Dominion Valley Turkey Trot 5K
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Gainesville, VA
Conducted by RacePacket, Inc

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?PositionBib #NameFinishNetGenderAgeAge Rank
1306Jimmy Sosinski17:37 00:17:37M351st 5K Male
2174Rob Cranston19:41 00:19:41M461st Male 40-49
3304Chris Northrup19:57 00:19:57M541st Male 50-59
4272Thomas Muldowney20:16 00:20:16M181st Male 13-19
5269wes Mountain21:10 00:21:10M472nd Male 40-49
6293Madison Thorpe22:29 00:22:29F151st 5K Female
7279Caiden Perilla22:33 00:22:33M132nd Male 13-19
8170chris conley22:36 00:22:36M433rd Male 40-49
9276Bill Oorbeek22:36 00:22:36M434th Male 40-49
10199David. Miles Jr22:54 00:22:54M271st Male 20-29
11179Debbie Freivald23:02 00:23:02F481st Female 40-49
12176Mamie Cruse24:02 00:24:02F472nd Female 40-49
1376Lily Buggy24:06 00:24:06F141st Female 13-19
14191Veronica Kurtulik24:27 00:24:27F271st Female 20-29
15171danielle conley24:41 00:24:41F391st Female 30-39
16273Alyson Munn25:13 00:25:13F403rd Female 40-49
17268Megan Mountain25:55 00:25:55F474th Female 40-49
18192Rose LaGuardia25:58 00:25:58F312nd Female 30-39
1938Greysen Berg26:12 00:26:12M101st Male 1-12
20299Lily Wright26:48 00:26:48F121st Female 1-12
21300Maxwell Wright26:48 00:26:48M435th Male 40-49
22173Liz Cranston26:54 00:26:54F435th Female 40-49
23284Marisa Riley26:57 00:26:57F242nd Female 20-29
24288Sierra Shingler27:00 00:27:00F112nd Female 1-12
25277Denise Oorbeek27:36 00:27:36F426th Female 40-49
26172Lisa Conrad28:22 00:28:22F407th Female 40-49
2733Angela Bee28:24 00:28:24F488th Female 40-49
28282Justin Riley28:36 00:28:36M272nd Male 20-29
2916Anna Bardorf28:43 00:28:43F132nd Female 13-19
30162Daniel Caldwell28:45 00:28:45M112nd Male 1-12
31184Ron Gallant28:50 00:28:50M532nd Male 50-59
32278Craig Osborne29:35 00:29:35M513rd Male 50-59
33175Kimberly Cresswell-Kim29:37 00:29:37F343rd Female 30-39
34291Adrienne Tekampe29:38 00:29:38F374th Female 30-39
35185Melissa Grubb29:42 00:29:42F409th Female 40-49
3659Joshua Bogitsh29:45 00:29:45M331st Male 30-39
37166Cathy Carolla29:53 00:29:53F581st Female 50-59
38292Jonna Thoma30:18 00:30:18F4010th Female 40-49
39302Mary Elizabeth Farron30:19 00:30:19F512nd Female 50-59
40271Alison Muldowney30:22 00:30:22F503rd Female 50-59
41310Olivia Mormann30:45 00:30:45F103rd Female 1-12
42177Lilia DeWald30:49 00:30:49F395th Female 30-39
43309Naomi Mormann31:06 00:31:06F104th Female 1-12
44313Julie Beecham31:06 00:31:06F356th Female 30-39
45287Melinda Shingler32:00 00:32:00F4111th Female 40-49
46161Camilla Caldwell32:10 00:32:10F105th Female 1-12
47265M Edward Moulton32:40 00:32:40M466th Male 40-49
48303Krysten Trainor33:21 00:33:21F337th Female 30-39
49305Hudson Fetner33:34 00:33:34M103rd Male 1-12
50169Sienna Chestnut33:44 00:33:44F133rd Female 13-19
51193Katherine Legat33:47 00:33:47F4212th Female 40-49
52187Paige Hall33:52 00:33:52F213rd Female 20-29
53178Tracie Eisenberg33:54 00:33:54F4713th Female 40-49
54186Elaine Hall33:56 00:33:56F544th Female 50-59
55262Bryson Mingione34:09 00:34:09M223rd Male 20-29
56263Pierce Mingione34:09 00:34:09M183rd Male 13-19
57298Matt Wellman34:15 00:34:15M477th Male 40-49
58267Kara Mountain34:15 00:34:15F4714th Female 40-49
59280Jennifer Richardson34:17 00:34:17F4715th Female 40-49
60190Alyse Klein34:45 00:34:45F4316th Female 40-49
61281Bob Riley35:03 00:35:03M601st Male 60-69
6263Kimberly Buggy35:12 00:35:12F575th Female 50-59
63283Kristin Riley35:46 00:35:46F348th Female 30-39
64168Sage Chestnut36:13 00:36:13F96th Female 1-12
65167Kelly Chestnut36:13 00:36:13M488th Male 40-49
66275Barbara Neale36:36 00:36:36F701st Female 70 and over
67196Marsha Mason36:36 00:36:36F691st Female 60-69
68311Aaron Mormann38:22 00:38:22M382nd Male 30-39
69312Mike Vatch38:23 00:38:23M373rd Male 30-39
70295Jimmy Wallace38:35 00:38:35M554th Male 50-59
71285Shauna Schwartz39:01 00:39:01F4717th Female 40-49
72188Lea Hedquist39:01 00:39:01M499th Male 40-49
73270Robin Mountjoy39:15 00:39:15F546th Female 50-59
74197Kimberly McCoy39:15 00:39:15F264th Female 20-29
75308Isaac Mormann39:58 00:39:58M74th Male 1-12
76307Audrey Mormann39:59 00:39:59F379th Female 30-39
77264Lea Moulton42:50 00:42:50F3710th Female 30-39
78290Dave Slack43:02 00:43:02M394th Male 30-39
79289Christine Slack43:28 00:43:28F4518th Female 40-49
80189Nicki Hurd46:58 00:46:58F3711th Female 30-39
81301Christine Zernick47:00 00:47:00M515th Male 50-59
82296Albert Waskovich47:06 00:47:06M642nd Male 60-69
8339Jennifer Berlin47:35 00:47:35F4019th Female 40-49
84198Brenda McGinley54:32 00:54:32F3512th Female 30-39

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