:20 
   80            181 Andrew Thorne           M Evergreen Mill Elementary      32:07 10:21 
   81            302 Renatto Baskovich       M Ball's Bluff Elementary        32:11 10:22 
   82            220 Patrick Devine          M Belmont Station Elementary     32:11 10:22 
   83           1364 Victoria Eachus         F Marshall Road Elementary       32:15 10:23 
   84            340 Daniel Cassata          M Wakefield Forest Elementary    32:20 10:25 
   85            246 Noah Rice               M Arcola Elementary              32:32 10:29 
   86            440 Hirotaka Yamamoto       M Marshall Road Elementary       32:34 10:29 
   87           2423 Ryan Becker             M Wakefield Forest Elementary    32:35 10:30 
   88            385 Hardy Bride             M Potowmack Elementary           32:36 10:30 
   89            244 Luke Aller              M Arcola Elementary              32:38 10:30 
   90            368 Ritu Lakshman           F Sterling Elementary            32:39 10:31 
   91            171 Ryan Colavita           M Evergreen Mill Elementary      32:45 10:33 
   92           1394 Jared Dimillio          M Hillside Elementary            32:46 10:33 
   93           2405 Asher Newell            M Wakefield Forest Elementary    32:50 10:34 
   94            231 Matthew Thorne          M Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
   95            237 Connor Thatcher         M Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
   96            257 Griffin Knowlton        M Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
   97            238 Gabe Widman             M Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
   98            235 Evie Garcia             F Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
   99            233 Skylar Hawes            F Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
  100            239 Olivia Marder           F Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
  101            232 Dylan Hawes             M Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
  102            249 Emma Lee                F Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
  103            234 Jackie Garcia           F Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
  104            242 Owen Manbeck            M Arcola Elementary              32:54 10:36 
  105           1374 Shannon Callaghan       F Hillside Elementary            32:58 10:37 
  106            281 Ella Chrispen           F Ashburn Elementary             33:01 10:38 
  107            280 Madison Chrispen        F Ashburn Elementary             33:03 10:38 
  108           2412 Benjamin Brandt         M Wakefield Forest Elementary    33:05 10:39 
  109            342 Mia Kim                 F Wakefield Forest Elementary    33:05 10:39 
  110           2409 Nate Lester             M Wakefield Forest Elementary    33:05 10:39 
  111            230 Avery Motes             M Arcola Elementary              33:06 10:39 
  112           2455 Matthew Thorne          M                                33:08 10:40 
  113            157 Jacob Goddard           M Evergreen Mill Elementary      33:10 10:41 
  114           1397 Emily Johnson           F Hillside Elementary            33:13 10:42 
  115           1388 Alice Rosales           F Hillside Elementary            33:14 10:42 
  116            270 Rhys Allen              M Ashburn Elementary             33:18 10:43 
  117           2439 Jevon Head              M Williams Elementary            33:19 10:44 
  118            420 Gabriel Renzoni         M Potowmack Elementary           33:23 10:45 
  119            375 Amyalissa Radda         F Sterling Elementary            33:29 10:47 
  120            187 Amy Thomas              F Belmont Station Elementary     33:31 10:47 
  121           1367 Hunter Rosenberg        F Marshall Road Elementary       33:33 10:48 
  122            210 Jemma Guilliano         F Belmont Station Elementary     33:38 10:50 
  123            211 Jonas Guilliano         M Belmont Station Elementary     33:40 10:50 
  124            283 Sophia Polk             F Ashburn Elementary             33:41 10:51 
  125            214 Abbey Helfen            F Belmont Station Elementary     33:54 10:55 
  126            361 Landen Barth            M Sterling Elementary            33:57 10:56 
  127           2407 Amanda Moar             F Wakefield Forest Elementary    33:57 10:56 
  128           2453 Max Buxton              M Hillside Elementary            34:03 10:58 
  129            196 Chris Torre             M Belmont Station Elementary     34:06 10:59 
  130            391 Zachary Kasmer          M Potowmack Elementary           34:08 11:00 
  131            304 Erica Lawrence          F Belmont Station Elementary     34:11 11:00 
  132            397 Owen Kitcoff            M Potowmack Elementary           34:16 11:02 
  133           2440 Saaty Sadriddin         F Williams Elementary            34:18 11:03 
  134            422 Cyrus Mason             M Potowmack Elementary           34:18 11:03 
  135            320 Cael Froelich           M Belmont Station Elementary     34:19 11:03 
  136            300 Diego Barbara           M Ball's Bluff Elementary        34:20 11:03 
  137            459 Kennedy Henderson       F Marshall Road Elementary       34:25 11:05 
  138            445 Reagan Henderson        F Marshall Road Elementary       34:26 11:05 
  139            179 Casey Hughes            M Evergreen Mill Elementary      34:34 11:08 
  140           2430 Savanna Cole            F Wakefield Forest Elementary    34:38 11:09 
  141           2438 Dubey Strickland        F Williams Elementary            34:41 11:10 
  142           1366 Lucas Gecan             M Marshall Road Elementary       34:47 11:12 
  143            365 Heather Kim             F Sterling Elementary            34:47 11:12 
  144            331 Will Snuggs             M Belmont Station Elementary     34:50 11:13 
  145           2432 Taylor Nauflett         M Williams Elementary            34:52 11:14 
  146            421 Elinor Bunch            F Potowmack Elementary           34:53 11:14 
  147           1381 Ria Sunderraj           F Hillside Elementary            34:58 11:16 
  148            254 Lindsay Moody           F Arcola Elementary              35:01 11:17 
  149            289 John Jensen Total       M Ashburn Elementary             35:02 11:17 
  150            291 Michael Breeden         M Ashburn Elementary             35:08 11:19 
  151           1396 Erin Johnson            F Hillside Elementary            35:09 11:19 
  152           1379 Bailey Cassada          F Hillside Elementary            35:11 11:20 
  153            443 Nathan Kong             M Marshall Road Elementary       35:16 11:22 
  154            186 Colby Fey               M Belmont Station Elementary     35:17 11:22 
  155           2435 Kazuhide Trepka         M Williams Elementary            35:26 11:25 
  156            253 Jacob Friedman          M Arcola Elementary              35:26 11:25 
  157           2424 MacKenna Weinberg       F Wakefield Forest Elementary    35:26 11:25 
  158            259 Aashay Desai            M Arcola Elementary              35:30 11:26 
  159           2418 Joseph Clop             M Wakefield Forest Elementary    35:30 11:26 
  160           2446 Jenna Free              F Williams Elementary            35:30 11:26 
  161           2434 Kyoka Trepka            F Williams Elementary            35:30 11:26 
  162            205 Kyle Borer              M Belmont Station Elementary     35:31 11:26 
  163            350 Luke Fasold             M Wakefield Forest Elementary    35:33 11:27 
  164           1358 Madelyn Dearing         F Marshall Road Elementary       35:33 11:27 
  165            245 Brady Thompson          M Arcola Elementary              35:33 11:27 
  166            414 Aidan McGill            M Potowmack Elementary           35:44 11:30 
  167            262 Evan McNally            M Ashburn Elementary             35:48 11:32 
  168            436 Danielle Govan          F Marshall Road Elementary       35:53 11:33 
  169            247 Aidan Zagorski          M Arcola Elementary              36:00 11:36 
  170           2431 Mia Moore               F Williams Elementary            36:13 11:40 
  171            426 Molly Buytenhuys        F Potowmack Elementary           36:19 11:42 
  172            158 Forrest Bradley         M Evergreen Mill Elementary      36:20 11:42 
  173            390 Phillip Grimes          M Potowmack Elementary           36:22 11:43 
  174            175 Nathan Fikes            M Evergreen Mill Elementary      36:23 11:43 
  175            415 Evan McGill             M Potowmack Elementary           36:26 11:44 
  176            223 Sean Harvey             M Belmont Station Elementary     36:32 11:46 
  177           1383 Alex Crabb              M Hillside Elementary            36:36 11:47 
  178            396 Angelica Franco Brito   F Potowmack Elementary           36:48 11:51 
  179            404 Lilly Kearney           F Potowmack Elementary           36:48 11:51 
  180            373 Annasophia Ricaurte     F Sterling Elementary            36:49 11:51 
  181            308 Annika Lawrence         F Belmont Station Elementary     36:51 11:52 
  182            261 Nicholas Kaplan         M Ashburn Elementary             36:56 11:53 
  183           1362 Favian Cuellar          M Marshall Road Elementary       36:56 11:54 
  184            243 Zach Aller              M Arcola Elementary              37:01 11:55 
  185            260 Jessica Jensen          F Ashburn Elementary             37:03 11:56 
  186            185 Madison Urick           F Belmont Station Elementary     37:05 11:56 
  187            284 Mridula Perumalsamy     F Ashburn Elementary             37:05 11:56 
  188            184 Daniel Segura           F Belmont Station Elementary     37:14 11:59 
  189            297 Noah Malfi              M Ball's Bluff Elementary        37:14 11:59 
  190            307 Olivia Lawrence         F Belmont Station Elementary     37:15 12:00 
  191            351 Cavan Griffin           M Wakefield Forest Elementary    37:17 12:00 
  192            275 Hannah Jonely           F Ashburn Elementary             37:18 12:01 
  193           1369 Colin Sullivan          M Marshall Road Elementary       37:23 12:02 
  194            417 Olivia Lane             F Potowmack Elementary           37:23 12:02 
  195           2454 Mason Kinnahan          M Hillside Elementary            37:26 12:03 
  196            341 Ian Wallace             M Wakefield Forest Elementary    37:32 12:05 
  197           1399 Nate Holtz              M Evergreen Mill Elementary      37:35 12:06 
  198           2416 Mark Raffaele           M Wakefield Forest Elementary    37:36 12:06 
  199           2448 Makenzie Hanks          F Williams Elementary            37:39 12:07 
  200            200 Josef Pesentheiner      M Belmont Station Elementary     37:45 12:09 
  201            213 Olivia Helfen           F Belmont Station Elementary     37:45 12:09 
  202            203 Jett Doherty            M Belmont Station Elementary     37:53 12:12 
  203            212 Tj Kurila               M Belmont Station Elementary     37:53 12:12 
  204            201 Ryan Tanzi              M Belmont Station Elementary     37:53 12:12 
  205            225 David Lee               M Belmont Station Elementary     37:53 12:12 
  206            309 Cary Pachmayr           M Belmont Station Elementary     37:53 12:12 
  207            401 Jack Bulmer             M Potowmack Elementary           37:54 12:12 
  208            202 Samuel Tanzi            M Belmont Station Elementary     37:54 12:12 
  209            327 Tyler Healy             F Belmont Station Elementary     37:59 12:14 
  210            435 Elizabeth Edelblute     F Marshall Road Elementary       38:00 12:14 
  211           2436 Nolan Campbell          M Williams Elementary            38:05 12:16 
  212            255 Brianna Moody           F Arcola Elementary              38:05 12:16 
  213           1391 Russell Smith           M Hillside Elementary            38:06 12:16 
  214            400 Dubey Rosas             F Potowmack Elementary           38:06 12:16 
  215            419 Chase Tollefson         F Potowmack Elementary           38:08 12:17 
  216            372 Geethan Sundaram        M Sterling Elementary            38:10 12:17 
  217            412 Jacob Cox               M Potowmack Elementary           38:14 12:19 
  218            384 Saibalaji Marupudi      M Potowmack Elementary           38:15 12:19 
  219            209 Caroline Henshaw        F Belmont Station Elementary     38:18 12:20 
  220            380 Layla Hashish           F Sterling Elementary            38:19 12:20 
  221            323 Casey Rozier            F Belmont Station Elementary     38:19 12:20 
  222            322 Emily Kittelson         F Belmont Station Elementary     38:25 12:22 
  223            290 David Stevens           M Ashburn Elementary             38:25 12:22 
  224            303 Brendan Karg            M Ball's Bluff Elementary        38:56 12:32 
  225           1370 Donovan Hernberg        M Marshall Road Elementary       39:00 12:34 
  226            252 Abigail Friedman        F Arcola Elementary              39:08 12:36 
  227            256 Isabelle Rogstad        F Arcola Elementary              39:09 12:36 
  228            408 Carris Morris           F Potowmack Elementary           39:10 12:37 
  229            178 Colin Hughes            M Evergreen Mill Elementary      39:12 12:37 
  230           1368 Max Rosenberg           M Marshall Road Elementary       39:14 12:38 
  231            217 Ellie Bunyea            F Belmont Station Elementary     39:25 12:41 
  232            156 Leo Pantas              M Evergreen Mill Elementary      39:25 12:42 
  233            311 Allison Carolan         F Belmont Station Elementary     39:45 12:48 
  234           1395 Jacob Smit              M Hillside Elementary            39:54 12:51 
  235            444 Henry Milton            M Marshall Road Elementary       40:04 12:54 
  236            433 Samantha Zetino         F Potowmack Elementary           40:08 12:55 
  237            199 Steven Melendez         M Belmont Station Elementary     40:18 12:59 
  238            250 Samantha Rogstad        F Arcola Elementary              40:18 12:59 
  239           2415 Seth Raffaele           M Wakefield Forest Elementary    40:23 13:00 
  240           1390 Elisabeth Ritenour      F Hillside Elementary            40:28 13:02 
  241            416 Natalie Wike            F Potowmack Elementary           40:39 13:05 
  242            207 Olivia Lecount          F Belmont Station Elementary     40:39 13:05 
  243           2444 Samantha Weldon         F Williams Elementary            40:40 13:06 
  244           1389 Christipher Ritenour    M Hillside Elementary            40:47 13:08 
  245            273 Emma Wyviorka           F Ashburn Elementary             40:51 13:09 
  246            263 Shea McNally            F Ashburn Elementary             40:55 13:11 
  247            279 Kennedy Chrispen        F Ashburn Elementary             40:59 13:12 
  248            367 Camryn Tilley           F Sterling Elementary            41:21 13:19 
  249            182 Jackson Manning         M Belmont Station Elementary     41:24 13:20 
  250           2447 Rehman Sandila          M Williams Elementary            41:25 13:20 
  251            241 Matthew Gustin          M Arcola Elementary              41:26 13:20 
  252            206 Lila Lecount            F Belmont Station Elementary     41:34 13:23 
  253            319 Rachel Sisler-Peyton    F Belmont Station Elementary     41:38 13:24 
  254            285 Isabella Amato          F Ashburn Elementary             41:38 13:24 
  255            286 Camilla Amato           F Ashburn Elementary             41:38 13:24 
  256            269 Liz Fikru               F Ashburn Elementary             41:45 13:26 
  257            272 Emilee Lupisella        F Ashburn Elementary             41:47 13:27 
  258            345 Harrison Mitchell       M Wakefield Forest Elementary    41:51 13:29 
  259            325 Noah Bowe               M Belmont Station Elementary     42:00 13:32 
  260            356 William Gray            M Wakefield Forest Elementary    42:49 13:47 
  261           1393 Allison Riegel          F Hillside Elementary            43:18 13:56 
  262            321 Isabella Balleza        F Belmont Station Elementary     43:24 13:58 
  263           2437 James Clark             M Williams Elementary            43:34 14:02 
  264            274 Camryn Puterio          F Ashburn Elementary             43:35 14:02 
  265           1372 Katie Koshuta           F Marshall Road Elementary       43:38 14:03 
  266            330 Devyn Sircar            F Belmont Station Elementary     43:52 14:07 
  267           2426 Isabella Decarlo        F Wakefield Forest Elementary    44:00 14:10 
  268           2427 Olivia Decarlo          F Wakefield Forest Elementary    44:01 14:10 
  269            208 Amy Dajani              F Belmont Station Elementary     44:05 14:12 
  270            278 Ailsa Young             F Ashburn Elementary             44:09 14:13 
  271            313 Sienna Mills            F Belmont Station Elementary     44:10 14:13 
  272            343 Delaina Scheiwe         F Wakefield Forest Elementary    44:13 14:14 
  273            346 Adam Ely                M Wakefield Forest Elementary    44:19 14:16 
  274            189 Hannah Johnson          F Belmont Station Elementary     44:44 14:24 
  275            318 Nicholas Gray           M Belmont Station Elementary     44:54 14:27 
  276            264 Christine Donati        F Ashburn Elementary             44:56 14:28 
  277           1387 Aili Yu                 F Hillside Elementary            45:05 14:31 
  278            347 Sydney Klugiewicz       F Wakefield Forest Elementary    45:11 14:33 
  279            348 Jack Klugiewicz         M Wakefield Forest Elementary    45:14 14:34 
  280            236 Emaya Anand             F Arcola Elementary              46:01 14:49 
  281           2452 Sabrina Ellis           F Hillside Elementary            46:20 14:55 
  282            314 Samantha Hall           F Belmont Station Elementary     46:20 14:55 
  283            267 Adam Rodriguez          M Ashburn Elementary             46:36 15:00 
  284           2433 Aukema Fuller           F Williams Elementary            46:40 15:01 
  285            265 Michael Donati          M Ashburn Elementary             46:42 15:02 
  286            258 Cooper Moon             M Arcola Elementary              46:56 15:07 
  287            354 Megan Phillips          F Wakefield Forest Elementary    47:02 15:09 
  288           2428 Genna Hartmann          F Wakefield Forest Elementary    47:03 15:09 
  289            277 Monika Kadlcak          F Ashburn Elementary             47:16 15:13 
  290            298 Alex Jones              M Ball's Bluff Elementary        47:17 15:14 
  291            299 Joshua Jones            M Ball's Bluff Elementary        47:19 15:14 
  292           2429 Gwen Hartmann           F Wakefield Forest Elementary    47:22 15:15 
  293            360 Noah Ferrell            M Sterling Elementary            47:23 15:16 
  294            312 Hannah Hilburn          F Belmont Station Elementary     47:52 15:25 
  295            222 Catherine Li            F Belmont Station Elementary     47:57 15:26 
  296            287 Olivia Duquette         F Ashburn Elementary             48:13 15:32 
  297            381 Maddy Montoya           F Sterling Elementary            48:15 15:32 
  298            227 Jillian Kotin           F Belmont Station Elementary     48:47 15:42 
  299            219 Peighton Dettra         F Belmont Station Elementary     48:54 15:45 
  300            251 Jordan Martinez         M Arcola Elementary              49:06 15:48 
  301            339 Alex Walrath            F Wakefield Forest Elementary    49:19 15:53 
  302            248 Jeremiah Anguay         M Arcola Elementary              49:37 15:59 
  303            301 Navneet Kaur            F Ball's Bluff Elementary        50:09 16:09 
  304           1385 Morgan McKevitt         F Hillside Elementary            50:33 16:17 
  305            310 Natalie Carolan         F Belmont Station Elementary     50:38 16:18 
  306            333 Carly Chiat             F Belmont Station Elementary     51:11 16:29 
  307            399 Mariajose Gomez-Salazar F Potowmack Elementary           51:24 16:33 
  308            394 Shazneen Gotla          F Potowmack Elementary           51:29 16:35 
  309            374 Vivian Wilkins          F Sterling Elementary            55:16 17:48 

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