==================================================================================================== Name Group Age Hometown Pace/M Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Andrew Parkins M MALE
OVERALL 28 2 Justin Ginnings M MALE
OVERALL 17 3 Colin Wall M MALE OVERALL 16 4 Harry
Hudson M MALE 35-39 39 5 Sam Cox M MALE 50-54 53 6 Mark Joyce M MALE 40-44 44 8 Phil
Barbour M MALE 40-44 41 9 Ron Rogers M MALE 60-64 60 10 Shawn
Fortner F FEMALE OVERALL 48 11 Noah
Harding M MALE 10-13 10 12 Sean Altice M MALE 10-13 13 13 Rachel
Finch F FEMALE OVERALL 13 14 Brendan
Snow M MALE 10-13 13 15 Bobby
Spencer M MALE 65-69 69 16 Quint Seagle M MALE 10-13 12 Hardy, VA 7:45.2 24:05.85 17 Kyle Black M MALE 23-29 25 18 Josh Brown M MALE 30-34 31 19 Kevin Lane M MALE 45-49 47 20 Jonah
Harding M MALE 9 & UNDER 8 21 Jaret Lipps M MALE 14-17 14 22 Larry Justesen M MALE 50-54 52 23 Angela 24 Bruce
Barrows M MALE 40-44 40 25 Yuriko Renardy F FEMALE 55-59 57 26 Melissa
Short F FEMALE 30-34 30 27 Dan Amato M MALE 18-22 22 28 Dorr Booan F FEMALE 35-39 37 29 Curtis Lipps M MALE 40-44 44 30 Steve Bush M MALE 30-34 32 31 Shane Croye M MALE 10-13 11 32 Cody
Hayden M MALE 10-13 13 33 Ryan Kegel M MALE 30-34 30 34 Sarah Kegel F
FEMALE 23-29 27 35 Alan
Cheney M MALE 40-44 43 36 Mary
Patton F FEMALE 45-49 45 37 Matthew
Gregory M MALE 40-44 41 38 Allison Leathers F FEMALE 35-39 37 Apex, NC 9:23.0 29:09.77 39 40 Joe Larocco M MALE 55-59 58 41 Lindsay
Kidd F FEMALE 23-29 28 42 Rick Lucas M MALE 45-49 45 Boones Mill, VA 9:32.6 29:39.56 43 Connor
Snow M MALE 14-17 15 44 Kara Ridenhour F
FEMALE 23-29 28 45 Cory Hedrick F FEMALE 30-34 31 46 Kathy Bush F FEMALE 30-34 31 47 David
McMahan M MALE 50-54 51 48 Donna Renick F FEMALE 45-49 48 Rocky Mt, VA 49
Mallorie Brumfield
F FEMALE 23-29 23 50 Larry Kipfinger M MALE 55-59 56 51 James
Bishop M MALE 40-44 44 52 Amy Hayden F FEMALE 40-44 41 53 Carol
Shepherd F FEMALE 50-54 50 54 Karlee Stinson
F FEMALE 14-17
14 55 Julie Linkous F FEMALE 45-49 45 56 Todd Schlecht M MALE 50-54 52 57 Erica Schlecht F FEMALE 18-22 19 58 Amanda
Fortune F FEMALE 35-39 38 59 Lisa
Harmon F FEMALE 35-39 35 60 Ginger
30-34 30 61 Zach
Simmons M MALE 10-13 12 62 Joanne Bixler F FEMALE 50-54 51 63 Rachael
Beamer F FEMALE 30-34 31 64
John Alexander M MALE 60-64 61 65
Chuck McFarland M MALE 70 and Over 70 66
John Hosner
M MALE 70 and Over 87 67
Leonard Burcham
M MALE 70 and Over 71 68
Katie Collins F FEMALE 23-29 26 69 Joyce Kesterson F FEMALE 55-59 59 70 Justin
Collins M MALE 23-29 28 71 David
Robertson M MALE 23-29 27 72 Jack Steehler M MALE 55-59 56 73 Brenda 74 Susan Pedigo F FEMALE 50-54 51 75 Rich
Sanders M MALE 35-39 35 76
Jerry Wright M MALE 60-64 62 77
Gloria Underwood F FEMALE 60-64 61 78 Robert
Webb M MALE 45-49 48 79
Ashley Wood F FEMALE 23-29 28 80
Annie Robertson F FEMALE 23-29 25 81 Patti
Abbott F FEMALE 45-49 49 82
James Gray M MALE 70 and Over 71 83 Jodi Harris F FEMALE 35-39 35 84
Edward Terry M MALE 65-69 66 85 Cathy Kropff F FEMALE 40-44 41 86 Arthur
Barnhart M MALE 70 and Over 79 87 Kimbery Wilbourne F FEMALE 30-34 30 88 Janna Miller-Sanders F FEMALE 35-39 36 89 Robyn 90 Judy Bohon F FEMALE 50-54 52 91 Jeffrey Wiegand M MALE 23-29 26 92 Aubrey
Bullock M MALE 23-29 24 93
Cara Price F FEMALE 23-29 23 94
Kitty 95 Jack Leamon M MALE 9 & UNDER 5 96 Scott Leamon M MALE 35-39 36 97 Lisa Ricks F FEMALE 35-39 35 98 Kassidy Kipfinger F FEMALE 10-13 12 99 Kathy
Darnell F FEMALE 55-59 55 100 Marurice Earles M MALE
70 and Over 76 Goodview, VA 101 Mallory Kipfinger F FEMALE 10-13 12 102 Amanda 103 Ralph Greenway M MALE 70 and Over 78 Vinton, VA 104 Richard Browder M MALE 65-69 69 Port 105 Kathy Highfill F FEMALE 55-59 55 106 Bill Wilburn M MALE 70 and Over 75 Jarratt,
VA |