BRRC Frozen Finger 5M
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Chase, MD
Conducted by Maryland Timing

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Place Name                S Ag Time    Pace  
===== =================== = == ======= ===== 
    1 Joe Kozlowski       M 25   29:35  5:55 
    2 Luis Navarro        M 35   30:09  6:02 
    3 Johnny Lyons        M 30   31:01  6:13 
    4 David Barry         M 23   31:50  6:22 
    5 Joseph Burdyde      M 41   32:00  6:24 
    6 Steve Muchnick      M 56   33:13  6:39 
    7 Denise Knickman     F 44   33:33  6:43 
    8 Mark Rosasco        M 53   33:53  6:47 
    9 Ross Lafontaine     M 26   34:27  6:54 
   10 Ryan McMartin       M 29   35:01  7:01 
   11 Gregory Stover      M 51   35:08  7:02 
   12 Maureen Hall        F 47   35:19  7:04 
   13 Tony Osborn         M 23   35:21  7:05 
   14 Steve Rosasco, Jr.  M 55   35:34  7:07 
   15 Marc Burger         M 40   35:41  7:09 
   16 Kevin Cole          M 40   35:50  7:10 
   17 James Khost         M 54   36:03  7:13 
   18 Justin Volsh        M 23   36:05  7:13 
   19 Erin Dembeck        F 30   36:10  7:14 
   20 Mike Vail           M 41   36:26  7:18 
   21 Pat Gary            M 62   36:29  7:18 
   22 Tim Gelineau        M 25   36:43  7:21 
   23 Nathan Barbor       M 26   36:44  7:21 
   24 Chs Spence          M 55   36:45  7:21 
   25 Stephanie Frakel    F 33   36:59  7:24 
   26 Rick Smith          M 58   37:43  7:33 
   27 Mitch Greenberg     M 46   38:08  7:38 
   28 Mia Clark           F 34   38:10  7:38 
   29 Kelcy Newell        M 36   38:18  7:40 
   30 Betsy Swartz        F 32   38:23  7:41 
   31 Paul Hulleberg      M 56   38:53  7:47 
   32 Jim Barrett         M 50   39:40  7:56 
   33 Michael Sowers      M 40   39:43  7:57 
   34 Sean Ferguson       M 27   40:12  8:03 
   35 Jessica Jackson     F 36   40:14  8:03 
   36 Jinko Kim           M 22   40:19  8:04 
   37 Wmmanue Moore       M 31   40:32  8:07 
   38 Charles Rebgan      M 54   40:52  8:11 
   39 Carole Rosasco      F 53   40:55  8:11 
   40 Charles Sauer       M 42   41:27  8:18 
   41 Stan Neuman         M 74   41:37  8:20 
   42 Amy Spadanuta       F 25   41:47  8:22 
   43 Frank Parker        M 33   42:00  8:24 
   44 Caroline Poff       F 23   42:01  8:25 
   45 Steve Nguyen        M 38   42:28  8:30 
   46 Carolyn Williams    F 29   42:32  8:31 
   47 Barbara Goldsmith   F 35   42:36  8:32 
   48 Ken Szymanski       M 54   42:38  8:32 
   49 Curt Senft          M 49   43:14  8:39 
   50 Vitoria Glose       F 58   43:25  8:41 
   51 Eileen Bailey       F 43   44:12  8:51 
   52 Owen Murphy         M 25   44:25  8:53 
   53 Mitch Fritsch       M 48   44:28  8:54 
   54 Connie Bonsiero     F 53   44:42  8:57 
   55 Elysia Roser        F 30   45:07  9:02 
   56 Katie Norton        F 31   45:11  9:03 
   57 Roderick Taylor     M 43   45:16  9:04 
   58 Mike Dente          M 34   45:21  9:05 
   59 Melinda Gunther     F 48   45:41  9:09 
   60 Denise Owens        F 47   45:59  9:12 
   61 Jennifer Sahn       F 30   46:27  9:18 
   62 Donna Carlin        F 51   46:36  9:20 
   63 John Palks          M 63   47:03  9:25 
   64 Mary Thomey         F 39   47:04  9:25 
   65 Genevieve Kester    F 32   47:06  9:26 
   66 James Woods         M 34   47:19  9:28 
   67 Julie McCracken     F 23   47:35  9:31 
   68 Vicki Creutzen      F 49   48:06  9:38 
   69 John Ratz           M 29   48:26  9:42 
   70 Patrich Madden      M 52   48:33  9:43 
   71 Katie Flickman      F 37   49:04  9:49 
   72 Gene Grady          M 64   49:22  9:53 
   73 Brittney Baltimore  F 25   49:36  9:56 
   74 Nancy Council       F 54   49:39  9:56 
   75 Stephan Herman      M 45   49:40  9:56 
   76 Stephanie Wilson    F 30   50:32 10:07 
   77 Walter Wilson       M 30   50:33 10:07 
   78 Marie Betz          F 47   51:28 10:18 
   79 Rob Betz            M 47   51:36 10:20 
   80 Dianne Hale         F 41   52:03 10:25 
   81 Justin Reed         M 35   52:38 10:32 
   82 Amanda Mullins      F 31   53:04 10:37 
   83 Alexander Puccio    M 27   53:11 10:39 
   84 Rebecca McCunniff   F 22   54:07 10:50 
   85 Stacy Woods         F 33   54:11 10:51 
   86 Brian Bittner       M 33   54:14 10:51 
   87 Anne Wismer         F 58   54:21 10:53 
   88 Beverly Harvey      F 61   56:24 11:17 
   89 Lindsay Hood        F 26   57:04 11:25 
   90 Jacob Zebley        M 26   57:06 11:26 
   91 Kimberly Peck       F 31   59:56 12:00 
   92 Charles Carter      M 57   59:58 12:00 
   93 Abby Ferretti       F 29 1:00:01 12:01 
   94 Jamie Heckler       F 34 1:02:53 12:35 
   95 Christopher Husketh M 39 1:02:56 12:36 
   96 Decheu Surkhang     F 54 1:09:39 13:56 

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