Hair of the Dog 10K & 5K - 10K
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Bethany Beach, DE
Conducted by Piranha Sports

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Hair of the Dog 10K Bethany
 Place   Bib#  Name               City             State Age   Sex   Div     Time
   1      130  O'Boyle, Steven    Frankford         DE    32    M   M30-39 0:37:17
   2      39   Sewell, Michael    Camden            DE    43    M   M40-49 0:37:42
   3       1   Hundley, Blake     -                  -    -     M   M0-19  0:38:19
   4      175  Parks, Jerry       Bethesda          MD    44    M   M40-49 0:38:57
   5      34   Pifferi, Marco     Newark            DE    45    M   M40-49 0:39:54
   6      44   Swift, Brian       Salisbury         MD    33    M   M30-39 0:40:27
   7      97   Stanley, ChristopheFruitland         MD    43    M   M40-49 0:40:44
   8      132  Mahbod, Reza       Arlington         VA    40    M   M40-49 0:41:17
   9      12   Jones, Kyle        -                  -    -     M   M0-19  0:42:34
   10     55   Eckenrode, John    Ocean View        DE    59    M   M50-59 0:43:27
   11     114  Calvert, Jim       Pasadena          MD    41    M   M40-49 0:43:59
   12     151  Morrow, Helen      Millsboro         DE    42    F   F40-49 0:45:22
   13     59   Laporte, Rusty     Lewes             DE    59    M   M50-59 0:45:33
   14     103  Switzer, Tim       Fairfax Station   VA    56    M   M50-59 0:45:39
   15     93   Hensley, Sean      Mentor            OH    40    M   M40-49 0:45:40
   16     56   Karwacki, Stacy    Baltimore         MD    51    F   F50-59 0:45:51
   17     126  Johnston, Gregory  Timonium          MD    55    M   M50-59 0:45:55
   18     74   Ardis, Karen       Salisbury         MD    47    F   F40-49 0:46:00
   19     140  Dowling, John      Olney             MD    52    M   M50-59 0:46:05
   20     148  Ehman, Dawn        Ocean City        MD    40    F   F40-49 0:46:32
   21     180  watkins, ginger                            55    F   F50-59 0:46:44
   22     178  Cowan, John        Landenberg        PA    53    M   M50-59 0:46:52
   23     138  Bethmann, Marcus   Bethany Beach     DE    58    M   M50-59 0:46:55
   24     171  Kodeck, Ari        Owings Mills      MD    41    M   M40-49 0:46:57
   25     21   Orzechowski, Kelly Beltsville        MD    36    F   F30-39 0:46:58
   26     52   Bell, Paige        Frederick         MD    30    F   F30-39 0:47:07
   27     81   Mckinney, Mark     Landenberg        PA    61    M   M60-69 0:47:14
   28     106  Prendergast, Adam  Philadelphia      PA    31    M   M30-39 0:47:20
   29     41   Golba, Peter       Salisbury         MD    42    M   M40-49 0:47:26
   30     172  Tracey, Peter      Washington        DC    52    M   M50-59 0:47:26
   31     131  Browning, Jeffrey  Garden City       NY    38    M   M30-39 0:47:26
   32     91   Dargitz, Steve     Kennett Square    PA    46    M   M40-49 0:48:05
   33     174  Cutler, Jon        Flourtown         PA    56    M   M50-59 0:48:18
   34     61   Dougherty, Melissa Limerick          PA    43    F   F40-49 0:48:19
   35     177  Gilson, Chris      Bethesda          MD    51    M   M50-59 0:48:20
   36     112  Donnelly, Lynn     Frankford         DE    37    F   F30-39 0:48:26
   37     121  White, Joanne      Bridgeville       DE    49    F   F40-49 0:48:47
   38      2   Chi, Amanda        Dover             DE    37    F   F30-39 0:49:17
   39     98   Bamforth, Monique  Lewes             DE    42    F   F40-49 0:49:17
   40     183  Haycraft, Jeffrey  bethany beach     DE    24    M   M20-29 0:49:34
   41     163  Selders, Bryan     Milton            DE    38    M   M30-39 0:49:56
   42     113  Borkland, Carl     Glen Mills        PA    54    M   M50-59 0:50:22
   43     105  Boyden, Carrie     Selbyville        DE    46    F   F40-49 0:50:29
   44     60   Alig, Paul         Oxford            PA    49    M   M40-49 0:50:41
   45     185  Wepasnick, Max     Laytonsville      MD    55    M   M50-59 0:50:46
   46     69   Boaman, Mark       Washington        DC    30    M   M30-39 0:50:55
   47     173  Steenberghs, ThierrFlourtown         PA    51    M   M50-59 0:50:56
   48     176  Land, Dawn         Middletown        DE    47    F   F40-49 0:51:07
   49     62   Leff, Bruce        Baltimore         MD    51    M   M50-59 0:51:08
   50     110  Mcclung, John      Landenberg        PA    51    M   M50-59 0:51:10
   51     96   Hirsch, David      Ruxton            MD    55    M   M50-59 0:51:19
   52     109  Deese, Todd        Sparks            MD    43    M   M40-49 0:51:26
   53     135  Fetizanan, Frankie Wilmington        DE    43    M   M40-49 0:51:30
   54     25   Levesque, Tara     Landenberg        PA    42    F   F40-49 0:51:36
   55     170  Vitberg, David     Owings Mills      MD    36    M   M30-39 0:51:39
   56     29   Goldfarb`, Luann   Rehoboth          DE    51    F   F50-59 0:51:40
   57      4   Voicheck, Mark     Aston             PA    54    M   M50-59 0:51:42
   58     70   Karchner, Craig    Landenberg        PA    50    M   M50-59 0:51:47
   59     158  Devery, Jennifer   Takoma Park       MD    39    F   F30-39 0:52:00
   60     51   Stough, Susan      Dover             PA    47    F   F40-49 0:52:07
   61     179  Oehler, Bruce      alexandria        VA    45    M   M40-49 0:52:18
   62     83   Ryan, Heather      Philadelphia      PA    33    F   F30-39 0:52:54
   63     184  Haugh, Chip        Street            MD    57    M   M50-59 0:52:55
   64     154  Moody Jr, John     Salisbury         MD    33    M   M30-39 0:52:59
   65     14   Moore, Betsy       Middletown        MD    30    F   F30-39 0:53:06
   66     116  Rehrig, Cheryl     Frankford         DE    54    F   F50-59 0:53:13
   67     73   Fink, Harold       Hamilton          NJ    51    M   M50-59 0:53:28
   68     160  Crandell, Sharyn   Dagsboro          DE    41    F   F40-49 0:53:39
   69     58   Laporte, Arleen    Lewes             DE    58    F   F50-59 0:53:42
   70     141  Littleton, Russell Frankford         DE    57    M   M50-59 0:53:46
   71     149  Pinkerton, Maureen Royersford        PA    44    F   F40-49 0:53:55
   72     101  Hruz, Beth         Crownsville       MD    44    F   F40-49 0:53:56
   73     92   Frank-hensley, Amy Mentor            OH    44    F   F40-49 0:54:26
   74     33   Lain, David        Easton            MD    57    M   M50-59 0:54:32
   75     104  Albrecht, Diana    Easton            MD    45    F   F40-49 0:54:53
   76     169  Gambacorta, Carmel Timonium          MD    52    F   F50-59 0:55:00
   77     164  Vaselkiv, Katie    Baltimore         MD    23    F   F20-29 0:55:01
   78     181  grove, dennis      snowhill          MD    59    M   M50-59 0:55:05
   79     40   Griggs, Nicole     Somerset          NJ    32    F   F30-39 0:55:14
   80     64   Cade, Edwin        Delmar            MD    56    M   M50-59 0:55:15
   81     142  Carroll, Katie     Annapolis         MD    29    F   F20-29 0:55:17
   82     111  Bonner, Jason      Camden            DE    38    M   M30-39 0:55:32
   83     186  dodds, richard     new castle        DE    64    M   M60-69 0:55:34
   84     155  Jackson, Brian     Mechanicsburg     PA    45    M   M40-49 0:55:44
   85     26   Brown, William     Marriottsville    MD    43    M   M40-49 0:56:02
   86     168  Wynn, Lisa         Ocean View        DE    51    F   F50-59 0:56:09
   87     31   Knight, Paul       Airville          PA    52    M   M50-59 0:56:10
   88     87   Hansen, Alicia     Columbia          MD    29    F   F20-29 0:56:13
   89     88   Hansen, Kelly      Columbia          MD    31    M   M30-39 0:56:13
   90     133  Beatty, Brenda     Morgantown        WV    46    F   F40-49 0:56:27
   91     115  Comolli, Mark      Bethany Beach     DE    62    M   M60-69 0:56:40
   92     80   Foradori, Laura    Takoma Park       MD    42    F   F40-49 0:56:49
   93     16   Ruckdeschel, JonathEllicott City     MD    44    M   M40-49 0:57:01
   94     108  Chapis, Stephen    Georgetown        DE    41    M   M40-49 0:57:03
   95     66   Wriht, Michael     Ellicott Ciy      MD    39    M   M30-39 0:57:18
   96      5   Adams, Mindy       Millsboro         DE    35    F   F30-39 0:57:25
   97     37   Lesica, Jennine    Danbury           CT    45    F   F40-49 0:57:31
   98     47   Eckenrode, Pamela  Ocean View        DE    59    F   F50-59 0:57:35
   99     48   Hinman, Jessie     Wilmington        DE    25    F   F20-29 0:57:39
  100     22   Orzechowski, Mary  Beltsville        MD    62    F   F60-69 0:57:40
  101     159  Jackson, Amy       Mechanicsburg     PA    46    F   F40-49 0:57:44
  102     46   Mais, Richard      Fenwick Island    DE    59    M   M50-59 0:58:03
  103     129  Spraga, Laurie     Middletown        DE    40    F   F40-49 0:58:21
  104     125  Graciano, Anthony  Middletown        DE    43    M   M40-49 0:58:21
  105     43   Hickman, Todd      Ocean View        DE    40    M   M40-49 0:58:44
  106     152  Hamill, Anne       Baltimore         MD    56    F   F50-59 0:58:45
  107     139  Cherry, Charles    Salisbury         MD    54    M   M50-59 0:58:47
  108     19   Mulligan, Melissa  Federalsburg      MD    43    F   F40-49 0:59:00
  109      7   Digirolamo, Sharon Ocean View        DE    42    F   F40-49 0:59:04
  110     65   Riloff, Leeann     Oxford            PA    44    F   F40-49 0:59:13
  111     136  Fruman, Brooke     -                  -    -     F   F0-19  0:59:21
  112     42   Groveston, Bob     Ocean View        DE    63    M   M60-69 0:59:23
  113     166  Bean, Constance    Bridgeville       DE    27    F   F20-29 0:59:31
  114     57   Kujawa, Michael    Smyrna            DE    47    M   M40-49 0:59:32
  115     146  Sarra, Liz         Shepherdstown     WV    39    F   F30-39 0:59:34
  116     120  Haw-young, Dawn    Smyrna            DE    38    F   F30-39 0:59:34
  117     182  Miller, Jessica    Baltimore         MD    31    F   F30-39 0:59:36
  118     128  Lyons, Wayne       Bethany Beach     DE    49    M   M40-49 0:59:41
  119     85   Pulcinella, David  Milton            DE    45    M   M40-49 1:00:06
  120     75   Fahrman, Eric      Worton            MD    30    M   M30-39 1:00:11
  121     76   Gaban, Brittany    Worton            MD    24    F   F20-29 1:00:12
  122     84   Morton, Elizabeth  Milton            DE    44    F   F40-49 1:00:38
  123     23   Orr, Jim           Bethesda          MD    58    M   M50-59 1:00:51
  124     36   Barker, Ryan       Ashburn           VA    38    M   M30-39 1:01:20
  125     28   Boaman, Martin     Dover             DE    58    M   M50-59 1:01:23
  126     123  Edmondson, Jane    Mclean            VA    66    F   F60-69 1:01:32
  127     11   Holt, Louise       Milford           DE    55    F   F50-59 1:01:33
  128     63   Leff, Michelle     Baltimore         MD    51    F   F50-59 1:01:56
  129     35   Barker, Katherine  Ashburn           VA    38    F   F30-39 1:02:43
  130     90   Burns, Risa        Sudbury           MA    56    F   F50-59 1:02:51
  131     153  Brittingham, RosemaDelmar            DE    50    F   F50-59 1:03:12
  132     162  Matteson, Donna    Berlin            MD    52    F   F50-59 1:03:12
  133     67   Zebley, Melissa    Wilmington        DE    43    F   F40-49 1:03:28
  134     50   Warehime, Vickie   Hampstead         MD    46    F   F40-49 1:03:28
  135     32   Lehman, Brooke     Newark            DE    31    F   F30-39 1:03:51
  136      8   Aristizabal, Alex  Fairfax           VA    50    M   M50-59 1:04:23
  137      9   Aristizabal, Laura Fairfax           VA    50    F   F50-59 1:04:23
  138     82   Mcniff, Timothy    Fairfax Station   VA    57    M   M50-59 1:04:37
  139     134  Beatty, Jr., RobertMorgantown        WV    54    M   M50-59 1:04:43
  140     583  Wiggins, Ashley    Rehoboth Beach    DE    47    F   F40-49 1:05:00
  141     79   Smith, Cathie      Bethany Beach     DE    49    F   F40-49 1:05:25
  142     124  Fogash, Diane      Bethesda          MD    67    F   F60-69 1:05:29
  143     89   Ridenour, Betty    Rising Sun        MD    47    F   F40-49 1:05:54
  144     72   Richter, Alyce     Ocean View        DE    60    F   F60-69 1:06:50
  145      3   Voicheck, Lisa     Aston             PA    45    F   F40-49 1:08:09
  146     53   Carter, Linda      Potomac           MD    70    F   F70-79 1:08:28
  147     95   Street, Korwyn     Salisbury         MD    56    M   M50-59 1:08:29
  148     107  Ruggio, Bob        Hockessin         DE    71    M   M70-79 1:08:37
  149     13   Mielke, Ellen      Easton            MD    57    F   F50-59 1:09:12
  150     143  Fish, Lynne        Annapolis         MD    38    F   F30-39 1:09:24
  151     45   Simon, Alyssa      Lewes             DE    39    F   F30-39 1:09:36
  152     30   Stanley, Linda     Fruitland         MD    43    F   F40-49 1:10:15
  153     71   Karchner, Karen    Landenberg        PA    47    F   F40-49 1:10:39
  154     102  Payne, Patricia    Dover             DE    70    F   F70-79 1:11:01
  155     18   Atkinson, Bob      Grosse Pointe     MI    65    M   M60-69 1:11:16
  156     17   Zakrociemski, HollyGeorgetown        DE    44    F   F40-49 1:12:35
  157     167  Vanek, Jessica     Millville         DE    33    F   F30-39 1:12:37
  158     127  Kroon, Jimmy       Felton            DE    35    M   M30-39 1:13:53
  159     187  Buchanan, Marjorie Lewes             DE    64    F   F60-69 1:14:03
  160     27   Washburn, Sheila   Easton            MD    50    F   F50-59 1:18:24

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