The Day After 5K
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Lewes, DE
Conducted by Seashore Striders

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Day After 5K
 Place  Name                  City                Bib No   Age    Gender   Age Group    Time    Pace
   1    Ronald Shaiks         Hanover NH           2084     53      M      1 Top Fin  19:07.7  6:10/M
   2    Mike Sewell           Camden DE            2083     43      M      1 Top Fin  19:44.0  6:22/M
   3    Dylan Varrato         Georgetown DE        2096     18      M       1 14-19   19:48.6  6:23/M
   4    Blake Hundley         Bethany Beach DE     2160     10      M       1 10-13   20:48.7  6:43/M
   5    Christopher Stanley   Fruitland MD         2089     43      M       1 40-49   21:04.8  6:48/M
   6    Trent Sewell          Camden DE            2156     16      M       2 14-19   21:25.4  6:55/M
   7    Ali Coning            Lewes DE             1003     19      F      1 Top Fin  22:07.3  7:08/M
   8    Dylan Chan                                 1011     16      M       3 14-19   22:34.7  7:17/M
   9    Dylan Stanley         Fruitland MD         2090     16      M       4 14-19   22:36.7  7:17/M
   10   Donald Parana         Berlin MD            2072     49      M       2 40-49   22:40.4  7:19/M
   11   Cheryln Minto         Dover DE             2063     34      F       1 30-39   22:47.6  7:21/M
   12   Rick Hundley          Bethany Beach DE     2161     44      M       3 40-49   22:55.4  7:24/M
   13   Robert Wiechecki      Garnet Valley PA     2138     45      M       4 40-49   23:03.4  7:26/M
   14   Natasha Taylor        Laurel DE            2149     15      F       1 14-19   23:07.8  7:27/M
   15   Madison MacElrevey    Lewes DE             2060     15      F       2 14-19   23:40.7  7:38/M
   16   Sam Chan                                   1007     46      M       5 40-49   23:47.5  7:40/M
   17   Keren Rams            Lewes DE             2075     15      F       3 14-19   23:49.4  7:41/M
   18   Amanda Sava           Laurel DE            2153     18      F       4 14-19   24:38.8  7:57/M
   19   Tony Varrato          Georgetown DE        2097     45      M       6 40-49   24:55.8  8:02/M
   20   Jake Elliot                                1002     14      M       5 14-19   25:01.0  8:04/M
   21   John Sparco           Wilmington DE        2085     49      M       7 40-49   25:07.0  8:06/M
   22   Wind Chaser                                2159     57      M       1 50-59   25:16.6  8:09/M
   23   Corbin Bean           Bridgeville DE       2006     27      M       1 20-29   25:36.2  8:15/M
   24   Elliot Brown          Metairie LA          2020     37      M       1 30-39   25:39.9  8:16/M
   25   Mardiny Ung           Elizabethtown PA     2094     45      F      1 Top Fin  25:43.9  8:18/M
   26   Alyssa Mocci          Lewes DE             2158     16      F       5 14-19   26:37.6  8:35/M
   27   Monique Bamforth      Lewes DE             2001     42      F       1 40-49   26:46.5  8:38/M
   28   LuAnn Goldfarb        Rehoboth DE          2045     51      F       1 50-59   26:51.3  8:40/M
   29   John Birkmire                              2013     40      M       8 40-49   26:53.4  8:40/M
   30   Greg Pope             Lewes DE             2073     50      M       2 50-59   26:59.5  8:42/M
   31   Frank Caldro                               2155     59      M       3 50-59   27:07.3  8:45/M
   32   Rachael Best          Milton DE            2010     17      F       6 14-19   27:14.2  8:47/M
   33   Aubrey Inkster        Lewes DE             2146     15      M       6 14-19   27:15.3  8:47/M
   34   Barry Breeding        Harrington DE        2018     53      M       4 50-59   27:17.4  8:48/M
   35   Eric Medrano          Georgetown DE        2062     24      M       2 20-29   27:18.4  8:48/M
   36   Mike Firch            Milford DE           1013     43      M       9 40-49   27:33.4  8:53/M
   37   Kyan Chan                                  1006     12      M       2 10-13   27:38.6  8:55/M
   38   Taylor Chan                                1009     18      F       7 14-19   27:38.6  8:55/M
   39   Andrea Stone          Crofton MD           2091     31      F       2 30-39   27:48.3  8:58/M
   40   Wayne Morgan          Magnolia DE          2064     48      M      10 40-49   27:56.6  9:01/M
   41   Mike Cordeiro                              1014     48      M      11 40-49   28:04.4  9:03/M
   42   Libby Lakeman         Dover DE             2058     19      F       8 14-19   28:14.9  9:06/M
   43   Lesley Kroon          Lewes DE             2055     33      F       3 30-39   28:16.1  9:07/M
   44   Kirsten Lakeman       Dover DE             2057     21      F       1 20-29   28:38.4  9:14/M
   45   Grace Reardon         Bridgeville DE       2076     21      F       2 20-29   28:41.2  9:15/M
   46   Rachel Esposito       Milford DE           2038     13      F       1 10-13   28:51.6  9:18/M
   47   Laurie Spraga         Middletown DE        2086     40      F       2 40-49   29:12.2  9:25/M
   48   Anthony Graciano      Middletown DE        2046     43      M      12 40-49   29:12.3  9:25/M
   49   Jim Marvin                                 2151     62      M       1 60-69   29:15.3  9:26/M
   50   Mary Bratten          Frankford DE         2017     34      F       4 30-39   29:16.4  9:26/M
   51   Colin Sprinkle        Magnolia DE          2087     17      M       7 14-19   29:35.7  9:33/M
   52   Jay Epstein           Elizabethtown DE     2037     55      M       5 50-59   30:20.5  9:47/M
   53   Athena Needham        Rehoboth Beach DE    2150     15      F       9 14-19   30:23.4  9:48/M
   54   Molley Crist          Magnolia DE          2027     34      F       5 30-39   30:38.2  9:53/M
   55   Herb Semans           Magnolia DE          2082     57      M       6 50-59   30:41.1  9:54/M
   56   Kathy Kay                                  1018     42      F       3 40-49   30:44.7  9:55/M
   57   Magda Harmon                               1019     39      F       6 30-39   30:44.8  9:55/M
   58   Grace Hetfield        Rehoboth Beach DE    1015     18      F      10 14-19   31:08.2 10:03/M
   59   Kay Hickman                                1017     51      M       7 50-59   31:13.9 10:04/M
   60   Hal Carrier                                2154     73      M       1 70-99   31:16.0 10:05/M
   61   Scott Esposito        Milford DE           2039     46      M      13 40-49   31:52.1 10:17/M
   62   Christina Caasi       Magnolia DE          2022     22      F       3 20-29   31:52.8 10:17/M
   63   Jordan Walls          Magnolia DE          2133     23      M       3 20-29   31:55.4 10:18/M
   64   Constance Bean        Bridgeville DE       2007     27      F       4 20-29   31:57.2 10:18/M
   65   Lori Unknown                               1021     48      F       4 40-49   32:01.5 10:20/M
   66   Carolyn Schilling     Rehoboth Beach DE    2080     24      F       5 20-29   32:05.8 10:21/M
   67   Louise Holt           Milford DE           2051     55      F       2 50-59   32:08.4 10:22/M
   68   Esther Kernosh        Lewes DE             2145     50      F       3 50-59   32:14.3 10:24/M
   69   Max Rider                                  2148     56      M       8 50-59   32:15.8 10:24/M
   70   Jim Chaney            Salisbury MD         2025     42      M      14 40-49   32:32.8 10:30/M
   71   Brooke Lehman         Newark DE            2059     31      F       7 30-39   32:33.2 10:30/M
   72   Jim Tyler                                  1016     65      M       2 60-69   32:53.1 10:36/M
   73   Colleen English       Seaford DE           2036     30      F       8 30-39   32:54.4 10:37/M
   74   Guy Wiggins           Milton DE            2140     42      M      15 40-49   33:12.3 10:43/M
   75   Trish Bragg           Salisbury MD         2016     52      F       4 50-59   34:33.3 11:09/M
   76   Christi Hudson        Selbyville DE        2052     39      F       9 30-39   34:34.2 11:09/M
   77   Jessica Taylor                             1012     29      F       6 20-29   34:34.9 11:09/M
   78   Gail Semans           Magnolia DE          2081     55      F       5 50-59   35:04.5 11:19/M
   79   Jeffrey Davis Jr      Millsboro DE         2032     28      M       4 20-29   35:05.4 11:19/M
   80   Rachel Gazzerro       Washington DC        2044     23      F       7 20-29   35:06.1 11:19/M
   81   Deborah Rementer      Harrington DE        2078     57      F       6 50-59   35:10.8 11:21/M
   82   Molly Breeding        Harrington DE        2019     50      F       7 50-59   35:14.3 11:22/M
   83   Tom Coveleski         Rehoboth DE          1001     57      M       9 50-59   35:20.3 11:24/M
   84   Melinda Beckman       Millsboro DE         2008     36      F      10 30-39   35:20.9 11:24/M
   85   Joe Barranco          Rehoboth DE          2005     60      M       3 60-69   35:21.8 11:24/M
   86   Nicholas Dudas        Fruitland MD         2034     52      M      10 50-59   36:27.8 11:45/M
   87   Kart Keller                                1005     9       M       1 0- 9    36:36.4 11:48/M
   88   Matt Keller                                1008     34      M       2 30-39   36:37.1 11:49/M
   89   Debbie Kee                                 2157     60      F       1 60-69   36:37.2 11:49/M
   90   Candace Schaedel      New Orelans LA       2079     23      F       8 20-29   36:47.0 11:52/M
   91   Mary O'Connell        Wilmington DE        2069     57      F       8 50-59   36:47.9 11:52/M
   92   Andrea Dudas          Fruitland MD         2033     52      F       9 50-59   37:17.8 12:02/M
   93   Alyssa Simon          Lewes DE             2142     39      F      11 30-39   37:56.2 12:14/M
   94   Holly Zakrociemski                         2141     43      F       5 40-49   38:00.5 12:15/M
   95   Charles Ware          Dover DE             2137     47      M      16 40-49   38:13.4 12:20/M
   96   Kristin Thompson      Lewes DE             2092     29      F       9 20-29   38:45.4 12:30/M
   97   Jackie Rams           Lewes DE             2074     54      F      10 50-59   38:46.7 12:30/M
   98   Jennifer Cordeiro                          1020     28      F      10 20-29   39:06.4 12:37/M
   99   Georgette O'Cone      Millsboro DE         2068     65      F       2 60-69   40:52.5 13:11/M
  100   Lee Masser            Lewes DE             1004     77      M       2 70-99   41:02.3 13:14/M
  101   Leo Hennigan          Rehoboth DE          2048     66      M       4 60-69   41:07.2 13:16/M
  102   Debbie Johnson        Middletown DE        2053     54      F      11 50-59   41:07.4 13:16/M
  103   Jason Burlew          Harrington DE        2021     32      M       3 30-39   41:08.3 13:16/M
  104   Sharon Mckew          Vienna VA            2061     54      F      12 50-59   41:09.6 13:16/M
  105   Richard Tikiob        Rehoboth Beach DE    1010     57      M      11 50-59   41:12.5 13:17/M
  106   Kerri Wiggins         Milton DE            2139     38      F      12 30-39   43:07.3 13:55/M


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