Freeze Your Snowballs off 10K
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Elkton, VA
Conducted by Shenandoah Valley Track Club

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Freeze your Snowball 10K
   1    Joe        Rudmin             40:42
   2    Chance     Berry              42:12
   3    Woonjo     Ahn                42:49
   4    Earl       Palmer             44:41
   5    Kevin      Updike             45:33
   6    Mike       Anson              46:59
   7    Mark       Comer              47:50
   8    Karen      Young              48:20
   9    Blake      Daugherty          50:26
   10   Cathy      Byers              52:38
   11   Dave       Byers              52:38
   12   Michael    Betts              52:38
   13   Caroline   Borden             53:39
   14   Rich       Rouzzi             54:47
   15   Ian        Linden             55:45
   16   Paul       Holzerland         57:41
   17   Nancy      Mandeville         58:37
   18   Sonya      Morris            1:00:43
   19   Jill       Propst            1:01:12
   20   Steve      Tomasi            1:03:21
   21   Sam        Schraff           1:04:57
   22   Sean       Mega              1:04:59
   23   Erin       Baugher           1:05:24
   24   Madeline   Hunt              1:05:40
   25   Kari       Oslund            1:06:23
   26   Ian        Oslund            1:06:23
   27   Julie      Pate              1:06:23
   28   Jonathan   Shomo             1:06:07
   29   Meg        Robinson          1:08:16
   30   Diana      Kiser             1:08:16
   31   Ashley     Belamy            1:08:16
   32   Gwynn      Harrison          1:08:16
   33   Andi       Miner             1:12:50
   34   George     Gillies           1:12:50
   35   Mike       Lowe              1:13:08
   36   Sara       Forde             1:21:15


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