Chesapeake Run for Hospice 10K & 5K - 10K
Friday, November 23, 2012
Easton, MD
Conducted by raceDC Timing

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Chesapeake Run for Hospice 10K
  Bib   FName           LName           City            State  Div   Age   Sex  ChipTime ClockTimeOveralSexPl DivPl   Pace
  317   Kevin           Creamer         Olney            MD  M2029    21    M   36:43:00 36:43:00   1     1     1     5:55
  281   Mike            Sewell          Easton           MD  M4049    43    M   38:27:00 38:27:00   2     2     1     6:12
  312   Daniel          Bryant          Easton           MD  M2029    26    M   41:56:00 41:56:00   3     3     2     6:45
  377   Joe             Kenny           West Bethesda    MD  M2029    21    M   42:05:00 42:05:00   4     4     3     6:47
  192   Kathryn         Gearhart        Easton           MD  F1317    14    F   43:20:00 43:20:00   5     1     1     6:59
  381   Michael         Keene           Wittman          MD  M4049    48    M   44:01:00 44:01:00   6     5     2     7:06
  400   Peter           Paris           Saint Michaels   MD  M4049    44    M   44:20:00 44:21:00   7     6     3     7:09
  363   Julia           Skinner         Windsor Mill     MD  F3039    36    F   46:09:00 46:10:00   8     2     1     7:26
  376   Karen           Young           Boyds            MD  F4049    44    F   46:28:00 46:30:00   9     3     1     7:29
  392   Marcus          Bethmann        Cambridge        MD  M5059    57    M   46:45:00 46:47:00   10    7     1     7:32
  323   Kara            Erskine         Easton           MD  F3039    33    F   46:46:00 46:47:00   11    4     2     7:32
  388   Lisa            Magdaleno       Arlington        VA  F3039    34    F   46:48:00 46:49:00   12    5     3     7:33
  394   Greg            Carney          Cambridge        MD  M4049    49    M   46:49:00 46:53:00   13    8     4     7:33
  336   Kimberly        Johnson         Trappe           MD  F3039    31    F   47:50:00 47:52:00   14    6     4     7:42
  318   Sean            Creamer         Olney            MD  M4049    47    M   47:56:00 47:57:00   15    9     5     7:43
  375   Tyler           Walter          Blythewood       SC  M2029    22    M   48:26:00 48:35:00   16    10    4     7:48
  355   Richard         Rahilly         Cordova          MD  M5059    54    M   49:05:00 49:07:00   17    11    2     7:55
  320   Laura           Divjak          Preston          MD  F3039    33    F   49:38:00 49:39:00   18    7     5     8:00
  326   Julie           Fickes          Easton           MD  F4049    46    F   50:22:00 50:25:00   19    8     2     8:07
  301   Jarod           Armes           Cambridge        MD  M2029    26    M   50:37:00 50:38:00   20    12    5     8:09
  319   Jim             Dietrich        Silver Spring    MD  M4049    42    M   50:51:00 50:57:00   21    13    6     8:12
  335   Gabriel         Johnson         Frederick        MD  M3039    34    M   51:29:00 51:34:00   22    14    1     8:18
  385   Alisha          Saulsbury       Easton           MD  F4049    43    F   51:34:00 51:38:00   23    9     3     8:19
  314   C.C.            Capranica       St. Michaels     MD  F2029    24    F   51:37:00 51:43:00   24    10    1     8:19
  399   Ryan            Johnson         Baltimore        MD  M3039    30    M   52:02:00 52:31:00   25    15    2     8:23
  397   Josh            Horner          Easton           MD  M3039    32    M   52:03:00 52:32:00   26    16    3     8:23
  379   Melissa         Svehla          Easton           MD  F3039    35    F   52:37:00 52:38:00   27    11    6     8:29
  380   Melissa         Atlas           Bozman           MD  F2029    21    F   52:37:00 52:38:00   28    12    2     8:29
  346   Geoff           Oxnam           Easton           MD  M4049    43    M   52:38:00 52:46:00   29    17    7     8:29
  390   Jamie           Pienkowksi      Newport Beach    CA  F3039    34    F   53:21:00 53:25:00   30    13    7     8:36
  391   Scott           Marquez         Newport Beach    CA  M4049    48    M   53:21:00 53:25:00   31    18    8     8:36
  316   Joni            Consul          Denton           MD  F4049    49    F   53:44:00 53:47:00   32    14    4     8:39
  321   Katharine       Dupont          St. Michaels     MD  F2029    28    F   53:51:00 54:01:00   33    15    3     8:41
  358   Emma            Runge           Catonsville      MD  F1317    14    F   53:53:00 53:56:00   34    16    2     8:41
  280   Ann             O'connor        Easton           MD  F4049    43    F   54:04:00 54:07:00   35    17    5     8:43
  384   Brittany        Kallash         Albany           GA  F2029    25    F   54:07:00 54:07:00   36    18    4     8:43
  398   Allison         Murphy          Easton           MD  F4049    46    F   54:26:00 54:33:00   37    19    6     8:46
  349   Emily           Phillips        Federalsburg     MD  F4049    42    F   54:30:00 54:34:00   38    20    7     8:47
  354   Kerry           Price           Easton           MD  F3039    30    F   54:43:00 54:47:00   39    21    8     8:49
  359   Sharon          Runge           Catonsville      MD  F5059    51    F   54:51:00 54:55:00   40    22    1     8:50
  322   Sara            Dupont          Easton           MD  F2029    27    F   54:56:00 55:06:00   41    23    5     8:51
  313   Jennifer        Burton          Cambridge        MD  F3039    34    F   55:05:00 55:07:00   42    24    9     8:52
  328   Tina            Fisher          Clarksville      MD  F4049    44    F   55:06:00 55:13:00   43    25    8     8:53
  327   Darren          Fisher          Clarksville      MD  M4049    43    M   55:07:00 55:13:00   44    19    9     8:53
  389   Katie           Carroll         Easton           MD  F2029    29    F   55:26:00 55:26:00   45    26    6     8:56
  350   Joe             Phillips        Greensboro       MD  M3039    33    M   55:43:00 55:48:00   46    20    4     8:59
  330   Jesse           Greenspan       Bethesda         MD  M6099    65    M   55:50:00 55:59:00   47    21    1     9:00
  378   Kristen         Mooney          Easton           MD  F4049    40    F   56:05:00 56:06:00   48    27    9     9:02
  362   Joan            Seidel          Queenstown       MD  F5059    50    F   56:21:00 56:26:00   49    28    2     9:05
  337   Karen           Ketterman       Easton           MD  F4049    44    F   56:26:00 56:34:00   50    29    10    9:05
  341   Robert          Norton          Plant City       FL  M4049    49    M   56:28:00 56:30:00   51    22    10    9:06
  396   Rick            Hoff            Easton           MD  M4049    43    M   56:55:00 57:03:00   52    23    11    9:10
  370   Andrew          Wells           Easton           MD  M2029    29    M   57:20:00 57:27:00   53    24    6     9:14
  340   Pamela          Newcomb         Easton           MD  F3039    37    F   57:22:00 57:27:00   54    30    10    9:15
  383   Molly           Mulflur         Wittman          MD  F2029    29    F   57:22:00 57:28:00   55    31    7     9:15
  369   Nora            Turner          Easton           MD  F2029    28    F   57:26:00 57:29:00   56    32    8     9:15
  365   Megan           Snyder          Telford          PA  F3039    35    F   57:27:00 57:31:00   57    33    11    9:15
  311   Olivia          Brice           Washington       DC  F2029    24    F   57:35:00 57:43:00   58    34    9     9:17
  338   Deirdre         Lang            Easton           MD  F4049    42    F   57:35:00 57:45:00   59    35    11    9:17
  342   Julie           O'donnell       Easton           MD  F4049    41    F   57:36:00 57:45:00   60    36    12    9:17
  310   Avery           Brice           Easton           MD  M1317    15    M   57:36:00 57:43:00   61    25    1     9:17
  386   Jim             Richardson      Easton           MD  M6099    65    M   57:49:00 58:33:00   62    26    2     9:19
  361   Susanne         Scott           Claiborne        MD  F5059    56    F   57:49:00 58:33:00   63    37    3     9:19
  348   Debra           Phillips        Greensboro       MD  F3039    35    F   58:14:00 58:19:00   64    38    12    9:23
  309   Scott           Brayton         Easton           MD  M5059    58    M   58:24:00 58:35:00   65    27    3     9:25
  308   Jennifer        Benon           Easton           MD  F3039    36    F   59:08:00 59:14:00   66    39    13    9:32
  372   Lisa            Westphal        Easton           MD  F6099    63    F   59:13:00 59:17:00   67    40    1     9:32
  339   Paul            Mcguirk         Easton           MD  M5059    53    M   59:22:00 59:32:00   68    28    4     9:34
  331   Megan           Hall            Stoney Beach     MD  F3039    32    F    1:00:16  1:00:24   69    41    14    9:42
  307   Kristina        Beaven          Preston          MD  F4049    40    F    1:00:19  1:00:28   70    42    13    9:43
  351   Tiffany         Polly           Denton           MD  F3039    32    F    1:00:24  1:00:31   71    43    15    9:44
  364   Meredith        Smith           Elkridge         MD  F3039    33    F    1:00:26  1:00:33   72    44    16    9:44
  347   Meagan          Patrick         St. Michaels     MD  F2029    22    F    1:00:41  1:00:44   73    45    10    9:47
  332   Stephanie       Hambleton       St. Michaels     MD  F2029    24    F    1:01:50  1:01:52   74    46    11    9:58
  360   Devin           Ryan            Easton           MD  F2029    29    F    1:02:30  1:02:38   75    47    12   10:04
  325   Lauren          Evans           Easton           MD  F2029    22    F    1:02:37  1:02:46   76    48    13   10:05
  368   Tara            Susman-Pena     Hyattsville      MD  F4049    43    F    1:02:41  1:02:43   77    49    14   10:06
  367   Deborah         Stoff           Easton           MD  F3039    38    F    1:02:46  1:02:48   78    50    17   10:07
  324   Amy             Eutsey          Easton           MD  F4049    45    F    1:02:46  1:02:51   79    51    15   10:07
  374   Beth            Williams        Sykesville       MD  F5059    52    F    1:02:47  1:02:53   80    52    4    10:07
  334   Courtney        Johnson         Delmar           MD  F2029    26    F    1:02:47  1:02:50   81    53    14   10:07
  387   Jeff            Gambos          Easton           MD  M5059    50    M    1:02:48  1:02:51   82    29    5    10:07
  366   Dan             Steinly         Easton           MD  M3039    37    M    1:02:50  1:02:51   83    30    5    10:07
  382   Don             Marvel          Wittman          MD  M6099    69    M    1:05:36  1:06:03   84    31    3    10:34
  329   Jaime           Fontanazza      Easton           MD  F3039    35    F    1:07:38  1:07:44   85    54    18   10:54
  333   Kimberly        Hurlock         Easton           MD  F4049    42    F    1:15:11  1:15:17   86    55    16   12:06
  357   Sara            Rhoades         East New Market  MD  F6099    62    F    1:15:11  1:15:17   87    56    2

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