5K Finishers Position Bib Name Time Pace Chip Age Gender City State ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 799 Aisha Rankin 00:03:22.148 1:05 23:59:31.377 99 F 2 797 Gerald Smith 00:27:19.676 8:48 00:27:20.016 26 M 3 718 Ryan Allen 00:27:38.703 8:54 00:27:38.775 34 M Upper Marlboro MD 4 796 Days McGowan 00:33:23.263 10:45 00:33:24.314 13 F 5 795 Stephanie Gardner 00:34:24.388 11:05 00:34:25.734 45 F 6 745 Josh Wilson 00:36:40.069 11:49 00:33:44.407 38 M 7 746 Joshua Wilson 00:36:44.366 11:50 00:33:58.040 8 M 8 748 Josiah Wilson 00:36:47.989 11:51 00:34:02.446 7 M 9 731 Chris Newell 00:37:32.076 12:05 00:34:33.224 18 M Fort Washington MD 10 732 Trevia Newell 00:50:33.523 16:17 00:44:36.907 48 F Fort Washington MD 11 794 Phillip Nicholson 00:50:43.643 16:20 00:46:49.835 62 M 12 737 Roy Westmore 00:57:39.967 18:34 00:57:16.526 81 M Fort Washington MD 13 791 Reggie Thomas 00:58:56.606 18:59 00:58:34.916 63 M 14 717 Karen Allen 01:01:14.818 19:43 01:00:52.733 65 F Upper Marlboro MD 15 740 Carla Allen 01:01:22.753 19:46 01:00:24.021 58 F White Plains MD 16 749 Carla Allen 01:05:35.683 21:07 00:00:00.000 58 F 17 744 Jazmin Wilson 01:05:38.769 21:08 00:00:00.000 38 F 18 720 Clarence Crayton 01:12:58.718 23:30 00:00:00.000 72 M Ft. Washington MD 19 800 Braylynn Rankin 01:17:01.899 24:48 01:13:11.254 99 F 20 790 Joan Syer 01:18:11.465 25:11 00:00:00.000 99 F 21 792 Taylor Parker 01:18:11.854 25:11 01:14:17.233 99 F 22 793 Erika Parker 01:18:22.388 25:14 01:14:26.536 99 F 23 726 Gary Jones 01:20:59.825 26:05 00:26:25.899 59 M Fort Washington MD 24 727 Margie Jones 01:21:10.475 26:08 00:26:38.367 58 F Fort Washington MD 25 747 Josephine Wilson 01:25:22.731 27:30 00:00:00.000 10 F 26 729 Marion M Crayton 01:25:25.376 27:31 00:00:00.000 70 F Fort Washington MD 27 734 Karen Rogers 01:25:28.331 27:32 01:19:04.536 68 F Clinton MD 28 735 Jaiden Rogers-Edward 01:25:30.668 27:32 01:19:04.161 10 M Clinton MD 29 736 Kaleena Rogers-Hoove 01:25:31.218 27:32 01:19:07.002 38 F Hyattsville MD |
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