Bib Fname Lname City State Div Age Sex ChipTime ClockTime Overall SexPl DivPl 63 Andrew Ferguson Keyser WV M4049 41 M 20:34:00 20:36:00 1 1 1 48 Kelli Dungan Trappe MD F1829 25 F 21:14:00 21:21:00 2 1 1 159 James De Vinne Eudowood MD M1317 15 M 21:42:00 21:49:00 3 2 1 225 Bob Langkammerer M5059 54 M 22:58:00 23:02:00 4 3 1 18 Sarah Comfort Denton MD F1317 16 F 23:08:00 23:08:00 5 2 1 77 Cody Hughes Fairfax VA M1829 21 M 23:10:00 23:11:00 6 4 1 179 Jody Jeruigan Easton MD M3039 37 M 23:16:00 23:26:00 7 5 1 147 Katie Spicher St Michaels MD F1829 28 F 23:26:00 23:27:00 8 3 2 121 John Paris Easton MD M1317 13 M 23:32:00 23:36:00 9 6 2 37 Chris Daugherty Virginia Beach VA M1829 21 M 23:42:00 23:45:00 10 7 2 231 Brett Kavanaugh Bethesda MD M4049 47 M 24:52:00 24:53:00 11 8 2 217 Olivia Keene Wittman MD F1317 17 F 24:56:00 25:00:00 12 4 2 250 Christie Kaester Conway SC F1829 23 F 24:59:00 25:02:00 13 5 3 64 Garrett Ferguson Keyser WV M0112 8 M 25:10:00 25:12:00 14 9 1 3 Joshua Ayers Preston MD M3039 30 M 25:18:00 25:20:00 15 10 2 74 Jacquelyn Gulick Preston MD F3039 30 F 25:28:00 25:30:00 16 6 1 32 Ryan Creamer Olney MD M1829 20 M 25:37:00 25:39:00 17 11 3 7 Pierre Bernase St Michaels MD M4049 45 M 25:51:00 25:52:00 18 12 3 38 Katie Daugherty Virginia Beach VA F1317 15 F 25:52:00 25:55:00 19 7 3 8 Luc Bernasse St Michaels MD M0112 10 M 25:52:00 25:53:00 20 13 2 106 Caroline Miller Washington DC F1829 18 F 25:53:00 25:55:00 21 8 4 177 Jason Wittemen Preston MD M3039 34 M 26:00:00 26:02:00 22 14 3 303 Carolyn Barranco Parkton MD F1317 17 F 26:00:00 26:04:00 23 9 4 304 Elizabeth Barranco Parkton MD F1317 14 F 26:04:00 26:07:00 24 10 5 306 Jennifer Barranco Parkton MD F0112 12 F 26:07:00 26:11:00 25 11 1 170 Caroine Wharton Bethesda MD F1317 14 F 26:40:00 26:45:00 26 12 6 216 Susan Asmus Sherwood MD F5059 50 F 26:43:00 26:46:00 27 13 1 395 Jeff Hale Pocomoke City MD M1829 27 M 26:44:00 27:20:00 28 15 4 210 Jackson Drescher Franklin TN M0112 11 M 26:48:00 26:49:00 29 16 3 212 Michael Drescher Franklin TN M4049 43 M 26:49:00 26:51:00 30 17 4 221 Joe Dietrich Silver Spring MD M0112 11 M 26:54:00 26:56:00 31 18 4 13 Reed Carey Washington DC M3039 35 M 26:56:00 27:08:00 32 19 4 222 Matt Dietrich Silver Spring MD M0112 9 M 26:58:00 26:59:00 33 20 5 115 David Morse Easton MD M5059 51 M 27:00:00 27:08:00 34 21 2 136 Joseph Policastro St. Michaels MD M4049 46 M 27:14:00 27:17:00 35 22 5 135 Christina Policastro St. Michaels MD F1829 19 F 27:15:00 27:18:00 36 14 5 172 Timothy Wharton Easton MD M4049 46 M 27:28:00 27:33:00 37 23 6 254 Matthew Yost Washington DC M0112 11 M 27:40:00 27:50:00 38 24 6 69 Debbie Gardner Easton MD F4049 49 F 27:49:00 27:57:00 39 15 1 91 Sierra Langkammerer Fayetteville NY F1829 22 F 28:06:00 28:09:00 40 16 6 40 Linda Daugherty Virginia Beach VA F5059 50 F 28:09:00 28:13:00 41 17 2 22 Jake Consul Denton MD M1317 14 M 28:10:00 28:18:00 42 25 3 176 Jessica Wills Chevy Chase MD F4049 40 F 28:19:00 28:28:00 43 18 2 236 Krystal Algier Easton MD F3039 30 F 28:22:00 28:24:00 44 19 2 128 Allison Periconi Easton MD F3039 36 F 28:43:00 28:47:00 45 20 3 155 Nina Synnestvedt Olney MD F1829 21 F 28:44:00 28:47:00 46 21 7 127 Samantha Patrick St. Michaels MD F1829 20 F 28:47:00 28:54:00 47 22 8 165 Megan Vanevera Ilion NY F1829 22 F 28:48:00 28:55:00 48 23 9 253 Katie Yost Washington DC F0112 8 F 29:10:00 29:40:00 49 24 2 62 Ali Femi Easton MD F1829 26 F 29:11:00 29:18:00 50 25 10 126 Mollie Patrick Saint Michaels MD F1317 15 F 29:14:00 29:21:00 51 26 7 26 Maxwell Crane Delaware OH M0112 10 M 29:17:00 29:24:00 52 26 7 186 Caroline Phillips Centreville MD F1829 20 F 29:17:00 29:24:00 53 27 11 29 Stuart Crane Delaware OH F4049 47 F 29:22:00 29:30:00 54 28 3 30 Colleen Creamer Olney MD F1317 16 F 29:33:00 29:36:00 55 29 8 305 Jean Barranco Parkton MD F4049 49 F 29:48:00 29:54:00 56 30 4 171 Liz Wharton Bethesda MD F4049 46 F 29:49:00 29:55:00 57 31 5 252 Liz Yost Washington DC F3039 37 F 29:53:00 30:03:00 58 32 4 169 Caitlin Wharton Bethesda MD F1317 16 F 29:55:00 29:59:00 59 33 9 54 Bailey Edwards Denton MD F0112 11 F 29:57:00 30:04:00 60 34 3 59 Jenna Ewing Cordova MD F1829 23 F 30:12:00 30:15:00 61 35 12 160 Talley Tondin Easton MD F4049 47 F 30:16:00 30:23:00 62 36 6 99 Joan Mcgarry Easton MD F5059 56 F 30:25:00 30:34:00 63 37 3 72 Michael Greenberg Brooklyn NY M1829 28 M 30:36:00 30:36:00 64 27 5 119 Justin Palanci St. Michaels MD M1829 28 M 30:36:00 30:36:00 65 28 6 70 Joseph Gardner Easton MD M1829 20 M 30:39:00 30:46:00 66 29 7 191 Kay Huband Mechanicsville VA F4049 47 F 30:42:00 30:48:00 67 38 7 199 Kaley Hanrahan Raleigh NC F1829 20 F 30:44:00 30:52:00 68 39 13 190 Hannah Huband Mechanicsville VA F1317 14 F 30:46:00 30:52:00 69 40 10 90 Kenzie Langkammerer Fayetteville NY F1829 19 F 30:49:00 30:53:00 70 41 14 36 Andrew Daugherty Virginia Beach VA M1829 24 M 30:55:00 31:06:00 71 30 8 224 John Muller Waldorf MD M6099 73 M 31:12:00 31:16:00 72 31 1 208 John Kelly Emmaus PA M0112 9 M 31:13:00 31:13:00 73 32 8 146 Jeremy Spicher St Michaels MD M3039 34 M 31:22:00 31:23:00 74 33 5 223 Murray Sarubin Waldorf MD M6099 71 M 31:34:00 31:40:00 75 34 2 97 Will Lucas West River MD M0112 12 M 31:48:00 31:54:00 76 35 9 96 Jeffrey Lucas West River MD M5059 52 M 31:49:00 31:55:00 77 36 3 302 Christine Baker Easton MD F1829 28 F 31:50:00 32:01:00 78 42 15 194 Sean Hanrahan Kennett Square PA M4049 44 M 31:54:00 32:04:00 79 37 7 237 Amy Angler Easton MD F4049 44 F 31:56:00 32:29:00 80 43 8 111 Brooke Mills Federalsburg MD F3039 34 F 32:03:00 32:09:00 81 44 5 238 Peter Angler Easton MD M 32:11:00 32:43:00 82 38 198 Paul Hanrahan Raleigh NC M5059 55 M 32:11:00 32:20:00 83 39 4 60 Natalie Ewing Cordova MD F1317 16 F 32:26:00 32:30:00 84 45 11 98 Doug Mcgarry Easton MD M5059 52 M 32:31:00 32:40:00 85 40 5 17 Molly Collins Trappe MD F3039 39 F 32:34:00 32:39:00 86 46 6 84 Hanna Koch Easton MD F1829 22 F 32:51:00 33:11:00 87 47 16 205 Amy Rajacich Easton MD F1829 22 F 32:52:00 33:12:00 88 48 17 243 Brittany Swann Tilghman MD F1829 19 F 33:03:00 33:10:00 89 49 18 154 Jacquelyn Stone Sherwood MD F1829 26 F 33:05:00 33:10:00 90 50 19 123 Marie Paris Easton MD F4049 46 F 33:17:00 33:23:00 91 51 9 61 Sally Ewing Cordova MD F4049 47 F 33:19:00 33:24:00 92 52 10 149 Aidan Steinly Easton MD M0112 11 M 33:22:00 33:34:00 93 41 10 95 Stephanie Leitzer Cordova MD F3039 34 F 33:34:00 34:16:00 94 53 7 93 Benjamin Leitzer Cordova MD M0112 7 M 33:39:00 34:16:00 95 42 11 247 Tara Bryson Harlan KY F3039 39 F 33:40:00 34:13:00 96 54 8 195 Brenda Saxon Easton MD F3039 38 F 33:42:00 34:13:00 97 55 9 148 Caitlin Spurry Saint Michaels MD F1829 24 F 33:45:00 34:14:00 98 56 20 246 Jorhea Wright Easton MD F4049 41 F 33:53:00 34:26:00 99 57 11 94 Chuck Leitzer Cordova MD M3039 39 M 33:53:00 34:30:00 100 43 6 193 Lauren Mangold Winfall NC F3039 39 F 33:54:00 34:24:00 101 58 10 39 Lauren Daugherty Virginia Beach VA F1829 23 F 34:17:00 34:27:00 102 59 21 16 Mackenzie Collins Trappe MD F0112 11 F 34:17:00 34:22:00 103 60 4 35 Amanda Daugherty Virginia Beach VA F1829 24 F 34:18:00 34:29:00 104 61 22 83 Christopher Koch Easton MD M5059 56 M 34:19:00 34:40:00 105 44 6 100 John Mcgarry Easton MD M1317 16 M 34:26:00 34:35:00 106 45 4 226 Audrey Langkammerer F4049 49 F 34:27:00 34:32:00 107 62 12 143 Susie Shafer Easton MD F3039 34 F 34:41:00 35:11:00 108 63 11 67 Benjamin Gardner Easton MD M1317 13 M 34:47:00 34:55:00 109 46 5 104 Carol Meredith Trappe MD F6099 63 F 35:01:00 35:17:00 110 64 1 56 Quinn Edwards Denton MD M0112 8 M 35:03:00 35:20:00 111 47 12 241 Janell Hale Pocomoke City MD F3039 31 F 35:16:00 35:52:00 112 65 12 55 Holden Edwards Denton MD M0112 8 M 35:26:00 35:43:00 113 48 13 259 Gloria Paul Bozman MD F5059 59 F 35:37:00 35:55:00 114 66 4 53 Aaron Edwards Denton MD M4049 43 M 35:50:00 36:07:00 115 49 8 15 Jihea Choi College Park MD F3039 30 F 36:02:00 36:16:00 116 67 13 229 Nina Sinnott F5059 50 F 36:16:00 36:24:00 117 68 5 45 Joan Decker Columbia MD F5059 57 F 36:17:00 36:27:00 118 69 6 108 David Miller Washington DC M1829 27 M 36:41:00 36:45:00 119 50 9 1 Neil Armstrong St. Michaels MD M6099 68 M 37:04:00 37:09:00 120 51 3 156 Amy Tannenbaum Hyattsville MD F1829 24 F 37:05:00 37:09:00 121 70 23 20 Michael Cone Easton MD M5059 58 M 37:24:00 37:58:00 122 52 7 122 Kate Paris Easton MD F0112 11 F 37:49:00 37:54:00 123 71 5 162 Kathleen Van Evera Wetzikon F4049 40 F 37:50:00 37:57:00 124 72 13 47 Jacquelyn Dungan Trappe MD F5059 57 F 38:12:00 38:12:00 125 73 7 168 Samuel Wargotz Grasonville MD M1317 13 M 38:17:00 38:18:00 126 53 6 109 Herbert Miller Washington DC M6099 69 M 38:27:00 38:29:00 127 54 4 27 Michelle Crane Delaware OH F4049 45 F 38:43:00 38:51:00 128 74 14 167 Eric Wargotz Grasonville MD M5059 55 M 38:46:00 38:46:00 129 55 8 103 Amy Menger Pasadena MD F3039 36 F 39:12:00 39:21:00 130 75 14 23 Jadon Cornish St. Michaels MD M0112 9 M 40:08:00 40:12:00 131 56 14 240 Crystal Robinette Easton MD F4049 41 F 40:19:00 40:33:00 132 76 15 24 Kristin Cornish St Michaels MD F3039 34 F 40:26:00 40:30:00 133 77 15 211 Brittany Drescher Franklin TN F3039 39 F 40:36:00 40:37:00 134 78 16 209 Anderson Drescher Clarksville TN M0112 10 M 40:37:00 40:37:00 135 57 15 166 Cheryl-Ann Wargotz Grasonville MD F4049 45 F 40:44:00 40:45:00 136 79 16 206 Matt Rajacich Easton MD M1829 18 M 41:06:00 41:28:00 137 58 10 101 Ryan Mchale Easton MD M0112 7 M 41:35:00 41:47:00 138 59 16 79 Laurie Jantz Easton MD F3039 39 F 41:36:00 41:48:00 139 80 17 258 Emily Middelton Easton MD F0112 8 F 41:41:00 41:52:00 140 81 6 260 Anna Middleton Easton MD F 41:41:00 41:52:00 141 82 73 Rebecca Greenberg Washington DC F1829 25 F 42:04:00 42:05:00 142 83 24 373 David Whitesell Plymouth MI M3039 30 M 42:29:00 42:29:00 143 60 7 175 Peter Whitesell Easton MD M5059 51 M 42:38:00 43:22:00 144 61 9 31 Lisa Creamer Olney MD F4049 48 F 42:44:00 42:58:00 145 84 17 46 Allison Dungan Trappe MD F1829 27 F 43:12:00 43:50:00 146 85 25 150 Jim Steinly Lavale MD M6099 60 M 43:22:00 43:34:00 147 62 5 86 Sara Koch Easton MD F5059 53 F 43:29:00 43:50:00 148 86 8 85 Rachel Koch Easton MD F1829 24 F 43:29:00 43:50:00 149 87 26 180 Georgia Murdoch Cordova MD F0112 7 F 43:42:00 44:10:00 150 88 7 182 Billy Murdoch Cordova MD M3039 36 M 43:43:00 44:10:00 151 63 8 19 Christopher Cone Easton MD M3039 33 M 44:29:00 44:53:00 152 64 9 181 Maren Murdoch Cordova MD F0112 4 F 44:57:00 45:23:00 153 89 8 183 Kelly Murdoch Cordova MD F3039 36 F 44:57:00 45:23:00 154 90 18 9 Jaime Bode Long Island Cit NY F1829 27 F 45:25:00 45:35:00 155 91 27 244 Lon Smith Easton MD M6099 75 M 45:44:00 46:01:00 156 65 6 65 Laurie Ferguson Keyser WV F4049 47 F 46:16:00 46:30:00 157 92 18 21 Sarah Cone Chesterfield MO F3039 30 F 46:17:00 46:17:00 158 93 19 219 Beth Parker-O'brien Easton MD F5059 54 F 46:31:00 46:44:00 159 94 9 207 Kelly Ulrich F3039 33 F 46:41:00 47:08:00 160 95 20 242 Damian Rene Easton MD M0112 7 M 46:43:00 46:57:00 161 66 17 356 Katherine Rene Easton MD F1829 29 F 46:52:00 47:06:00 162 96 28 151 Cooper Stevens Easton MD M1829 23 M 47:19:00 47:41:00 163 67 11 262 Kate Whitesell Easton MD F1829 26 F 47:20:00 48:20:00 164 97 29 140 Celeste Pyper Easton MD F4049 48 F 47:37:00 47:58:00 165 98 19 139 Abby Pyper Easton MD F1829 19 F 47:38:00 47:57:00 166 99 30 12 Ruth Capranica St. Michaels MD F5059 58 F 47:38:00 47:58:00 167 100 10 76 Katherine Howell Gainesville GA F1829 25 F 48:04:00 48:21:00 168 101 31 239 Charlotte Onam Easton MD F0112 11 F 48:04:00 48:10:00 169 102 9 185 Ernie James V Raleigh NC M0112 11 M 48:15:00 48:42:00 170 68 18 184 Ernest James Iv Raleigh NC M4049 46 M 48:15:00 48:42:00 171 69 9 249 Reagan Bradley F0112 9 F 48:35:00 48:38:00 172 103 10 232 Connor Stokes Easton MD M0112 7 M 48:41:00 48:51:00 173 70 19 110 Patrice Miller Washington DC F5059 57 F 48:45:00 49:09:00 174 104 11 233 Deirdre Stokes Easton MD F4049 43 F 48:46:00 48:56:00 175 105 20 11 Krysten Brigerman Trappe MD F1829 20 F 49:28:00 49:55:00 176 106 32 10 Kerry Brigerman Trappe MD F4049 48 F 49:30:00 49:56:00 177 107 21 261 Joe Whitesell Easton MD M1829 21 M 50:20:00 50:20:00 178 71 12 129 Christina Perry Trappe MD F5059 57 F 50:23:00 50:48:00 179 108 12 178 Jessica Wittemen Preston MD F3039 32 F 50:27:00 50:46:00 180 109 21 81 Cyndy Klinger St Michaels MD F6099 62 F 50:39:00 51:13:00 181 110 2 203 Erin Mcdonald Easton MD F0112 9 F 51:37:00 52:08:00 182 111 11 200 Ron Mcdonald Easton MD M5059 54 M 51:38:00 52:08:00 183 72 10 134 Aine Marie Policastro St. Micheals MD F1317 15 F 51:57:00 52:13:00 184 112 12 137 Kelly Policastro St. Michaels MD F4049 46 F 51:57:00 52:13:00 185 113 22 138 Sara Policastro St. Michaels MD F1317 17 F 51:59:00 52:14:00 186 114 13 173 Erica Whitesell Plymouth MI F3039 30 F 52:28:00 52:28:00 187 115 22 114 Cathy Morse Easton MD F5059 57 F 52:39:00 53:06:00 188 116 13 220 Marilyn Witkosky Easton MD F6099 61 F 52:39:00 53:06:00 189 117 3 75 Janellen Gulick Preston MD F6099 60 F 52:53:00 53:15:00 190 118 4 142 Anne Marie Rieck Burke MD F5059 51 F 52:56:00 53:12:00 191 119 14 2 Susan Armstrong St. Michaels MD F6099 70 F 53:04:00 53:27:00 192 120 5 66 Amy Gardner Easton MD F1829 18 F 54:04:00 54:13:00 193 121 33 202 Emily Moody Easton MD F4049 42 F 54:04:00 54:36:00 194 122 23 230 Faith Gombos F4049 44 F 54:06:00 54:36:00 195 123 24 201 Ashleigh Mcdonald Easton MD F1829 24 F 54:08:00 54:37:00 196 124 34 68 David Gardner Easton MD M0112 8 M 54:13:00 54:22:00 197 73 20 145 Peter Snyder Easton MD M3039 34 M 54:23:00 54:55:00 198 74 10 163 Gary Vanevera Ilion NY M6099 62 M 54:25:00 54:55:00 199 75 7 144 Howard Snyder Easton MD M6099 67 M 54:26:00 54:57:00 200 76 8 164 Karen Vanevera Ilion NY F5059 59 F 54:26:00 54:55:00 201 125 15 353 Sylvia Potter Easton MD F5059 56 F 54:51:00 55:14:00 202 126 16 352 Brandon Potter Easton MD M3039 30 M 54:54:00 55:14:00 203 77 11 196 Peggy Ford Easton MD F5059 58 F 54:56:00 55:15:00 204 127 17 218 Carita Crawford-Keene Wittman MD F5059 53 F 55:11:00 55:26:00 205 128 18 227 Judy Greene F5059 56 F 55:11:00 55:26:00 206 129 19 161 Barbara Jean Tyler Greensboro MD F5059 58 F 55:21:00 55:49:00 207 130 20 204 Karen Kaludis Easton MD F5059 56 F 55:33:00 55:54:00 208 131 21 174 Jeannie Whitesell Easton MD F5059 51 F 55:53:00 55:53:00 209 132 22 235 Linda Robertson Lincoln Univers PA F4049 45 F 56:27:00 56:43:00 210 133 25 234 Sybil Waller Easton MD F6099 77 F 56:28:00 56:44:00 211 134 6 57 Marilyn Evey Preston MD F5059 50 F 58:20:00 58:46:00 212 135 23 58 Scott Evey Preston MD M4049 47 M 58:21:00 58:44:00 213 78 10 215 Lily Osborne Waldorf MD F 58:40:00 59:25:00 214 136 251 Jessica Opalski Easton MD F3039 30 F 58:42:00 59:05:00 215 137 23 255 Marjorie Opalski Easton MD F6099 60 F 58:42:00 59:05:00 216 138 7 5 Margaret Begor Oxford MD F5059 53 F 58:42:00 59:27:00 217 139 24 124 Adison Parish St Michaels MD F0112 9 F 58:46:00 59:28:00 218 140 12 51 Susan Dupont Easton MD F5059 59 F 58:48:00 59:18:00 219 141 25 50 Sam Dupont Easton MD M3039 32 M 58:49:00 59:17:00 220 79 12 89 By Lamotte Easton MD M3039 31 M 58:51:00 59:18:00 221 80 13 49 Cory Dupont Easton MD F1829 27 F 58:52:00 59:18:00 222 142 35 92 Brian Laughley Oxford MD M1829 29 M 58:52:00 59:23:00 223 81 13 4 Kate Begor Oxford MD F1829 29 F 58:53:00 59:25:00 224 143 36 132 Ruth Pluymers Branchburg NJ F1317 15 F 59:08:00 59:31:00 225 144 14 117 Tara Morse Easton MD F1829 24 F 59:17:00 59:56:00 226 145 37 116 Judy Morse Easton MD F5059 52 F 59:23:00 1:00:03 227 146 26 120 Sandra Palanci Saint Michaels MD F5059 57 F 59:50:00 1:00:04 228 147 27 133 Todd Pluymers Branchburg NJ M4049 49 M 59:58:00 1:00:21 229 82 11 52 Joann Duvall Cordova MD F5059 54 F 1:02:05 1:02:32 230 148 28 105 Darlene Merriken Queen Anne MD F5059 51 F 1:02:06 1:02:33 231 149 29 213 Neal Grantham Waldorf MD M6099 70 M 1:02:15 1:03:00 232 83 9 78 Mari Hughes Fairfax VA F4049 45 F 1:02:16 1:02:45 233 150 26 113 Tricia Moore Fairfax VA F4049 49 F 1:02:18 1:02:45 234 151 27 112 Patricia Moore Easton MD F6099 76 F 1:02:18 1:02:46 235 152 8 197 Nancy Besso Saint Michaels MD F6099 67 F 1:02:32 1:03:15 236 153 9 125 Christine Parish St Michaels MD F4049 40 F 1:02:32 1:03:14 237 154 28 43 Nicholas De Vinne Towson MD M1317 13 M 1:02:33 1:03:21 238 84 7 41 Martha Taylor Towson MD F5059 51 F 1:02:34 1:03:21 239 155 30 188 Heather Crow Charlotte NC F6099 66 F 1:02:39 1:03:18 240 156 10 14 Melanie Castelli Easton MD F4049 48 F 1:02:41 1:03:30 241 157 29 42 Michael De Vinne Towson MD M4049 49 M 1:02:41 1:03:28 242 85 12 257 Anne Weller Easton MD F4049 41 F 1:03:30 1:03:30 243 158 30 248 Nathan Hays Raleigh NC M3039 32 M 1:04:42 1:05:00 244 86 14 245 Kristy Horner Easton MD F1829 29 F 1:04:43 1:05:01 245 159 38 118 John Palanci Saint Michaels MD M6099 61 M 1:05:54 1:06:08 246 87 10 256 Joanne Groom Easton MD F6099 70 F 1:08:03 1:08:40 247 160 11 131 Charlotte Pluymers Branchburg NJ F4049 49 F 1:08:13 1:08:36 248 161 31 28 Patricia Crane Easton MD F6099 73 F 1:08:15 1:08:39 249 162 12 |
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